Amber does High School Naked: A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love (The Permanude World Book 4)

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Amber does High School Naked: A story of the Permanude Universe and Young Love (The Permanude World Book 4) Page 4

by Gloria

  I glanced down at myself. I’d observed earlier in the day that I looked like a very high priced escort. Were they debating hiring me?

  I was so full of myself. On a whim, I got out and scampered over to them. I planted a kiss on first one, then the other, and skittered back to my car.

  “Nobody’s ever going to believe a word of this,” one old codger told the other.

  “Who cares, you and I know it happened.”

  I drove home very carefully.

  Chapter 4

  Mom and Dad were in their office. Often, they worked with the door closed and I’d grab a diet drink and take it upstairs to change and do homework until they came out.

  Some nights they didn’t and I’d have to scrounge up my own dinner.

  Today, the door was open. They were hunched over one computer screen, Mom looking at something Dad had up. They smelled of sex.

  I guess you can get use to the scent of your own love making, because Mom sniffed and turned to me. “So, you found out being a nude girl is hot stuff.”

  “I had to get off in class once and sneak off to the girls’ room after lunch today.”

  “You know, you don’t have to hide away in those smelly stalls,” Mom said. “You could have done it in any of your class you need to. Don’t be too obvious or you could start a riot, and there are always those wanting to get us covered again by the lewd laws.”

  She made a face at Dad. “Isn’t North Caroline looking at that again.”

  “How would I know? If I never hear a word about North Caroline again, it will be too soon.”

  I decided not to tell Mom about my own experience in class today. It might not have met with her approval. “Well, Mom, Dad, are you keeping the door open cause you’re nudist or cause you’re retired?”

  “Actually, it was because we wanted to know how your day went, Kitten.”

  “Oh, lord, it went.”

  So, I was offered a chair at one of the spare computers and we talked. I noticed that I quickly had my knees spread just as wide as my mom’s. Strange how fast you sluff off years of being lectured, (never by my mom) that good girls kept their knees closed.

  I told Mom about what my girl friends thought about William breaking up with me.

  “That bother you, Kitten?”

  I shook my head. “Strange, it washed right over me. Funny isn’t it that when you don’t have any clothes on, you don’t feel all that wet for all that long when someone tried to douse you with a bucket of cold water,” I said, only realizing it as I said it.

  Mom smiled and nodded but said no more. No doubt she was glad I was finally seeing the William she’d always seen and was carefully avoiding any crowing.

  II went on, thoughtfully. “I found myself wondering if I was the nude one or if my friends were naked. Suddenly I was seeing them, warts and all, and they didn’t look nearly as hot as I did in my skin.”

  That got a chuckle from both of them.

  “I’m having to rethink a lot, Mom, Dad. I’m not willing to say that I’ve already decided to stay naked with you, but it sure was an eye opener. Speaking of eye openers,” and I shared with them my urgent need for a lady finger session on the way home.

  “I parked,” I snapped at them before they could lecture me. Then went on to tell them about the gals I discovered watching me and the two oldsters I kissed. “I think I made their day, month and year.”

  We shared a laugh at that.

  “Mom, did you like being bejeweled like a high-priced escort? Was that as hot for you as it is for me?”

  “Well, my mental image was that I was some Irish goddess, clad in all I needed to wear, and they were mere mortals paying proper homage to me for the privilege of worshiping at my feet.”

  “Mother, that makes you sound so stuck up!”

  “You should have seen what they did to her before she found that goddess,” Dad said. “Kids can be so mean, and if they see you as bare and defenseless, they can take meanness to a whole new level.”

  “It also helped,” Mom said, “for your father to join me. Watching him wade through a sea of dummies. The man he is. I couldn’t help but be a goddess to his Greek god.”

  “So, you were a Irish goddess,” I said, nodding at Mom, “and you were a Greek god.”

  “Yes, we were a mixed marriage made in several heavens,” Dad said, grabbing mom around the waist and planting a kiss right on her nipple.

