Heaven On Earth

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Heaven On Earth Page 22

by Constance O'Day-Flannery

  "Francisco Tomás Sandoval and his parents have arrived, señorita, all the way from Spain," Juana gushed as she tightened the laces behind Casey's back. "Señor Sandoval is Señor d'Montoya's business partner, and there are great hopes for a union beyond business. I have peeked. Tomás Sandoval is a most handsome young man."

  "Really?" Casey asked, her own interest piqued by Juana's gossip. "His father is also an importer?"

  "Sí, and training young Señor Tomás to take over his business."

  "Has Rosalinda met him yet?"

  "No," the woman answered, tying off the laces. "They arrived after the mass started. I saw them quietly come in as Señorita Rosa was speaking her vow to the Virgin and I watched as they found seats in the back. She will be introduced to him later tonight."

  Could he be the one? Casey wondered, almost believing Rosa's prediction that her one true love would make his appearance tonight. How romantic… "When we get out there, point him out to me, Juana, all right?"

  "Sí, but he is not for you, señorita."

  Casey laughed and turned to the smaller woman, who was dressed in a festive costume of red and white with flowers in her hair. She looked wholesome and pretty, and Casey wondered if Juana was married. She had never asked.

  "Of course he's not for me, Juana. There are just so many people here tonight, I want to make sure I know who this Tomás is when Rosa meets him. I would like to see that."

  "Sí, I would like to see that also. Something tells me this is going to be an… how do you say it… an exciting night for many people."

  "Juana, are you married?"

  The woman blushed prettily. "Yes. Manuel and I were married by his priest many years ago. I allowed it, for it is necessary for the man to feel most married. A woman can feel it in her heart, but a man needs the… the ritual of it to bind him, I think."

  "Manuel plays a beautiful guitar. You are a luck—" She stopped herself from using that word. "You are a blessed woman, to be surrounded by music from the man you love."

  Again Juana blushed. "Sí, some nights he plays just for me and I know the gods are smiling down on me." The woman adjusted the scooped neckline of Casey's gown and patted a silk flower into place. "You, too, I believe, señorita, are a blessed woman. Señor Luke is a very fine man also."

  "Señor Luke?" It was Casey's turn to blush and look away.

  Juana chuckled. "Do not think I have not seen you two together. I was right when I told you he is interested. Even more so now that he shies away from you. I have brought you something for this night."

  Casey watched as Juana reached into that small pouch she always had attached to her waist. She brought out a tiny plugged vial and held it out.

  "Here. Use it."

  "What is it?" Casey asked with more than a tad of suspicion.

  Juana again chuckled. "It is a woman's secret, collected from far away… jasmine flowers and spices. It brought my Manuel to me and sealed the union."

  Casey continued to look at the thin brown vial. "I don't know. Is this magic?"

  "Of course!" Juana exclaimed. "Women have used magic forever to draw in their love. Use this perfume and you will be irresistible to him. Do not try to make me think he is not already irresistible to you. I have seen you, Señorita Casey. He is your love, and tonight is your opportunity to draw him closer. Take it or not… but know, it is nature's magic that is at work, not mine."

  Curious, Casey unplugged the vial and sniffed. The most wondrous scent wafted to her nostrils and she smiled at the woman. "Wow… it's… it's beautiful."

  "Like you," Juana whispered with an answering smile. She took the vial from Casey's hands and tipped her finger over the opening. She then touched the skin behind Casey's ears, whispering, "May tonight you hear words of love." Her wrists were then scented. "May you feel the caress of your lover's skin." Then Juana tipped the vial again and placed her finger above Casey's cleavage. "May tonight you feel his love in your heart and know you are blessed to be born a woman."

  Casey felt Rosa wasn't the only one indulging in ritual tonight, and suddenly she caught her breath as she turned around to the long length of mirror and saw her reflection.

  Incredibly, tonight she was beautiful!

