Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)

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Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50) Page 73

by Homer

  And crowne their Paramours

  Against the Brydale dale, which is not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  There, in a Meadow, by the Rivers side,

  A Flocke of Nymphes I chauncèd to espy, 20

  All lovely Daughters of the Flood thereby,

  With goodly greenish locks, all loose untyde,

  As each had bene a Bryde;

  And each one had a little wicker basket,

  Made of fine twigs, entraylèd curiously, 25

  In which they gathered flowers to fill their flasket,

  And with fine Fingers cropt full featously

  The tender stalkes on hye.

  Of every sort, which in that Meadow grew,

  They gathered some; the Violet, pallid blew, 30

  The little Dazie, that at evening closes,

  The virgin Lillie, and the Primrose trew,

  With store of vermeil Roses,

  To decke their Bridegromes posies

  Against the Brydale day, which was not long: 35

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  With that I saw two Swannes of goodly hewe

  Come softly swimming downe along the Lee;

  Two fairer Birds I yet did never see;

  The snow, which doth the top of Pindus strew, 40

  Did never whiter shew;

  Nor Jove himselfe, when he a Swan would be,

  For love of Leda, whiter did appeare;

  Yet Leda was (they say) as white as he,

  Yet not so white as these, nor nothing neare; 45

  So purely white they were,

  That even the gentle streame, the which them bare,

  Seem’d foule to them, and bad his billowes spare

  To wet their silken feathers, least they might

  Soyle their fayre plumes with water not so fayre, 50

  And marre their beauties bright,

  That shone as heavens light,

  Against their Brydale day, which was not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  Eftsoones the Nymphes, which now had Flowers their fill, 55

  Ran all in haste to see that silver brood,

  As they came floating on the Cristal Flood;

  Whom when they sawe, they stood amazèd still,

  Their wondring eyes to fill;

  Them seem’d they never saw a sight so fayre, 60

  Of Fowles, so lovely, that they sure did deeme

  Them heavenly borne, or to be that same payre

  Which through the Skie draw Venus silver Teeme:

  For sure they did not seeme

  To be begot of any earthly Seede, 65

  But rather Angels, or of Angels breede;

  Yet were they bred of Somers-heat, they say,

  In sweetest Season, when each Flower and weede

  The earth did fresh aray;

  So fresh they seem’d as day, 70

  Even as their Brydale day, which was not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  Then forth they all out of their baskets drew

  Great store of Flowers, the honour of the field,

  That to the sense did fragrant odours yield, 75

  All which upon those goodly Birds they threw

  And all the Waves did strew,

  That like old Peneus Waters they did seeme,

  When downe along by pleasant Tempes shore,

  Scattred with Flowres, through Thessaly they streeme, 80

  That they appeare, through Lillies plenteous store,

  Like a Brydes Chamber flore.

  Two of those Nymphes, meane while, two Garlands bound

  Of freshest Flowres which in that Mead they found,

  The which presenting all in trim Array, 85

  Their snowie Foreheads therewithall they crownd,

  Whil’st one did Sing this Lay,

  Prepar’d against that Day,

  Against their Brydale day, which was not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song. 90

  ‘Ye gentle Birdes! the worlds faire ornament,

  And heavens glorie, whom this happie hower

  Doth leade unto your lovers blisfull bower,

  Joy may you have, and gentle hearts content

  Of your loves couplement; 95

  And let faire Venus, that is Queene of love,

  With her heart-quelling Sonne upon you smile,

  Whose smile, they say, hath vertue to remove

  All Loves dislike, and friendships faultie guile

  For ever to assoile. 100

  Let endlesse Peace your steadfast hearts accord,

  And blessed Plentie wait upon your bord;

  And let your bed with pleasures chast abound,

  That fruitfull issue may to you afford,

  Which may your foes confound, 105

  And make your joyes redound

  Upon your Brydale day, which is not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softlie, till I end my Song.’

  So ended she; and all the rest around

  To her redoubled that her undersong, 110

  Which said their brydale daye should not be long:

  And gentle Eccho from the neighbor ground

  Their accents did resound.

  So forth those joyous Birdes did passe along,

  Adowne the Lee, that to them murmurde low, 115

  As he would speake, but that he lackt a tong,

  Yet did by signes his glad affection show,

  Making his streame run slow.

