Confessions of a Bad Boy Santa

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Confessions of a Bad Boy Santa Page 6

by Fox, Cathryn

  “No, it’s okay.” Fuck man, I want her hand back on mine. But I shouldn’t be doing this. “So what is it you have to do at nine?”

  She shrugs. “Oh, it’s just this phone thing I do?”

  “Phone thing?”

  “Well it’s not moonlighting, or anything,” she says quickly. “It’s volunteer.”

  “Go on.”

  “Some people struggle through the holiday, and I volunteer at Holiday Haven. Just to talk to those having trouble. Give them an ear to bend, a friendly text when they have no one. I try to be available before and after work.”

  I swear to fuck my heart just grew two sizes.

  Is she really this sweet? I shake my head, past mistakes telling me there has to be a catch. I went down this road once only to get run over by an eighteen-wheeler.

  “It’s a great thing you’re doing,” I say quietly.

  “Thanks. I…never really had much growing up. It was just my mom, my younger sister and me, and mom worked hard but we couldn’t afford presents.” A tiny smile touches the corner of her lips, like she’s remembering her past. “The biggest gift she ever gave us was herself, you know. Her undivided attention, her love and compassion. She showed us the true meaning of Christmas. It wasn’t packages and parcels, it was helping in the community, giving what you could to those who needed it more.”

  My heart thumps against my ribcage. “She sounds amazing.”

  “She was. She passed away a couple years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She shakes her head. “Thanks.” Her lids flutter, a hint of moisture beneath. “What were Christmas’s like for you.”

  “I’d say the complete opposite of yours. I was given everything, toys, bikes, train sets you name it, but no one to teach me how to ride, put the tracks together with me.”

  ‘I’m sorry, Kellan.”

  I take in the warmth on her face, the sincerity. “Thanks.”

  She inches a bit closer. “Dad left us when we were young. I never knew him. I don’t know whatever happened to him. I just hope he found the peace and happiness he was looking for.”

  Where was the anger? The girl with daddy issues? Lord knows I’ve met numerous of them in my social circle. “You’re not mad?”

  She frowns. “I’m sad about it.”

  “That was a pretty shitty thing for him to do. He didn’t take care of his two daughters or your mother, send money, help with the bills?”

  “No, but we managed without him. We had love and didn’t need things.” She blinks and shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

  “Maybe because you always do the listening instead of the talking. Like you said we all need someone to talk to.”

  “Who do you talk to?” she asks.

  I stiffen at that. “I…well…I grew away from my college friends when I started working here and getting my shit together. Like I said, my folks were a lot different than your mom. Very self centered, and my Dad worries about the bottom line more than anything. The only time I ever got to see him when I was a kid was if I came into the office.”

  Her eyes are soft, full of compassion. “So you don’t have anyone?”

  “I guess right now I have you.”

  The smile that comes over her face lights up my room, fills it with hearth and home, something that had always been missing from this place. “Yes, you do have me.”

  For a little while anyway.

  “When you were little, what was the one thing you asked Santa for, one thing you really wanted but never got.”

  She laughs a little. “Well I always wanted a Nintendo Game Boy, but they were too expensive. I learned early on Santa wasn’t real, and not to ask for things.” She goes quiet, thoughtful for a moment. “Do you like what you do?” she asks.

  I nod my head. “You know, I do.”

  “Why is your Dad holding the company over you?”

  I scrub my chin. “I was a bit wild back in the day. Drank too much, played too much. It’s a wonder I ever graduated. Maybe he’s worried I’ll slip into my old habits.”

  She laughs. “You? A bad boy? I never would have guessed.”

  “I think I acted out, just for the attention.”

  “I understand that. We all do odd thing for attention, don’t we?”

  The sudden visual of her dropping her pen and bending over for my attention grips my balls. Jesus, I want her again. Does she want me again too? What if I make a move on her and she runs, never to come back to the office?

  But what if she doesn’t?

