Along Came a Rogue

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Along Came a Rogue Page 31

by Anna Harrington

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” He tried to keep the patronizing tone from his voice, but truly, the description of the robberies struck him as simple paranoia. “You’re a landowner in Lincolnshire. Highwaymen rob wealthy travelers, so more of your guests than—”

  He shook his head. “Only my guests, Chesney. No one else.”

  Well, that was odd. Still…“It doesn’t mean you’re being targeted.”

  “When the carriages are stopped, only the men are asked to hand over their valuables. And one man in each coach, no matter how many other men are inside, and never anything from the women. Not even when openly displaying diamonds and pearls.”

  A highwayman who robbed only one man per coach and left jewels? Finally, Thomas was intrigued. He leaned forward. “How long has this been happening?”

  “On and off for the past two years.”

  He arched a brow. “You’re just now noticing the pattern?”

  “I’ve noticed, I’m ashamed to say.” Royston glanced down at the whiskey in his glass. “But it never needed to be addressed until now.”

  “What’s changed?”

  “I have hopes for the Lords next session. Some important positions will be opening, and I want to make my mark. You of all people should understand that.”

  Thomas stared at him inscrutably, wondering exactly how much the earl thought he knew about him, then lied, “I’m afraid I don’t.” He set his whiskey aside. “Besides, I’m not involved in anything of importance in the government.” Not anymore. “So why did you seek me out?”

  Royston leveled his gaze on him, and his face took on a hard expression. “I know things about you,” he answered quietly. “I have connections in the War Office who have vouched for your…special skills.”

  Thomas remained silent, unwilling to either deny or validate the earl’s assumptions about him. Those special skills they’d assured Royston he possessed were the same ones they no longer wanted.

  “I want you to come to Blackwood Hall and investigate this.” Asking for help from someone twenty years his junior was clearly difficult for the proud earl, but judging from the exasperated look in his eyes, he’d found no other solution. “I want this stopped, no matter the cost.” His gaze dropped unassumingly back to his drink. “And if it goes well, I see no reason why I shouldn’t put in a good word for you with Lord Bathurst, assuring him that you have my full support and confidence.”

  Bathurst. Thomas froze even as a shot of adrenaline jolted through him. This could very well be the opportunity he’d been seeking. Royston wasn’t wrong—he possessed a set of finely honed talents that had served him well as an agent, and he ached to use them again, even for something as small as this. Something that could bring purpose back to his life.

  “Do we have an agreement, then, Chesney?”

  Thomas nodded slowly, outwardly calm despite his racing heart.

  “I’m hosting a party next week.” Royston set aside his glass and stood. “A fortnight at Blackwood Hall and a chance for a group of peers to gather to break up the boredom of the country season. An irresistible target for the highwayman, I presume.”

  Nodding, Thomas rose to his feet. “Make certain the guest list is common knowledge to your household staff.”

  Royston hesitated, incredulity flashing over his face. “You think it could be someone within my own house?”

  “I think it could be anyone.” Thomas slapped him on the shoulder and walked him downstairs. “See you next week, then.”

  He took his hat and gloves from Jensen and left the house. “My thanks, Chesney.”

  And mine to you. More than the earl would ever know, because this might just prove to be his opportunity to show the War Office that he was not only fully healed and ready for another field assignment but that he was just as sharp and vital as ever. If not more.

  His body pulsed with excitement and the first real hope he’d had in a year. Arresting a highwayman in Lincolnshire certainly wasn’t on par with the spying he’d done before, but it might just get him noticed. And at this point, with all other avenues blocked, he would claim whatever small victories he could.

  Small victory? He laughed at himself. Who was he trying to fool? He knew the truth, no matter how reluctant he was to admit it.

  Two weeks at a boring Lincolnshire party might just save his life.

  “Business concluded, then?” Emily looked up from her book as he sauntered into the morning room and slumped down heavily next to her on the sofa.

  “Not business.” He grinned, feeling like the cat who’d gotten into the cream. “Pleasure.”

  Her lips twitched. “And here I’d thought Lady Humphrey had already departed.”

