Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 2

by WL Knightly

  “Not that I’ve kept in touch, but she seems to be doing okay when I’ve seen her down at the counselor’s office.” Honey’s son Noah was stuck in foster care after his mother’s murder, and he’d been going to counseling sessions twice a week, where Raven met up with him. Everyone had high hopes that he’d tell them what he witnessed on the night of the murder.

  “That’s good. Do they think that Noah will come around?”

  “They say he should. That sometimes these traumas take a lot of unlocking. He most likely woke up when there was a commotion, probably his mother’s screams, and if he caught a glimpse of the killer, the killer didn’t see him. I don’t think they’d have left him alive.”

  Lizzy shrugged. “Unless they threatened him.”

  Darek thought on that a minute as he turned on the fire under his skillet. “Nah, anyone who has been cutting people up like our killer wouldn’t give a fuck about a kid. They’d gut him like a fish and leave him next to his mother.”

  “Unless the killer has a soft spot for kids. I’ve seen cases like that before. They just don’t know how to rip a kid apart. Maybe they were abused as kids and just can’t be the monsters their parents were. You should know there’s all kinds. Who can really tell what drives a person to do what they do? A killer isn’t always calculated in their actions, especially when there’s a kid you didn’t expect.”

  “How do we know he didn’t expect the kid?” asked Darek. “According to your logic, he might have known the kid was there the whole time.”

  Lizzy shrugged as she poured the batter into the pan. “True.” She laughed. “I can’t believe we’re talking about the case on our morning off.”

  Darek reached into the cabinet to get them each a plate. “I can’t believe the case is busted wide open again.”

  “That too,” she said.

  “Or that you actually asked me how Raven is doing. That’s progress, I suppose.”

  “I’m trying to be nice. Besides, I know you feel like it’s your duty to help because of the job. I can respect that. Besides, it helps that she’s insisted on not taking any more of your money and that she’s stopped calling you for help.”

  “I think it had something to do with my intimidating girlfriend.”

  Lizzy questioning her again had probably put her off. He went to the fridge for some syrup and carried it to the table while Lizzy plated the first pancake.

  “I can’t help but be a little territorial. But I’m over it, so let’s move on. And while we’re at it, let’s change the subject.” She poured another round of batter into the pan. “Are you still going to the nursing home today?”

  Darek wasn’t particularly thrilled to have to spend his day on the road and then at the nursing home, but it had been too long since he’d seen his mother. “I need to. She might not know who I am, but she knows when I miss a visit.”

  Lizzy plated the other pancake and walked them over to the table to join him. “I wish I could go with you, but I promised the landlord I’d have my apartment ready to be fumigated. Several of the tenants had bedbugs, and now we’re all paying for it.”

  “Better safe than sorry. Do you need a place to keep Bob? You could bring him here, I suppose.”

  “Thanks, I was going to leave him at the station in his kennel, but this might be for the best.”

  “Yeah, the chief won’t like that,” said Darek with a chuckle before giving her a reassuring smile. “My house is your house.” He placed his hand on hers. “You just make Bob comfortable. I like you being here.” He wondered if she’d ever want to move in with him. If her stupid cat wasn’t too much of a hassle, he might ask her to.

  “Thanks.” She spooned the fresh blueberries onto her pancakes and then drizzled them with syrup. They ate in comfortable silence, barely muttering a word between them. Darek liked the quiet moments with her when the world and the pressures of work faded away.

  After Lizzy put her plate in the sink and went to get dressed, Darek’s phone rang. He looked at the screen to see it was Lane Simon. “What’s up, Lane?”

  He hadn’t expected to hear from him and figured it was about the shooting.

  “Have you heard the latest?” Lane asked.

  “That there was another killing? Of course, I have.” This one was too up close and personal to forget.

  “Wait, what?”

  “Yeah, Raven’s cousin, Honey. She was brutally stabbed in Raven’s apartment. The killer left my sign on the scene.”

