Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10

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Virgo: Zodiac Killers #10 Page 7

by WL Knightly

  Bay didn’t often let anyone get to him, but he had not expected the killer to say so much. He had a feeling he was getting to them, and he hoped that he would make them act impulsively and sloppy.

  I’d like to see you try, Bay sent with a smile on his face.

  He looked over to Mia, who was still knocked out, and knew that if the killer wanted to really cut him where it would hurt, they’d take Mia or Lila. All the more reason not to show love. It let people see your weak spots.

  He opened his door and walked around to carry Mia into the house.

  She stirred in his arms, snuggling closer. He brought her upstairs to his room and put her in his bed, knowing her sister would have a fit if she found her there again. Lucky for him, Lila was back in the islands.

  “Are you coming to bed?” she asked with a sleepy voice.

  “Not just yet. My mind is going ninety to nothing. You get some sleep, and I’ll be here when you wake up.”

  “Can I get a kiss?” She stretched her arms and yawned, then curled up against his pillow.

  He walked back over and leaned down to kiss her, but she latched on to his neck with both arms. “Are you sure you don’t want to lay with me? I could give you the focus you need.” She was sweet to offer, but he still hadn’t recovered from the ball buster at the club.

  “Keep my place warm for me, and I’ll be along soon.”

  “Will you wake me up?”

  He wasn’t about to make her any promises. “We’ll see. You better let me up so you can find out.”

  She turned him loose, and he rose up and gave her a wink before walking to the door.

  With no further protest, Bay went down to his office and turned on his computer to look over the evidence. Working on legal cases, he had to be something of a detective, so spending the late hour sleuthing was nothing new to him.

  He hoped the killer would respond again, and while he waited, he went to his bank account to look at the long line of digits that was his balance. He had waited days for the money to clear, and it still hadn’t sunk in completely that he would never have to worry about money again.

  He had already decided to slack off taking clients and thought about moving to the islands for a while with Lila to spend the last few months of her pregnancy with her until their child was born.

  He wanted to feel the little one kick in its mother’s womb.

  The phone let out another buzz, and Bay looked at it. “Consider it a deal,” he read. Fucking asshole.

  He stared at the photo on his computer, and then something caught his eye. There was a small shadow on the floor behind the mystery girl. “I see you, motherfucker.” He took the photo and looked for others. “You’re there with little miss tits, aren’t you?” He shuffled through and found nothing. No other shadows, no other reflections, nothing.

  He went back to the photo and turned it around until he could make out the silhouette. “Strong features, a brow ridge, and an Adam’s apple. You’re a man.” He wished there was something he could do, but the shadow wasn’t anything he could work with.

  “Right under my nose, huh? You better step up your game, motherfucker. Because I’m going to find you first.” Bay went to his liquor cabinet and poured a drink.

  He had enough to show Darek, and hopefully, the man would understand him holding back a little. The only reason he’d done so was his money. His priority upon returning was to have his money situated before he did anything else, which was why he had made Mia spend another week away from him. Never again.

  Now that he had things in order and was confident that he had scoured the photos for all he could, he would show Darek and allow him to help.

  Chapter 11


  Darek drove across town, relieved to have a little time away from Lizzy and the case. He was ready to have a drink and unwind at Bakes with a nice, fat, juicy steak and, of course, Bay and Ethan.

  Between no morning sex and a tough start at the office, which included Max showing up for the first time in three days since the chief had sent him home, Darek was ready for the week to be over.

  He pulled up at Bakes, and since there was no parking up front, he gave his keys to the valet and went inside, wondering if Raven would be the one to greet him today.

  He hoped that everything had worked out with her and the job, but since he hadn’t heard a single peep out of her, he had no idea.

  Disappointment creased his brow as he entered and one of the waiters walked him back to the table where Bay and Ethan sat talking.

  “Darek, how’s it going, man?” Ethan got to his feet to greet him, and Bay stood up to shake his hand.

  “It’s going. I hope we have the hook up on the best cuts of meat because I’m starving.”

  “Lizzy not feeding you?” asked Bay. “And here I thought you traded up.”

