Amber does High School Naked: A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love (The Permanude World Book 4)

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Amber does High School Naked: A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love (The Permanude World Book 4) Page 1

by Gloria

  Amber Does High School Naked

  A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love



  Copyright 2017 by Gloria

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author.

  This books is a work of fiction. All places, people and events are a creation of the author’s own mind. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is hard to believe, but purely coincidental. Furthermore, this ebook is meant for adults only. It contains sexually explicit material. Please do not allow minors access to this book, because they are not mature enough to fully understand it.

  This book was written by the me, the author. Please don’t pirate it. I’m not a huge corporation that can easily absorb losses. I’m a person just like you, working hard to entertain you. I spend a lot of time and work writing the best stories that I can for you, the reader. If you give away my work, or get it for free, you are taking money out of my pocket that I need to support myself and my story telling. If you get this book for free, please go to and buy a copy so that I don’t have to get a day job and can continue spinning tales like this one.

  Thank you very much for thinking about me.


  Chapter 1

  What a day. Every one of my friends, most of my teachers and half the school it seemed had sung me that stupid “Happy Birthday,” song. If I heard it one more time, I could not be held responsible for the murders I would commit.

  Yes, I’m eighteen. Now, can we just forget about it.

  I wasn’t at all sure that I cared much for what it meant.

  As I unlocked the door to the house, I needed a drink. Preferably a diet orange, but any diet drink would do. I headed for the kitchen, wondering what that noise was.

  And froze dead in my tracks.

  I’d been headed down the hall for the kitchen when I passed the archway into the living room. What I saw out of the corner of my eye about had my jaw hit the floor.

  My parents shouldn’t be home yet. They were.

  My parents were naked, screwing on the couch!

  I stood frozen, like some deer in the headlights of an eighteen-wheeler as my head slowly turned.

  My mother was atop my father. She would lean forward. His dick would came out of her. She leaned back. His dick disappeared into her. I don’t know how many times I watched that before my head shook hard enough to almost rip it from my neck.

  My shake must have attracted Mom’s attention. She turned and looked me straight in the eye without missing a beat in her rhythmic swaying forward and back. “Oh. Good. Amber, you’re home. Sit down. We’ll be with you in a moment.”

  And she went back to fucking my dad.

  I stood there for a moment, then realized I’d better sit down before I fell down. I stumbled to the nearest chair, and just kind of collapsed into it. Unfortunately, it gave me an even better view of my father’s cock gliding in and out of my mother’s pussy.

  I turned my virgin eyes away.

  I’d seen this all before. I mean, not in action, just all the separate parts. We were not prudes. Well, my folks weren’t. Okay, maybe I was. A bit. When we went to the beach, it was always a nude beach or a clothing optional one. Lately, it was usually a clothes optional one.

  I’d loved to run around bare naked as a kid. Run around the house. Run around the backyard. Run around the beach. Then I got my first period and I had Mom buy me a nice, modest one-piece swimsuit. Gradually Mom got me into a two piece, then a bikini. Finally, this last year, a string bikini. I’d even left the top at home the last couple of times we went to the beach.

  Yes, my mom and dad were happy to go naked at the beach and I’d keep my little bit of nothing there covering my yoni.

  Now, my head went back and forth on my neck. I must have looked like a tennis judge. First, I’d look away. There was such a nice sea scape in the hallway.

  Then some movement or noise would draw my eyes back. Then I’d realize that what I was watching was a reprise of something that they had done eighteen years and nine months ago, and I was the result of that something.

  I’d weird myself out and turn away. Only to turn back again and turn away again. Right. A tennis judge.

  With a great groan that grew in pitch and volume (and caused my head to swing around like a compass drawn to north) my mom bent her back into a magnificent arch. She planted herself on Dad’s cock as he arched his own back up from the couch and somehow managed to piston his hips up at her pussy once, twice, a third time.

  Then they both collapsed.

  Dad made several more efforts to slid into Mom and I made a mighty effort to look somewhere . . . anywhere else. I studied the hall painting. Strange, the way the artist used light coming from the right-hand side, but let . . .

  “Honey, I can’t see you very well over there,” Mom said lazily. “Could you take the other chair.”

  I did my best to stay fascinated by the painting, but as I sat down, my mom’s eye caught mine and held them. She was so beautiful.

  A light sheen of sweat made her skin shine. The loose red curls of hair were tousled about so artfully and beautifully by the wild abandon of what she’d just finished. Her skin was near milk white. Yes, she loved to sun herself -- with SPF 1000 that Dad loved to slather on her.

  Both Mom and Dad made good use of their health club membership so their near forty years did not show. They could have been twenty.

  I will never be so lovely as my mom, I thought and sighed.

  “Honey,” my mom said still laying atop Dad in what, I guess, was called afterglow, “Today, Dad and I cashed out of the startup we’ve been working on.”

  “Good, Mom, Dad, I knew you’d been wanting to.”