  Lane’s voice steeped with suspicion. “Your sign?”

  “Sagittarius. I think it was a warning to me, a message.”

  “Actually, I’m calling about Carter.”

  “Carter? What’s he up to?”

  “He’s missing, Darek. I just saw the news, and they say he took a large sum of money from his church fund over a week ago, and he hasn’t been seen since. The church says he was recently accused of harassment by several different women, and now that a couple came forward, several others followed suit. It’s a mess.”

  “Shit, I hadn’t heard about it.”

  “I was going to call Bay, but I know he was up at Justin’s, taking care of business.”

  “Carter was with him, but I thought he was back in town.”

  “Do you think he knows what happened?” Lane asked.

  “If he does, I’m not sure I want to know. Men have a way of dying on his watch.”

  “Shit, man,” said Lane, like it was a horrible thing to say.

  Darek sighed. “Well, it’s true. I know he’s trying to preserve what few of us there are because he likes feeling like he has some kind of power over us, but I think if Carter was in some kind of trouble, there’s no telling what’s going on. Maybe Bay helped him skip town?” The possibilities were endless when it came to Bay and his reasoning. Darek had just about given up on trying to figure him out.

  What a mess.

  “I guess I’ll give Bay a day or so,” said Lane. “He should be calling me soon to tell me about the will. They should have everything wrapped up soon.”

  “If I hear anything, I’ll let you know, and I’ll have him call you too.”

  “Thanks,” Lane said, and then he said his goodbyes and ended the call.

  Darek opened up his search on his phone and typed in Carter’s name. There were several articles that came up, including one about his disappearance. He wasn’t just being accused of sexual harassment. Other women were coming forward, saying they had love affairs with Carter. One woman even claimed to be pregnant with his baby.

  “Jesus, no wonder he ran away.” Darek couldn’t believe it. Carter had really stepped in it now.

  “What are you looking at?” asked Lizzy as she came out of the room. “You have that concentrating look again. Don’t let the weight of the world bog you down.” She walked over and gave him a kiss.

  “I just saw that Carter Hamilton is missing.”

  “The pastor, Carter Hamilton? The one who was just here in New York a couple of weeks ago?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one.”

  “That’s too bad. I hope they find him.”

  “Me too.” Alive.

  “Be safe on your drive. I’ll be back later with Bob.” She winked and headed out the door.

  Darek let out a sigh. “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter 3


  The security gate in front of Bay’s home rattled open, and he looked out the window to see who was coming. A taxi pulled into his driveway, and he hurried to the door. He stopped and took a deep breath, preparing to face Mia again. He hoped that sending her away hadn’t changed things between them irrevocably.

  Bay rarely gave anyone a second chance once they’d disappointed him, but then, Mia was special. She was so young that she was bound to make a few mistakes. He had accepted that she wasn’t perfect, even though she was close to it in his eyes. He had to face the fact that she was as human as everyone else.

  Pushing aside his disappointment had been a lot e
asier than he thought, and now that she was back, he wanted to welcome her home and put aside all of his anger for how she’d disrespected him.

  He opened the door and walked out with his hands in his pockets, looking unfazed except for his crooked smile, which he couldn’t quite suppress.

  Mia stepped out of the cab looking like a million bucks, even though he could spot the weariness in her eyes. She gave him a half smile. “I didn’t think you’d come out to greet me.”

  She pulled her suitcase from the backseat as he walked over to pay the driver. Bay played it off as he took her bag. “Well, I was on this side of the house and didn’t know if you had your key.”

  He led her inside and dropped her bag near the front door as she kicked off her hot pink pumps.

  She walked up to him and stopped, her eyes averted, aimed at the floor. “I’m glad to be home.”

  “Are you sure, Mia? You don’t seem too enthused.” He kept his hands in his pockets, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around her.

  “I’m just tired.”