  She responded by reaching down for what I suspected was a stiffening rod.

  “If you’ll excuse me, I’ll take these virgin eyes off to study. Yesterday was fun, but it left me behind.”

  “You study,” Mom said. “I’m thinking of ordering in salads tonight. After last night’s steak, this god and goddess need to back off.”

  “Fine, Mom.”

  I got my drink and took my book bag upstairs. Strange how we called them a book bag still, but all it had in it was a Fire Tablet to access the teacher’s notes, the textbooks and my own notes. Everything was paperless now. Nothing could get lost.

  Except when the system crashed.

  Dad said the school system’s net was pathetic and so insecure. So far it had met my needs and I had no problems with any of that.

  In my room, I stripped out of all the jewelry that Mom had loaned me. Really naked now, I plopped onto my bed, pulled out my reader and flipped it on. It began charging from the remote charger beside my bed. I never worried about power so I always left it on or in standby mode. I had my homepage by the time I’d popped the tab on my drink and taken my first sip.

  I had a million tweets screaming at me. I’d developed my own program to prioritize them. Usually William was right at the top. I thought for a long moment, then opened his latest. He was bare from the waist up, but that was all I could see as he said. “Hey, babe, me and my posse, we’ve got a radical party going. Don’t be square, be there.” He got a cheer from the guys and gals behind him as he thumbed off.

  “No way I’ll be there,” I told myself wondering why I hadn’t seen sooner the idiot for a self-centered pig he was.

  There were a couple of tweets from my girl friends. I picked Holly’s. “We got a really most party going at Babs. Her folks are gone and we’ve got their pool and beer. You get your bare boobs over here and Par-Tee, girl.” She ended her message by panning over the pool and patio. There were a lot of kids, most naked. Some in the pool. Some sprawled out on the furniture doing a lot of things, none of which I was interested in.

  The next tweet in line was from Cortnee. “Hey girl. You won’t believe this party. You’d fit right in, Am. It’s perfect for you.” Her phone also showed a lot of naked people doing what clothed people do when they get naked. I shook my head at my friends and their carrying on.

  The message replayed while I did.

  I was about to click off, when my eye caught something. It was well back from the camera, so I couldn’t be sure of anything. But . . .?

  The nice thing about Amber being Mommy and Daddy’s beloved little girl was the hand-me-downs. Well, yes, I loved the clothes Mom let me have from her closet. (That’s not gonna happen anymore.) (Maybe her jewelry box, huh?) No, the really nifty castoffs were their computers.

  We had a pecking order. The two newest computers in the house were Mom and Dad’s. When one of them got a new computer, I got theirs. My old computer became their back up. The oldest became the family server. That one might go anywhere interesting in the house that my folks thought needed some extra computing power.

  There were two fun things my folks did with me. Spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at a clothing optional beach or spend the same time at home, passing computers down the line and maybe completely rebuilding the last one.

  My mainframe, as Dad called it, Big Boy as I called it, was just about top of the line with a 40-inch and a 30-inch monitor. It had a lot of Dad’s software still on it. I transferred all three tweets to that monster, then ran an algorithm to clear up the visual. Then I ran another one to look

for consistencies between the three videos.

  In about two minutes, Big Boy was telling me that there was a ninety-eight percent likelihood that the three videos were taken at the same place and about the same time.

  I called them up, one by one to the 40-inch monitor. Lord but the details jumped out at you. Holly had a zit on the tip of her chin. She’d covered it up with makeup but the algorithm make it jump right out at me. In the background shot, I could see a clump of boys on the far side of the pool but they were half turned away from me.

  What I could see was that they’d all shucked they suits, assuming they ever had any. Also, there was at least one, maybe two girls for every boy.

  I switched to Cortnee’s video. There were a lot of lines around her eyes and mouth. She looked a lot older after being run through the algorithm, as if she was taking life faster and harder. I ignored her for the moment and watched the background as it came up. The boys were facing her.

  I zoomed in on that group.

