Marlee's Dom

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Marlee's Dom Page 5

by Marion Webb-De Sisto

  She sat down, and he placed one plate on the mat in front of her. The other one he positioned opposite to hers, and then he sat facing her. “I hope you like the food. I grow all of those vegetables in the area surrounding this cave.”

  “It looks delicious. Thanks.” She began eating and was pleasantly surprised. He was a good cook and had flavored the dish with spices that added to its appeal. “I have a couple of questions for you. Where does your water come from? And how do you manage to have electricity in this place?”

  “Good questions. When I turned this cave into a home, I asked the water company if they would run a pipe from the main water supply to my cave. They said they could as long as I paid for the installation and a monthly rent for the water, which I do, and—”

  “Do you also pay rent for this home?”

  “No, this cave belongs to me. I bought it years ago, from the person who owned it and the surrounding area.”

  “Oh, I’ve never owned a home. I’ve always paid rent.”

  “Well, I couldn’t afford to buy a house or apartment, but was lucky enough to realize the potential of this cave and land. As to your other question, there’s a small cave behind my kitchen that houses a generator and a few stored items. A door from the kitchen leads into it, and I blocked the little cave’s entrance with solid wood. The electricity that provides the heat and light for my home comes from the generator.”

  “Wow! Lycans are very resourceful.”

  “Did you think we were fools?”

  “No, I’m ignorant about lycans. Sorry.”

  “I can teach you many things about my kind.”

  “Well, I didn’t realize lycans enjoy reading romances. I looked at some of your books and was surprised to see so many romantic stories. Oh, and there were mysteries, too.”

  “Those books are my preference, but most lycans are into romance. Before my face was disfigured, I was involved with several female lycans.”

  She grinned and asked, “Was that all at the same time?”

  “No, it was always one at a time, but maybe elves like a ménage?”

  “I deserve that remark. Sorry for being rude.”

  “So, what do elves like in a sexual relationship?”

  Marlee thought for a moment, and then replied, “I guess elves want to find the one person that is right for them regardless of who they might be.”

  “I believe you could be that person for me.”

  “I’m sure you’d change your mind if you really knew me. I’m nothing special and have a hard time making any of my spells work. Being half-human doesn’t help.”

  “But you’re quite submissive, and that matters to me.” He ate some of his food before he suggested, “Tell me about your parents and whether you have any siblings. Then I’ll tell you about my family.”

  Marlee began to explain about her elf mother, human father, and how she was their only child. He listened, and then shared information about being brought up by his father because his mother died in childbirth. Together they chatted, and she felt more and more relaxed.

  Radon was surprised at how much he enjoyed talking to Marlee. Previously, females had only been a source of sexual pleasure to him, yet there was something about having the little half-elf’s company that made him feel at ease. Yes, I need her to submit to me when we have sex, but that’s not all I want from her. I have to have her approval of everything I do, and without her, my life would return to its lonely existence. She is very important to me, and I’m realizing I love her.

  If a rogue trapped and killed Marlee, my wolf and I would go on an insane rampage and the Lycan Council would probably decree my destruction. That would be a blessing because life without her would be impossible for me. I need her to be my mate no matter what others might think about lycans not having a relationship with other species.

  She is mine, and I am hers.

  Chapter Nine

  Until bedtime, they talked and shared information about their lives. Marlee appreciated this opportunity to spend time with Radon. He is a fierce lycan, but there is also something so appealing about him. I know I’m attracted to this shifter. His scars don’t bother me. In a way, they add to his masculinity. If I didn’t have my teaching job, I’d be happy to stay here.

  She went to bed hoping he would join her, but he didn’t, even though he’d said he would. Therefore, she must have done something to annoy him. After being awake for more than an hour and feeling disappointed, she finally fell asleep and slept soundly until a knock on the bedroom door woke her.

  “Are you awake, Marlee? I’ve made breakfast.”

  “Okay. I’ll be there in a minute or two.”

  She got out of bed, put on her dressing gown, and went to the door. He was standing there and nodded his approval. “You look well rested.”

  “I am. Your bed is very comfortable.”

  “I’ve made scrambled eggs, mushrooms, and toast. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine. You’re spoiling me.”

  “Hmm. I know another way I could spoil you.” His golden wolf eyes gleamed at her for a moment.

  Marlee was about to answer him, but he’d walked away into the main room. She followed him and saw that he’d set the table and even placed some wildflowers in a jug in the center of it. After she had sat down, Radon went into the kitchen and brought back two filled plates.

  “That looks like too much for me to eat. Is it okay if I leave some?”

  “Of course you can. Just eat what you want.”

  They ate their breakfast and then drank some coffee. Marlee wanted to take a shower, so she asked, “Will it be okay if I shower before I get dressed?”

  “Yes, you know where the bathroom is. I’ve put some clean towels in there for you. I’ll be outside chopping wood and doing a couple of other things.” He carried the plates, cups, and cutlery into the kitchen and she went back into the bedroom.

  Marlee took clean underwear, jeans, and a top into the bathroom and found a bar of sweet smelling soap on a shelf in the shower stall. Maybe he’ll join me rather than go outside. She waited, but remained alone.

