Confessions of a Bad Boy Santa

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Confessions of a Bad Boy Santa Page 2

by Fox, Cathryn



  Tomorrow morning someone is definitely going to be fired for this.

  As the overhead lights dim, my red suit lit only by the glow from a nearby Christmas tree, I shift impatiently, so ready to get out of this Santa suit, and back into my own clothes. When the man Eden hired for the gig showed up as white as the ghost of Christmas past, looking like he’d eaten one too many of Mrs. Claus’ cookies, no way could I let him dress up and give out presents. Instead I sent him to my office to lie down, and when I couldn’t find anyone to take the role, I ducked into the copier room to put the damn suit on myself.

  The kids wanted a Santa so I gave them a damn Santa.

  My toe catches on the one present left on the floor beside me. It’s past eight and the children are headed home to their warm beds. Obviously, whoever the gift was for was a no show, which means I can finally get the hell out of the boardroom, and back to the paperwork piling high on my desk.

  I make a move to stand, when little Eden Davis—the sexy new hire who’s been plaguing my fantasies—hurries toward me like she’s being chased by the devil himself. Which, around this place, would be me. Yeah, I know what they’re really saying about me. Kellan Bites…bites. But I’m strict and regimented because I’m in charge of a multi-million dollar business, and I can’t get off course again.

  I’m about to tug on my beard and let her know it’s me, until she sets herself on my lap and wiggles her sweet ass to get comfortable. Shit, I wish she hadn’t done that. My cock twitches. Grows and inch.


  “Ho. Ho. Ho,” I say and disguise my voice. If she so happens to discover my thickening appendage no way in hell do I want her to know it’s me. I’m the boss, for Christ’s sake. How can I lead by example, and forbid my employees from fraternizing, when I’m about to sport the boner of all boners? “What’s your name little girl?”

  “Eden,” she says, and gives me a warm smile.

  “So Eden, what would you like Santa to give you this Christmas.” She wiggles a little more and I nearly swallow my tongue. Fuck, if she moves an inch to the right she’s going to see exactly what Santa would like to give her. But she’s an employee, which makes her hands off. No way am I going down that road again.

  “Well,” she begins quietly, and I catch a whiff of sweet champagne on her breath. “The first thing I’d like is to have the stick removed from my boss’s ass.”

  What the hell!

  She giggles and puts her hand over her mouth. “Sorry, that just slipped out.” She rolls her eyes. “Champagne.”

  “You think you boss has a stick up his ass?”

  She frowns, and glances around the room like she’s searching for me. “I’d just like to see him smile once in awhile. He doesn’t seem very happy. She throws her hands up in the air. “He’s not even here enjoying his own Christmas party. I did so much to impress him, hoping he’d like the outcome and have some much needed fun.”

  I blink once, twice, hardly able to believe what I’m hearing. “That’s what you want for Christmas? To see your boss happy?”

  The same boss who apparently has a stick up his ass…

  “Yes. That’s what I want. To see Kellan happy.”

  I shake my head to get it on right. Am I being punked? The women in my social circle think only about themselves. None of them care about me as a man, or what might make me happy. They only want what’s in my wallet. Thanks to my ex-fiancée, and former employee, I learned that the hard way.

  She gives a little hiccup. “I don’t really think he’s bites.” She leans back a little, and I catch a whiff of her shampoo. “That’s what they say about him around here. That he bites, and basically that means he sucks.”

  “I know what they say.”

  Her gaze jerks to mine, her sweet raspberry scent doing mind-fucking things to me. “You do?”

  “No, I mean no.” I clear my throat. “What else do want for Christmas?”

  “Well everyone around here works really hard, Kellan too, but I just wish he’d slow down a little, show a little more appreciation.”

  Appreciation? Hell, salaries here are well above average, and no one can complain about the health care plan or benefits.

  “You don’t think he appreciates his staff?”

  Christ, I know I’m a hard ass, but I show appreciation, don’t I?

