Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 92

by Michele Bardsley

  Our bedroom is now yours. Carry your mate there and drink the liquid in equal parts. Accept the greatest gift we can offer and know this completes the circle.

  Veda and Tyboll

  Holy fuck!

  They knew. They never gave me so much as a smile, because they knew what my destiny meant for them.

  I pick up Esha and walk to the kitchen, with her in my arms. I don’t think she’s aware of what’s happening any longer, and I’m worried we’re too late. I scoop up the small vial and head to the back of the house. I find the largest bedroom. It’s freezing. I pull back the covers and place Esha’s naked body beneath them. I remove my clothing and crawl in beside her. After stacking the pillows behind me, I lift the upper half of her body so she’s partially sitting up and leaning against me. I remove the cork and drink half of the nasty liquid then place the vial to her lips.

  “Drink, Esha.” She turns her head away and moans. “Esha,” I say sharply. “Drink!” Her tiger hears the command in my voice and Esha’s lips part. I pour the liquid into her mouth and massage her throat when she starts gagging. She doesn’t open her eyes.

  We wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  My dream is filled with all the sweet moments that V and I shared. Am I dead? Maybe so. There is no pain and I’m warm. No, hot. The heat travels from my extremities and moves toward my center. There I burn with need for my mate.

  In the dream, he kisses my neck. “Wake up, Esha,” whispers through my mind.

  I don’t want to.


  It’s still a whisper, but with more command. I open my eyes and I’m staring into V’s beautiful amber gaze. “There is no pain,” I tell him.

  He smiles gently. “I feel pain, mate, and I need you to assuage it.”

  His erection is hard against my hip, and I turn so the center of my need presses against him. This time he kisses my lips. I don’t know what is happening. All that comes to mind is the American term horny.

  “Open for me, love.”

  I can’t deny him. I would never deny him. He moves over me and, in one thrust, he sinks deep. We both cry out. This isn’t right. Power so strong it leaves us both breathless and boils inside us. We are one being, no longer two. The invisible thread that has tied us together since mating is now a coil of magic. It’s the only way to describe it. I arch upward as V pushes down. We cannot stop this force that drives us together. Why would we even want to?

  Air bursts into my lungs and fills me with needed oxygen. V gasps, too. We don’t stop the mating dance. The heat rises from our skin, warming the entire room. I cry out again because this will be over before I want it to be. V’s cries join mine as we both explode with the passion of release. My nails are extended and they sink deep within his flesh. He bites my throat and rides out the wave of power.

  No one needs to tell me what just happened. I feel it as his seed connects with the eggs I carry inside. V and I bathe in the ecstasy of our union. He did it. Somehow. Someway. My mate kept his promise. The Goddess has gifted us with a child.




  The pain is overwhelming, and I hold Tyboll tighter. We didn’t know if we would survive this. We may not. We had the choice to stay and refuse any knowledge of what V and his mate needed. But we also knew our purpose. We knew it the first time we met the young vampire.

  We also knew that all hell would break loose. Vampires lost the ability to procreate from a curse by a witch. We have circumvented the curse. We can never go home and they can never find us. If we survive.

  I feel for Tyboll, because he leaves his son behind. His son is fully grown now, but he still has need of his father. Tyboll will suffer. I will feel his pain.

  The burning lessens and I can finally breathe again. Tyboll groans and pulls me closer. Another breath and the pains begin floating away. We did it. V and Esha have joined. I roll within Tyboll’s arms and look into his eyes. “Thank you. I could not have done it without you.”

  “You wouldn’t have done it without me,” he grumbles.

  We both start laughing. None of this is funny, but we made our decision a long time ago, and have lived with the fear that death would be the consequence. We have both lived hundreds of years, and we forfeited our lives so young love would have a chance.

  Now our true journey begins. We must remain hidden.

  “You know what this means,” Tyboll whispers against my ear.

  That damned Billy-goat. I was a fool to tell Tyboll about the curse against his favorite baseball team, given by a witch who had taken the form of a Billy-goat. He thinks if we can succeed in giving a vampire a child, we should be able to find a way to break that curse as well.

  We shall see.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Rondy the Fertile

  We close up the cabin and leave it exactly how we found it, minus the note and empty vial. When I hold it in my hand, I can still feel the powerful magic. The glass has absorbed some of it. I’m saddened that Tyboll’s and Veda’s lives have changed because of this. I’m also sorry that I cannot thank them for their sacrifice.

  Our trip home only takes one night, and we arrive early in the morning. Not only is my mate with child, but we no longer feel pain if we separate. That part doesn’t matter. I will always keep her close. While we ran through the night, I thought of Cecily. She would have made a wonderful grandmother. I respect her decision, but I will miss her.

  Mother and Grandmother burst out of the house the minute we are close. They both start crying. Esha remains in her tiger form as they pepper her with questions.

  “We are sworn to secrecy,” Esha speaks into their minds. This is what we settled on. I did not tell them where I was taking Esha. I only told them that I was taking care of the problem. They aren’t stupid, and I know they smell the bearshifters on us. The bed, the cabin—their smells have been absorbed into our skin. It will be long gone by the time Esha gives birth, but for now we cannot hide it, only refuse to speak of it.