  The soft yellow silk of the gown complemented her hair, again pulled back and decorated by Juana with a full wreath of tiny white flowers hiding the short strands. In her billowy gossamer gown, she looked like she had walked right off the pages of a fairy tale. Her skin was bronzed by her days in the sun, making her blue eyes stand out even more, and her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

  "Thank you, Juana," Casey breathed in disbelief. "You've done it again. I… I look beautiful."

  Juana laughed. "You always were beautiful, señorita… only now you see it."

  Casey spun around and impulsively hugged the older woman. "How can I ever thank you?" she whispered.

  Juana patted her bare shoulders. "You have thanked me, but I will tell you what you can do that will make Juana very happy."

  "Anything," Casey answered, pulling back and looking into the woman's suddenly mischievous eyes.

  "Do not let that one get away. He is a treasure and will make you very happy."

  Casey suddenly wanted to cry. "I don't know… I don't want to force anything. I'm… I'm falling in love with Luke, and he isn't too happy about it, Juana."

  The woman held up her hand and dismissed the notion, before dropping her vial back in her pouch. "Pah… hombres! If they only knew what is best for them, they wouldn't be fighting their wars with themselves. They would be making love and keeping their women happy."

  Instead of crying, Casey laughed. "Sounds like a good idea to me. How do I convince him of it?"

  "You do not have to do a thing, señorita. Tonight you have the magic about you."

  Casey blew out her breath in a rush. "Well, I can use all the help I can get, 'cause I have a feeling this is the most important thing I have ever wanted."

  "Trust," Juana whispered. "The moon is full and magic is already in the air." The woman opened the door and smiled. "Come, Señorita Casey… come dance in the magic."


  A myriad of ramilletes, or candleholders with ornately designed punched-tin shields, illuminated the entire length of the patio walls. Casey found the ambiance quite romantic and had to know what they were called. She was still accompanied by Juana, and all her questions were gladly answered or translated by the kind woman. Hanging from the huge cottonwood tree were larger lanterns filled with oil, and towering torches surrounding the area provided additional light. A five-piece mariachi band played stirring traditional music and, between songs, strolled about the crowds of guests to different locations. Aromatic scents of spicy food drifted through the evening air, making Casey's mouth water. They walked beside a long table that was piled high with colorful displays of Spanish cuisine. Juana pointed out and explained what each dish was made of as wine and tequila flowed amid everyone's laughter and celebration. Casey thought the scene was incredibly lovely as she shyly smiled and made her way through the courtyard, looking around for another familiar face.

  She didn't see him.

  She didn't even see Rosa. Casey smiled at Marguerite and her husband as she walked further into the crowd. She spied Manuel talking to another man and turned to Juana. "There's your husband. Go to him and enjoy yourselves tonight."

  "I don't want to leave you," the woman answered. "Let us find Señor Luke."

  "No, that isn't necessary, Juana," Casey said. "There's no need to find him. He's here. He'll find me. Now, go… celebrate with your husband."

  "Bueno, I will go to my man as you ask," she said, moving slightly as a woman's full skirt brushed past her. "You will remember the magic of this night?"

  Chuckling, Casey nodded as she looked up to the full moon. "Kind of hard to forget it, Juana, but I promise I shall remember that tonight is magic. Now… go! And tell Manuel I said the musicians are very good, but they aren't as gifted as he is."r />
  "Muchas gracias, Señorita Casey. He will be touched by your compliment," Juana said with a smile. Patting the pouch at her side, she whispered with a sly grin, "Tonight there is magic. I can feel it."

  "Hmm…" Casey murmured with a smile. "I think you are right. Tonight life does seem magical."

  Juana nodded, squeezed Casey's hand, and then slipped into the crowd. After a few moments of feeling lost, Casey smiled into the faces of more strangers as she walked toward the garden and found a place to observe the activities without getting in the way. How odd to be here in this place, in this time, and finding herself falling in love with it all. There was a charm here that she had never felt anywhere else when she had traveled in the States, no matter what the year was. But here it felt… different.

  "It is a beautiful night, is it not, Señorita O'Reilly?"

  She turned, slightly, startled by the voice, and smiled back at a grinning Don Miguel. "Sí, señor. It is very beautiful. Rosalinda is very blessed to be highly respected and loved by her family and friends."