  “Yes, princess,” Dad said. “And we made a very pretty penny. A whole lot of pretty pennies.”

  “I guess I can understand you wanting to celebrate,” I said, and started to get up.

  “Sit back down, baby girl,” Mom said.

  I sat back down on the very lip of the chair. First chance I got, I was so out of here.

  “On the way home from signing those papers, to celebrate, we stopped by City Hall and signed papers to make ourselves nudists.”

  Mom paused here and I hoped she wouldn’t say what I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that she was about to say.

  “We’ve signed the family up to be Permanude.”

  I froze. What with all the frozes I’d been doing since I came in the front door, I ought to be a cake of ice.

  “You. You and Dad. Right?” Please let it be just you and dad. Please.

  “No, honey, we signed the family up. You’re included.”

  I collapsed deep into the chair and just stared at my two parents.

  “I think I’m leaking,” Mom said.

  “I put a cloth on the coffee table,” Dad said.

  Mom reached for the thick blue washcloth, letting her lovely breasts swing free. She slipped it between her own and Dad’s naughty bits, then tried to disentangle herself. She giggled.

  My mother giggled as she slipped away from my dad’s cock!

  “This is all too much for me,” I said, closing my eyes. I’d let them do what they had to do. I didn’t care if I never opened my eyes again.

  “You can open
your eyes again,” Mom said a bit later.

  My mother and father now sat on the couch. Mom had her knees wide open; I could see up her hooha. My dad had his legs wide open. I could see his now flaccid cock.

  “Mom, Dad, please, I’m looking straight at your naughty bits.”

  “Yes, honey, we’re nudists now. We don’t hide ourselves. We live life free, without modesty and without shame.”

  “But I don’t . . .. We live . . . That’s you and Dad, right!

  “I signed up myself,” Dad said firmly, “my wife and our daughter.”

  I was as back in the chair as I could go. I just kind of slipped out of it and plopped down on the floor.

  “But I like my designer jeans, my carefully chosen dresses, the skirt and blouse combinations I pick out with my friends. That’s all we do. Shop.”

  “Will you listen to us for just a moment, kitten?” Mom said.

  I nodded my head, dumbly.

  “This decision to become nudists is not a spur of the moment decision for me and your father. We spent most of our senior year in high school nude,” Mom said, then paused to bow her head. When she went on, it was softly.

  “I screwed up. Would you believe it, some of my friends tricked me into walking out of a store with a skirt under my coat. It was supposed to be such fun.” Mom shook her head. Dad leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek.

  “I was set up. My friends weren’t nearly as good of friends as I thought they were. I got stripped naked for two years and suddenly I had a lot fewer friends than I thought I had. I was devastated.”

  She sighed. Dad scooted over to hug her. “This wonderful man had been my boyfriend for what, six weeks.” Dad nodded. “He kept me company, wouldn’t let me chase him away and when I screamed at him that he didn’t understand what it was like to be walking around naked, he stripped right there on the street. A cop asked to see his Permanude ID. He said he didn’t have one so the cop hauled him in and he was sentenced to two years naked for indecent exposure. The judge had been considering three months, but she may have taken your father’s plea for a longer sentence into consideration.”

  I looked at Dad. He was grinning from ear to ear.

  “Having Mom sitting naked in the front row at my trial, I think helped. So, we kind of dropped our plan to go to MIT,” Dad said. “It’s cold up there. We both got our first choice, Cal Mech, and six years later, we had our masters. But the entire time, princess, we were nude, first under sentence and then voluntarily. We got our first jobs naked. You came along and mom was Permanude pregnant. We thought we’d live our entire life out in California using our closet space to store spare computer parts.” Dad chuckled at that.

  “Then a recession hit and we were both out of a job with the cutest little naked four-year-old baby girl. We were both coming up on the end of our latest Permanude contract. There wasn’t a job to be had anywhere. Then we got a job offer for the both of us, but in North Carolina. They wanted us, but they wanted us dressed. North Carolina was one of the last nudist hostile states.”

  Now Mom and Dad exchanged really sad looks.

  “We took the only job we could, and put clothes on all of us. We worked some jobs there, then moved with this start up to Florida,” Mom said. “They have a Permanude law here. Now that we don’t have to worry about raising money or stuffy business meetings or anything else, we want to be naked again. We hope you’ll want to be naked again, too.”

  I sat cross legged on the floor, trying to wrap my head around what my folks had just told me. They’d been naked in high school. College. After I was born.

  It took me four tries, and licking my lips several times, before I could get a world out. “Mom, Dad, I know you remember being nudists before. But remember, I was four years old the last time you were naked in public except at a nude beach! I’m not at all like you.” I paused to catch a breath. It felt as if an elephant was sitting on my chest.

  “Mom. You said that you screamed at Dad that he didn’t understand what it was like to be naked in high school. Do you remember that? Do you really want to make me go through all that!”