  “Stop biting me, you devil,” Treson shouts as he comes from around the house. He’s carrying Letta over his shoulder and he dumps her on the ground at our feet.

  What the hell?

  “Tell them!” he yells at her.

  She’s crying. She doesn’t say whatever it is that Treson wants her to, and she won’t look at us.

  My gaze lands on Treson. “The bitch has been sending information to the Council of Thirteen. I found her in the town below the mountain. She admitted it. They didn’t let her go. Her master arranged this so she could spy on the American vampires and beastkind.”

  “He is no longer my master,” Letta sobs without looking up.

  Esha pounces and shoves Letta back. My mate’s huge jaws open over Letta’s throat. We all hear her voice in our heads. “The punishment for betrayal is death.”

  “No!” I yell as my mate’s jaws close. I have one hand wrapped around Treson’s throat, holding him back. “Can’t you smell it, Esha?”

  Her teeth are still gripping Letta and her nose twitches as she sniffs.

  “Letta is Treson’s mate. He can deal with her; it’s not our place.”

  “Well, fuck me,” Treson says. He doesn’t sound happy about having a mate.

  Esha back off and turns toward the house. I follow.


  After a week, Esha shifted to tiger and stayed that way until the birth of our child. This way she didn’t need to wait nine months in human form. As tiger, she will give birth after only a four-month gestation period. I’m pacing, because Esha won’t let me get near her and growls if I so much as reach a hand out. I almost lost my fingers the first hour of her labor, and she promises it will be the entire arm if I touch her again.

  Our child finally makes an appearance. She’s born as tiger, and will shift to human within two weeks. I approach and get another growl for my attempt. Esha licks the fur, gathering our child’s scent. She finally nudges
the cub away slightly, and I go to pick her up.

  “No, V, another,” Esha groans into my head.

  She gives birth to three cubs in all. Grandmother gathers the first within a soft blanket and Mother uses a towel for the second. I crouch down in awe as Esha cleans the last cub born.

  “Three babies is a miracle.”

  Esha gains her feet and grabs the cub by the back of its neck. “Bring them,” she says wearily.

  Mother and Grandmother follow Esha, and I follow them. In the corner of our bedroom is a nativity scene, much like the one Esha prayed at the night of our date. The manger holds a large cradle and Esha drops the child inside. Mother and Grandmother place the other two by their sibling.

  Esha sinks down beside the cradle and finally allows me to touch her. “Thank you, mate. They are beautiful.”

  “Thank you for this gift,” she replies. I ordered the manger the day after we returned home. We also put up a Christmas tree and celebrated a hodge-podge of religious customs throughout the next two weeks. We concluded our celebration on New Year’s Day. We never took the decorations down because Esha wanted them to be here when our child was born. Now we have three babies, and I am a very proud father.

  Treson sleeps with Letta in the bunkhouse. She stays away from us. Letta gave Torbic misleading information, but still told him some things we would rather have kept quiet. I had to notify Marcus and tell him what happened. He told the others, and they decided to allow me to punish her. It’s Treson’s problem now. Hopefully in a few weeks, Esha will be more forgiving and allow Letta back into the main house for visits.

  Later that evening, I’m resting on the bed beside Esha, who has finally shifted to her human form. Our fur bundles are cuddled between us.

  “I love you,” I tell her.

  “I love you, V,” she whispers back.

  I decide right then that I will no longer be called Rondy by anyone who wishes to live. My name is V.

  V the Victorious.

  Author Bio

  D’Elen McClain is the USA Today Best-Selling Author of the Fang Chronicles and Fire Chronicles. She also writes steamy contemporary romance as Holly S. Roberts and police procedural as Suzie Ivy. D’Elen lives high in the Arizona Mountains with her husband and two spoiled dogs.




  Her Dragon’s No Angel

  Dragon Guard Series #10


  Julia Mills

  There Are No Coincidences.

  The Universe Does Not Make Mistakes.

  Fate Will Not Be Denied.

  Her Dragon’s No Angel

  Copyright © 2015 Julia Mills

  All Rights Reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  NOTICE: This is an adult erotic paranormal romance with love scenes and mature situations. It is only intended for adult readers over the age of 18.

  Edited by Lisa Miller, Angel Editing Services

  Cover Designed by Linda Boulanger with Tell Tale Book Covers


  Dare to Dream! Find the Strength to Act! Never Look Back!

  Thank you, God.

  To my girls, Liz and Em, I Love You. Every day, every way, always.


  THANK YOU BUNCHES to the ladies of Julia’s Addicts!!! YOU ROCK!!! Thanks for beta reading, listening to my crazy story ideas and generally putting up my extreme goofiness! LOVE YA TO PIECES!

  THANK YOU TO MY READERS!!!! YOU ARE THE BEST EVER!!!!!!! Nothing I do would be possible without YOU!!!! BIG HUGS!!!!


