Halloween Between the Sheets: A Reverse Harem Anthology of Spooky Scenes that Get to the Point

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Halloween Between the Sheets: A Reverse Harem Anthology of Spooky Scenes that Get to the Point Page 5

by L. A. Boruff

  Instead of answering his brother, Andrew placed his palm on top of my head, his fingers massaging my scalp, as he guided me down to where I’d deprived him of my attention.

  “Ah, ah.” I cautioned. “You already had a turn.”

  He rocked his hips forward, nudging his swollen erection to my lips.

  “Say please.” I whispered as I allowed my mouth to rest against him.

  He groaned and rocked again.

  “Say it.”

  Alex chuckled. “Better say it, brother. You could be waiting a very long time for Death to please you.”

  I smoothed my closed mouth across Andrew and he flinched.

  “Please.” His voice cracked as he begged me.

  I ran my tongue across my lips and both brothers sighed as if anticipating my next move. Deliberately, I flicked my tongue onto Andrew’s flesh and he tightened his grip in my hair.

  “Please.” Please.” His eyes widened. “Please.”

  I swirled my tongue over him as I drew his hard length into my mouth. As I relaxed my jaw, he nudged against the back of my throat, and he cried out.

  As if not wanting to be left out, Alex wrapped his fingers around mine then moved my hand up and down along his shaft. I tightened my grip, pumping in time with the bobbing of my head.

  As Andrew’s smooth shaft slid in and out of my mouth, and Alex’s soft skin heated in my hand, I couldn’t help my moan or the way my thighs began to rub together in my own search for friction.

  With a pop, I pulled my mouth from Andrew, and looked between the brothers, both bared to me on the bed, taking what I had to give.

  Alex raised his eyebrow, “Done already, Resh? Hmm, and to think I thought Death would have more tricks up her sleeve.”

  I smiled.

  “Brother, I don’t think…”

  I squeezed Andrew with my fist cutting off his reply. I didn’t need his help, nor did I want it.

  “You don’t think I know what I’m doing?”

  Not moving from his relaxed position Alex grinned up at me, “Well, brother dear over there wasn’t making much noise…so…I’ll allow you to fill in those blanks.”

  I smiled, still holding his shaft as I bent towards him.Pausing mere inches from his hard cock, I blew gently on the head then made careful eye contact with him. He wasn’t looking as relaxed as before.

  “Did you know being Death comes with certain….enhancements?”

  He glanced at Andrew, who had rolled onto his side and started stroking his shaft as he watched us, then back to me. His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed then flicked his tongue across his lips. “What…uh…enhancements?”

  I shrugged my shoulders feigning indifference, “I guess I could show you…?”

  “Do it.”

  Surprised at the abrupt tone, I pulled away from Alex to look at Andrew, who’d drawn closer to us, mere inches from me. Ignoring my look of caution, he trailed his free hand across my bare back and I arched as a lazy shiver or pleasure rolled through my body. With his giant, scar ridden hands he grabbed my hips, pressing his shaft between my cheeks.

  With his cock teasing me and the authority in his voice, I almost forgot what I wanted to prove.

  Andrew leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “Show him what you can do. Show him who’s in control.”

  Now I remembered. My enhancements.

  Alex, who’d been quiet while Andrew took control, watched me, one eyebrow raised.

  “Yes, Alex, let me show you what I can do.” I answered his spoken question, my voice low and sultry.

  Without waiting for his answer, I wrapped my mouth around his shaft drawing it in little by little, but I paused when I heard Andrew speak.

  “Alex, did you know Death can change form? A particular form, and while she doesn’t do it often—or so I’ve heard—she has been known to partially shift.”

  So, Andrew had done some reading up on me. Would these boys ever stop surprising me? Andrew remained behind me, calm and confident as he told his brother of my shifts.

  He lulled me into a sense of calm with his tone and the lazy way he teased my clit with his cock as he spoke, and I jumped when, with one powerful thrust, Andrew embedded himself inside me.

  With a slap across my ass, he began thrusting forcefully. ”Now, Resh. Show my little brother what you can do.”

  With devious purpose and Andrew on my side, I closed my eyes and called my beast.


