Jaded By Desire (Lust, Desire, and Love Trilogy Book 2)

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Jaded By Desire (Lust, Desire, and Love Trilogy Book 2) Page 7

by Cox, Desiree A.

  I looked at the clock and noticed it wasn’t even ten o’clock yet. “I’m fine with an Egg McMuffin from McDonald’s, no cheese or meat. Just something light for me. I don’t want to eat too much.” I returned my attention to texting.

  “Um, what’s going on with you, Nikki? You’ve been eating like a bird lately,” Georgia asked.

  “Just making sure my dress fits perfectly, that’s all.” I kept texting as I walked over to my purse, pulled out my wallet, and then handed my credit card to Jackie.

  “You don’t think they’ll ask for ID?”

  “Are you kidding me? No.”

  I told them to make sure everyone ordered what they wanted and to get me a black coffee. Jackie and Georgia were going to make the trip to get our breakfast. Mandy and Candace were going to help me get our things gathered.

  Mom was a lifesaver. That was typical for her. She made sure we all kept working to get ready since we really had hoped to leave the hotel room by One o’clock pm. We had a limo coming to get us so we didn’t get delayed by the shuttle that would be transporting our out-of-town guests.

  After we finished eating, I was ready to begin getting dressed. I pulled a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top out of my suitcase and slipped on my flip-flops. They all looked at me like I had sprouted a second head. “What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?”

  “Those hillbilly shorts and that tank top. Really?” Jackie wrinkled her nose in disapproval.

  “I’m changing when we get there, remember? I’m not getting married in this. Plus, I need something that can fit in my purse.”

  “We have a bag for you, but it’s whatever. It’s just for the ride,” Candace chimed in.

  “Hopefully you don’t freeze, it’s not ninety degrees outside.” Mandy said. She made the call to the front desk to make sure the limo was notified to come pick us up.

  While we waited, Jackie touched up my hair, making sure it was perfect. She grabbed my make-up bag for me and made sure it was in the duffle Candace was holding. Georgia carried my dress I was going to change into and the shoes.

  We double checked and made sure we had everything we’d need, then headed down to the lobby. It was only a few minutes before the limo arrived to pick us up and take us over to the Rusty Pelican. I was a tightly-wound nerve ball. Everyone else was laughing and having a good time, while I sat quietly in the back seat.

  Once we arrived, the driver helped us get everything inside. It didn’t take long before I heard the music begin to play.

  Jackie and Connor had worked on the playlist to be used while the guests were entering for the wedding ceremony. They had done a fantastic job. I didn’t know half of the songs playing, but I loved them all.

  I looked at my watch and knew it was time. I hung my gown on the hook of what appeared to be a storage closet door, and we began the process of getting me ready. I shed the shorts and tank before slipping on my dress. I was ecstatic that it fit perfectly, exactly like when I tried it on. And there was no visible sign of a baby bump. My stomach was still as flat as it had been when I tried it on the very first time. When I was four months pregnant with Abby, I had already been in maternity clothes.

  Jackie, again, touched up my make-up and hair, and this time, she gave me a pretty heavy coating of hair spray. She slid the faux-pearl comb in along the ponytail holder. There wasn’t a lot of talking by me, but they all kept chattering away. I handed Jackie the pearl necklace I was going to wear so she could fasten it for me. Once she finished, I replaced my stud earrings with the beautiful dangling ones I had chosen.

  “You’re mighty quiet, Nikki,” Mom said as she sat in a chair, watching all of us.

  “Yeah.” That was it. That was all I could think to say.

  We were all working hard to get me ready so we didn’t start the wedding late. I had been to a few before where the wedding start time on the invitation was stated, but the wedding actually began a half hour to an hour late. It was so fucking annoying, and I wasn’t about to do that to my guests.

  The music changed, and I looked at my watch. Two thirty, only thirty more minutes before I’d be standing face-to-face with Jeff. My heart skipped a beat.

  The planner came in the room. “How are you all doing? Are you almost ready?”

  My mom spoke up for us. “We will be. Right, honey?”

  “Um, yes. We will be. How much longer?”