  Bay cleared his throat and gave her a stern look. Knowing there was more to her mood, he turned and walked over to the bar across the room and poured two drinks. “We’ve been apart for a week, and the first thing you do is lie to me?”

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice. “I guess I’m upset about the way things were before I left.”

  He sighed. “I said we were good, didn’t I? I say we let bygones be bygones, Mia. Or would you rather me stew on things I can’t change?”

  She walked over to take her drink, meeting his eyes. “I’m sorry.”

  He really had turned her into a whipped puppy. “Stop being sorry, Mia. I want you to be happy, excited for a fresh beginning. You said you loved me. Did you mean it?”

  “Of course,” she said quickly. “I meant what I said.”

  “Then stop being so gloomy, and make me happy.” He held out his arms, and she fell into them.

  He held her tightly and cupped her face, kissing her softly. Then he pulled away and looked deep into her eyes. “I suppose you’re wondering where I’ve been,” he said.

  “I knew better than to ask.” Mia had been well-trained to know her place, but even though she was often rebellious in her behavior, something had changed.

  Bay’s grin spread his lips. He was just too happy thinking about the huge sum of money he’d gotten on his trip. “I’ve been off securing our future.”

  Her brows rose. “Ours?”

  Bay chuckled. “I thought that might get your attention. I do, of course, mean our family. All of us. How would you like to run two sporting goods stores?”

  Mia scrunched her nose. “Sporting goods? I don’t know anything about sports.”

  Bay chuckled. “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t make you do that, though I’m sure those old timers up there would love to see a hot young thing like you behind the counter. I’m not sure I’m going to keep the stores, but I just inherited two of them in Michigan.”

  “Are they going to make you even wealthier?”

  “They will, indeed, but they got my wheels turning. You need something to do. A job. Something other than dusting my office and fetching coffee.”

  Mia frowned. “You don’t want me to be your assistant anymore? I thought you liked having me under your thumb, Bay.”

  “I know you love being with me, and I love having you around, but you really should pursue your dreams. I want to help. You need some focus, and I think I can encourage that.” He knew enough money could encourage anything. “What’s something you’ve always wanted to do?”

  She hesitated. “I’m not sure you’ll approve,” she finally said. “You’ll think it’s silly.”

  His smile faded. “And you’ve suddenly become an authority on what I think?”

  Mia panicked. “I’m sorry, no! I don’t mean that.”

  “Relax, Mia.” He led her to the nearest chair and pulled her down into his lap as he sat. “Tell me your dreams.” He needed ideas about what kind of business to invest in. He didn’t want another restaurant or club.

  She let out a long breath. “Well, I’ve always wanted to design my own handbags and shoes.”

  He brushed her hair over one shoulder and leaned down to kiss her neck before whispering in her ear. “Then let’s make that happen. You can design them, and I’ll hire someone to make them, and you can open your own shop to sell them.”

  She turned her head and gave him a hard look. “You’re not teasing me, are you?” She searched his eyes, and he shook his head.

  “No, I’m serious. If that’s what you want, I’ll make it happen for you.” He wanted to show her that he would always take care of her. Besides, the property alone would be worth an investment, and he needed somewhere to invest all of the money he’d stolen from Brandy.

  Justin had an awful lot of cash and guns in that safe room, and Bay had managed to secure the transfer of everything Brandy had taken from Corey. Millions upon millions, edging into the billions between both men. Bay’s future was set. The smartest move he’d ever made was taking that trip to Michigan.

  Tears welled in her eyes. “Oh man, Bay. I really do love you. Thank you. I don’t even know where to start.” She buried her face in his neck, kissing away the trail of tears she left behind.

  “Start by making a list of what you want, and we’ll sort it out.” He took her hand and led her down the hall to his home office. He opened the drawer of his desk. He sat down and placed a notepad on the desk in front of him. “You can use this to start. You can design the boutique and your merchandise.”

