Harlequin Desire June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2

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Harlequin Desire June 2021--Box Set 1 of 2 Page 27

by Katherine Garbera

  As Carolina drew near, Ethan’s grip tightened on Sienna’s fingers. She answered with a squeeze of her own for reassurance. Then they were both getting to their feet and he was setting her free so he could take Carolina’s outstretched hands. Mother and son stood staring at each other. Shock, grief and joy radiated from both of them. Sienna stepped to the side to give them a little space.

  “You’re here,” Carolina announced unnecessarily, her throat working convulsively as she surveyed her son. “It’s so wonderful to have you here.”

  “I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for a long time,” Ethan answered, his deep voice husky, but in control.

  “You’re tall just like your father.” Tears brightened Carolina’s gaze to dazzling sharpness. “And handsome like him as well, but I think you have my nose and eyes.”

  Sienna’s own eyes began to tear up as she observed the poignant scene. She gave her cheek a surreptitious swipe as Carolina’s gaze shifted her way.

  “I’m sorry,” Carolina said, nodding her greeting, obviously unwilling to let go of her son now that she’d finally gotten ahold of him. “I should’ve introduced myself. Carolina Gates.”

  “Sienna Burns.”

  “Her sister, Teagan, is my long-lost cousin,” Ethan explained. “Finding her through the genetic testing service is what prompted me to submit my own sample.”

  “And I’m so glad you did,” Carolina said.

  “It’s really nice to meet you.” Sienna offered Ethan’s mother a warm smile. “I hope you don’t mind that I came along with Ethan.”

  “It’s wonderful that you’re here.” Carolina’s enchanting smile was a mirror image of her son’s charming grin, while her warm brown eyes remained similarly guarded. “Sit down, both of you.”

  Carolina pulled Ethan toward the sofa he and Sienna had vacated, leaving Sienna to settle across from them. As if Carolina’s staff had been waiting for the trio to sit down, the maid appeared with a tray containing a silver coffee service and three bone-china cups. The ritual of pouring and distributing cups of coffee gave all three a little time to assess each other and let the charged emotions ease.

  “Forgive me for staring,” Carolina declared with a husky laugh. “It’s just that I can’t believe my son is alive and sitting beside me.”

  “You said over the phone that you’d explain what happened.”

  “Straight to the point,” Carolina murmured wryly. “You’re definitely my son.”

  From the clean lines and muted tones of her decorating style, Sienna had gathered that Ethan’s mother was direct and exacting. This was also reflected in her sleek hairstyle, understated makeup and the expensive sapphire-and-diamond earrings that were her only jewelry.

  “Your father was the only man I ever loved. We met when I was a freshman in high school—he was two years older—and we dated for three years. When he graduated, he joined the navy and was killed in a training exercise my junior year. I didn’t know until after his death that I was pregnant or we would’ve gotten married. My father was furious when he found out about the baby. I was an only child and he expected me to take over Gates Multimedia one day, but of course that meant attending college and getting a degree in business. How was I going to manage a rigorous class schedule at a top university while caring for an infant?”

  “You said you didn’t give me up, so what happened?”

  “My father bribed a nurse to steal you and fake a death certificate.”

  An angry flush stained Ethan’s cheekbones. “I was his grandchild. Why would he do that?”

  “He never approved of Tony.” Carolina went over to a cabinet and pulled out a scrapbook. “Antonio Bianchi,” she murmured, smoothing her palm over the cover. Her features softened into an expression of such fond devotion that Sienna’s heart contracted. “My father wasn’t happy that I was dating someone below my social standing. Tony’s family moved here from Boston. His father was a production worker for Gulfstream Aerospace.”

  What would it be like to love a man so deeply that three decades of separation couldn’t dim her affection? Sienna wasn’t one for throwing open the doors to her heart. What had she missed because she’d played it too safe? Heartbreak obviously. But what about the highs of being in love? Observing Carolina, Sienna doubted Ethan’s mother would trade in three years of loving Tony Bianchi to avoid three decades of grieving his death.