  She snorts, and the little bell on her ugly Christmas shirt jingles. I stare at it. Seriously, it has to be right over her nipple? I clench my fingers, before I do something I can only regret later, like flick it…with my tongue. Or better yet, show her that Kellan Bites really does bite—with his teeth.

  “I mean, he says please and thank you, but I just wish he’d noticed how hard everyone works.” A little sigh and then under her breath she adds, “Notice me…”

  What the fuck?

  As my mind races, she gives a nervous laugh, waves her hand and says. “Never mind. I have no idea what I’m saying. I just think he’s a good guy, with a lot of pressure and I’d like to see him let loose once in awhile. I just want people to like him, see that he’s a human and not a droid.”

  Is she for real?

  “And how do you think he should go about doing that?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Maybe when the staff have to stay late at night, he could buy a pizza or something.”

  Hmm, never though of that.

  “And on secretary day, he could take the administrators out somewhere, or buy flowers. Just show them he’s human.”

  Christ, am I really that much of an ass, that dislike around here? I know I’m hard, driven, and expect a lot from my employees, but a droid with a stick up his ass? I’d just been so focused after taking over from my father. I have to prove I can run the business and keep it in the black before my thirtieth birthday in March, or it all gets taken away from me. I got derailed a couple years ago after learning my ex was using me to climb both the corporate and social ladder. Since then my only focus has been on the numbers and proving myself to my father.

  “Anything else?” I ask. My gaze roams over the sweet girl on my lap. She’s quiet, demure, really kind to others, and has said more to me tonight, than in the entire couple of months that she’s been here. Champagne. I should have made this an alcohol free event. Then again, I kind of like talking to her, like hearing what she thinks of me.

  There’s a little mischief in her eyes when she asks, “Can I tell you a secret?”

  Say no. Say no. Secrets are crossing the line.


  Fuck me.

  “Sometimes, I do things just so I can prove that he’s a man and not a machine.”

  I tug on my beard as the room grows hotter. “Oh, and what exactly do you do?”

  She glances around, then puts her lips to my ear and whispers. “Sometimes I knock the pen off his desk on purpose. I even drop files.”

  And here I thought she was bit clumsy.

  “Why do you do that?” I ask.

  “So I have to bend over to pick them up. You know to see if I can get a rise out of him.”

  Jesus fuck.

  She sighs. “But he always picks it up before I can.”

  Not anymore I won’t.

  Wait, what? No. No. No. Don’t go there, Kellan.

  “You asked Santa for a lot of things tonight, but nothing for yourself.”

  “Well, my friend sent me up here because she thinks I should ask you to bring me a man Christmas Eve, dressed in nothing but a bow.” She chuckles and shakes her head. “I actually can’t even believe I’m telling you all this.”

  Fuck man, this woman is as beautiful as she is smart, and was hired to manage the spread of information between management and the general public. Only problem is, as she wiggles on my lap, and tells me all her secrets, the only thing I want to spread is her thighs.

  Not going to happen.

  I need to get this belt off and out of this suit. It’s clearly cutting off the oxygen supply
to my brain.

  I swallow. Hard. “I…uh…not sure Santa can help you out with that.”

  She laughs again and the sweet sound strokes my dick.

  “I know. Not only am I a jerk magnet, I don’t have time for a man in my life anyway.” She wets her lips, and shakes her long dark hair from her slender shoulder. “Not with working two jobs,” she whispers under her breath.

  I stiffen, in more ways than one. “Two jobs. Isn’t that against office policy?” Employees under my charge know that moonlighting can interfere with the performance of their primary job and result in firing.

  She puts her finger to her lip. “Shhh…don’t tell on me.”

  I know she’s been given a sizeable salary, but maybe—judging from her ugly sweaters, the ramen noodles she eats for lunch everyday, to her night job—I’m not paying her enough. I make a note to call her into my office and get to the bottom of matters tomorrow.

  Speaking of bottoms, if she doesn’t stop wiggling hers in the next two seconds, I might just bend her over this chair and fuck her already.

  “I supposed I’ve asked for enough, Santa.”