  Mom and Dad exchanged glances. Then Mom turned to me. “Honey, we really wanted you to grow up without any of those textile hangups. To be free to be just you and the world. I hated it when we had to put clothes on you. You hated clothes. Then, when you had me buy you that frumpy one piece swimsuit shortly after your first monthly, I wanted to weep. We’d wanted to save you from the weight of all that, and we’d failed.”

  The three of us stared across the chasm of our living room. They wanted to return to the days they loved and be naked. I wanted to stay the way I was and be clothed.

  But they were my parents. If they said I was naked. I was naked.

  I so wanted to hate them at that moment, but they had been wonderful parents. Now I knew how much they’d sacrificed to give me all I had. Putting a roof over my head, food on the table by working where they had to go to work every day wearing clothes that they hated. Wearing clothes when all they wanted to be was free of them.

  Was going naked in high school all that worse than going clothed?

  “Baby duck,” Mom said, “I have to tell you that us signing our family up for Permanude doesn’t mean that you have to be a nudist.”

  My ears perked up.

  “Federal law requires that children be given an opt out opportunity of their parents’ decision. Florida law gives you a month to veto our decision for you.”

  “I have to wait a month!”

  I could see that my question really hurt my folks, but I couldn’t help it. Did I have to let all my friends gawk at my naked body for an entire month!

  “No, baby ducks, you can print out the veto form on your computer and e-mail it in. I’m told that it works faster if you go down to the City Hall and have the clerk validate your paperwork there. Then you can get dressed and if anyone calls you illegal, you’ve got paperwork.”

  “You’d let me? Let me live in the house and not be a nudist like you?” I really should have kept some of the joy out of my voice, but I just couldn’t help it. I could get out of this. Maybe today!

  “We’d let you,” Dad said as he closed his legs, hiding his cock from my eyes. His voice was flat as if I’d run it over with that eighteen-wheeler that just hit me.

  Mom started to say something, then didn’t, then started again, then closed her mouth, closed her knees, then folded her hands into her lap. Her arms hid her breasts from me.

  “You wanted to say something, Mom?” I said. Somehow, I wasn’t feeling the joy so much.

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  “Mom, it mattered enough that you started to say it twice.”

  She looked off to her left, not at me, then turned back. “We had always intended to tell you that you had the thirty-day veto option. You did not have to pry it out of us, Honey. It’s just that I was hoping you’d give us a full thirty-day trial. That you’d give our way of life a chance.”

  I leaned my head back against the chair and closed my eyes. I thought long and hard on what she was asking. I could understand what Mom and Dad had put themselves through. I could understand them leaving their clothes at the City Hall today. At least they managed to make it to the living room couch before they started screwing like a pair of teenagers.

  Then I tasted what I felt when they closed their legs against my gaze. Being the clothed in the house of the nude was not going to be easy.

  But I’d be going off to college come September. I wouldn’t have to put up with it for so long.

  And when I bring my own little girl home to gramma’s house and she says “Why don’t nanna and pampa have clothes on?” what will I say?

  “Mom, if I go to school tomorrow, everyone’s going to see me naked. And they can’t unsee what they’ve seen. I’m supposed to meet my boyfriend for pizza, and if he sees me naked . . .” I so didn’t want to go there.

  “We understand, Amber,” Mom said. “I hoped that since you’
d be going away to college in a few months that one month wouldn’t be too much of a trouble for you, but we understand.”

  They’d closed their knees to me. Now I was Amber. I was losing my home, I could see it washing out with the tide like a sand castle build with my own little pudgy hands.

  Once again, I stared at the ceiling. This system had so few branches in its decision tree. Just three to start with although the outer branches were a thicket.

  One, if I made up my mind to stay clothed right now, I would likely lose my parents, but I’d keep my own self-respect and the respect of my friends. Maybe boyfriend. Two, if I stripped down right now, I would have a happy home, but what about when I went off to college? Did I want to be naked all through college? What kind of boys would I meet if they could see all there was of me?

  The third option went right down the middle. It would have me strip down tonight, let all my friends see me, react to my naked body, get all the bad outcomes of option two. Then, if I didn’t like being naked, I could veto my parent’s choice and get all the bad results of option one.

  The middle option was the worst of both worlds.

  It was, however, the one my mom was asking me to sample. It would give me a chance to try on the chosen lifestyle of my parents for a month before I committed to it or rejected it.

  “Would you care to trust us with your thoughts, Princess?” Dad asked.

  So, I walked my dad and mom through the decision tree I’d constructed. Both of them nodded along with me, but added nothing to my consideration, either while I was talking or after I finished.

  “That is the problem, Princess, when you try applying systems analysis and decision trees to fundamentally human decision where there are far too many branches. Worse, the value you must apply to each branching decision is more a value judgement than an empirical one.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is that I could decide this as much by logic as with a game of rock, paper, scissors or a flip of a coin as.”

  “We’re human, Kitten, not Vulcans,” Mom reminded me.


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