Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More

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Alphas Unwrapped: 21 New Steamy Paranormal Tales of Shifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Dragons, Witches, Angels, Demons, Fey, and More Page 148

by Michele Bardsley

  “Damn it,” she exclaimed, “I really need to go.”

  She climbed over him and straddled his waist, her sex flush against his and this time it was Roderick who let out a loud gasp. “Shit.”

  “One more time, but then I’m leaving.”

  “Yeah...about that...”

  Her hands stopped him from saying anything further as she pushed his shorts low on his hips, grabbed his thickness and guided him inside her.

  Talking for the moment had ended.

  The beautiful woman took him in fully, her heated sex wrapping around him so deliciously, he clenched his jaw not to lose his load then and there.

  She pressed her flattened palms on his chest and lifted letting him slide out of her. Just as he was almost fully out, Rachel lowered taking him in again.

  The wonderful movements continued and he allowed her to set the pace. Every movement brought him closer to culmination.

  The sight of her, head thrown back, her breasts jiggling with each movement was perfect. He cupped each one and ran the pads of his thumbs over the rigid peaks.

  “Oh!” She cried out and reached between her legs. He pushed her hand out of the way and stroked her until she let out a cry, her sex squeezing him. Roderick pushed his head back into the pillow and groaned as he came so hard he lost his breath. Unable to do more than allow nature its course, he concentrated on gaining back control.

  Finally he managed to get his bearings just as she fell over his chest spent.

  Moving slowly, he wrapped his arms around her and held her against him. “It will work out Rachel. I will ensure it.”

  “I don’t know what to say. What to think. I need a few days to process all of this.”

  “Of course, I understand. I know it feels as if I’m not giving you many options.”

  She lifted her head and looked at him. “It doesn’t feel that way. It is exactly how it is. I have no options, according to you, but to go along with this tradition of yours.”

  “It’s not a tradition. It’s a physical reaction to sharing my blood with another.” He tried to see it from her perspective. Other than not thinking about what the ramifications of sharing his blood would bring, all he’d concentrated on at the time had been saving her. Besides it was probably easier for him. Neither of them had chosen this to happen, especially not her. One thing was for certain; at the moment he didn’t regret the bond.


  THE BACK STREETS of Midtown were quiet and full of shadows. There were plenty of places for dark Fae to hide with their unlucky victims. The crunching of gravel under his boots seemed to echo. Yeah so he wasn’t being stealth this night, but whatever. If an idiot was stupid enough to hunt in his territory then he’d at least give him a running start.

  And...there it was. The thing darted from behind a dumpster and ran away from where Roderick neared. It sprinted like an Olympian going for the gold only to shriek and skid to a stop when Cyn appeared at the end of the street.

  The Scot lifted his chin as if in greeting. “All alone tonight? Kill your date or something?”

  The demon growled and yanked out a handgun. It cranked his head to Roderick and then back to Cyn. “Let me by. I’ll shoot you in the head. Even you cannot survive that.”

  Cyn rolled his eyes and lifted a brow at the demon. “Seriously? I doubt you’re that good of a shot demon.”

  The gun blast echoed. Only seconds later after a swift slash of his sword, the demon’s head rolled onto the ground. Cyn was looking behind him to ensure no one was shot while both the body and head evaporated, a thick blue smoke spreading over the ground like a mist.

  “Well that was boring,” Cyn said waiting for Roderick to sheath his sword. “What about the victim?”

  “Homeless man. Dead.” Roderick stalked to the sidewalk and let out a breath.

  “Bummer...get it? Bum...mer.”

  “A man is dead. Do you ever take anything serious?”

  His friend seemed to ponder. “Nope.”

  Cynden Fraser was young at only two hundred and twenty-five, not tired of the continuous circle of killing demons only for them to multiply.

  The never-ending war between the Protectors and dark forces was rarely with odds in their favor. Roderick longed for a time when they would grow exponentially. Julian had recruited hundreds into their army, but when fighting thousands of evil creatures, it made little difference.