  “Here, have a candy cane,” I say, “And there’s one present left. Take that too.”

  “Oh, thank you,” she says, and as I see the sparkle in her eye, I wonder if she really is that sweet. It’s been a long time since I’ve come across a woman who puts others before herself. But maybe this is all an act. Maybe she knows it’s me under this suit, and is laying it on thick, smoothing over the boss to climb the corporate ladder. Fuck knows, I’ve been duped before.

  “I hope you have the best Christmas, Santa,” she says, and presses her mouth to my cheek.

  I sit there a moment longer, willing my hard on to subside as she walks away, ripping into the package I’d just given her. I have no idea what’s inside, but from the wide grin spreading across her face it appears to have made her happy. Jesus, when was the last time someone had given her a gift?

  My attention is diverted to the make shift dance floor as the music changes, and people climb from their chairs to get the adult party started. All I want to do is get back to my office. I feel another all nighter coming on. I rub my tired eyes as I climb from my chair, Eden’s words rattling around my brain like a loose pinball.

  I want to see Kellan happy. Want the staff to like him.

  I glance around the room and search for her, but when she’s nowhere to be found—yeah she probably knew it was me and was just fucking me over—I head to the copier room to get changed. No one is that sweet right? I give my head a good hard shake to get it on right and remind myself I’m the boss and I don’t need to be like.

  So why then is it suddenly so important for Eden to like me.

  Fuck, I never should have put that suit on, or let her sit on my lap.

  I ease my way though the crowd. I get a few pats on the back and when no one is looking I slip into the copier room to change. I’m about to flick the light on when a panicky voice stops me.

  “No lights.”

  “Eden?” I ask in my best Santa voice as my hand hovers over the switch.

  “Santa, is that you?”

  “What are you doing sitting in here in the dark?” I ask.

  “Hiding. So please leave the light off.”

  My hand falls to my side. “From who?”’

  As my eyes adjust take in her outline, she waves her hand. “Doesn’t matter. What are you doing here?” She pushes off the wall, and her raspberry scent reaches my nostrils. My body tightens, and I swallow the groan climbing up my throat. When she steps closer, I back up, hit the door with a thud.

  “Are you okay?” she asks and I hear genuine concern in her voice.


  “Why again are you in here?”

  “I changed in here earlier,” I inform her.

  “Oh, then let me get out of your way so you can get out of that suit. You looked a bit uncomfortable in it when I was on your lap.”

  No kidding.

  I move away from the door to give her access, but we both end up wedged between the wall and the large copier. We struggle a bit, and I reach for something to grab on to. I push on the copier and slip, the cover to the machine hitting the wall hard as I try to right myself. Her body brushes mine as she tries to shimmy past me, and my cock thickens, outing me instantly. Shit.

  “Oh,” she says with a giggle.

  Looks like my secret is out. Big time.

  She giggles some more. “Here I thought you’d given out all the presents, but you’re still packing.”

  “How much champagne have you had?” I put my hands on her hips, and try to shift her, but her pert nipples rub up against my chest. Did her small breasts have to be so perfect, feel so good against my body?

  “A couple glasses, or three.”

  Her hands go to my shoulders, her fingers explore slightly, and I goddamn near shoot off in my pants.

  I stand completely still for a moment, trying to wrap my head around the fact that quiet little Eden Davis—who had too much to drink—is feeling me up, in the copier room none the less.

  End this now, Kellan.

  Her fingers move to my chest, and my heart is pounding so hard, I’ve no doubt she can feel it.

  I clear my throat. “Maybe we should get you out of here and into a cab.”

  Her fingers still, and she stands perfectly still for a long moment. What is going though her head? “Eden?”

  She pokes my chest. “Maybe instead of getting me into a cab, you could get into me.”

  I nearly swallow my tongue. “You’ve been drinking,” I say. I don’t know Eden well, but she doesn’t strike me as the kind of girl who has sex in a copier room with a stranger. So what’s going on with her?