  There in front was William, holding up his phone, very likely calling me if the timestamp on the three tweets was right. In front of him, two girls had stoop down. Between them, they were kissing and sucking his hard for all they were worth.

  Now I went to his video and ran a different algorithm. Yep, it analyzed the timber of William’s voice during the call. It highlighted a tiny stutter here and caught several of the briefest of pauses in the wrong places.

  “William, you bastard, you were getting a blow job while calling me to come in and throw myself at your feet or to your dogs.”

  It wasn’t like I hadn’t attended parties like this before. I’d even let myself get down to my panties. What I hadn’t done was drink or stay long. I never wondered what William did after I left.

  Bigger fool me.

  Then the full betrayal hit me. Not only did my boyfriend want me for a fuck toy, but my two best girl friends were eager to set me up.

  I studied the looks on the faces of William’s posse. Was I looking into the eyes of a gang bang expecting to happen?

  I saved the file so all it would take was a quick word from me to send it to Mom’s computer, then applied myself to my homework. This particular problem would be exiled into a little safe in the back of my head with a good lock on it. I would not let it destroy my afternoon of study.

  But I would bring it back out again. Oh, yes, I would.

  Two hours later, the intercom beeped and Mom told me that the salads had arrived. I saved my work. Stood, stretched, then told my Big Boy to send the saved file to Mom.

  Feeling somehow lighter than I had in a long time, and maybe younger for some reason, I skipped down the hall and kind of flit down the stairs. I was tempted to try the banister, I felt so much like a little kid. There was no way, however, that I’d risk my big girl hooha on that wood.

  Mom and Dad were already eating. I brought them their favorite diet drinks, then opened my salad. Hiding among my lettuce were apples, grapes, and nuts with a sprinkling of chicken breast over it all. Delicious.

  I took a small bite, then with my mouth half full asked Mom to bring up my file. She took another bite and then did. Together, Mom and Dad eyed them, one by one, in the order I’d set them up. William, then Holly, then Cortnee, with a zoom in on the boys and then a return to the invitation by Big Bad Bill. Only this time, it was the voice analysis.

  “Son of a bitch. That guy is a low-class bastard,” my dad said softly.

  “That’s my conclusion,” I agreed.

  “Haven’t both those girls been your friends since we got to Florida?” Mom asked cautiously.

  “Yep. But do friends lure a friend to be the guest of honor at her own gang bang.”

  “No,” both Mom and Dad agreed.

  I sighed in resignation. “It’s strange how me being nude is giving me the naked truth about a lot of people I thought I wanted in my life. Mom, if you hadn’t persuaded me to take off my clothes last night, I would have walked into that pizza place fat. dumb, and happy. William would have given me his song and dance and likely I’d be a much sadder girl today. As it was, me being naked tripped up his game and he rushed things too much. So today, I am not skipping off to that party and putting myself out there to please him.”

  I shook my head. “By midnight, I’d never again be the same girl I was this morning.”

  “I’m sorry, Kitten. I had no idea about all this when I asked you to try life without clothes.”

  “Yes, but it’s a good thing I got what I needed before they did what they intended to me.”

  “Do you need a hug, Baby Duck?”

  Mom hadn’t called me Baby Duck for a long while, but when I was four or five, I giggled at that name. Now, my only answer was a “Please,” as I fled into her arms. It was strange to feel her breasts up against mine, her tits rubbing mine as I breathed deeply and kind of curling up with her scent. The fragrance of her hair, her makeup smelled like safety to me. It took me a long time to break from her hug.

  As I backed up, Mom kissed me on my forehead.

  While we were otherwise engaged, Dad did a background check on the two girls. I knew he had done a background check on William. He knew I knew he had a file. I had never opened it and he had never offered to open it for me. He didn’t now.

  The girls were a different kettle of Gulf shrimp. I wanted to know about them.

  The information on Holly was pretty clean. Cortnee, however, had two arrests for hard drug usage: narcotics and heron, and one arrest for dealing. That explained the hard lines on her face, poor stupid kid. Somehow, she’d never come to trial for any of them and her records were officially sealed.