  He shot her an icy look that made grown men quake in their boots but only seemed to amuse her. Brat. “Royston invited me to a party he’s throwing next week at Blackwood Hall.”

  “Oh?” Her bewildered expression spoke volumes, incredulous that her brother would so eagerly gallop off to a party certain to be filled with dull dandies and old gossips.

  He dissembled, “Apparently, the earl has political aspirations and wants counsel on some recent matters that have been troubling him.”

  “And he picked you?” Astonishment rang in her voice. “He wants to succeed at these aspirations, does he not?”

  He grimaced at the teasing insult. She was needling him, trying in her own fashion to get the truth from him, but he would keep this investigation to himself. Emily was one of the few people who truly knew of the hell he’d gone through—was still going through—and he didn’t want to concern her. If the trip to Lincolnshire went as well as he hoped, he would tell her afterward when all was set to rights again.

  And if not…well, there would be little she could do to help fight back the anxiety he knew would come, the clawing blackness that would eventually devour him whole.

  “You know, getting away from London might do you good,” she added thoughtfully. “You might be introduced to a whole new group of potential wives.”

  Stifling an exasperated groan, he kicked his boots onto the tea table. “You know, brat, when you were a child, I sold you to the Gypsies,” he told her bluntly. “I’m still waiting for them to take you away.”

  Emily laughed, her brilliant blue eyes shining with affection, and offered him a cup of tea.

  Also by Anna Harrington

  Dukes Are Forever

  Praise for Anna Harrington and DUKES ARE FOREVER

  “A touching and tempestuous romance, with all the ingredients Regency fans adore.”

  —Gaelen Foley, New York Times bestselling author

  “Ripe with drama and sizzling romance…The complex relationship between Edward and Katherine is intense and skillfully written, complete with plenty of romantic angst that propels the novel swiftly forward. This new author is definitely one to watch.”

  —Publishers Weekly (starred review)

  “As steamy as it is sweet as it is luscious. My favorite kind of historical!”

  —Grace Burrowes, New York Times bestselling author

  Fall in Love with Forever Romance


  by Tiffany Snow

  In the third book of bestselling author Tiffany Snow’s Risky Business series, it’s finally time for Sage to decide between two brothers-in-arms: Parker, the clean-cut, filthy-rich business magnate…or Ryker, the tough-as-nails undercover detective.


  by Tara Wyatt

  The first book in a hot new action-packed series from debut author Tara Wyatt, which will appeal to fans of Suzanne Brockmann, Pamela Clare, and Julie Ann Walker.


  by Debbie Mason

  Back in little Christmas, Colorado, Hollywood star Chloe O’Connor is still remembered as a shy, awkward schoolgirl. And there’s no one she dreads (and secretly wants) to see more than her high school crush. While Easton McBride enjoys the flirtation with this new bold and beautiful Chloe, he can’t help but wonder w
hether a kiss could have the power to bring back the small-town girl he first fell in love with.


  by V.K. Sykes

  The newest novel from USA Today bestselling author V.K. Sykes! Deputy Sheriff Micah Lancaster has wanted Holly Tyler for as long as he can remember. Now she’s back in Seashell Bay, and the attraction still flickers between them, a promise of something more. Their desire is stronger than any undertow…and once it pulls them under, it won’t let go.


  by Anna Harrington

  Major Nathaniel Grey is free to bed any woman he wants…except his best friend’s beautiful sister, Emily. But what if she’s the only woman he wants? Fans of Elizabeth Hoyt, Grace Burrowes, and Madeline Hunter will love this Regency romance.

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  Title Page


  “You think I want to kiss you?”


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  A Preview of “How I Married a Marquess”

  Also by Anna Harrington

  Praise for Anna Harrington and DUKES ARE FOREVER

  Fall in Love with Forever Romance



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2016 by Anna Harrington

  Excerpt from How I Married a Marquess copyright © 2016 by Anna Harrington

  Cover design by Christine Foltzer

  Cover illustration by Chris Cocozza

  Cover copyright © 2016 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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  First Edition: February 2016

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  ISBN 978-1-4555-3405-0 (mass market); 978-1-4555-3404-3 (ebook)





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