  With a desperate kind of need gripping me, I’m about to inch closer, press my lips to hers, but go still when her cell phone pings. “Is that a Holiday Haven text?”

  “No that’s not a text. It’s Destiny. She has her own special ring.”

  “You should grab that. She’s probably worried about you getting home.”

  I leave the room to give her privacy and head to my bedroom to get her something to wear to bed, although the thoughts of her in my clothes…well, that shit is messing with my cock big time.

  Down boy.

  I rifle through my closet, grab her a t-shirt and a pair of my workout sweats. They’ll be big, but they have a drawstring. I walk back to the room to find her fingers flying over the phone. I can just image the look on Destiny’s face when she finds out Eden is at my place. But as I watch her text, an idea forms.

  I come back into the room, and she sets her phone down.

  “Everything okay?” I ask.


  “These are big, but they’re just for sleeping. Come on, I’ll show you to your room and you can get changed.”

  She stands, and I make my down the hall. Her feet shuffle on the wood floor behind me, and an odd burst of happiness wells up in me. I love having her here.

  “Right here,” I say, and point to one of my spare rooms. This one has a view of the river. If you’re up early enough, you’ll see the most spectacular sunrise. It’s worth setting your alarm for.”

  “I will. Thanks.”

  “Go ahead and get changed. I have a couple calls to make.”

  I leave the room, shut the door behind me, and pull my cell phone from my back pocket. I punch in the number I’d already memorized this morning.



  I toss Kellan’s clothes on the big, king-sized bed, and as I glance around the room, I can hardly believe I’m about to wear my boss’s clothes…sleep in his bed. Well, technically not his bed. I’ll be in the spare room, very close to his bed, though.

  Equal amounts of excitement and nervousness zing through my blood, and my pulse thuds faster. For a second there on the sofa, before Destiny texted me I was almost certain Kellan was going to kiss me. I touch my lips. How would he taste on my mouth?

  But I had to be mistaken right? Then again, a change has come over him. Once again my mind goes back to all the secrets I spilled to Santa, and how Kellan is making each and every one come true. Does that mean a hot guy will show up at my door on Christmas Eve, dressed only in a bow?

  Seriously though what is going on with my boss? He couldn’t have been Santa. He just couldn’t have been. Right?

  Then why is he being so different around the office, almost flirtatious with me?

  I’m not sure, but I do wonder, if he seduced me what would I do?

  More like what wouldn’t I do.

  That thought brings on a giggle and I put my hand over my mouth. My God, last week I had crazy sex with Santa in a copier room, now I’m visualizing myself with Kellan. I haven’t been touched in years, and now I’m about to be with two different men, in less than a week.

  Wait, no. I’m not about to be with two men. I’m just fantasizing about being with Kellan. I must have been reading him wrong earlier.

  What if I wasn’t?

  A jolt moves through me, and heat pools between my legs. My God, what is the matter with me? He put the no fraternizing rule into place.
After all this time, he’s not about to break it with me.

  Just then my other phone pings, the one Holiday Haven assigned me. I grab it from my purse. I don’t recognize the number. This time of year I get a lot of repeat calls, but this one is new.

  I read the text. Hi.

  Hi there, welcome to Holiday Haven. How’s your day going?

  It’s going okay. Not as good as last Friday though.

  Last Friday was a hell of a lot of fun, but tonight, well being with Kellan, and just talking, I really like that too.

  You still there? The anonymous texter asks.

  I’m here, I text back.

  Did you have fun last Friday too?

  My heart leaps. Who is this?


  Oh, sweet Jesus.

  How did you get this number?

  It was on the card that fell out of your purse.

  What are you talking about?

  When I went into your purse to get the tissue to clean you up. The card fell out. I only found it after you left and I turned the lights on.

  Most times calls are patched through from the switchboard, but I also have cards with my number for those who want to text me directly, especially if we’ve already established a rapport. Sometimes I secretly leave the card for those who look bereft, and in need of a solid ear. It definitely wasn’t supposed to fall into Santa’s hands—and oh what great hands he had.

