Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 4

by WL Knightly

  “No,” Darek said. “No one else has come forward in the wake of his death, which is usually when these cults will see a rise of attention from his trusted friends and fellow worshippers. We haven’t seen that. With the reports that this was just a stunt by Ken Sin, we have now determined that he was, in fact, lying to get publicity. There was no cult and no following.”

  Reed frowned. “So, you’re back to where you were before all of that, which is where? You’ve not had any luck with leads, despite a growing body count, and you haven’t got dick when it comes to evidence. I’m afraid I’m going to have to take you both off the case if you can’t deliver.”

  Lizzy leaned forward. “No, please, Sam. I’m confident that this case is going to heat up. This killer, they have to screw up sooner or later, leave something behind, and hang themselves. No one else knows this case better than us.”

  “Look, Lizzy.” Reed met her eyes. “It hasn’t escaped my attention that you two are more than partners. I’m not saying I agree or that I even approve, but I’m fairly certain it’s what is hindering this investigation. You’re too close to each other. You’re too distracted.”

  Lizzy glanced over at Darek. “We’ll end the relationship.”

  Darek’s eyes narrowed. “We will?”

  She gave him an apologetic look. “Yes, it’s for the best, at least until this is done. We’ll talk about it later.” She turned back toward Reed. “But you have my word that we’ll end it and focus on the case.”

  Reed gave Darek a pointed look. “Darek, I’m very close to recommending you for your promotion, and it would look much better if you weren’t screwing your partner. Solve this case. It’s all that matters right now.”

  Darek nodded. “Yes, sir.” He couldn’t believe that she was just going to end it all because of Reed. He had just gotten used to them being back together. He’d made special sacrifices just to be with her, and now this? All because Reed said so?”

  Reed cleared his throat. “I tell you what. I’ll give you a few days—a week, maybe—and then if I don’t see something solid roll in, I’m going to send someone else in.” He walked to the door. “Hell, who knows? A pair of fresh eyes on the case could do wonders.”

  As he disappeared around the corner, Lizzy turned her back on Darek and took a bite of her sandwich as nonchalantly as she could. Darek couldn’t think about food.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” he asked.

  “Come on, Darek. What was I supposed to say to him? He’s about to ruin our lives, and it’s not forever. We’re still together. We just don’t have to let him know. Maybe this is the initiative we need to get this job done and put the killer behind bars.”

  “So, you’re just going to pack Bob up and leave, then?” he asked. He had gotten used to her being around, and she had brought her cat with her like she’d promised the night before.

  “We’ll stay another night if that’s what you want. I can return to the apartment in the morning.” She shrugged, and he knew that was the part that pissed him off the most. She acted like it wasn’t a big deal when to him, it was huge. He was just about to ask her to move in with him, and now she wouldn’t even be spending the night anymore.

  Suddenly, there was a commotion out front, and Darek hurried out to see what it was.

  Max stood in the doorway, his face was pale, and Sam Reed was hot on his heels, headed straight for the chief’s office.

  “This is not excusable behavior, Officer Smith.”

  Darek stepped around the counter. “Is there something wrong, Reed?”

  “This fool just sideswiped my damned car because he’s three sheets to the wind.”

  Darek’s eyes went wide. Max was day drinking? He decided to leave them be and returned to the office with Lizzy. “This day just gets weirder.”

  “What was it?”

  “That was Max. Apparently, he’s coming to work drunk now?”

  “What?” Lizzy narrowed her eyes “What the hell has gotten into him?”

  Derek sank in his seat. “I’m still wondering about that myself.”

  Chapter 6


  The next morning, Darek woke up glad that he’d talked Lizzy into staying. She had really done a number on him by telling Reed they’d stop seeing each other, and as he thought about it, he reached over and pulled her closer against him. Bob, who was curled up at his feet, took it as his cue to come up and rub against him.