  Even though, they were stronger, faster and had the advantage of not having to feed from humans to survive, they were severely outnumbered. He wondered at times what the point of it all was.

  “Three o’clock,” Cyn muttered watching three men and two women heading to another side street. The women giggled loudly at something one of the males said.

  “Dark Fae,” Roderick said and picked up the pace. “Lets ruin their party.”

  They rushed into the darkness then stopped abruptly. Roderick stilled his breath and allowed his keen ears to pick up where the people had gone. “There,” he motioned to a door on the side of an industrial looking building. “Cover me.”

  Careful to not make noise, he pulled the door open and stepped into the darkness. It reeked of a mixture of oil and dampness. The shuffling of a rodent and the wind against the top windows were the only noise until a soft whimper sounded from further inside.

  His partner went to the left side and Roderick to the right and they stalked forward. He caught himself smiling. Okay so maybe there was the thrill of the hunt that showed up at times like this. It was like a game of cat and mouse. The only downer in the whole situation was the possibility of victims being hurt or worse.

  Shouts sounded and they took advantage of the noise to race to a side room. They pushed the door open and stepped in.

  It must have been an office at one time, but it seemed the demons had gone all Martha Steward and fixed it up to look like a bedroom, curtains included.

  Five sets of eyes looked to the door. The demons hissed and snarled and one of the women fainted. She slid down the wall, flopping onto the floor. Both women were nude. Obviously they’d been led to believe it was going to be an orgy. Perhaps after they’d fucked and fed, the demons planned to keep them alive for a bit. Sooner or later, they’d kill the women. It wasn’t wise to leave witnesses to their existence.

  Two of the three demons flew at the Protectors, knives in hand. The one that attacked Roderick held two long wicked looking knives. He sliced across the air over and over. “You’ll be chopped up in little pieces by the time I’m done.” He slashed again. “We’ll finish our party while you lay on the ground bleeding.” He stepped closer and attempted to stab him. “I’m going to fuck you up...”

  The demon’s head plopped onto the floor with a sickening thud and the other woman shrieked so loud his ears rang. The remaining demon had escaped out through a window while he and Chatty Cathy had fought. Cyn had gone after him and he remained in the room with the nude women.

  “Get dressed,” he told the one who continued to whimper. “Help me get some clothes on your friend.” He bent to the woman who’d passed out. She’d been bitten, but from the looks of it the demon had only commenced to feed.

  “Am I going to turn into a vampire?” The other woman asked as she scrambled into her dress. “Oh my God. I don’t want to become something like them.”

  “You won’t.” He tugged a t-shirt onto the limp woman.

  When Cyn came back a few moments later both women sat on the bed and stared at him. The one who’d fainted was obviously drunk. “He’s hot,” she told no one in particular, then glanced to Roderick. “You’re hot too.”

  Roderick looked at Cyn. “Scrub them. I’m going to scout and make sure no one else was coming to join the festivities.”

  The street was deserted. Not quiet as the sounds of passing cars and voices of people on the busier street in front of the building floated in the air.

  Seconds later the women came out from the building, gave him a curious look and scrambled to the si
dewalk. He walked behind them and watched until they melded with others on the sidewalk.

  When Cyn walked out, Roderick turned to his partner. “What did you say to them? They gave me a strange look.”

  “Just that the only other person in the room was a tall blond man who had no pecker.”

  Roderick gave Cyn a droll look. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” The guy walked off whistling.

  “You’re an asshole.” Roderick let out a breath. If he killed his partner, he’d be paired off with either Thor, the Viking who was about as subtle as a category five tornado, or the Moor who gave him the creeps. The guy never talked and moved so silently even other Protectors lost him.

  “Wait up. Let’s go grab a bite.”

  Cynden always hungry stopped mid-stride. “Good idea.”

  They settled into a booth in an all night diner. Cyn squirted ketchup into his mouth. “I’m starving.”