  After bathing and enjoying the warm water, she got dressed and went to the front window to look for Radon. She could see him busily chopping wood. His shirt was off, and his strong body glistened with sweat. Oh, his muscles are gorgeous. I’d love to trace the lines of them with my hand. Stop it, Marlee! He doesn’t seem to want you.

  She watched him repeatedly swing the ax, splitting the large lumps of wood into smaller pieces. His sense of precision was so accurate. Each piece was of a similar size to the others. He didn’t stop until all of the wood was chopped. After filling a bucket with some of it, he headed for the front door.

  Marlee darted away from the window and into the bedroom. She didn’t want him to know she’d been watching. After a few minutes, she heard him yell, “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “Okay.” I guess he didn’t see me at the window.

  She went back into the main room and sat in front of the fire. He’d added some of the chopped wood, so it was starting to blaze. The smoke was rising up the brick chimney and not coming into the room. There must be a hole in the cave’s ceiling for it to escape. Marlee watched the glowing brightness grow into dancing flames. She became almost mesmerized by their intricate motion.

  After a while, Radon came into the room. He was dressed and held a towel. As he dried his hair with it, he asked, “Are you supposed to be teaching today?”

  “Yes. The principal will be both puzzled and angry that I’m absent. He’ll have plenty to say when I see him.”

  “I’ll go and explain why you can’t be there for a few days. If that doesn’t satisfy him, then he doesn’t deserve to have you work at the school.”

  “I was looking at the fire. Did you build the fireplace and chimney?”

  “Yes. It was one of the first things I did. It took me a while to drill through the cave’s ceiling to complete the job.”

very talented.”

  “Thanks. I like it when you approve of what I do.” He took down a short jacket from the hooks near the front entrance and put it on. “I’m going to lock this door from the outside so no one can get in and you won’t be tempted to leave. Stay away from the window in case someone might be outside. It’s usually quiet here, but once in a while, I see others walking nearby. Sometimes a lycan stops by, but if he can’t see my motorbike, he’ll know I’m out somewhere.”

  “Okay. Please tell the principal I’m very sorry for any inconvenience my absence is causing him.”

  “Stoke the fire if you’re cold and I’ll be back in a while.” He opened the front entrance, walked out, and she heard the key lock the door after he’d closed it.

  Marlee chose a book and sat back in the chair by the fire. After a while, she stopped reading and noticed the fire was dying down, so she added more wood from the bucket. The flames sprang back into life, and for a while, she fantasized what life would be like if she could stay with Radon.

  The sound of the front door opening roused her, and she turned to see her lycan protector entering his home.

  “I’m back. Did anything happen while I was gone?”

  “No. I sat and read and was starting to dose. Tell me what the principal said. Was he angry?”

  “Let me put these away, and then we can talk.” He carried a bag of groceries into the kitchen while Marlee waited impatiently for his return.

  When he came back, he said, “At first, he was angry, but after I had explained that the rogues are killing more and more elves, he thanked me for keeping you safe. He can fill your teaching position for a while with a substitute. His advice is to remain here until things improve.”

  “Thanks for explaining the situation to him. I guess it will be okay for me to stay with you for a few days. That’s if you’ll let me?”

  “Of course you can. I brought you here so that no rogue can harm you, but perhaps you’ll want to leave? This ugly lycan isn’t exactly an ideal companion.”

  “Radon, you’re not ugly. You gained those scars because you fought to protect others. I think that is noble.”

  “Ooh, the little half-elf thinks I’m noble, and having sex with me hasn’t changed her opinion. She must like my demanding nature.” He came over to Marlee, pulled her out of the chair, and gave her a hug. Then he stepped back and informed, “I’ll go and make some lunch for us.”

  As soon as he was gone, she reprimanded herself. I should have held onto him and said I wanted more sex. He is demanding, but that makes me need his love even more. Maybe later today I’ll be able to tell him how I feel.

  They spent the rest of the day saying very little to each other. At night after supper, she sat reading while he lay down on the floor in front of the fire and gazed at it. By bedtime, they hadn’t spoken in several hours. Marlee presumed he’d fallen asleep, but when she stood up ready to go to bed, he jumped up beside her.

  “My wolf is urging me to spend the night with you. Don’t refuse me.” As if by magic, he shifted and rubbed his head against her waist. His black coat looked glossy and felt like silk when she stroked her fingers along it. Marlee also noticed that his clothes lay in tatters around him.

  “I would love that, but you’d better change back because I’m not into bestiality.”

  “Neither am I.” Once again, a man stood next to her. He was naked. “Are you ready for your Dom?”

  She nodded and was scooped up into his arms. He rushed into the bedroom and lowered her body onto the bed.

  As she started to unbutton her top, he said, “I’ll undress you.” Radon slowly removed each item of her clothing and stood gazing at her nude body. “You’re what this lycan wants because you fulfill my needs.” He got onto the bed and started caressing her stomach.

  Marlee reached up and pulled his face close to hers. She kissed along the lines of his two facial scars. “I love these testaments to your bravery.”

