Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 127

by Michele Bardsley

  “Good.” She hopped off the counter. “I’ll be right back.” She reached up on her tiptoes, kissing him quickly before rushing off to the bathroom.

  “Fuck!” Rolf cursed, talking to his Wolf. “I think we’ve found ourselves a mate.”

  Chapter 4

  Mishka’s heart was still pounding, her beast mewling in her head, and she couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on her face. Looking at herself in the small mirror over the sink, she gave herself a cheeky wink. “Shit, losing my virginity and finding a soul-mate at the same time. Way to go, Mish.” She turned on the tap, sloshing cold water over her face to try and calm the red blush that covered it, not sure if it was normal to look like that after sex. Jeez, she had no idea, having only ever kissed someone before.

  Her thighs were slick with their combined orgasms and she quickly wiped herself with a tissue before using the cold tap water to clean herself a little more. Using one of the towels she dried herself, noting the tiny droplets of blood on the stark white cotton. Finally, her purity was tarnished and even if Rolf hadn’t turned out to be her mate, her father could not sell her off to the highest bidder as “pure.” She wished he was here because she was sure she’d damn well throw the offending towel in his face, and relish the outraged look she knew would be there.

  Rolf was moving around in the kitchen, and only now did the sweet smell of the stew enter her senses. Her mouth started watering as she realized she hadn’t eaten properly for days. Hunting with an injured leg wasn’t easy, but she’d been too scared to stay in one place in case her father and his men caught up to her. That he was on her tail wasn’t open for discussion: she knew he was.

  The first day she’d heard nothing, dashing through the countryside as fast as she could, and knowing it wouldn’t be long until they were tracking her. By the second day, her acute hearing picked up noises far behind, so she’d upped her speed and didn’t stop to rest. She’d ran full out until she’d almost dropped from dehydration, only then seeking out a stream to slake her thirst. As soon as she had, she was off and running again. By the third day, she was sure she’d made some headway, and kept her grueling pace up, stopping for water only. On the fourth day, she’d taken the time to hunt, catching a wild turkey, and quickly devouring it before rushing onwards again.

  No thought to the where, only knowing she had to get away. The idea of finding a man, any man, and losing her purity to him, flitted constantly in and out of her mind. Now she didn’t need to. What she did need to do was alert Rolf to the fact they were probably still in danger. She had no doubt he could give her father a run for his money, but it wouldn’t be that easy. Her father never travelled alone, he’d have guards with him, and those odds weren’t in their favor.

  Taking a deep breath she opened the door, finding Rolf a foot away on the other side, waiting for her with a smile on his face. “Food’s ready,” he said, pointing to the kitchen, and holding his hand out to her.

  Mishka took it, feeling his fingers clasp around hers as he led her to a small table. “I hope you like it,” he said quietly, looking a little uncomfortable as he released his hold on her.

  “I’m sure I will.” Mishka sat, inhaling deeply to smell the stew. “Smells delicious.”

  Rolf sat opposite her, pouring them each a shot of bourbon. “I thought you might need this. I know I sure as hell do.”

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, worriedly. “I mean, are you unhappy? About, you know, what’s happened?”

  “Oh, no, it’s not that.” He reached over the small table to grip her hand. “I just mean it’s a shock. I come here to get away from the Pack, for some peace and quiet, and here I’ve gone and found my mate. You are my mate, and I’m happy. Extremely happy. Just a tad confused about it all.”

  “Tell me about it.” She laughed. “I was just trying to escape an arranged bonding. I didn’t expect to find my mate and lose my virginity all within an hour.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Rolf looked embarrassed. “I mean, if I’d known you hadn’t, you know, well, I would’ve made it special. For starters, it would’ve been in a fucking bed, not on an old kitchen counter. I truly regret that part, but I don’t regret finding you, and I sure as hell don’t regret what we did. Just the way we did it. If that makes sense?”

  “Yes.” She gave him a smile as her fingers entwined with his. “I know what you’re trying to say, but I don’t regret even that. It was freaking hot, Rolf. Right out of my daydreams about a tall, gorgeous guy, sweeping me off my feet and making me feel good. And, boy oh boy, you made me feel real good. Now I know what all the fuss is about.”