  And all the foule which in his flood did dwell

  Gan flock about these twaine, that did excell 120

  The rest, so far as Cynthia doth shend

  The lesser starres. So they, enrangèd well,

  Did on those two attend,

  And their best service lend

  Against their wedding day, which was not long: 125

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  At length they all to mery London came,

  To mery London, my most kyndly Nurse,

  That to me gave this Lifes first native sourse,

  Though from another place I take my name, 130

  An house of auncient fame:

  There when they came, whereas those bricky towres

  The which on Themmes brode agèd backe doe ryde,

  Where now the studious Lawyers have their bowers,

  There whylome wont the Templar Knights to byde, 135

  Till they decayd through pride:

  Next whereunto there standes a stately place,

  Where oft I gayned giftes and goodly grace

  Of that great Lord, which therein wont to dwell,

  Whose want too well now feeles my freendles case; 140

  But ah! here fits not well

  Olde woes, but joyes, to tell

  Against the Brydale daye, which is not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

  Yet therein now doth lodge a noble Peer, 145

  Great Englands glory, and the Worlds wide wonder,

  Whose dreadfull name late through all Spaine did thunder,

  And Hercules two pillors standing neere

  Did make to quake and feare:

  Faire branch of Honor, flower of Chevalrie! 150

  That fillest England with thy triumphes fame,

  Joy have thou of thy noble victorie,

  And endlesse happinesse of thine owne name

  That promiseth the same;

  That through thy prowesse, and victorious armes, 155

  Thy country may be freed from forraine harmes;

  And great Elisaes glorious name may ring

  Through al the world, fil’d with thy wide Alarmes,

  Which some brave muse may sing

  To ages following, 160

  Upon the Brydale day, which is not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till
I end my Song.

  From those high Towers this noble Lord issuing,

  Like Radiant Hesper, when his golden hayre

  In th’ Ocean billowes he hath bathèd fayre, 165

  Descended to the Rivers open vewing,

  With a great train ensuing.

  Above the rest were goodly to bee seene

  Two gentle Knights of lovely face and feature,

  Beseeming well the bower of anie Queene, 170

  With gifts of wit, and ornaments of nature,

  Fit for so goodly stature,

  That like the twins of Jove they seem’d in sight,

  Which decke the Bauldricke of the Heavens bright;

  They two, forth pacing to the Rivers side, 175

  Received those two faire Brides, their Loves delight;

  Which, at th’ appointed tyde,

  Each one did make his Bryde

  Against their Brydale day, which is not long:

  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song. 180

  List of Poems in Alphabetical Order

  List of Poets in Alphabetical Order


  Edmund Spenser (1552–1599)

  YE learnèd sisters, which have oftentimes

  Beene to me ayding, others to adorne,

  Whom ye thought worthy of your gracefull rymes,

  That even the greatest did not greatly scorne

  To heare theyr names sung in your simple layes, 5

  But joyed in theyr praise;

  And when ye list your owne mishaps to mourne,

  Which death, or love, or fortunes wreck did rayse,

  Your string could soone to sadder tenor turne,

  And teach the woods and waters to lament 10

  Your doleful dreriment:

  Now lay those sorrowfull complaints aside;

  And, having all your heads with girlands crownd,

  Helpe me mine owne loves prayses to resound;

  Ne let the same of any be envide: 15

  So Orpheus did for his owne bride!

  So I unto my selfe alone will sing;

  The woods shall to me answer, and my Eccho ring.

  Early, before the worlds light-giving lampe

  His golden beame upon the hils doth spred, 20

  Having disperst the nights unchearefull dampe,

  Doe ye awake; and, with fresh lusty-hed,

  Go to the bowre of my belovèd love,

  My truest turtle dove;

  Bid her awake; for Hymen is awake, 25

  And long since ready forth his maske to move,

  With his bright Tead that flames with many a flake,

  And many a bachelor to waite on him,

  In theyr fresh garments trim.

  Bid her awake therefore, and soone her dight, 30

  For lo! the wishèd day is come at last,

  That shall, for all the paynes and sorrowes past,

  Pay to her usury of long delight:

  And, whylest she doth her dight,

  Doe ye to her of joy and solace sing, 35

  That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

  Bring with you all the Nymphes that you can heare

  Both of the rivers and the forrests greene,

  And of the sea that neighbours to her neare:

  Al with gay girlands goodly wel beseene. 40

  And let them also with them bring in hand

  Another gay girland

  For my fayre love, of lillyes and of roses,

  Bound truelove wize, with a blew silke riband.

  And let them make great store of bridale poses, 45

  And let them eeke bring store of other flowers,

  To deck the bridale bowers.

  And let the ground whereas her foot shall tread,

  For feare the stones her tender foot should wrong,

  Be strewed with fragrant flowers all along, 50

  And diapred lyke the discolored mead.

  Which done, doe at her chamber dore awayt,

  For she will waken strayt;

  The whiles doe ye this song unto her sing,

  The woods shall to you answer, and your Eccho ring. 55

  Ye Nymphes of Mulla, which with carefull heed

  The silver scaly trouts doe tend full well,

  And greedy pikes which use therein to feed:

  (Those trouts and pikes all others doo excell;)

  And ye likewise, which keep the rushy lake, 60

  Where none doo fishes take;

  Bynd up the locks the which hang scattered light,

  And in his waters, which your mirror make,

  Behold your faces as the christall bright,

  That when you come whereas my love doth lie, 65

  No blemish she may spie.