  Darek let the remark go, knowing Bay was just being an asshole. “It’s been one of those mornings, man. If it could go wrong, it did.”

  Bay lifted a brow. “Nothing about the case, I hope?”

  “Nah, it’s Max. He got in trouble for coming to work drunk. I think he had a little too much, too late, and didn’t get enough sleep to wear off the alcohol. Our superior was pissed at him.”

  Bay shook his head and leaned over to Ethan. “He’s talking about his asshole ex-partner who recently fucked my girlfriend.” Bay took a long pull off his glass and waved the waitress over for more.

  “Damn, what did your wife think about that?” Ethan asked, turning his eyes to laugh it up with Darek who took the opportunity to order his own drink.

  “She’s too pregnant to care,” said Bay.

  “Oh, that’s right,” said Ethan. “I almost forgot. You’re about to be a father. What’s that like?”

  Bay shrugged. “I’ll tell you when I start to develop an emotional grid.”

  Darek turned toward Ethan. “So, how have you been, man? I’d ask you what’s up, but if I’m to believe every rag in town, I probably know more about you than you do right now.”

  Ethan sank down in his chair. “Don’t tell me you read those articles. They aren’t true.”

  “Only the headlines,” said Darek.

  “That’s even worse. If they were true, I’d already have two kids with that cheating bitch.”

  “Ah, the wounds are still fresh,” said Bay to Darek. “Did you hear him calling her ‘that cheating bitch’ like it was a habit?”

  Darek laughed and took his drink when it came to the table. You couldn’t beat the service with Bay at his table. The staff was on their toes with the owner there, showing off how eager they were to please.

  “So, what are you doing in town?” Darek asked Ethan.

  Ethan tugged his shirt’s cuff. “I’m performing at a fashion gala. You should come and bring your special lady. I have tickets for you if you want them. You too, Bay.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s Lizzy’s thing, but I’ll ask. She might like to see your performance if nothing else.”

  “All women like fashion, Darek. She’ll love it. They’re serving dinner, and we can all sit together. There’s no one else at my table with me, just me and Nate and our dates.”

  “Sounds fun.” Darek took a sip from his glass as Bay leaned back in his chair.

  He turned to Ethan, playing with his ice with his little black straw like a bored child. “Did you ask your friend from last night to come?”

  Ethan nodded. “Yeah, I did. She’s really an amazing woman. I had a great time.”

  Bay smiled like a snake. “That’s great, man. I’ll be bringing Mia.”

  Darek couldn’t help but be surprised. “You’re going?” he asked Bay. He never thought he’d see Bay at a charity function, much less a fashion show.

  “Ah, I haven’t shared the good news with many, but I’m investing in a shop for Mia. She wants to design handbags and shoes, so I thought I’d go and rub a few elbows.”

  “Well, good luck. Shannon is a part of that community. I wish I
didn’t have to perform there, but it was in the works for a long time. Nate insisted we make a show for the tabloids. He’s worried about my reputation.” Ethan gave a sigh like the man had been bothering him a lot lately. “I love the guy, but it’s good to have this time away from him.”

  “He’s a good guy,” said Bay, bringing Darek’s attention around.

  “You’ve met his manager?”

  “Last night,” said Ethan. “I wanted to ask you to join us, but Bay said your girl wouldn’t like Taunt.”

  Darek hadn’t been to Taunt without Raven, and the place reminded him too much of what they had. “Yeah, she’s a bit more conservative.”

  “Nothing wrong with that,” said Ethan. “Maybe we’ll all go to a different club. My new friend likes to party.”

  “I’m glad you two are hitting it off,” said Bay, leading Darek to wonder what all he’d missed.

  “Shit, there she is.” Ethan waved his hand, and Darek looked up over Bay’s head to see Raven smiling at Ethan. At least, until she saw Darek.

  His blood turned to ice water in his veins as the anger built inside him.

  He looked down to Bay’s sly grin, and the man had the nerve to shrug at Darek like it was no big deal.

  “I didn’t know you were working today,” said Ethan as she walked over, looking like she might pass out. He stood and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Raven stood next to him, and he put his arm around her waist. “It’s my first day,” she said. “I’ve been in the back, doing paperwork.”