  “We should begin lining up in about fifteen minutes. I’ll stop back in. I’m going to go check on the guys real quick.” She eased the door closed behind her.

  “Are you getting nervous?” Mandy asked.

  “Yes, I am, but I’m excited, too. I can’t believe it.”

  The door opened, and Abby was escorted in by Hope. They both looked absolutely stunning. Hope’s hair was left down in its long naturally curled locks. Her dress fit her body like it had been painted on.

  “Here’s your little munchkin. She’s ready for her flower girl duties,” Hope said with a smile. She really was a beautiful woman.

  “Mommy!” Abby ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck before kissing my cheek.

  “Hi, baby.” I picked Abby up and set her on my lap. “Thank you so much, Hope.”

  “Aw, anytime. You know she’s no problem at all.” She blew a kiss to Abby. “Skylar, on the other hand, is a handful.” We both laughed. “You look so beautiful, Nikki. I’m really happy for you both.” My eyes prickled, and my sight was blurred by tears lingering just inside my eyes. She gave a quick wave and ducked back out through the door.

  I lifted Abby off my lap. We all gushed over how pretty she was. Her dress fit her perfectly and she looked like a little angel in her white dress with the pink ribbon around her waist. Hope had fixed her hair and left it in large ringlet curls that fell past her shoulders. I hadn’t been able to get Bianca, my niece, to walk down with her because my darling brother Gary couldn’t guarantee when they’d get in town. My beautiful baby girl was going to be on her own today.

  The planner opened the door again. “It’s getting close to time, ladies. Nikki, are you ready?”

  I took in a deep breath. “Yes, I’m ready.” When I stood, I got so dizzy I nearly fell back over. Thanks to my mom grabbing me by the arm, I managed to stay upright.

  “Sweetie, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine, Mom. I’m a little tired; I don’t think I slept too well last night.” I was becoming an expert at lying to cover my dizziness and occasional nausea.

  “Maybe you should start taking vitamins or something.” Georgia made the suggestion, and I just shrugged my shoulders.

  “I think I will, thanks.” I was already taking those horse-pill-sized prenatal vitamins. “We need to get lined up and ready to go.” I wanted to get the attention shifted away from me and back to the wedding.

  The planner took them all out into the hall. I peeked out at them through a small space in the doorway made by my foot holding the door open. They all looked so beautiful, so perfect. She paired a bridesmaid with a groomsman as I had instructed for them to be set up. Jackie and Connor would lead off, since she was the Maid of Honor and he was the Best Man. Next would be Sandy and Mandy. I paired them because I thought it was funny their names rhymed. Following them was Hunter and Georgia, and finally, Jorge and Candace.

  The music changed once again to the song we knew was the signal to begin the walk down the walkway. This was it, it was show time.

  My Dad hadn’t made it to the ceremony to walk me down the aisle, but I wasn’t surprised. I had planned on my step-dad Jim doing the honor all along. Sine Dad and Mom had divorced, Dad had kept his distance from Gary and me, as well. I had tried to invite him to events in the past, but he’d always decline. I was shocked when he accepted the invitation to come to my wedding. Now, it looked like he was going to be a no-show, again.

  Abby protested the walk down the aisle by herself. Let me rephrase that, Abby threw an absolute fit and refused to walk by herself. The planner was at a
complete loss. She tried so hard to convince Abby she was a big girl and she could do it, but she was just wasting her breath. Abby refused to walk without holding my hand. It didn’t bother me. I wanted her to be part of this day, our day, and she would be. When the wedding march began playing, and it was time for me to walk in with Jim, Abby held my hand on the opposite side from him. Not one flower petal was thrown, but I didn’t care. I thought it was even better walking down the aisle holding her little hand. After all, she was a big part of us all, Jeff included now.

  Gary sat next to Mom and frowned when our eyes met. I hoped he didn’t feel bad because Bianca wasn’t able to walk with Abby, or because Abby was walking with me. I loved walking down the aisle holding my little girls hand.

  My mom swooped Abby up, causing her to screech, then laugh, when we made it almost all the way to the gazebo.