  The man, formally dressed in a Spanish costume of a dark suit with a short jacket, adjusted a ruffled cuff and again smiled back at her. "The d'Montoya family is respected around the world for its integrity in business. This is the first time I have enjoyed their hospitality, and considering this backward country, I must say they have presented themselves well."

  "Backward? I'm afraid I see nothing backward tonight, señor," Casey answered, smiling out to the crowd. "I see people who are enjoying themselves. They could be in any country, in any time."

  "You must come and visit my country, Señorita O'Reilly, to see there is a difference."

  "Thank you, Don Miguel, but I haven't yet finished exploring my own yet. This really is such a beautiful country." Casey didn't care to be around the arrogant man, yet didn't know what she could do without appearing rude. She also didn't want to say anything that might ruin Rosa's party and her own evening.

  The music suddenly ended and a man announced something in a loud voice. It was in Spanish and Don Miguel was kind enough to translate what was happening. "The honor court is being introduced."

  She clapped along with everyone as each couple made their entrance. All the girls had lovely dresses in the varying shades of the rainbow. Their escorts, the young men, looked very serious in their formal suits. Standing on tiptoes, she could see that as the announcer introduced each couple, the dama dropped her handkerchief and then her escort lowered to one knee, picked it up, and remaining in the humbled pose, offered it back to her. When she took it, he kissed her hand, rose, and led her into the courtyard. Casey thought it was very much like a wedding reception, that same kind of romantic and joyous atmosphere with all its traditions.

  Suddenly, across the sea of people, she spied Luke speaking to a woman as the last of the honor court was being introduced. He was dressed in a black suit, with silver studding on the short jacket. Even across the space of at least a hundred people, Casey felt the surge of love well up in her breast as she looked at him. It wasn't that he was so handsome. He was so wonderful, so—

  As she was thinking he was just about everything she'd ever wanted in a man, he turned his head and looked straight into her eyes. Stunned, Casey could only stare back as he smiled at her and nodded his head slightly. He said something to the woman at his side and then bowed before moving away. She watched as he made his way through the crowd to her. Her heart was beating so hard that she barely heard Don Miguel's conversation.

  "And now the quinceñera presentation will begin…"

  "I'm sorry," Casey muttered. "I… I wish to be closer to see Rosalinda. Excuse me, Señor Miguel. Enjoy your evening." Quickly Casey left the man's side and began walking toward Luke. The very last thing she wanted was for Don Miguel to be with her when she finally got to speak with the man who now occupied her mind and her heart.

  "Hola, hello," Casey kept murmuring politely to those she passed. She saw Luke's dark hair and knew they were closing the distance. Within a few moments he stood in front of her and, after staring into her eyes, smiled softly.

  "Soy muy seguro, tú eres la angelita mas bonita que todos aquí esta noche, Señorita O'Reilly."

  Casey let out her breath and smiled back. "What?"

  "I was complimenting you, telling you how beautiful you are."

  She found herself blushing like a teenager and tried to accept the compliment gracefully. "Thank you, Luke. And may I say that you look very handsome tonight. It's a beautiful suit."

  He smoothed down the jacket that ended at his waist and, still smiling, accepted her words. "Thank you, señorita. Don Felipe was very generous to share his wardrobe."

  "We're both wearing borrowed clothes," Casey said with a grin. "The d'Montoyas have been very gracious to us. Thank you, Luke, for bringing me here and allowing me to meet your friends. I like them very much."

  "Yes, so do I."

  "How…" She leaned closer to him to continue, "How is your project coming along?"

  Looking down to her, he winked. "Very nicely. It should be ready in a day or two, maybe a bit longer if I am able to put up a railing."

  She didn't have time to answer as a great buzz started in the courtyard and the announcer introduced Señorita Rosalinda Maria Theresa Concepcion d'Montoya.

  Luke tilted his head to be heard over the intense applause. "Rosa is soon to be officially presented as a woman."