  “Well, little elf, you’ve woken up my wolf, and he’s about to show you once again, his true nature. But before that happens you have to be punished because you were somewhat unwilling to come to my home. I hope you can handle this.” Radon leaned back up, turned her over, and slapped one hand hard against her bottom.

  She squealed, “That hurt!”

  “It was meant to do that. You have to learn my rules. I’m yours as long as you do what I say.” He smacked her four more times with a little less force, and then turned her body back over. “Did you enjoy my spanking?”

  Marlee was about to answer that she didn’t when she realized that, even though it had hurt, she loved his dominating nature. When he takes control, it turns me on. Now I want him even more than I did before he smacked me. “You are a big bad wolf, but you’re showing me that’s what I want.”

  “You’ve said those three words, so now I must stop.” He got off the bed and stood looking sad.

  She sat up and begged, “Radon, please don’t tease me. You’re the only one I want for a lover. Please, please, please thrust your wonderful cock deep inside me.”

  He jumped back on the bed and pulled her legs apart. One finger came down on her clit, and she moaned as he gently manipulated it.

  “Ah, I thought you would like this when I did it the first time, yet you got mad and sent me away.”

  “I did like it, but tried to hide the fact that I wanted more.”

  “So that was your reason.” He paused, and then kissed her mouth with such passion that she gasped and he slid his tongue between her lips. She caressed his tongue with hers, and the kiss became even more forceful.

  Finally, it ended, and he asked, “Are you ready for me?”

  She breathed rather than spoke her answer. “Yeeesss.”

  “Then beg me one more time. Say please fuck me, Radon.”

  “Please fuck me, Radon.”

  His large cock was thrust into her, and she exclaimed, “Show me how fierce you can be.”

  Sounds not unlike growling came from him as he began pounding and withdrawing back and forth. She moaned and squealed while he muttered words from his own language. There was nothing gentle about his action, and she loved the roughness of it. Somewhere within her mounting pleasure, she thought—this is what I’ve always wanted and needed.

  She squirmed against him, and he yelled, “Yes!”

  His thrusting became more intent, and Marlee moved into a place where only Radon’s action was her total master. Previously, she had never imagined that sex could be so powerful and overwhelming. I love this lycan and want to make him happy. The need to please him added to her growing sense of joy, and she inwardly exploded with bliss.

  Her orgasm seemed to spur him into overdrive. She was caught in his fervor and lost her sense of self.

  The only thing that mattered was ensuring he reached his climax. When he did, she felt elated while he shuddered and made a somewhat howling sound as he’d done before. Then he lay still for several minutes on top of her.

  “Are you okay, Radon?”

  “Yes. You are wonderful my little elf. No one has ever pleased me more than you. I must have you again.” He moved off her and turned her body over. “Kneel up, I want to take you from behind.”

  She did as he asked and was entered by his amazing cock. Even though he hasn’t shifted, I’m sure his wolf is ruling him, and that makes me happy. I love every part of him.

  They moved together in complete harmony and Marlee wished their joining could last forever. This time his thrusting was more demanding, and she pushed against him, urging even greater penetration. She gave herself completely to him, and he cried out when they eventually climaxed together. They lay in silence for a while, and she knew without doubt that her life belonged with Radon. Yes, she was sure he would always protect her, but their connection went much deeper than that. He was the one person that made her life complete. Without him, she would be only a shadow of her true self.

  * * * *

  The next day, when the
y were eating lunch, someone knocked on the front door. Radon went to answer it and stood for several minutes talking in what Marlee suspected was the lycan language. When he came back and sat down, he seemed concerned.

  “Is everything okay? You look worried.”

  “That was a member of the Lycan Council. They had a meeting yesterday and decided on an act that will end the hunting of rogues. A line of fifty hunters and the same number of rogues will fight each other for twenty minutes. They don’t want this to take place in the city, so he came to ask if it could happen here. I agreed, and the battle will be on my land at four o’clock this afternoon.”

  “Oh, that sounds horrible.” She thought for a moment, and then said, “So whichever side kills the most lycans wins. Is that right?”

  “Yes. Now if the hunters win, all of the rogues must leave the city immediately and never return. But if they win, the Council has decreed that they have the right to hunt and kill anyone within the city and cannot be punished for the deaths they cause.”

  “That’s dreadful. I hope the hunters win.”

  “We shall certainly fight with that in mind, but the rogues will want to be the victors.”

  “You said ‘we.’ Surely you’re not going to fight?”

  “Of course I am. There will also be other lycans watching, and some of them will be from the Council. One member will tell us when to start and when to stop. Another one will then count the number of dead wolves and whichever side has the most is the loser.”

  “But you could get hurt or even worse. Radon, please don’t fight.”

  “I must. I couldn’t stand by and only watch what happens.” He stood up, walked over to Marlee, and pulled her up into his arms. “If I should die, you must stay inside this cave until all of the lycans are gone. Don’t go back to your apartment if the rogues win. Call a cab and go to another city. There’s plenty of money in an envelope inside the top drawer of my bedside table, and even enough for a couple of month’s rent of a home. Make contact with the elf community in your new city, and I’m sure they’ll help you. But if I live and the hunters win, the rogue problem will be gone.”


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