  “And the logo?” Her eyes widened. “I want Mia written in big bold letters across the top in hot pink letters, and I want everything in the store to have my name on it.”

  He was amused by her imagination. “That sounds like you’re off to a good start making that list.”

  “You really think I can do it, Bay? That I can pull it off and be a success?”

  Looking into her eyes, he saw that she needed his approval and encouragement so badly. If he was so inclined, he could crush her spirits with a single negative word. He chose not to be cruel.

  Bay had no idea if she could do more than buy shoes and purses, but he didn’t mind throwing a little money her way to let her try. There was plenty of cash, and he needed to do something to keep her happy.

  “I think if there’s one thing you know, Mia, it’s handbags and heels.” He pulled her down into his lap.

  Her eyes suddenly widened. “I just remembered. There’s a fashion gala soon. It’s a charity event, and all of the top models and designers will be there. I’d love to go and see if I could meet anyone.”

  “That sounds like a good idea.” He was about to suggest she take her friend, Heidi, when she gave him her pouty puppy eyes.

  “I want you to come with me,” she said with a pleading look. “Please. I don’t know if I could get in without you. Everyone knows you; you’re The Slayer.” She leaned in and nuzzled his ear. Just like that, his little mischievous kitten was back.

  He chuckled. He loved being called The Slayer, and she knew it. “I guess I could take you. If you really want me to?”

  She squealed with delight. “Will you buy me a new dress too? I can’t go in last season’s collection. I’ll be mortified if I look like I’m behind the times. This is the hottest fashion event of the year.”

  Bay pulled out his wallet. He took out his credit card and handed it to her. “Here, you can try to do some damage with this. Make sure my date looks her absolute best. I’m not taking a rag to the hottest fashion event of the fucking year.”

  “Anything I want?” He could practically see her heart beating out of her chest. She was shaking all over with excitement.

  “Yes, but keep in mind that I’m about to spend a small fortune on your new business venture.” He gave her a pointed look.

  Her smile beamed. “I will.” She let out a sigh. “I’ve missed you, Bay. I don’t want to go away agai
n.” She kissed him and pulled away to meet his eyes. “I want to show you how thankful I am.” Her hand slipped down to his crotch and stroked him.

  “I don’t want you to go away again either. I’ve had too much time away from you.” Being apart from her made it difficult for him to concentrate, and he had to do everything for himself. He hadn’t realized how much she did for him until she was gone.

  “Let me show you how much I love you.” She slid off his lap and nestled between his legs as he eased back in his chair. Then she undid his belt and worked his zipper down. After freeing his hard length, she licked her palm and looked into his eyes as she stroked him slowly from base to tip before taking him between her lips.

  She was too fucking good to him, and he knew that as long as she loved him, he could have his cake and eat it too. There would be other playthings in the world, but Mia was family, and family wasn’t going anywhere. It was best to control it any way he could. At least now, he had enough money to keep her happy.

  He closed his eyes and thought of all the blood that had gotten him to where he was. That damned killer had goaded him into taking control, and it had come at a price. He couldn’t stop thinking of the few remaining members of the Zodiac Society. They’d gone from twelve members to four in the span of a few months.

  He had to tell them about Carter. He’d tried to preserve what they had agreed on, but the gut wound that Brandy had given Carter was only going to make him suffer until he died. He’d done his friend a mercy by putting him out of his misery.

  He hadn’t talked to anyone in the past week since he’d gotten home. Instead, he’d pored over the photographs, piecing together more of the images in hopes to get a clearer picture of the background. It was his best chance at figuring out who was targeting them.

  Mia’s swirling tongue tore him from his thoughts, and he ran his fingers through her hair and held her head down on his cock until she tapped out. “That’s good, baby girl.”

  She took his words as encouragement and went back down, taking him deep when Bay unloaded. She pulled away, with adoration in her eyes as she worshiped him with her mouth.


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