  Rolf burst out laughing, his eyes crinkling at the sides as he nodded. “Yeah,” he spluttered. “I’m well aware of how good it feels. But, Mishka, what I felt earlier was like nothing I’ve ever experienced. It was, somehow, magical. I’m not great with words, so I’m sorry if I’m not putting it the right way.”

  “You’re doing a pretty darn good job, Rolf.” Tugging her hand out of his, she picked up her fork. “Can I eat now? I was serious when I said I was starving. I’ve not eaten since I hurt my leg.”

  “Fuck.” Rolf’s eyes widened with surprise. “Of course, damn, I didn’t know that. I thought it was just like we all say, you know, ‘I’m starving’ and not being literal. There’s plenty more in the pot and I can go and hunt for something else for us too.”

  “No need.” She lifted a large morsel of meat to her mouth, savoring every last bite as she chewed, and her small noises of gratification filled the kitchen. “As I’m going to be stuffing my face until this is finished, why don’t you tell me about yourself and your Pack?”

  “Sure.” Rolf leaned forward, his elbow on the table, and placing his chin in his hand. “I’m Beta and Lyall is Alpha. He’s recently mated with Lori, and she’s not even part Wolf, she’s full human, but she’s great. She’s strong, kind, and they make a perfect couple. We have a large Pack, and we have, or rather Lyall has several businesses, from logging to nightclubs in the city. I know he doesn’t like to brag, but he’s pretty well off, no, scratch that, he’s rich. Maybe not billionaire rich, but rich all the same. He’s a fabulous Alpha, fair but strict, and he’s my best friend. He’s gonna shit himself when I tell him about you. I can’t wait to see his face.”

  Mishka stopped eating, frowning across the table. “I’m not sure about him being happy about me.”

  “What? Of course he will be.” Rolf sat up straight, his own frown puckering the skin between his eyes. “He’ll be over the moon when I tell him.”

  “Maybe, maybe not.” Mishka pushed her plate away. “I’m afraid my father and his men will find me, no matter where I go, and he won’t be happy when he does.”

  “He’ll need to deal with me.” Rolf snarled, anger in his eyes.

  “It’s not just him, Rolf, he’ll have guards with him.” Her eyes locked onto his, apprehension in her voice. “Are you sure your Alpha will accept me bringing trouble to his Pack?”

  Rolf didn’t hesitate, nodding emphatically. “Yes. Lyall will not turn you away and he’ll always have my back, as I have his. Always, Mishka, so don’t worry about it.”

  “Alright, if you say so.”

  “I do,” Rolf emphasized. “Maybe we should head back tonight? I’m prepared to fight for you, but I don’t want to get caught here when there’s only me to defend you.”

  “Okay, I think I need to clear some things up about me, Rolf.” Mishka cocked her head to the side. “One, I don’t need anyone to defend me. I can fight just as well as most men. Second, I’m not going anywhere tonight. Tonight, Rolf, you’re going to take me to bed and make love to me until we’re both too exhausted to continue.” She raised an eyebrow. “Got it?”

  “I suppose I should clear some things up too.” Rolf copied her, one of his eyebrows raising as he stared across the table. “First, I am Beta, I protect all of my Pack, so get used to it. Second, you’re injured, so even if you can fight, you cannot fight properly wi
th said injury. So, it is my job to keep you safe, fight for you, and love you. That brings me onto your second part, and the answer to that is, hell yes. But only if I deem it safe to stay here.”

  Mishka relented, backing down a little, but only a little. “Hmm, alright, big guy, I get you’re one of the protective ones. Just remember I’m not some silly little female that can’t stand up for herself. As for being safe, I can’t say for certain but I think they are at least a day behind me. They stopped to eat and sleep. I did not. So, even with my injury, I stayed ahead of them.”

  “Not good enough.” Rolf stood, quickly clearing everything away. “I’m taking no chances, Mishka, and you can argue all you want, but we’re leaving. If we go now we’ll be back at Camp in under two hours. That’s giving you extra time to walk to my jeep with your injury. Or, better still, you transform and travel to the jeep as your Panther. It’ll be quicker, and probably hurt less, if you do that.”