  I met Alex’s eyes with challenge. Then while retaining that eye contact, I unhinged my jaw to encase his whole shaft.

  “I can’t believe you can do that.” His eyes fluttered closed briefly, and he gasped a sharp inhale. “Is there…is there…anything else?”

  Andrew chuckled. “He can hardly string words together. You’ve undone him.”

  To let Alex know I understood, I winked then used to roughness of my snake tongue to wrap around his shaft squeezing tightly. He groaned, and I wanted to do more. I traced his veins one by one, and they pulsed as I hummed a low moan over him while I made my way back to the tip. He groaned, his pleasure filling the room.

  Elation thrummed through me. Here, between his legs, I had control, and I alone allowed him to feel pleasure or pain. Maybe a little of both.

  Andrew following my lead, thrusting into me as my head bobbed up and down, and I neared a second release.

  I panted harshly, the sound mingling with the sharp slap of sweat drenched bodies. I grabbed at the bedsheets, twisting them in my fists. Andrew picked up speed, ramming into me harder, jarring my head against the hardness in my mouth.

  As my teeth scraped against his shaft, Alex ground out, “Gorgeous, careful with the teeth. Brother not so hard, she’s holding the merchandise.”

  Andrew laughed between breaths. ”Brother, I’m not stopping. She feels too good to stop. And as for the merchandise, if I remember, you like it a little rough.

  Alex grunted and grabbed my hair, twisting it in his hands,and I responded. Harder. Deeper. Faster.

  The brothers pumped furiously, dominating me with each thrust. That never happened.

  I was never dominated.

  People submitted to me, to my will.

  Yet it turned me on, and everything inside me tightened until I thought I’d fold in on myself and keep folding until I no longer existed. And I feel myself falling as my core tightens around Andrew.

  Faster and faster they drilled into me, and I revelled in the sensation. Glancing up, I noticed my shadows had come closer as if to continue their observation, and though I didn’t know why, the knowledge they were there, watching—enjoying?—brought a moan from me that buzzed around the shaft in my mouth.

  With that thought, I came again, clenching every muscle in my body and expanding all at the same time. I tightened my mouth and throat around Alex, and with a few final thrusts, the boys came together, panting their satisfaction in harsh, broken sounds.

  And I loved the feeling it gave me.

  Knowing that I had done that.

  I lay in the center of the bed, a twin on each side of me as I tried to catch my breath. Fingers began to trace up my leg to my thigh, pulling me from my content state. I followed the fingers to the man...Alex.

  I raised my eyebrows, smiling saucily. “Can I help you?”

  “Oh, I think you have helped me greatly.” He looked past my shoulder. “And I’m sure my brother agrees.”

  The brother in question rustled behind me and his lips grazed my naked shoulder, “I do agree. In fact, I think she should return on a regular basis.”

  I looked past Alex, who was still smiling, to the shadows that sat in the corner…watching me. I couldn’t hear what they were thinking, never had been able to, but I somehow knew they’d seen what just happened.

  And I liked it.

  Yes, this would definitely be a repeat performance.

  I turned slightly, and the silk sheets rustled beneath me. Andrew watched my every movement, making me feel
like the goddess that I was. “You want this to be a common thing? You, me, and your brother?”

  In answer he lifted my fingers to his lips. He smiled, allowing his fangs to show, and I shivered, remembering them grazing across my body. With a small kiss, Andrew leaned forward then answered. “I want many performances with you, just not all in the bed.”

  Alex ground his hardening shaft against my side.

  “See, Resh, we want you. But the ever present question is, do you want us?”

  Thinking of my shadows watching me while Alex rubbed against me, I couldn’t help what I did next. Pushing my hand into Andrew’s hair, I tugged his mouth down to mine, craving the feel of his lips.

  I pulled back, staring into his eyes, making my decision, “Oh, yes. I think we can have a repeat performance of this.” I looked behind me at Alex, who had been watching his brother and my interlude. “Maybe we could have a repeat of that performance now…..?”

  Alex smiled as he spread my legs then pushed himself into me.

  I gasped.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  As Alex pressed himself into me and Andrew nibbled down my body, I couldn't help but think that maybe Halloween wasn’t so bad after all.