  Carolina returned to her place on the sofa and opened the photo album across her knees. Pointing to one picture after another, she told the story of two young and happy lovers. Sienna’s muscles relaxed as she watched Ethan, tracking his journey from wariness to bemusement and finally anguish as he realized he’d never know this man whom his mother had adored.

  Slowly the overwhelming surge of emotion eased from the room and by the time lunch was announced, Ethan had recovered his equilibrium. Once again he took Sienna’s hand as they went into the dining room and her heart sang at the contact even as she recognized that he sought comfort rather than romance.

  “I’d love for you to come to Gates Multimedia tomorrow,” Carolina began as plates of crab-stuffed artichoke bottoms were placed before them. “I can give you a tour and you can meet George, Montgomery and Byron.” The husband and children of Carolina’s cousin Vera who worked for the media company.

  When Ethan hesitated, glancing Sienna’s way before replying, she quickly piped up, “That sounds like a great idea. I really wanted to visit the Telfair Museums and worried that Ethan would be bored to tears. Sounds like this will work out best for everyone.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Carolina covered Sienna’s hand with hers and gave her a grateful smile.

  Warmth flooded Sienna at the older woman’s friendly gesture. She found Carolina delightful and approachable. Definitely someone she’d like to spend time with and get to know better. It wasn’t until Sienna’s gaze shifted to Ethan that she sensed he wasn’t quite as enthusiastic about his mother.

  While his lips were curved into an indulgent smile, his eyes were watchful. He clearly wasn’t ready to throw open the doors to his heart and invite Carolina in.

  Ethan showed no inclination to linger after lunch and Sienna followed his lead, though she would’ve happily chatted about Carolina’s collection of modern paintings for a good hour. After the older woman gave her a surprisingly demonstrative hug, Sienna allowed Ethan to lead her out the door.

  After shutting the gate behind them, Ethan took her hand and whisked across the street, his long strides forcing Sienna to trot in order to keep up. Only when they’d reached the sidewalk that ran north and south through Forsyth Park did he slow his pace. Instead of heading straight back to the rental house, he detoured north past the famous fountain. As always, Sienna had scoured the internet and had dozens of facts at her disposal.

  “The fountain was built in 1858 and modeled after the Place de la Concorde in Paris. Did you know it was ordered from a catalog?”

  When Ethan didn’t respond, Sienna glanced his way. Although their hands were linked, he was miles away. Not wanting to push him to open up to her before he was ready, she turned her attention to enjoying the play of sunlight in the water arching from the two-tiered fountain as well as the smaller sculptures around it. Yet as they resumed walking, she couldn’t help but do a little deep thinking of her own about fate and the sort of difference it would’ve made in both Teagan’s and Ethan’s lives if they’d grown up surrounded by their biological families.

  Sienna suspected if Teagan had grown up as a Watts, she would’ve found acceptance and belonging rather than criticism and judgment. Would being praised by her adoptive parents for her beauty rather than her intelligence have blunted her sister’s need to win at all costs?

  In Ethan’s case, Sienna had learned enough about him to recognize that he used his charm as both a weapon and defense. His darker coloring isolated him in a family of blonds with
blue and green eyes. No doubt he’d looked at every family photo and wondered where he truly belonged. He used his charisma and easy confidence to win every heart while never sharing his with anyone. If he’d grown up a Gates, would his grandfather’s negativity have turned him pessimistic and volatile? Would he indulge in bitterness and lash out?

  By the time they entered the house where they were staying, Sienna was dying to hear Ethan’s thoughts on all he’d learned, but she could see that she needed to reconnect with him before that happened. Which was why she pulled him toward the stairs. She’d stripped him out of his suit coat and removed his tie before he awakened to what she was up to.

  “Don’t you want to go sightseeing?” He worked at the buttons of his shirt, his gaze devouring her while she slid out of her dress.