  “Rolf, surely we can stay here. Just for tonight, please?” Mishka tugged his arm. “I don’t fancy meeting a ton of new people tonight.”

  “You won’t,” he assured her. “I’ll park at my front door and we can go straight inside. I promise it will just be the two of us.”

  “You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?” she moaned, wishing he’d just pick her up and carry her off to bed.

  “Yes,” he smirked. “Including the thought of sharing a nice hot shower with you.”

  She perked up at that thought, giving him a cheeky smile. “Now that sounds good. So, come on, what’s keeping you?”

  “I just need to clean up, get dressed, and then we can be on our way.” Rolf pointed to the living room. “Can you use the bucket at the door and get some water to damp down the fire. I don’t feel comfortable leaving while it’s still going. The stove is just about out so that’s okay, and I’ll get the last of my stuff together.”

  “Sure can.” She rushed to do his bidding, the vision of hot steam rising around them as he kissed her, causing her to hurry. Even the pain in her leg seemed less as she moved around quickly.

  They were soon ready to leave, Rolf holding his pack at the door. Mishka looked at the bag, “That’s not too big,” she said, pointing to the pack.

  “For what?” Rolf asked.

  “You should transform and we can make it to your vehicle quicker. We can carry the bag.”

  Rolf looked at the bag and then back at her. “I’m not sure we can fit everything in. I’m not leaving this jacket here, it’s one of my favorites.” He fingered the worn leather as he wiggled the bag.

  “Take it off, I’m sure we can get everything in.” Mishka held her hand out and took the bag from him as he shrugged off his jacket. Opening the pack up she started to sift through it. “We can leave the rest of your supplies. That’ll make more room too.”

  Rolf nodded as she removed the rest of the vegetables, bread, butter, and the bottle of bourbon. When she was done, she took his jacket, rolled it up and put it in. “See, there’s plenty of room.”

  “I guess you’re right.” Rolf smirked. “You change first and then I’ll put everything in the pack and transform.”

  Mishka cocked her head. “Hmm, I think you just want to see me naked.”

  “Hell yes, I do, but I still want to pack that shirt.” He held his hand out and she tugged the bottom of the shirt up and over her head. “Jesus, you’re fucking gorgeous. I can’t wait to get home.”

  “Why, thank you, kind sir,” Mishka quipped, giving him a cheeky wink.

  His eyes roamed over her body, before it was lost to him, as she quickly transformed. Rolf shook his head. “That was quick.” He moaned at the loss of her nakedness before opening the door, then started to undress. He stuffed his clothes inside the pack then followed Mishka outside, closed the door, and transformed quickly.

  The sleek, black Panther rubbed herself along Rolf’s massive Wolf, soft chuffing sounds coming from her as she did so. Rolf’s Wolf rumbled a welcome growl, his snout sniffing the entire length of the Panther, and finally giving her a little nip on her neck. She lowered her front paws, showing her submission to his beast, and it gave a howl of glee to the darkening sky.

  Mishka’s beast rose, giving his Wolf one last rub, and picked up the pack in her jaws. Rolf’s Wolf tried to retrieve it, but her Panther shook its head and motioned for him to take the lead. She obviously wanted him to take point and be prepared for any danger they may encounter, so he turned and started off toward his jeep.

  Chapter 5

  They made good time, although not going as fast as he could alone, due to her still injured leg. It was obvious it was still causing her pain as she limped along behind him. The snow continued falling, the ground now covered, and their paw prints clearly showing. He didn’t like that, it meant if Mishka’s father was closer than she thought, then they’d clearly see their path. There was nothing to be done though, so they carried on, and when his jeep came into view he let out a rumble of relief as he rushed toward it. By the time Mishka reached him, he’d already morphed, standing naked in the freezing cold, and he reached down to retrieve the pack and his clothes.

  “Stay like that until I’m dressed. I don’t want you catching a chill on top of your leg injury.” Rolf grabbed his keys, starting the jeep first to get the heater going, then dressed quickly. He pulled out another shirt, a long, thick, plaid one that would keep Mishka warm, even if it robbed him of the sight of her tantalizing thighs. “Here, this will keep you warmer than the other one.”

  She transformed quickly, shivering as she stood in the layer of snow, snatching the shirt and quickly pulling it on. Rolf held out his jacket. “Here, put this on too.”