  I hoped you enjoyed reading Goddess of the Ball. For more of Resh and possibly her vampires look for

  Monster coming 2019

  Also by Erica Andrews

  The Road Series

  Road to Me June 2018

  Road to Them Nov.2018

  Road to Home April 2019


  All Hollowed Tales:Anthology

  Before the Harem:An Anthology of Reverse Harem Prequel

  For questions on her newest releases or to stay up to date visit her on her page at


  Quinn Arthurs: A Work in Progress - A Halloween Treat

  To Jody: Thank you for being my inspiration and my sounding wall. I never would have tried this without you.

  Not to readers: This is an excerpt from “A Work In Progress”, a contemporary reverse harem that will be releasing in November of 2018.

  I felt like my feet were going to fall right off. Flopping down onto the couch, I let candy bars roll onto the cushions as I dropped all of the treat bags. I couldn’t believe the sheer number of houses the boys had insisted on hitting tonight. Jake and Cal had both been thrilled to don their costumes and tear from house to house in pursuit of all the candy they could possibly muster, dragging my exhausted body behind them every step of the way.

  The choice of Halloween costumes had been a major topic at our house for the past three weeks, every option weighed and discussed before final decisions were made. Brooke, of course, had decided at seventeen that she was too old for such silly things as trick or treating--although I’d seen her snatch some Milky Ways from the candy bowl I had prepared for our porch. Instead, she had decided to spend the night at her friend Megan’s house watching scary movies until she wouldn’t sleep for a week. Jake had almost immediately picked out Han Solo, wanting to help save the galaxy. Cal had finally chosen Groot so that he could be a superhero just like his big brother.

  Part of my chest had torn at that, wondering if he was finally out of his Paw Patrol phase and moving onto some of the more advanced shows and characters. My littlest baby was growing up, and it definitely stung. Unfortunately, the costume decisions hadn’t ended there, so here I was with my chestnut hair teased up and donning a Wonder Woman costume, trying to ignore the fact that it was meant for a woman who was a size 2, not a size 18.

  I groaned as the doorbell rang, wondering if the candy bowl was finally empty and stragglers were hoping for leftovers. I glanced at the overly full candy bags strewn across my couch. Not like we didn’t have enough here. My boys would be in a sugar coma for the next two months if I let them eat all of this. Hauling my tired body up, I headed for the door. I thought the rule still existed that if the porch light was off, there wasn’t anyone inside to give you candy. I knew I was irritable from being tired, but I really just wanted a KitKat bar, a glass of wine, some Advil, and my bed. That was the extent of partying for me. Opening the door, I was ready to bribe the heathens to get them off of my porch, only to feel my jaw drop.

  Max lounged against my door frame, dressed in what appeared to be a vampire costume. I dragged my gaze from the skin-tight black leather pants, up over clearly muscled thighs, across the hard planes of his abdomen highlighted by the neatly tailored black vest, to the loosely flowing cotton shirt, the buttons at the top left open and the collar spread to allow me a peek at his bare chest. A black and red cape hung around his shoulders, swirling lightly in the evening breeze.

  “Trick or treat, gorgeous.” He purred the words at me, and I could only stare as he chuckled, his slicked-back blond hair catching the light from the hallway. “Not going to let me in?” I stepped aside, gesturing for him to enter as he picked up a small bag and brushed past me, the heat of his body intoxicating in the cool night air. He was a hell of a lot better than a trick or treater, that was for damn sure. “Kids get off alright?”

  “Yeah, they were both super excited.” Cal and Jake had both been invited over to Michael’s for a sleepover to celebrate Halloween at the end of trick or treat. I had hesitated to let them go; Cal had never spent the night away from home before, but I couldn’t resist the pleading. It was so hard to stop babying them. “It’s just me tonight.”

  “Well, Wonder Woman, please don’t vanquish me.” He sent me a wicked grin, his blue eyes twinkling with humor, and I chuckled, brushing at the costume. I had gotten a version modeled after Gal Gadot’s latest get up with the deep red and navy blue, tightened at the waist and bust with gold straps, but I had made a few adjustments. Navy leggings kept my legs from the Pennsylvania chill, and a red v-neck top underneath the bustier ensured my arms were warm and that I wouldn’t flash little children on accident.