  “I’m a big girl Santa. I know what I want. You can trust me on this, and believe me, trust is the most important thing in this world to me.”

  I gulp.

  “What do you want?” I ask, even though she’s already told me all her secrets.

  A man for Christmas.

  “Just once in my life, I want to be naughty.” She drags her finger down the front of my coat. “Apparently it makes Santa’s job easier. You do like easy don’t you, Santa?”

  Before I can say no, she goes up on her toes and presses her lips to mine. Minty candy cane. Jesus, she really is sweet.

  Walk away, dude.

  I try to move, make my legs work, but how can I? She’s a good girl, who, for once in her life, wants to be bad.

  How can I say no to her?

  A growl catches in my throat and instead of pulling away, like I should, I slide one arm around her body and anchor her to me. I might be doing this for her, but the truth is, I’ve wanted Eden since I first set eyes on her.

  She gives a breathy moan as my now fully engorged cock presses against her stomach. “Santa!” she says, equal measures of excitement and surprise in her voice.

  The bell on her sweater jingles as I grip the hem and pull it over her head. She gives a breathy moan and while I wish I could turn the lights on and see her body, I can’t let her know it’s me, her boss. The guy who set the no fraternizing rule. She asked Santa for a man for Christmas Eve, and well, maybe I can give her that one wish tonight, and tomorrow carry on as if it never happened. Really, she thinks she’s having sex with a stranger, not her boss. I’m pretty confident of that judging by her seductive behavior. She’s always professional and quiet in the office. So pretending tonight never happened, should be easy to pull off, right?

  Her hands work the buttons on my jacket, and when her warm fingers connect with my flesh, I find her lips again. Her mouth parts slightly and I slide my tongue inside to taste the depths of her. I turn her until her back is against the copier. Gripping her ass, I lift her until she’s sitting on the machine.

  I tug on my beard, shoving it below my chin. “These,” I say, and touch her nipples through her lace bra. “They’ve been jingling all fucking night and making me crazy.”
  “There’s a bell on my sweater,” she murmurs.

  “I’m painfully aware of that,” I say as I pull one cup down and take her perfect nipple into my mouth. Heaven. I lick, suck, tease her nub until it’s swollen and rigid, then treat the other to the same pleasure. She’s writhing on the copier as her small hands push my hat off, and rake through my hair.

  “Oh, Santa,” she whispers. “That feels so good.”

  Desperate to taste her everywhere, I grip her skirt. “Lift,” I say and she braces her hands on the copier and pushes up. I shove the skirt up to her hips and touch her thighs. “I need you spread wide for me,” I inform her. With little finesse and much greed, I grip her thighs and widen her legs.

  “Santa!” she cries out when I get a little aggressive. I should slow down, I want to slow down, but fuck man, I’ve been abusing my dick ever since she showed up at the office, quiet as a librarian, and dressed like one too. Lately she’s been wearing ugly sweater for some reason, one that never matched her skirts. Who knew I’d find that shit so sexy?

  In the dark room with her legs spread wide, I can’t tell what color her panties are. I pull them down her legs, and tuck them into my pocket, determined to find out tomorrow.

  Her sweet aroused scent reaches my nostrils, and for a second I let my eyes drift close, savor the moment, because there won’t be another like it. Pleasure rolls through me as her honeyed aroma fills the room, and caresses my aching cock.

  “Do you know what Santa gives girls who’ve been naughty?” Fuck man, is that my voice. It’s so raspy from need, I don’t even have to disguise it anymore.

  “No,” she whispers, a hint of excitement lacing her voice. “Tell me.”

  “How about I show you instead.” I lean into her, press my mouth to her quivering thighs, and trail my tongue up until I reach her clit. Her hands wrap around my head, and her breathing changes. With the soft blade of my tongue I circle her clit, coming close but never quite touching, until she’s squirming, and shifting trying to get me to hit the spot that needs it the most.

  “Stop torturing me,” she cries out.

  I laugh between her legs. “Don’t you see, that’s what Santa does to naughty girls?”


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