  “Later,” she murmured, tossing her clothes aside and stepping out of her heeled sandals. Naked, she framed his face between her palms and snared his gaze. “Right now, all I want is to make love with you.”

  * * *

  Late Friday afternoon, Ethan returned from spending the day with his mother at Gates Multimedia. Their conversation had left him in turmoil and he was eager to share his thoughts with Sienna. Unfortunately, she hadn’t returned from her tour of the historic district, so Ethan headed out to the pool with a bottle of beer and settled into a lounge chair. Usually, being around water brought clarity to his thoughts and offered him a measure of peace. Not today.

  All his life he’d kept his own counsel, sharing little of his troubles with those around him, even his own family. He didn’t like feeling pain so why would he want to dwell on the cause of it? But ignoring his melancholy hadn’t helped. The sense of being an outsider in his own family had not diminished because he’d kept it to himself.

  The last twenty-four hours had been a series of dramatic firsts. From the earthquake of making love to Sienna to meeting his birth mother and learning the truth about his past, Ethan had been hit by an unrelenting wave of charged emotions.

  Sharing with Sienna his deep anguish about his grandfather’s rejection had helped him process what he’d learned. His mistrust of her should’ve kept him from opening up fully. Especially, when he suspected she’d give Teagan ammunition against him. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself from revealing the pain he’d felt over discovering that his Gates grandfather had given him away like an unwanted puppy.

  “Hey.” He felt Sienna’s gentle touch on his shoulder, suffusing his body in warmth. “How’d it go with your mom today?”

  “She offered me the CEO position with Gates Multimedia.”

  “Wow.” Sienna perched beside him and scrutinized his expression. “That’s huge.”

  “It totally caught me off guard.”

  “Not that I don’t agree with her choice, but did she say why she wanted to step down?”

  “She took over after her father’s death with the intention of finding someone who could eventually run the company.” Ethan had been surprised by Carolina’s reluctance to hand over the helm to her brother-in-law or either nephew—all of whom worked for the media company.

  “And now she has you.”

  “And now she has me.” Except he wasn’t convinced Gates Multimedia was where he saw himself in the future.

  While Sienna headed into the kitchen to grab him another beer and fix some snacks to tide them over until dinner, Ethan grabbed his phone, intent on shooting Paul a quick message regarding Carolina’s offer. When his brother had decided to start his own company instead of joining Watts Shipping, Ethan had felt obligated to step up. Now, with Teagan demonstrating an interest in the family business, Ethan was free to explore other options.

  Before he began an email to Paul, Ethan scanned his inbox. Spying a familiar address, his heart began to thud.

  Before you defend Sienna, you should ask her why she was blackballed from the art gallery circuit in New York.—A friend

  Although Ethan was sick of the anonymous emailer’s cryptic warnings, he nonetheless forwarded the message to Paul and asked his brother to check if this was true.

  After that, he set aside the phone and rubbed his dry eyes as exhaustion swept over him. Why, when she seemed like the perfect lover, confidante and friend, was he constantly besieged by doubts that suggested she wasn’t?

  “Here you go.”

  At the sound of Sienna’s voice, Ethan looked up to find her placing a plate loaded with crackers, cheese and fruit on the table beside him. In her other hand she held two beers.

  “What are you wearing?” he asked, his gaze coasting over her bare shoulders as he accepted one of the beers.

  “Don’t you mean, what aren’t I wearing?” With a wicked smile she whipped off the towel and dropped it on the lounge beside his.

  Before Ethan gathered his scattered wits, she’d executed a flawless dive into the water. He had his shoes and shirt off before her head breached the surface.

  “Aren’t you coming in?” She set her feet on the pool bottom and rose out of the water like some gorgeous water nymph. His breath hitched as more and more of her pale skin appeared above the surface. A millimeter before she exposed her dusky nipples to the air, she raised her eyebrows. “The water’s fine.”