  Did I mention that what my folks can’t do with computers hasn’t been invented yet?

  Mom and Dad said nothing, just provided me with the information. It felt good to know they trusted me to make my own decision.

  I had all the dots connected. It wasn’t hard to see where they led.

  I finished my salad. “I’m going to put in some more study time. Mom, is there more stuff you could loan me from your jewelry box?”

  “How about the gold and ruby outfit you wore yesterday, Love?” Dad suggested.

  “It’s yours, Mom. I could never . . .,” I could never.

  “Poppycock, Baby Duck. I’ve got lots of stuff, but I’d really love to see you decked out in all golden neckless. I so want to hear you describe that Bastard Bill’s response when he sees you in it.”

  Mom shared her outfit with me, and promised to get up early and help me put it on and get my hair up. She had a golden pair of three inch heels for me too.

  I studied. I got ready for tomorrow. Then I went to bed.

  With the lights out, and only my soul to keep me company, I pulled my pillow tight to my breasts and began to cry. Then I got up, found my blanket and wrapped myself against the chill of the world.

  It took a long time to get to sleep, but I did eventually.

  Chapter 5

  Next morning, I awoke, took a quick shower to wash away the night, then put some spectacular makeup on, fitting for a golden goddess. Mom helped me get into her collar. All those golden chains and leaves with the odd synthetic ruby covered me from my neck to my boobs and hid nothing. The five fine filigreed chain belts swooped at my pussy from different angles, but all drew the eye.

  I am a goddess . . . who works for a high-end escort service, I thought to myself, and grinned.

  Mom had something to add to the outfit that perfectly matched the rubies. She handed me a thin pair of stockings that added a rouge hue to my legs before ending at mid-thigh, as high as they could go in Florida. She also had red, elbow length gloves.

  “Oh, my,” Mom said, as I faced her in all my raiment. “Your daddy has to see you before you go,” so, book bag in hand, I presented myself to my father.

  “Oh, Amber, you could drive a saint to sin.”

  I did a full turn around. “You think.”

  “I hear them lining up outside our door.”

  “Assuming Florida has any saints,” my mom said, dryly.

  I drove quickly to school and parked in my spot. A half dozen of my “friends” were already waiting to see me. I think I struck even them dumb as I stood up in the door.

  “Where do you keep getting these outfits,” the one I still kind of trusted said, breathily.

  “My mom’s jewelry box,” I said.

  “Jewelry vault is more like it.” “Hey, Am, you really missed a great party.” “Yes, everyone was there.” “Most were more naked than you are.” “Well, not you are now.”

  “Were there plenty of boys?” I asked, with butter melting in my mouth.

  Come clean, girls

  Cortnee shrugged. “Not the best boys. William wasn’t there with his posse.”

  “Yeah, no William,” Holly was quick to back Cortnee’s lie up.

  I eyed my one remaining friend among these Judases. She was studying the paint line between my car and the next one. She said nothing and couldn’t look me in the eye.

  Right then, I knew I had no friends.

  I ambled toward the school surrounded by those who’d put a knife in my back at their first chance. We had quite an audience.

  No. I had quite an audience. Everyone wanted to see what the naked girl would wear today.

  I did not disappoint. In the front walk, there was an open space, and I stepped into it, filled it up with my goddess and did a slow twirl.

  You could hear the birds chirping.

  Done with my naked display of intimidation, I strode to the door. I leaned my back casually against it and shoved my pussy out. Everyone looking got a great view of all my sexy self.

  A few of the more prudish Christian Fundamentalist made sure to get a good look so they could condemn me to hell, but no one was listening. The bell buzzed and I led the parade of my worshipers into my temple.

  Mom’s mental image did have power.

  Today, in home room, I swapped my place in the back among my “friends” for a seat in the front by the window. There was a sudden increase in traffic out there. I ignored it and got out my Fire Tablet and began to study as the roll was called.


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