  Index of the Words from the Original Language of the Dragon Kin

  A Chumann Sweetheart

  Mo chroi’ My Heart

  Mo ghra’ My Love

  Mo Aingeal My Angel

  A Thaise My Treasure

  Mo Maite’ My Mate

  A bheith imithe Be Gone

  Du lar ais go dti’ ifream Go Back To Hell

  Riamh ar ais Never Return

  Beag amha’im Rest Little One

  A bheith ar cheann beag sa’bha’ilte Be Safe Little One

  Aingeal ag breathnu’ thar tu’ Angels Watch Over You

  Aingeal tu’ a chosaint Angels Protect You

  Aingeal fanacht fa’ilte a chur Angels Wait To Welcome You Home

  roimh tu’ abhaile

  Her Dragon’s No Angel

  Chapter One

  “Sure! I’ll do it. No, no, really, it’s no problem at all. Y’all have mates and families, not to mention everything that’s going on around here. I’ll just take a quick flight halfway around the world, drop off this package, and be back in time for Christmas dinner. No big deal. I got this. Three days should be enough time, right?” He grumbled under his breath.

  Color me Sucker of the Year! When am I ever gonna learn?

  Tomas passed the time bouncing back and forth between reliving the conversation he’d had with his Commander and kicking his own ass for being Putz of the Year as he trudged through the rising snow. The Guardsman knew there was only the slightest chance he’d make it back for Christmas as he called forth his dragon and took to the skies, but there was no way he could say no to the most revered Dragon Guard Commander in the history of the dragon shifters.

  Rayne MacLendon was a legend, one Tomas spent almost every minute of every day attempting to emulate. The young Guardsman knew he was one lucky bastard to be training with the Golden Fire Clan. He also knew he’d been given the coveted chance because his father and Rayne’s had served together in the Guard, been lifelong friends, and saved each other’s butts in battle more times than either could remember.

  Being a cross between a golden and a red dragon, one of the few drakes to actually have two pure-blooded dragon parents, the young Guardsman should’ve been sitting on a throne ruling his own clan with a mate and a dozen or so children, but Tomas Youngblood had other plans. He wanted stories of great battles and even greater tales of his spectacular victories to tell his children and grandchildren. He wanted lifelong friendships built on years of service in the Guard. He wanted to one day command his own Force. It was no understatement to say he wanted it all. But most of all, Tomas wanted the one woman the Universe had fashioned for him and him alone. A mate who thought he hung the moon and stars. The one person who would stay by his side for all time…someone for him to love.

  If Jace and Liam could find mates, Tomas just knew he too would soon find his. All he had to do was be patient. Of course, patience was not a virtue he’d ever possessed. It was also one he was coming to despise. Waiting was a bitch, but he knew he had to try. He also knew he had to find a place to wait out the worst blizzard in fifty years or risk his scales (as well as other important parts) freezing off.

  “Serves me right for trying to earn brownie points,” Tomas griped under his breath, just as he was almost knocked on his ass by an especially strong gust of wind. “I have to be the first dragon in history to be grounded because of ice on their wings. Should’ve listened to Maddox.”

  He shook his head remembering the reclusive old blue dragon’s warning. “The storm’s close, young one. Watch yourself, this blizzard promises to be full of surprises.” Tomas also remembered the sly grin that had immediately crossed the elder dragon’s face right before he added, “And you know, not all surprises are as they seem.” The younger dragon flew away wondering if maybe the old guy had his last few marbles.

  “Any luck fin
ding shelter?” Royce, the oldest and most definitely largest of their Force, asked through mindspeak.

  Trying to hide his frustration from his mentor, Tomas quickly answered. “Not yet, but I’m close. I see a trail a few feet ahead.”

  “Good. Get out of the snow. Get warmed up. Wait out the storm. Then get your ass back here. That’s an order.”

  “Ignore my grumpy mate’s tone, Tomas, he’s very good at hiding his worry with anger. Just take care of yourself and get home as soon as possible. Be sure to keep warm. I know y’all run hotter than most, but you damn sure won’t look good as a Popsicle!” Royce’s mate, Kyra, chuckled, making Tomas smile.

  “Thanks, Kyra. I’ll be sure to light a fire as soon as I find shelter.”

  The couple was just another example that the Universe did not make mistakes but definitely had a twisted sense of humor. Not only was Royce six-foot-eight inches tall and Kyra barely five-foot nothing, but at the time of their meeting the big guy was hell bent on the extermination of all witches…and Kyra was a witch.

  Well, not just a witch, but the daughter of the Grand Priestess and one of the strongest magical practitioners born in centuries. To say she had an issue with her mate’s attitude was an understatement. But Fate stepped in and the rest was history. The couple reminded him so much of his parents before they’d gone to the Heavens. It gave Tomas hope that someday he would find a love like theirs.

  “Take care and keep in touch, young’un.” Royce barked as he cut their connection.

  “Grumpy old fart,” Tomas mumbled under his breath while working hard to stay on his feet against the gale force winds battering his body.

  Following the trail he’d mentioned to Royce, Tomas was pleasantly surprised to find himself winding up the mountain and even happier to end up at the mouth of a cave. Attempting to use his enhanced senses to make sure he was alone, the young Guardsman wasn’t surprised to find they were scrambled from the blizzard pummeling his body.


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