  I run my fingers over the screen. You shouldn’t be texting me.

  Why not?

  This line is for those who are lonely this holiday season.

  How do you know I’m not?

  I think about that for a minute. I guess I don’t. Sorry. But you should know what we did. We can’t do again.

  I get it.

  That’s not something I normally, or ever, do.

  It was fun though.

  It was. Thank God we didn’t get caught.

  Yeah, stick up his ass would have fired you.

  Don’t say that about him.

  Oh, you like him now do you?

  I like him. A lot. He’s actually really sweet. Believe it or not, I’m at his place right now, about to wear his clothes to bed.


  I know. He asked me to work late, and well, the snow, the bus, and he thought I could use his spare room.

  Are you going to see if Mr. Bites…bites?


  Why not?

  Because he’s my boss and he doesn’t think of me like that.

  How do you know?

  I just do.

  I think you should drop a few pencils, see if he takes the bait.

  HAHA. Know what’s really funny, though. For a while I was beginning to think it was my boss dressed up as Santa. I should actually be thankful you texted me.

  What made you think that?

  Some of those secrets I told you, about bending over and grabbing the pencil and being nicer to his staff. Well all of a sudden he’s doing those things.

  He’s bending over.

  I chuckle and put my hand over my mouth. LOL. No, his pen fell of his desk, and he asked me to pick it up.

  Sounds like he wants you to bend over for him.

  Do you think so?

  I’m a guy, Eden. I know so. All he needs is to know you want him then he’ll act on it.

  I crinkle my nose and chew on my lip as I read Santa’s words. I don’t know, I text back nervously.

  I do. Now go and drop something, give him a sign. That’s probably all he’s waiting for.

  Well I should go. He’s in the other room.

  Merry Christmas.

  Merry Christmas to you too, Santa.

  Remember, be naughty it makes my job easier.

  LOL, my friend said that to me.

  YOU said that to me.

  Oh, right, I did, didn’t I?

  I drop my phone onto the bed, and hurry into Kellan’s clothes, which are ginormous on me. I eye myself in the mirror, thankful I decided to keep my bra on. The white shirt is pretty thin and I don’t want to give Kellan the wrong idea.

  Or do I?

  I pick up my phone and take it into the other room with me in case I receive any more texts and find Kellan looking over the tub of chocolate we’d purchased earlier.

  Does he really want to try it with me?

  I’m sure he means we’re just going to taste it, not paint it on each other and lick it off. My body warms at that thought, the needy juncture between my legs begging me to do just that.

  Now go and drop something, give him a sign.

  Honest to God, there must be something other than tobacco in Santa’s pipe because I can’t do that. It’s ludicrous right?

  Do it.

  “How does it look?” I ask and gesture toward the body paint.

  “Haven’t opened it yet, I was waiting for you.”

  I walk in front of him, and he goes still, perfectly still as his gaze leaves my face, travels leisurely down my body, taking in the clothes that are far too big. He swallows, and I can hear his throat working from across the room.

  “You look…”

  I hold my arms out. “Frumpy.”


  The heat in his eyes burns me from head to toe, and before I can think better of it, I let my phone slip from my hand. “Oops,” I say, and bend over to retrieve it, purposely pointing my ass his way and praying to God I’m not making a complete fool of myself.

  When I stand and face him, there’s no mistaking the need in his eyes. He wants me as much as I want him. But what now? He set the office rules.

  Which means he can break them.

  He cracks the top on the tub, and holds it out for me. “Taste?”

  I cross the room, sit on the coffee table in front of him, and dip my finger in. “His eyes are latched on my finger as I slide it in my mouth, and moan a little. His breathing changes, becomes faster as I suck and lick my finger with purpose. He rakes a hand through his hair, like he’s in total agony.

  “Verdict?” he asks, his voice deep and husky.