  It was almost one in the morning and soon the place would be filled with clubbers. As much as he hated being seen out in leathers and a sword across his back, he couldn’t help the rumble in his stomach. Lately he was always hungry.

  “You need to get laid more. Not like you to take so many meal breaks.”

  “I get laid enough,” he grunted not wanting to discuss Rachel with Cyn. “More than you.” He added with a raised eyebrow just to egg his partner on.

  Cyn shrugged. “I’m not bonded, so I can go without longer. Not that I enjoy doing the left hand gig, but whatever. Women are not worth the trouble.”

  That was a true statement. Most women were not worth it. But when he thought of Rachel, he could not picture his life without her. She was beautiful, giving and in bed, they were like...

  “Dude you’re smiling.” Cyn leaned across the table and snapped his fingers in front of Roderick’s face. “What you want to order?”

  It was then he noticed a server stood beside the table staring at him. “Sir, can I take your order?”

  “Yeah...a double burger with cheese, two orders of fries and a milkshake.”

  When the waitress shuffled off, Cyn laughed. “So when does your girl move in? Can I stay or should I start looking for a place?”

  “Don’t know. And much as you annoy me, I’d rather you not move out.”

  “My heart flutters,” Cyn said and squirted more ketchup into his mouth. “You love really love me.”

  “I’m stuck with you, which is very different.”

  The server brought their shakes and both delved in. Cyn gave him a quizzical look. “Truth is I hope she comes around soon. She’s your other half and I’m happy for you brother.”

  Shit, now he had to admit he liked the guy.


  “HOW LONG ARE you going to torture the poor man?” said Rachel’s mother, Mariam, as she eyed the long stemmed white rose in her hand. Rachel turned away to fill a crystal bud vase and placed the bloom in it before setting it on the counter.

  That her mom accepted the news so well of her newly prolonged life and being mated forever to an immortal demon slayer, still amazed her. Perhaps her mother’s addiction to paranormal romance finally came in handy. Over time, they’d figure out how to break the news to her father, but for now, they kept the secret between them.

  “For two weeks you’ve kept him at arms length knowing darn well you’re in love with him.” Her mom arched a knowing brow. “Deny it.”

  After much cajoling, Rachel had convinced Roderick that her mother would have to know by telling him she could never keep the secret from who she considered her best friend. Besides, there was no way in hell she was going through this alone.

  She observed her mother glance at the rose with lips pursed, Mariam would not give up until Rachel married Roderick. The woman could be relentless. Maybe telling her had been a mistake.

  A snappy retort in check, she replied. “I don’t like that Roderick didn’t give me a choice in this.” Her chin jutted out at the hollow words. “He took the choice of who I would spend my life with away from me.”

  “Roderick sleeps here often.” With a sparkle in her eye, Mariam picked up her cup of tea and sipped, her soft blue eyes watching her over the rim. “You’re obviously enjoying the relationship.”

  “Mom! I told you, we have to. As bonded mates it’s physically painful not to er…touch regularly.” A tingle swept through her as the picture of Roderick under her, his handsome face thrown back while she rode him earlier that morning flashed into her mind. Her gaze slid toward her bedroom where he presently slept.

  Every morning Roderick brought a token, whether a rose like today, some chocolate or her favorite cappuccino from the nearby café. Not only that, but their chemistry was off the charts. She couldn’t deny the gorgeous man fulfilled her every dream in a partner.

  “All right, I admit the basis of my reluctance to accept him fully and to move in together is fear.” Rachel said as she flipped absently through a Southern Lady magazine on the kitchen table. “I’m not ready to lose the little bit of control I have left. Mom, you know I’m not a control freak by nature or even close, but it’s just this entire scenario takes time to get used to.”

  Her mother’s hand covered hers in understanding.

  Roderick proved to be a patient man, other than coming to her bed every morning, he never pressured her to make the decision to live together. She’d never deny him her body. Nor would she chance being the cause of him being hurt or worse. If he fought with the distraction of their bond calling, he could be killed.