  I had been so distracted by Abby, I hadn’t gotten a good look at Jeff until now. When our eyes connected, I knew marrying him was right. After Jim handed me over, Jeff assisted me with getting up the steps onto the platform beside him. He held my hand and my gaze. I mouthed I love you to him. He smiled and did the same back. My heart fluttered. He had never mouthed or said those three words to me before. My smile widened across my face as the tears streamed freely.

  The great thing about the justice of the peace was the ceremony wasn’t dragged out. The longest part was the exchanging of our vows. We both poured our hearts out to each other in front of our family and closest friends. I could have screamed my love for him from the highest mountain to the world. My tears flowed throughout the entire ceremony, and Jeff continued to wipe them away for me with a tissue he drew out of his pocket.

  Finally, the words I had been waiting to hear were uttered by the officiant, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Jeff, you may kiss your bride.”

  I was pulled gently into his arms, my body fitting perfectly against his chest. He held a finger under my chin as he tipped my head up, our eyes locked on each other. He smiled. Then he whispered, “I love you, Mrs. Carrington.” His warm mouth skimmed mine, before he splayed his hand on my back, pulling me in tighter to him, taking my mouth while not allowing me to even reply. I was lost in him and knew he could feel through my kiss what I hadn’t had a chance to say in return, I love you, too.

  Chapter 8

  When we finished taking our photos, we all stood outside the doorway to the grand ballroom. Almost all of our guests had already gone in. The planner doubled as our master of ceremony to introduce the wedding party. We were all talking and laughing. Jackie and Jeff were actually getting along really well. My little Abby was playing with my curls as I held her on my hip.

  Jackie and Connor had put together a slide show to display on a huge screen as our guests made their way to the ballroom, got their seating information, and mingled during the cocktail hour. Jackie had used a lot of pictures from my phone and some of Jeff we were able to convince his mom to let us use.

  Jackie had also taken a lot of pictures at the rehearsal and during the dinner. I had a chance to see it a few minutes of the slides on my laptop while we were in the hotel, but none of us saw it as it was playing. We could only hear the oohs and ahhs coming from the ballroom as the cocktail hour was coming to an end. Jackie promised we’d each get a copy on DVD, along with the playlist from the reception.

  Jeff’s mom had a chair to sit on while we waited for the introductions to begin. Her nurse, Karen, was by her side, ready to walk out with her.

  “Are you doing okay, Mom?” Jeff asked as he held her hand in his. Watching how affectionate he was with her warmed my heart.

  “I’m fine, just a little tired.”

  “Let me know if you need anything, Mrs. Carrington.” I rubbed her back. I had spent time with his mom each week since we first met. I needed her to know me. I wanted her to welcome me to the family and like me.

  “I will. I’m very happy to have you as a daughter-in-law, sweetheart.” She looked up and smiled at me. Great, just great. Cue the tears, a-fucking-gain. Jeff handed me a tissue.

  “Our family is growing, Mom,” Jeff said. My head snapped toward him, and my mouth fell open. Jesus fucking Christ. Everyone seemed to stop their conversations and looked at us. “I meant Nikki has joined the family, and Abby; now there are four of us on my side. What is wrong with you all? What did you think I meant?”

  “I knew what you meant, Jeffrey.” His mom smiled at us. It amused me that she called him Jeffrey, not Jeff.

  Everyone resumed talking, and the planner’s assistant came back to let us know we would get started in a few minutes. She was keeping everything on time, just the way I liked it.

  Suddenly we heard keys jingling, and we all looked down the hall to see my dad jogging toward us. My mom’s smile fell. She looked shocked. Jim put his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his body. She knew I had invited him, but I’m sure she had thought he’d fail to show, like he had so many times in the past.

  “Sorry I’m late, Nikki.” He was out of breath. “I wanted to get here for the wedding, but I was held up by work.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, it isn’t. I owe you an explanation. I owe you so much more than that. I hope one day you can forgive me.”