  And eke, ye lightfoot mayds, which keep the deere,

  That on the hoary mountayne used to towre;

  And the wylde wolves, which seeke them to devoure,

  With your steel darts doo chace from coming neer, 70

  Be also present heere,

  To helpe to decke her, and to help to sing,

  That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

  Wake now, my love, awake! for it is time;

  The Rosy Morne long since left Tithones bed, 75

  All ready to her silver coche to clyme;

  And Phœbus gins to shew his glorious hed.

  Hark! how the cheereful birds do chaunt theyr laies

  And carrol of Loves praise.

  The merry Larke hir mattins sings aloft; 80

  The Thrush replyes; the Mavis descant playes;

  The Ouzell shrills; the Ruddock warbles soft;

  So goodly all agree, with sweet consent,

  To this dayes merriment.

  Ah! my deere love, why doe ye sleepe thus long? 85

  When meeter were that ye should now awake,

  T’ awayt the comming of your joyous make,

  And hearken to the birds love-learnèd song,

  The deawy leaves among!

  For they of joy and pleasance to you sing, 90

  That all the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring.

  My love is now awake out of her dreames,

  And her fayre eyes, like stars that dimmèd were

  With darksome cloud, now shew theyr goodly beams

  More bright then Hesperus his head doth rere. 95

  Come now, ye damzels, daughters of delight,

  Helpe quickly her to dight:

  But first come ye fayre houres, which were begot

  In Joves sweet paradice of Day and Night;

  Which doe the seasons of the yeare allot, 100

  And al, that ever in this world is fayre,

  Doe make and still repayre:

  And ye three handmayds of the Cyprian Queene,

  The which doe still adorne her beauties pride,

  Helpe to addorne my beautifullest bride: 105

  And, as ye her array, still throw betweene

  Some graces to be seene;

  And, as ye use to Venus, to her sing,

  The whiles the woods shal answer, and your eccho ring.

  Now is my love all ready forth to come: 110

  Let all the virgins therefore well awayt:

  And ye fresh boyes, that tend upon her groome,

  Prepare yourselves; for he is comming strayt.

  Set all your things in seemely good array,

  Fit for so joyfull day: 115

  The joyfulst day that ever sunne did see.

  Faire Sun! shew forth thy favourable ray,

  And let thy lifull heat not fervent be,

  For feare of burning her sunshyny face,

  Her beauty to disgrace. 120

  O fayrest Phœbus! father of the Muse!

  If ever I did honour thee aright,

  Or sing the thing that mote thy mind delight,

  Doe not thy servants simple boone refuse;

  But let this day, let this one day, be myne; 125

  Let all
the rest be thine.

  Then I thy soverayne prayses loud wil sing,

  That all the woods shal answer, and theyr eccho ring.

  Harke! how the Minstrils gin to shrill aloud

  Their merry Musick that resounds from far, 130

  The pipe, the tabor, and the trembling Croud,

  That well agree withouten breach or jar.

  But, most of all, the Damzels doe delite

  When they their tymbrels smyte,

  And thereunto doe daunce and carrol sweet, 135

  That all the sences they doe ravish quite;

  The whyles the boyes run up and downe the street,

  Crying aloud with strong confusèd noyce,

  As if it were one voyce,

  Hymen, iö Hymen, Hymen, they do shout; 140

  That even to the heavens theyr shouting shrill

  Doth reach, and all the firmament doth fill;

  To which the people standing all about,

  As in approvance, doe thereto applaud,

  And loud advaunce her laud; 145

  And evermore they Hymen, Hymen sing,

  That al the woods them answer, and theyr eccho ring.

  Loe! where she comes along with portly pace,

  Lyke Phoebe, from her chamber of the East,

  Arysing forth to run her mighty race, 150

  Clad all in white, that seemes a virgin best.

  So well it her beseemes, that ye would weene

  Some angell she had beene.

  Her long loose yellow locks lyke golden wyre,

  Sprinckled with perle, and perling flowres atweene, 155

  Doe lyke a golden mantle her attyre;

  And, being crownèd with a girland greene,

  Seeme lyke some mayden Queene.

  Her modest eyes, abashèd to behold

  So many gazers as on her do stare, 160

  Upon the lowly ground affixèd are;

  Ne dare lift up her countenance too bold,

  But blush to heare her prayses sung so loud,

  So farre from being proud.

  Nathless doe ye still loud her prayses sing, 165

  That all the woods may answer, and your eccho ring.

  Tell me, ye merchants daughters, did ye see

  So fayre a creature in your towne before;

  So sweet, so lovely, and so mild as she,

  Adorned with beautyes grace and vertues store? 170

  Her goodly eyes lyke Saphyres shining bright,

  Her forehead yvory white,

  Her cheeks lyke apples which the sun hath rudded,

  Her lips like cherryes charming men to byte,

  Her brest like to a bowle of creame uncrudded, 175


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