  “Milk chocolate. Very sweet. Maybe too sweet.” I gesture with a nod. “You try it.”

  He puts his finger in, and licks it. “It’s not bad, but it’s not great either.”

  “We can do better at Sweet Bites,” I say.

  “Here’s the thing though,” he says. “I can’t help but think we need to put it on our bodies and try it the way it was meant to be tried. It could actually change flavor as it warms.”

  I pucker my lips like I’m deep in thought and nod my head. “I think you’re on to something. Kind of like perfume, everyone has a different body chemistry, so the fragrance can give a different scent depending on the person wearing it.”

  “This might actually taste really, really good, if I…” his words fall off as he reaches for me, and runs his hand along my neck, his gauging eyes never leaving mine. “…put it here.”

  “True.” I touch his face, run my hand lower, until I’m exploring his chest. “It will probably give a complete different taste if I try it here.”

  “We should probably try it out on man different areas.” His hand leaves my neck, and a little mewl catches in my throat as his thumb brushes over my hard nipple, my lace bra doing little to hide my arousal. “It could be different here, where you skin is softer, thinner.”

  “Yes,” I say so breathless I’m beginning to feel lightheaded. “In the name of research, I think we should use it everywhere.”

  “Yes, in the name of research,” he repeats and stands. He reaches for me, pulls me to my feet, puts his arm around my body, and drags me to him until I’m flush up against his hard body. A moan I have absolutely no control over crawls out of my throat, and the little smile Kellan gives, pleased with my responses, turns me on a little more, empowers me a lot. I slide a hand between our bodies. Feel his erection. It’s strange, but there is a part of me that loves what I’m doing to him, loves that I can get a raise out of a man who keeps his control close, rules wi
th a strict hand.

  “You think we should try it out here?” I ask, and rub him through is pants.

  “I definitely think we should try it out there,” he says. The enthusiasm in his voice brings on a giggle. “But first here,” he says, and grips the hem of the oversized t-shirt and peels it over my head. My nipples are hard, aching for his touch, his mouth. He wets his lips, like he can read my every dirty thought.

  His big hands span my ribcage and his thumbs lightly brush over my nipples. I let my head fall back and my hair tumbles over my bare shoulders.

  “I think these little cherries need to be dipped in chocolate.”

  “I know they do,” I whisper.

  He dips his finger into the tub, but instead of rubbing the chocolate over my nipple, he brushes his finger over my bottom lip. His eyes are a shade darker when they meet mine.

  “Taste it,” he says, and I swipe my tongue over my bottom lip. “Sweet.”

  He cups the back of my head, brings my mouth to his. Flavor explodes on my tongue, as he tastes me, deeply. “Mmmm,” I moan.

  He kisses me long and hard, one hand going to my back to remove my bra. Deft hands quickly release the hook, and he moves back an inch to let my bra fall to the floor. Standing before him in nothing but my skirt, his lips on mine…well, I’m pretty sure all my Christmas wishes are about to come true.

  He breaks the kiss, his nostrils flaring, his chest rising and falling rapidly. “Sweet,” he murmurs. “So fucking sweet.”

  “Too sweet,” I ask, unsure whether he’s talking about the chocolate or me.

  “Perfect. Everything about you is perfect.”

  My heart leaps at that. Kellan thinks I’m perfect.

  “These,” he murmurs, stroking and plucking my nipples. “Fuck man, I need this in my mouth. I’ve been obsession about tasting them since I first set eyes on you.”

  I blink, hardly able to believe what I’m hearing.

  He pushes on my shoulders until I’m once again sitting on the coffee table. Kellan sinks to his knees, spreads my thighs wide and shimmies in close. He strikes with his tongue first a long, gentle caress over each nipple, and it melts me from the inside out.

  “God, you taste good.”

  “But you forgot the chocolate.” I rake my hands through his hair, not wanting him to stop what he’s doing. “Research, remember?” I whisper, even though we both know what we’re doing here has nothing do with work, and everything to do with wanting each other.


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