  “I’ve got to go in early today,” said Lizzy. “I don’t want Sam seeing us arrive together anymore.”

  “God forbid.” Darek nudged Bob out of the way and moved to the edge of the bed to get up.

  “Are you still angry with me? I stayed last night to keep you from being mad, but I can’t stay with you all the time. Not until this is over.”

  “I’m just pissed. I like you being here.” He held up his hand, pinching his fingers together. “I was this close to asking you and Bob to stay for good. And then Reed had to go and fuck it up.”

  She poked out her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. It wouldn’t have worked out anyway. I need my privacy, Darek.”

  He felt the sting of her rejection and walked to the bathroom. He took a leak and then washed his hands before grabbing his toothbrush. He was glad he hadn’t asked, but now he wished he hadn’t even brought it up. Why the hell didn’t she think living together would work? It had been working better than ever until Reed stuck his nose in.

  Lizzy walked past him and turned on the shower. He watched her naked reflection in the mirror and shook his head.

  “You can join me if you want.” She stepped inside and closed the door.

  “Nah.” He had a lot more to say but knew minding his tongue was best. Nothing he could say would change their situation. It would just result in a fight.

  He walked to the closet and got out his clothes, saving his shower until she was done. He didn’t have to be in early. As he walked his shirt to the bed, his phone lit up and vibrated on the bedside table.

  He walked around to answer it and was surprised to see Raven’s picture on the screen. He snatched it up and put it to his ear. “Hello?” He looked in the bathroom and decided to take the call in the kitchen.

  “Darek, thank God. I didn’t think I’d get you to answer so early, but I had to take the chance. I hope I’m not disturbing you, but I need your help.”

  “Help? You’re actually going to let me help you.” He had offered everything from money to his car, but she’d turned it all down, knowing he was back with Lizzy.

  “I know I said I wasn’t going to need your help, but I’m really in a bind. My friend was going to take me to the meeting with Noah’s counselors this morning, but she bailed on me. She said it’s car problems, but I have a feeling she’s just afraid to get involved after what happened with Honey. I can’t blame anyone for feeling that way, but dammit, it makes it hard to call in favors, you know?”

  “I can see that.” He took a deep breath, knowing he could take her but also knowing that Lizzy wouldn’t be too happy about it. And since they were cooling their heels, he thought it was best he not tell her. “I think I can help you out.”

  “My meeting is at eight,” she said with a weary voice.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll get you there. I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes.” He had to hurry, but with Lizzy already ahead of him and determined to go in early, he had plenty of time.

  Darek went to the bathroom just in time for her to shut off the water and exit the shower. He reached in and turned it back on.

  “Give me a kiss before you get in,” she said. “I’ll be gone before you get out.” She leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. “I’m sorry, Darek. I’m not saying we’ll never move in together. I just can’t right now. I have a lease, and well, we’re still recovering from your last roommate.”

  He could understand that, and he nodded. “I get it.” He also got that he damned sure better not tell her about the ride he was providing. “I’m going to drive
up and check on Mom. The nurse said she hasn’t been eating breakfast, and I meant to tell you I promised to go in one of these days. I may as well do it since we’re not riding in together.”

  “Okay, give her a hug for me, and be safe.” She gave him one more kiss and hurried out to get ready.

  Darek got in the shower and made quick work of getting clean. Just like she promised, Lizzy had gotten her clothes on and hauled ass out of there. He heard her shut the door to leave when he cut off the water, and by the time he walked out of the bathroom to put on his clothes, she was driving away.

  He wasn’t far behind her, and he showed up at Raven’s hotel just two minutes late. She ran out to the car from the lobby, and he couldn’t help but think of how pretty she was, how well-kept and manicured. She had no trouble making the jeans and blouse she wore look like high fashion, and as she slid into the seat next to him, he had to fight the usual habit of a welcoming kiss.

  “Thanks so much,” she said with a weary smile as he drove away. “I swear, my life is falling apart.”