  “This Wonder Woman was just about to have a glass of wine and head to bed. Care to join me, Count Dracula?” I shot him a grin as I headed for the kitchen.

  “Vine. Bah.” He affected a terrible accent and I had to giggle. Max was always so much fun.

  “Seriously, though, you can stay tonight if you want.” It had been almost two weeks since I’d had a chance to stay with any of the guys. It was seriously hard to sneak out away from the kids to see them for more than an hour or two at a time--and an hour or two just wasn’t cutting it. Alex was the easiest, living next door, and we usually had time to sneak in a hello and a few kisses during the day. Max had stopped over occasionally during lunch or if he didn’t have a client, snagging some time with me as we both shuffled our work to later in the evening.

  Troy was the hardest, and it had been almost three weeks since I’d had more than a few minutes alone with him. Unlike the other two, he couldn’t sneak away from the school during the day. He was also cautious of Brooke seeing us together, not wanting to upset her that her English teacher was sleeping with her mom. We had managed dinner and a serious make-out session a few weeks back, but it had been way too long since I’d had any intimate time with the three of them.

  “I’d like to if you’re up for it.” Max’s warm voice was suddenly serious, and I knew this was a big step for us. None of the guys had stayed the night here since the children came home at the end of August. We had relegated our activities to one of their houses instead.

  “I’d love for you to spend the night.” I turned back with the glasses of wine, passing one to him and sipping deeply from the other. I hated that he had to see me looking like a goof in this getup. The pealing of the doorbell had me frowning and Max grinning as he licked a stray drop of wine that was spilling down his glass. I swallowed hard and headed for the door. Troy and Alex awaited me.

  Alex grinned as he took in my costume, his blue eyes electric even in the dark of the porch, and Troy arched a brow. “I didn’t expect all of you.” My heart was beating hard against my chest
and I took a step back, ushering them in as I took another gulp of my wine. All three of my men were here, and if the heat in their eyes were any indication, they wanted to play. My sore feet and plans for an early bedtime were tossed out the window--although I hoped they would be tossing me into my bed in very short order.

  “You seriously dressed up?” Troy was exasperated as he studied a pouting Max.

  “I said we were all supposed to dress up!”

  “We didn’t think you were serious,” Alex admitted, his dark hair falling across his forehead as he brushed a kiss across the side of my neck. “I’ve missed you.” The warm words washed over me, as effective a high as the wine I was drinking.

  “I’ve missed you as well. All of you.”

  “How are we going to get her to dress up if none of you did?” Max was ranting, nearly sloshing his wine from the glass as he glared at his friends.

  “I’m already dressed up,” I pointed out, still kicking myself for not slipping out of this costume as soon as I had gotten home.

  “We already knew you were Wonder Woman.” Troy murmured the words as he pulled me in, molding me slowly against his hard body and filling his hands with the curves of my hips. He pressed his mouth hard to mine, his lips and tongue demanding as he took what he wanted. His tongue swept over my lower lip, dipping into my mouth to dance with my own before he pulled back with a quick nip. “God, I’ve missed that mouth, Emmie.” His candy apple green eyes were hot as he went to retake my mouth as if starved for my taste.

  “We’ve all missed her mouth.” Max’s crankiness had died down some, replaced by heat as he watched Troy kiss me. “I still wanted to see her in what I picked out though.”

  “What you picked out?” I glanced down at my costume, thinking of the time I had spent at the costume store with the kids. What in the world was he going on about?

  Max nodded enthusiastically, digging into his overnight bag as he set the glass of wine on the counter and hauled out some scraps of fabric. I brushed a hand through Troy’s short brown hair before pulling away and moving over to take them from Max’s hands. “What the hell is this?” The words were choked out on a gurgle of laughter as I studied the lacy scraps he had handed me. A bright yellow strip of fabric that appeared to be a skirt, a white scrap of fabric that seemed to be a shirt you tied underneath the breasts, a yellow and black tie, and a see-through black cardigan.


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