Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50)

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Delphi Poetry Anthology: The World's Greatest Poems (Delphi Poets Series Book 50) Page 259

by Homer

The Armada

  The Auld House

  The Babie

  The Ballad of Keith of Ravelston

  The Banks O’ Doon

  The Bard

  The Barefoot Boy

  The Baron of Brackley

  The Battle of Otterburn

  The Bells

  The Better Part

  The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed’s Church

  The Blessèd Damozel

  The Blind Boy

  The Blossom

  The Bonny Earl of Murray

  The Braes of Yarrow

  The Braes of Yarrow

  The Bridge

  The Bridge of Sighs

  The Building of the Ship

  The Burial of Sir John Moore At Corunna

  The Burning Babe

  The Canadian Boat Song

  The Castaway

  The Celestial Surgeon

  The Chambered Nautilus

  The Charge of the Light Brigade

  The Children’s Hour

  The Clerks

  The Cloud

  The Collar

  The Conqueror Worm

  The Constant Lover

  The Convergence Of The Twain

  The Courtin’

  The Curse of Kehama: I. The Funeral

  The Daffodils

  The Darkling Thrush

  The Day is Coming

  The Day is Done

  The Days That Were

  The Death Bed

  The Death of Artemidora

  The Death of Hector: Book XXII

  The Death of Lincoln

  The Death of Œnone

  The Defence of Guenevere

  The Deserted Village

  The Destruction of Sennacherib

  The Devil’s Walk.

  The Disabled Debauchee

  The Diverting History of John Gilpin

  The Divine Image

  The Douglas Tragedy

  The Dowy Houms o Yarrow

  The Dream

  The Dunciad. Book the First.

  The Dying Adrian to His Soul

  The Dying Man in His Garden

  The Elixir

  The End of the Play

  The Eternal Goodness

  The Eve of St. Agnes

  The Fair Hills of Ireland

  The Fairies

  The Fiftieth Birthday of Agassiz

  The Fine Old English Gentleman

  The Flea

  The Flight of Love

  The Flower

  The Flowers of the Forest

  The Forsaken Merman

  The Fountain

  The Friar’s Tale

  The Funeral

  The Garden of Love

  The Garden of Proserpine

  The Gay Goss-Hawk

  The Glories of our Blood and State

  The Going of the Battery Wives. (Lament)

  The Good Morrow

  The Green Linnet

  The Harp that Once Through Tara’s Halls

  The Haunted Palace

  The Higher Pantheism

  The Human Seasons

  The Humble-Bee

  The Iliad Extracts

  The Imperfect Enjoyment

  The Inferno Canto II

  The Inferno Canto III (All hope abandon ye who enter here)

  The Inferno. Canto I

  The Inner Vision

  The Invitation

  The Isles of Greece

  The Ivy Green

  The Journey Onwards

  The King’s Tragedy

  The Knight’s Tale

  The Lady of Shalott

  The Lady Of Shalott. Part I

  The Lady Of Shalott. Part II

  The Lady Of Shalott. Part III

  The Lady Of Shalott. Part IV

  The Lady of the Lake. Canto One

  The Laird o’ Cockpen

  The Lake Isle of Innisfree

  The Lamb

  The Land o’ the Leal

  The Last Conqueror

  The Last Invocation

  The Last Laugh

  The Last Leaf

  The Last Ride Together

  The Last Rose of Summer

  The Last Wish

  The Last Word

  The Lay of the Last Minstrel: Canto First

  The Lie

  The Light of Other Days

  The Light of Stars

  The Little Boy Found

  The Little Girl Found

  The Lost Leader

  The Lost Mistress

  The Lotos-Eaters

  The Loveliness of Love

  The Lover’s Appeal

  The Lover’s Resolution

  The Mad Maid’s Song

  The Maid of Neidpath

  The Maid of Neidpath

  The Man He Killed

  The Marshes of Glynn

  The Means to Attain Happy Life

  The Meeting of the Waters

  The Mermaid Tavern

  The Miller’s Tale

  The Nightingale

  The Noble Nature

  The Nun’s Priest’s Tale

  The Nymph’s Song to Hylas

  The Odyssey Extracts

  The Old Familiar Faces

  The Old Stoic

  The Opening of the Epic: Book I

  The Outlaw

  The Owl and the Pussy-Cat.

  The Oxen

  The Pardoner’s Tale

  The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

  The Passions

  The Past

  The Patriot

  The Picture of Little T. C. in a Prospect of Flowers

  The Pious Editor’s Creed

  The Pipes at Lucknow

  The Poet’s Dream

  The Poplar Field

  The Present Crisis

  The Pride of Youth

  The Prisoner of Chillon

  The Problem

  The Problem

  The Progress of Poesy

  The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Lines 1–200

  The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales. Lines 801–858

  The Pulley

  The Rainy Day

  The Raven

  The Realm of Fancy

  The Recollection

  The Refusal of Charon

  The Resolve

  The Retreat

  The Reveille

  The Revenge

  The Revenge of Hamish

  The Reverie of Poor Susan

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Fifth.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the First.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Fourth.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Second.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Seventh.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Sixth.