  “Anything I can help with, you know to just ask.” He didn’t want her to have it bad, and even though she’d left and broken his heart, he still cared about her and what Noah was going through.

  “Thanks,” she said. “I’m worried I won’t be able to help Noah. I want to, but I still haven’t found a job here. My last job called and let me go. I’m not even going to be able to stay in the hotel anymore.”

  “I told you I’d give you money.” Darek hated that she wouldn’t let him help her the way he wanted to.

  She shook her head. “And I would rather work for it. I don’t like owing anyone, Darek, and it would be different if I hadn’t left you to move away.”

  Darek didn’t want to think about that. He tried instead to think of how he could help. “What if I could get you a job at a restaurant?”

  Her eyes widened. “I’d take it. I’d take anything right now.”

  “If I can get you a job, would you let me give you some money and pay for a few nights in the hotel? That way you can eat and have cab fare.” He wished Lizzy was living with him. Then he could have loaned her his car.

  “As long as you let me pay you back, yes.” She covered her face. “Gosh, you’re too good to me.”

  “Makes you wish you’d stayed with me, huh?” He gave her a sideward glance but then looked over his shoulder to change lanes.

  “I regretted it the moment I walked away. But you don’t need me to tell you that. You know I left for my safety, Darek. After the shooting, I was so out of it. I felt like I couldn’t stop looking over my shoulder. It was never about you. I just didn’t think it was safe to stay, and you were in way too deep and dragging me under. If I’d known I’d end up right back here, in over my head, I’d have never left. Then maybe Honey would be alive.”

  “And maybe you wouldn’t. I’m glad you left. I mean, I’m sorry about your cousin, but I know how I felt that night. The whole way there, I was sick to my stomach thinking it was you, and I could barely hold it together. Once I talked to you and you told me about Noah, I knew I had to help him. I wanted to help you.”

  Raven looked out the window to the busy traffic and the buildings passing by. “You’ve moved on, Darek. I don’t blame you. All I can do now is try and make money and show that I’m fit enough to be Noah’s guardian. If this killer was going to come after me, I figure they would have by now. I haven’t been hiding out or anything.”

  Darek hated to hear it. “Promise me you’ll be careful, and if you think for one moment that something is wrong and someone’s after you—”

  “I’ll call you, I swear.” She rolled her eyes, and he let out a breath of frustration. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “Thanks for caring about me.”

  “I was in love with you, Raven.” He said it before he could stop himself, but he felt like she should know.

  “No, you weren’t,” she said as she shook her head. “If you were, you’d still be.”

  He wasn’t going to argue with her, but as they pulled off the road and into the parking lot of the counseling center, Darek wanted to give her some reassurance before they went inside. “I’m going to call about that job, and I might even be able to get you a free hotel room and a car.”

  She arched an eyebrow at him. “You can do all of that?”

  “Yes, being a detective has some perks.” He wasn’t about to tell her who he was calling because she knew Bay and wasn’t too fond of him. It was a desperate situation, though.

  “Okay, well, are you going to come back with me?”

  He shrugged. “Sure, if you want.”

  “They might not let you see Noah. They don’t want any reminders of the night it happened.”

  Darek nodded. “Well, then how about I wait out here for you two to do your thing, and hopefully when you come back out, I’ll have a job for you.”

  “That would be awesome.” She reached over and squeezed his hand. “You’re the best.”

  With that, she hurried out of the car and into the building. Darek waited until she was gone to take out his phone. He hated to call Bay for favors, especially since he hadn’t called in days, but Darek didn’t have much of a choice.

  The phone rang five times before Bay answered with little enthusiasm. “Darek.”

  “Hey, Bay. How’s it going, man?” Darek hadn’t talked to him since the trip to Michigan. “I was surprised you didn’t call me when you got back into town.”

  “I’ve been busy. Are you calling about Carter or the murder you texted me about?”

  “It’s for a favor, actually.”