  Casey thought surely she was applauding the loudest. She wanted to whistle and throw out a few shouts of congratulations, but restrained herself as this wasn't a crowd to get too rowdy. This was a ritual that all honored. Rosa wore a gorgeous creation of white tulle and satin, with layer upon layer of ruffles that reached the floor and thousands of seed pearls sewn onto the fabric in a design of tiny flowers. She still wore Marguerita's mantilla, studded with pearls, attached by an elaborate comb nestled atop her dark curls and—

  Casey sucked her breath in surprise.

  Around Rosa's neck was a long thin chain of gold, and the clover pendant dangled to her waist as she moved to her place of honor. Casey felt tears coming to her eyes. "She's wearing my gift," she whispered.

  "Your gift?" Luke asked with a perplexed look on his face.

  "Yes, the pendant around her neck. It's a four-leaf clover, permanently sealed in glass. My mother had given it to me years ago, but I wanted Rosa to have it." Casey didn't want to explain anything further about why she had given it to the young woman. There were just some things women held privately, especially when it concerned destiny.

  Luke smiled and said, "Then you should be honored. For her to wear it tonight means Rosa thinks of you as family."

  "I think of her as my little sister," she said, watching Don Felipe escort his daughter to a decorated chair, behind which he stood as the honor court gathered in front of Rosa. Doña Isabela moved to stand beside her husband. Everyone pushed back to make room for the honor court, and soon the courtyard became a dance floor. The girls formed a semicircle in front of Rosa, and Casey watched as her young friend rose up from her chair and joined her damas, all fourteen of them, one for each year of her life. The music began and soon all the young girls were dancing together in a playful mood. It seemed to signify that her time of childhood was at an end. Casey watched with a twinge of sadness that the impish Rosa was now supposed to be a grown-up. Somehow she hoped Rosalinda wouldn't lose her curiosity and become too serious.

  At the sudden end of the dance, all the damas scurried back to their escorts waiting for them behind the chair of honor, leaving Rosa alone on the dance floor. Immediately the musicians began another waltz as Don Felipe slowly extended his hand to his daughter and then swept her up in his arms. Together father and daughter glided across the tiled courtyard floor. He was presenting his daughter to his guests as a woman.

  Tears came into Casey's eyes at the touching scene as she witnessed the love of this man for his child, the father for his daughter.

  "The music is a very important
transitional part of the quinceñera." Luke whispered to her as he offered a handkerchief. "First Rosa playfully danced with her friends as a young girl, and now she dances with her father as a young woman."

  Dabbing at her eyes, Casey sniffled with emotion. "It's just beautiful." She had never danced with her own father. He had died of a stroke when she was a teenager. She didn't know if she was crying for Rosa, for herself, or what was happening inside of her. She wanted Luke to put his arm around her, to hold her close and let her get this emotion out as she continued to watch father and daughter gracefully waltz.

  When the dance ended amid great applause, Don Felipe escorted his daughter back to her chair. Soon a woman, one of Rosa's godmothers, came to stand before the teenager. The woman knelt down and removed Rosa's flat childish shoes and replaced them with chunky high heels. Then Marguerita came forward and stood behind her sister as she removed the mantilla and placed a jeweled tiara upon Rosa's dark curls.

  The transition had been made.

  Looking like a regal princess, Rosalinda Maria Theresa Concepcion d'Montoya was now officially a woman.

  The young girls came hurrying back onto the dance floor and stood in another half circle while their escorts returned and stood in front of their partners.

  "This is la bailar un vals, a waltz. They have been practicing for weeks."

  Nodding, Casey said, "Rosa has told me about it." She was so glad she'd moved away from the garden area and now had such a great view, especially since Luke was next to her. Putting aside her own emotions, Casey clutched the handkerchief in her fist and watched as the girls curtsied to their escorts and were swept up gracefully in the arms of the young men. It was another lovely waltz and the young people dipped and swayed in time to the soothing refrain. Casey thought it was beautiful as all that fabric in all those shades, billowing out like clouds of pink, violet, green, and yellow, passed in front of her. The girls' faces were radiant, as though all the practicing had finally paid off. Casey felt shivers run up her arms, signaling that she was viewing something she would always want to remember.


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