  “I already have forgiven you, Dad.” His eyes were wet with tears that wouldn’t fall. I didn’t want him to be sad or cry. I needed everybody to fucking stay happy so I wouldn’t cry. Why didn’t they understand that? I rubbed his arm, then gave him a one-armed hug.

  “We are celebrating today, Dad. No sadness. We will talk and catch up when I get back from the honeymoon. I’m just so glad you made it.”

  His eyes lit up, and he nodded his head at me.

  The assistant adjusted her headset and then let us know it was time for the introductions. I made sure she knew to have my dad introduced after Mom and Jim. We had four specific songs set to play before our first dance. The first two songs were to play at the end of the slideshow. The introductions were to begin on the third song and they should finish just before the fourth song ended. As soon as the fourth song ended, Jeff and I should be introduced, then we would be ready for the first dance. We were using music to cue us.

  We wanted Jeff’s mom to go first, so she could sit down in a more comfortable seat as everyone else was introduced. Jeff helped her to stand, then hugged her, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. When her name was announced, she began her walk out to the head table, followed closely by Karen.

  Mom and Jim were introduced next. They each kissed me, Mom kissed Jeff’s cheek, and Jim shook his hand before they walked through the doorway toward their seats. Abby had wanted to go with Mom, but Jeff and I really wanted her to walk in with us, so I held her until they cleared the door before I set her down on the chair.

  Next up was my dad. It was awkward as he gave me a kiss and shook Jeff’s hand. He didn’t even know Jeff. He had never met him before today. I could see his own discomfort flash across his face as he withdrew his hand. I told him he was sitting next to Jeff’s mom and Karen, which would put him on the opposite end of the table from Mom and Jim, then he disappeared through the doorway.

  Next was the bridal party. They all were in order and paired like they had been when they walked down the aisle earlier. One by one, the couples were introduced, and they walked into the room to loud cheers.

  Jeff pulled me into his arms, my back tight against his chest and his arms snaked around my waist. I leaned my head back against him and closed my eyes. This was where I belonged. He lowered his head and inhaled, then blew his warm breath out. I felt the heat on my scalp, and every fiber in my body ignited. This was perfect, he was my heaven.

  “Are you happy, baby doll?”

  “I’ve never been happier.”

  Jeff gently turned me by my shoulders to face him, then lowered his mouth on mine. I could taste his minty breath. With my eyes closed and his mouth consuming mine, I saw stars, the moon, unicorns and all kinds of fantastical
things. I was so into him. I grabbed his jacket by the lapels and pulled him closer to me. His kiss was melting me from the inside out. He pressed me back against the wall, with his hands resting on each side of me. I could hear Abby humming in the background and her feet kicking the chair. Our mouths never parted.

  The planner announced for us to walk out, but we were lost in each other. The assistant walked back, opening the door. She cleared her throat. Bitch, please, this is our fucking day, I thought. Jeff and I smiled as our lips remained touching. I heard the music stop, and I gasped as our mouths parted.

  “Mrs. Carrington, it’s time for us to get this party started.” He wiped around my lips. “Lipstick is smudged a bit.” He smiled and held his hand out for me. Our fingers intertwined, and Jeff nodded at the assistant, indicating we were ready. I signaled for Abby to join us and held her hand in mine.

  I squeezed his hand, and he looked down at me. “I love you, babe.” My heart felt like it had swollen three sizes larger, like the Grinch’s on Christmas.

  “I love you, too.”

  We heard the planner announce us: “Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Carrington, and Abby.”

  We walked out to a standing ovation and loud cheers. As expected, my waterworks were flowing once again. Abby pulled free of me and took off in the direction of Gary and his family. We walked right out onto the dance floor, and our first song, Here and Now, began to play. I knew that song; I had heard Jackie playing it several times. Jackie knew what the first dance song was going to be, but she had refused to tell me. Jeff had picked it. I smiled as I thought what lengths he had to go to for her to stay silent. He must have threatened her. “Here in my heart, I believe your love is all I’ll ever need.” Let the tears begin. I looked up toward Jeff and was surprised to see he had a lone tear rolling down his cheek. My fingers wiped it away, then slowly trailed down his face. He was mine. We were one. He was everything I ever needed.


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