  The Rime of the Ancient Mariner: Part the Third.

  The River of Life

  The Rover

  The Rowan Tree

  The Ruined Maid

  The Sack of Troy: Book II

  The Same

  The Sands of Dee

  The Scholar

  The Second Coming

  The Secret Rose

  The Shrubbery

  The Sick Rose

  The Skylark

  The Sleep

  The Sleeping Beauty

  The Soldier’s Dream

  The Solitary Reaper

  The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk

  The Song of Callicles

  The Song Of Hiawatha I. The Peace-Pipe

  The Song Of Hiawatha II. The Four Winds

  The Song Of Hiawatha: Introduction

  The Sonnet

  The Stolen Child

  The Stream of Life

  The Sun Rising

  The Task. Book I. The Sofa.

  The Terror of Death

  The Three Ravens

  The Tiger

  The Traveller

  The Triumph

  The True

  The Twa Corbies

  The Twa Sisters

  The Two April Mornings

  The Valley of the Shadow

  The Village Blacksmith

  The Voice

  The Wife of Bath’s Tale

  The Wife of Usher’s Well

  The Wild Swans At Coole

  The World is Too Much With Us

  The World’s Wanderers

  The Wound-Dresser

  The Wreck of the Hesperus

  The Year That’s Awa’

  The Young May Moon

  The Young Soldier

  They shut me up in Prose

  Third Poem: My Beloved

  Thirtieth Sonnet

  Thirty-first Sonnet

  Thirty-second Sonnet

  Thirty-third Sonnet

  Thomas Rymer and the Queen of Elfland

  Thoughts in a Garden


  To a Child of Quality

  To a Distant Friend

  To a Lady, with a Guitar

  To a Lock of Hair

  To a Louse, On Seeing one on a Lady’s Bonnet at Church

  To A Mouse

  To a Skylark

  To a Waterfowl

  To a Young Lady

  To Althea from Prison

  To Anthea who may Command Him Any Thing

  To Augusta

  To Aurora

  To Blossoms

  To Celia

  To Charlotte Pulteney

  To Daffodils

  To Dianeme

  To Evening

  To Fortune

  To Helen

  To His Lute

  To His Mistress

  To Lucasta, Going Beyond the Seas

  To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars

  To Marguerite

  To Mary Unwin

  To My Mother

  To My Ninth Decade

  To Night

  To Roses in the Bosom of Castara

  To Sleep

  To Sleep

  To Sleep

  To Sleep

  To Spring

  To the Cuckoo

  To the Cuckoo

  To the Daisy

  To the Evening Star

  To the Evening Star

  To the Highland Girl of Inversneyde

  To the Memory of My Beloved the Author, Mr. William Shakespeare and What He Hath Left Us

  To the Moon

  To the Moon

  To the Night

  To the Same

  To the Skylark

  To the Virginian Voyage

  To the Virgins

  To Toussaint L’Ouverture

  To Virgil

  Tom Bowling


  Troilus and Criseyde: Opening of Book II

  True Greatness



  Turn All thy Thoughts to Eyes

  Twenty Years Hence

  Twenty-ninth Sonnet

  Two Book Prelude: Book I

  Two Book Prelude: Book II



  Under the Greenwood Tree


  Upon the Book and Picture of the Seraphical Saint Teresa

  Upon Westminster Bridge

  Valediction, Forbidding Mourning

  Valedictory Sonnet to the River Duddon

  Valentine’s ‘What Light is Light?’ Speech (Two Gentlemen of Verona)

  Venus and Adonis: Extract from ‘The Metamorphoses’

  Verses Found in His Bible in the Gate-House at Westminster. Said to Have Been Written the Night before His Death

  Vigil Strange I Kept on the Field One Night


  Vivien’s Song


  We Are Seven

  We Must Be Free or Die

  Well I Remember

  Werena My Heart Licht I Wad Dee

  Wha’ll Be King But Charlie?

  What Guile Is This?

  What Is Our Life

  When I Consider How My Light is Spent

  When I Have Borne

  When I Set Out for Lyonnesse

  When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d

  When Lovely Woman Stoops

  When One has given up One’s life

  When the Assault Was Intended to the City

  When the Kye Comes Hame

  When to Her Lute Corinna Sings

  When We Two Parted

  When You Are Old

  Whenas in Silks

  Where Lies the Land?

  Where the Bee Sucks

  Why do I love You, Sir?