  Bay laughed humorlessly. “It figures. Just tell me what you want, and we’ll see.”

  Darke hated his tone. “I haven’t asked you for anything in a while, so don’t act like that’s the only reason I call.”

  “Oh, goody. So you’re not going to ask me for something?” Bay’s tone sounded much more upbeat.

  “No, sorry. I do need a favor. But you know, it’s the first one in a while.”

  “Fine, tell me.” Bay let out a breath that sounded fuzzy through the phone.

  Darek wasn’t sure where to begin. “Well, the murder I told you about, with Raven’s cousin? It was connected to the Zodiac, and it’s a confirmed match to the rest of the crimes.”

  “Yes, I read the texts. You told me all of that. Looks like you have your work cut out for you, detective.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m afraid that Raven is in a bad situation. The victim had a son. Raven is his closest relative, and since they think she was the intended victim, she has to prove to them that she’s safe and stable enough to get custody of the kid. But until then, she’s trying to find work. She lost her job after the shooting, and she’s still unemployed with no place to stay. I wondered if you could give her a job down at Bakes. She’d make a hot hostess.”

  “I could put her to work down at Taunt,” said Bay with an amused tone. “She’s no stranger to that place.”

  Darek’s skin crawled thinking of the things she’d be doing. “She’s looking for something that looks good to the child services people.”

  “I guess I can help her out. Tell her to come by my office after lunch tomorrow. I’ll give her a job and make sure she has a room in my hotel.”

  “Thanks, Bay. You’re a lifesaver.”

  Bay chuckled. “It’s not every day someone accuses me of that.”

  “Have you heard anything from Carter? I wondered if he told you about the scandal at his church.”

  “No, but I did learn something. The only reason he went with me was to talk to Brandy. They had something cooking over a fake marriage license for Corey and her.”

  “Dang. So when did you see him last?”

  “I finished up my stuff, and he said he wasn’t ready to leave. He told me about the license before I left. I’m not sure what he was planning.”

  Darek thought that was odd for Carter, but Bay sounded just as confused as Darek was.

; “Did Lane get in touch with you?”

  “No, but Ethan did. He’s going to be in the city and wants to have dinner Thursday.”

  “Cool, I’ll be there.”

  “Yeah, we have a lot to catch up on,” said Bay. “But don’t worry. We’ll do that Thursday. I’ll get Raven set up for you.”

  “Thanks, man. I’ll let her know.” They ended the call, and Darek realized he hadn’t gotten to ask him about the evidence. Something about Bay seemed a little off, but Darek knew better than to waste time trying to figure the man out.

  Chapter 7


  The moment the plane touched down in New York, Ethan felt like he had landed in enemy territory. It wasn’t enough that he had to perform at the fashion gala, but his manager dropped a bomb on him in the airport.

  “What do you mean I have to take photos today? I thought we already sent them something from my portfolio.” Ethan adjusted his sunglasses and ballcap, then hitched his bag up on his shoulder.

  Nate sighed. “This is why I waited to tell you. I knew you’d throw a fit, but I can’t help it. The photographer in charge, Spencer Wiggs with the Dos agency, wants you to do some more shots for the banners they’re using that day.”

  “Shit. Do I have to?” He knew the answer to that would be yes, but instead, Nate gave him a pointed look.

  “You’re going to have your fun,” he said. “But we have to live up to the expectations of the job first. Show these assholes that you’re professional, Ethan. That she doesn’t bother you.”

  Nate was right as usual, but that didn’t mean Ethan had to like it. “Fine, when do we go?”

  Nate nudged him and pointed to an androgynous-looking male across the baggage claim area, who was not only familiar, but one of the prettiest men Ethan had ever seen. “That is our ride out of here. He’s taking us over to the shoot right now.”

  “But I’m tired and starving.”

  “Good, then you’ll look like all of the other models.” Nate dragged him by the arm to follow him.


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