  Ethan tossed his pants over a nearby chair, wishing it was as easy to cast aside his doubts. But when he plunged into the water and gathered Sienna’s naked body into his arms, the need to protect his heart mattered less than his couldn’t-stop-if-he-tried hunger to lose himself in her kisses.

  * * *

  Before coming to Charleston, Sienna was accustomed to choosing her wardrobe based on function rather than fun. That had changed since meeting Ethan. She continued to marvel how his eyes lit up when she entered a room.

  Awakened to the power of how the right outfit made her feel sexy and beautiful, when it came time to dress for the dinner with his family, she once again stepped outside her fashion comfort zone. She paired a full skirt of white tulle with an off-the-shoulder black lace top. Leaving her long hair flowing about her shoulders in luxurious waves, she slipped her feet into black stilettos with ankle bows and chose a black satin clutch to complete the outfit. Sienna felt confident that she’d captured a look that was partly New York and a little bit Southern.

  Ethan was handsome in a lightweight gray suit and white shirt opened at the neck. As she descended the stairs, she noticed that although he appeared relaxed and smiling, his eyes remained watchful.

  “I’d love for you to do me a favor tonight,” he began, as he closed the front door behind them. “You can say no if it’s too much to ask.”

  “I’m here for you. Whatever you need.”

  “Keep your eyes and ears open. From the way my mother spoke about everyone today, I’m wary about what I’m walking into with this family and it would really help to get your impressions of everyone.”

  “Of course. I’ll do my best to get a sense of what they’re all like.”

  “Thank you.”

  Tonight they were dining at Olde Pink House restaurant on Reynolds Square in downtown Savannah. The landmark home had been built in 1771 and went from a residence for James Habersham Jr. to a bank in 1811 and after years of neglect became a restaurant in 1992. When they arrived, Ethan and Sienna followed the hostess to the second floor where a large square table had been set before the fireplace in what had originally been the home’s study. Open French doors led out to a cozy balcony where a bartender was serving cocktails.

  Carolina spotted Ethan and strolled over, accompanied by a distinguished younger man who hovered possessively at her side. Carolina exuded strength and charm. She looked none the worse for the emotional encounter with her son earlier that day as she introduced her companion as Rufus Knox.

  Keeping to her promise to act as Ethan’s eyes and ears among his family, Sienna strolled alongside him, politely smiling as she was introduced to Carolina’s cousin Vera
Pruitt, her husband, George, and a trio of young women who turned out to be the girlfriend, fiancée and pregnant wife of the couple’s three sons.

  Met with cordial smiles that weren’t exactly friendly, and from the whispering that followed in Ethan and Sienna’s wake, she got the sense that Carolina’s relatives weren’t all that happy that they had a new family member. While Ethan fell into conversation with Carolina and Rufus, Sienna decided the best way to gather more information was to make a solo circuit of the room. Excusing herself, she headed out to the balcony to chat with Ethan’s second cousins.

  “Hello,” she said, “I’m Sienna Burns.”

  The three men introduced themselves as Montgomery, Aaron and Byron. Each had their father’s dirty blond hair and mother’s cool hazel eyes. They were a couple inches under six feet and dressed in dapper summer-weight suits that flattered their lean, toned bodies. Surly expressions marred their classically handsome features.

  “How are you enjoying Savannah?” Byron asked. His was the warmest greeting.

  “Very much.”

  “What can you tell us about our new cousin?” Montgomery’s gaze swept over her body, his interest blatant and sexual.

  “What do you want to know?” Sienna asked lightly, her stomach muscles knotting in discomfort.

  “Y’all are from Charleston?” Aaron drawled, swirling the bourbon in the crystal tumbler he held.

  “Ethan is,” she explained. “I’m from New York.”

  “How do you make the relationship work being so far apart from each other?” Byron asked.

  “Oh, we only just met a week ago,” Sienna explained. “My sister is Ethan’s cousin. She just recently found out that she’s related to the Wattses. She found them the same way Ethan found you all, through a genetic testing service.”


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