  Mishka smiled, gratefully taking the thick leather jacket and putting it on quickly. Rolf nodded then chucked her under the chin. “Let’s get going.” Rolf walked around, opened the passenger door and helped her up into the seat. “It should warm up soon,” he said as he closed the door.

  Mishka wrapped her arms around herself, trying to get warm, as Rolf got in. Looking over he gave her a small smile. “Buckle up,” he told her as he fastened his own seatbelt.

  “How far is it?” she asked, still shivering.

  “It’s about an hour’s drive, normally.” Rolf pulled away, getting his wipers going to keep the windshield clear. “It depends on this weather though. I’m hoping the main roads are clear.”

  “Me too.” Mishka reached over, her hand on his thigh. “I’m looking forward to that hot shower you promised me.”

  Rolf hissed through his teeth as his cock hardened instantly at her touch. “I can’t wait. I’m going to wash you from head to toe, and then lick my way back up. I may, or may not, make a few stops on the way to your lips, beautiful.”

  Mishka gasped, her face flushing slightly. “That sounds like fun.”

  “Oh, it will be, trust me on that, kitten.”

  Mishka’s grip on his thigh tightened, nipping him painfully. “Kitten? I’m not a freaking kitten.”

  Rolf turned, smirking at her outraged face. “You’re my kitten.”

  She scowled over at him. “Does that make you my puppy?”

  “What?” Rolf’s smirk disappeared. “That’s just an insult, Mishka, I’m a Wolf not a dog.”

  “Oh, sorry, okay, what about cub?” She raised an eyebrow as his eyes flitted between her and the track they were travelling on.

  “I think you can come up with something better than that.” He chuckled as they bumped along slowly.

  “I’ll have to think a bit and see if I can come up with anything.” Mishka burrowed into his jacket.

  “This old thing takes a while to heat up, but shouldn’t be long now,” he commented, checking the dials on the heater.

  “I’m okay.” She leaned her head on the back of the seat, angled so she could look over at him. “I guess I’m scared, nervous, and still a bit shell-shocked.”

  “I know what you mean,” Rolf agreed. “I only left Camp for a couple of qui
et days and now I’m returning the same day with my mate at my side.”

  “Rolf,” Mishka said, her voice was barely a whisper. “I’m worried. Do you think we can make this work? We’re from such different worlds and I’ve never lived anywhere but within my own Pack.”

  “Hey.” He reached to grasp her hand, squeezing it gently. “I know we can, baby. One thing you don’t need to worry about is our Pack. We have several kinds of shifters and it’s a fabulous Pack. We’re strong but loving, and nobody will make you feel uncomfortable. I promise you that.”

  “I’ve lived a very sheltered life.” She gave a rueful smile. “My father kept me away from any males, in case I was attracted to them, and my mother is completely under his thumb.”

  “Mishka.” Rolf looked a little embarrassed as his eyes sought hers for a moment before turning back to the road. “I don’t want to pry, but are Panther’s different to She-Wolves regarding having a mating season?”

  Her face blushed scarlet, her eyes looking out the windshield. “We have them,” was all she could manage to say.

  “Okay, but, and again I’m really not trying to embarrass you, but you were a virgin. How the heck did you get through them?”

  Mishka shrugged. “With difficulty.”

  “Damn, that must’ve been hard, baby.” Rolf squeezed her hand again, then his fingers laced with hers. “That’s just cruel. No female should be separated, far less not have male company during her season. What kind of person does that?”

  “My father,” she answered sadly. “He’s so caught up on this purity thing that no man was even allowed to be alone with me. I always had guards when I was out of my room and I only had one real friend. Her name’s Galina and we’ve been friends since we were very young. Her mother is my father’s housekeeper, that’s her official title, but she is so much more. She basically runs my father’s estate.”

  “Estate?” Rolf enquired.

  “Yes, it’s more an estate than a Pack.” Mishka shrugged. “Our house was built like his old home, in Russia, it’s huge, and there are other, smaller houses, dotted around. In total, there’s less than fifty of us that live there. He wouldn’t allow anyone to join us unless they could prove their bloodline, to make sure they were pure.”


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