  Not that she could resist Roderick anyway. By the time he arrived at her home at dawn, her desire for him was so overwhelming she practically took the man in the doorway.

  Then there was a new matter she’d not expected, another blow to her already fragile hold on sanity. She suspected she was expecting. How would Roderick react if her suspicion she was pregnant were true?

  “Well he’s not going to wait forever, honey.” Her mother brought her back to the conversation. “If I were you, I’d make up my mind one way or another. It’s not fair to either one of you to keep this up if there’s no choice anyway is there?” Her mom stood to go. “I better go, I have a tennis match with your dad in half an hour.” She paused and smiled at Rachel. “Just think about it. Drag the situation out too long and he’ll figure out a way to break this bond thing.”

  Would he? Her stomach flipped.


  Finding four demons in the midst of a blood bath after they attacked a group of young women out clubbing, changed the direction of their otherwise quiet night on patrol.

  Roderick rushed toward the melee his sword in hand. Just as he rounded into the empty lot, Cyn came into view from the opposite direction. One of the women still conscious screamed and fainted. It was for the best, what was about to happen was not meant for human eyes.

  Prepared to defend itself, a high-level demon pulled his sword and lunged at him, the blade slicing barely an inch from his throat. While shifting to avoid the sharp edge ascending past his neck once again, Roderick flung a dagger at another demon. The dagger hit its mark and the attacking demon stopped mid-stride and evaporated.

  At the next swipe of the persistent demon’s sword, Roderick dove to the ground, rolled and flipped back to his feet. The momentum gave him the benefit of surprise, his size and reach adding to the advantage. He cut clean across the shocked demon’s neckline. The head landed with a solid thud onto the pavement rolling only a few inches before both it and the body vaporized.

  It was his turn to be caught off-guard when a swooshing sound accompanied by a stinging cut to his left shoulder. He slammed his fist into the demon’s stomach and cut the low-level down across the chest. The demon fell and faded, the blue mist mixing with the others’. He grabbed at his shoulder to stifle the bleeding.

  Damn, he was getting sloppy.

  Blades clashed. Roderick swung around to check for other threats, only to find Cyn just slew another demon, the nav
y haze snaking around the male’s Doc Martens. The Protectors’ luminescent gaze scanned the area and Cyn held up a peace sign, letting him know it was clear.

  They checked the vitals on the victims. One was dead, but the other two would survive. Cyn called the local authorities after they erased the women’s memories of the occurrence and gathered up the demons’ weapons.

  Roderick stalked away from the scene ignoring his partner’s slanted look. As expected, Cyn stepped alongside and grabbed his arm swinging him around to face him.

  “You almost got waxed. Twice.” Cyn didn’t release the hold. “What the hell is wrong with you Roderick? This is the first time I’ve ever seen a demon barely miss cutting your head off--even worse, one of them actually cut you,” he continued with a pointed look to the bloodstain seeping through the shirt on his shoulder. The wound was already healing.

  Cyn lifted an eyebrow. “It looks like a deep cut. Good thing we heal fast. You okay?”

  “I’m good.” He shrugged the hand off and took a breath. To make things worse, he was winded. It hadn’t even been a real fight.

  Roderick stopped walking and turned to look at his partner. “All right, I’ll admit it, maybe I’m a bit distracted. It’s this whole mate thing.” With hesitation, he met his friend’s gaze. “I don’t know if I want to be mated. I’m over 1600 years old. If anything I was looking more forward to dying than starting a new life. And that stubborn woman refuses to move in with me, which makes it harder to concentrate. This…” He slammed his hand against his skull. “This need to be with her, to see her is almost crippling. I can’t stop thinking about Rachel and I don’t like it.”

  “Yeah, I don’t envy you.” Cyn shook his head. “And Julian doesn’t even know yet.”

  Great point. He wasn’t looking forward to their leader’s take on the matter.

  His partner lifted both brows. “The Roman must not have found out yet, else he’d be here, bashing your head through a wall for breaking several of the Protectors’ basic rules.”


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