  Why So Pale and Wan

  Wind Metaphor Speech: Book VI


  Winter Song

  Wishes for the Supposed Mistress

  Within King’s College Chapel, Cambridge


  Wooed and Married and A’

  Wordsworth’s Two Book Prelude, 1798–99

  Worldly Place

  Written Among the Euganean Hills, North Italy

  Written in Early Spring

  Written in March

  Yarrow Revisited

  Yarrow Unvisited

  Yarrow Visited

  Ye Mariners of England

  You Ask Me, Why

  You’ll Love Me Yet

  Young and Old

  Young Bicham

  Youth and Age

  Youth and Age


  Abraham Cowley

  Adam Austin

  Alexander Brome

  Alexander Pope

  Alexander Ross

  Alexander Smith

  Alfred, Lord Tennyson

  Algernon Charles Swinburne

  Alison Rutherford Cockburn

  Allan Cunningham

  Allan Ramsay

  Ambrose Philips

  Andrew Marvell

  Anna Laetitia Barbauld

  Anne Hunter

  Anthony Munday

  Arthur Hugh Clough

  Arthur William Edgar O’Shaughnessy

  Ben Jonson

  Bret Harte

  Carolina Oliphant, Lady Nairne

  Charles Dibdin

  Charles Dickens

  Charles Kingsley

  Charles Lamb

  Charles Tennyson Turner

  Charles Wolfe

  Charlotte Smith

  Christina Georgina Rossetti

  Christopher Marlowe

  Christopher Smart

  Colley Cibber

  Coventry Patmore

  D. H. Lawrence

  Dante Alighieri

  Dante Gabriel Rossetti

  Earl of Rochester

  Edgar Allan Poe

  Edmund Spenser

  Edmund Waller

  Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford

  Edward Fitzgerald

  Edward Lear

  Edward, Earl of Lytton

  Edwin Arlington Robinson

  Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  Emily Bronte

  Emily Dickinson

  Francis Bacon Viscount St Alban

  Francis Beaumont

  Francis Quarles

  Geoffrey Chaucer

  George Bubb Dodington, Lord Melcombe

  George Darley

  George Gascoigne

  George Gordon, Lord Byron

  George Halket

  George Herbert

  George MacDonald

  George Meredith

  George Peele

  George Sewell

  George Wither

  Hartley Coleridge

  Hector MacNeil

  Helen Selina, Lady Dufferin

  Henry Carey

  Henry Constable

  Henry Fielding

  Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey

  Henry Vaughan

  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow



  Hugh Miller

  Isaac Watts


  J Campbell

  J Wilson

  James Graham, Marquis of Montrose

  James Henry Leigh Hunt

  James Hogg

  James Joyce

  James Russell Lowell

  James Shirley

  James Thomson

  James Thomson (B V)

  Jane Elliot

  John Boyle O’Reilly

  John Collins

  John Donne

  John Dryden

  John Dunlop

  John Fletcher

  John Gay

  John Gower

  John Greenleaf Whittier

  John Keats

  John Logan

  John Lyly

  John Milton

  John Skinner

  John Webster

  Joseph Addison

  Joseph Blanco White

  Joshua Sylvester

  Lady Anne Lindsay

  Lady Grisel Baillie

  Macaulay, Lord Macaulay

  Matthew Arnold

  Matthew Prior

  Michael Bruce

  Michael Drayton

  Nicholas Breton

  Oliver Goldsmith

  Oliver Wendell Holmes


  Percy Bysshe Shelley

  Ralph Waldo Emerson

  Richard Barnfield

  Richard Brinsley Sheridan

  Richard Corbet

  Richard Crashaw

  Richard Edwardes

  Richard Lovelace

  Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

  Richard Rowlands

  Robert Browning

  Robert Burns

  Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex

  Robert Graham of Gartmore

  Robert Greene

  Robert Herrick

  Robert Louis Stevenson

  Robert Southey

  Robert Southwell

  Robert Stephen Hawker

  Robert Surtees

  Robert Tannahill

  Robert Williams Buchanan

  Samuel Daniel

  Samuel Johnson

  Samuel Rogers

  Samuel Taylor Coleridge


  Sidney Lanier

  Sir Aubrey De Vere

  Sir Charles Sedley

  Sir Edward Dyer

  Sir Henry Wotton

  Sir John Suckling

  Sir Philip Sidney

  Sir Samuel Ferguson

  Sir Thomas Wyatt

  Sir Walter Raleigh

  Sir Walter Scott

  Sir William D’Avenant

  Sir William Edmondstoune Aytoun

  Sir William Jones

  Susanna Blamire

  Sydney Dobell

  Thomas Babington

  Thomas Campbell

  Thomas Campion

  Thomas Carew

  Thomas Chatterton

  Thomas Dekker

  Thomas Edward Brown

  Thomas Gray

  Thomas Hardy

  Thomas Heywood

  Thomas Hood

  Thomas Jordan

  Thomas Lodge

  Thomas Moore

  Thomas Nashe

  Traditional Medieval Ballads


  W. B. Yeats

  Walt Whitman

  Walter Savage Landor

  Wilfred Owen

  William (Johnson) Cory

  William Alexander, Earl of Stirling

  William Allingham

  William Blake

  William Browne

  William Cartwright

  William Collins

  William Cowper

  William Cullen Bryant

  William Drummond

  William Ernest Henley


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