  Ethan beamed, and Darek remembered what it was like to be proud of Raven. “Meet my friend, Darek. He’s a detective with the NYPD.”

  “We’ve met,” she said, giving a nod in Darek’s direction.

  Ethan gave Darek a confused look. “Am I missing something?”

  Darek shrugged. “No, it’s just that we used to date.”

  Ethan’s expression faded. “Dude, you set me up with one of Darek’s girls? Dick move.”

  Darek could tell that Raven was just as uncomfortable as he was. “It’s okay, man,” said Darek. “She’s not my girl anymore. We’re friends.”

  Bay cleared his throat. “I just thought that you two would hit it off.”

  “We did.” Ethan smiled and took her hand. “I’m taking her out tonight too and then again to the gala.”

  Raven gave him an apologetic look. “I’ll call you later, Ethan. I really have to get to work, but it was good to see you.” She hurried away from the table, and Darek looked over at Bay, who took a drink.

  Ethan glared at him too for a moment, and then he looked up to Darek. “I’m so sorry, man. I hope I didn’t step on any toes. I asked Bay to hook me up. I didn’t know the bro code didn’t mean dick to him.”

  Bay shrugged. “You wanted the best. I found her, right? I mean, you can’t argue that the girl isn’t Aphrodite, for fuck’s sake.”

  Darek couldn’t be pissed at Ethan in the situation, and while he wanted to blame Bay, he knew it had all come down to Raven agreeing.

  They made small talk until their food came, about Ethan’s career and their guesses for where Carter had run off to, but it wasn’t the same with the elephant in the room.

  Every time Raven showed someone to their table in that section, he and Ethan both stared her way.

  It finally came time for them to eat, and Darek took his time, the steak turning to ash with each bite. He knew he shouldn’t let it bother him so much, but he never expected to have a front row seat to seeing her move on.

  Ethan finished his meal first and checked his phone. “Man, I hate to eat and run, but that’s Nate. He’s setting up some kind of press thing, and I have to be there in less than an hour.”

  “Then I guess we’ll see you Saturday,” said Bay. “Until then, enjoy your time in the city.”

  Ethan looked like he wanted to say something to Darek but, instead, gave him a nod before he hurried away. Darek gave him a minute to stop and tell Raven goodbye before he looked up. He didn’t want to see them together. But he couldn’t pass up a chance to say or do something when Raven, not two minutes later, stormed past him to the back.

  “Excuse me,” said Darek. Bay took another long pull of his drink, looking pleased with himself as Darek stepped away. He walked back into the kitchen and saw Raven duck into the office. He followed her in, hoping to catch her alone.

  He pushed the door open, and she sat crying on the desk. When she looked up, she shook her head. “Jesus, Darek. Give it a rest. If I wanted to talk to you, I’d have stopped at your table.”

  “What did he promise you? For Ethan.” Darek put his hands on her shoulders and looked into her eyes. “I know he bought you.”

  “You’re the one who told me to go to him for help. So why don’t you go and ask him yourself?”

  “I didn’t know that was part of it.”

  “You know what a snake he is. I showed up thinking I’d see anyone but Bay Collins, and then it was too late. He had me in his fucking trap. He said you’d moved on, that I should too. I needed to do it for Noah. And the restaurant and the hotel room. He even sweetened the deal with cash. How could I turn it down?”

  “You turned my help down.” He would have given her all of those things.

  “He gave me twenty grand, Darek.”

  That shut him up. He couldn’t compete with that, and he couldn’t blame her for taking the bait.

  “Well, I hope he’s getting his money’s worth.” Darek turned and stormed out, leaving Bay at the table alone. But by the time he got outside, Bay was on his heels.

  “Darek!” he yelled, following him to his car. “Hey, I know you’re pissed, but I’m just looking out for her, just like you asked me to.”

  “Twenty grand?”

  “She drives a hard bargain.”

  Darek laughed bitterly. “Well, good for her.”

  “Look, the only reason you’re so pissed off is that you still love her. But I did you a favor, man.”

  “How the fuck do you figure that?” He couldn’t believe his words, but then that was Bay’s way. Fucking up your world while saying he was making it better.

  “You can be with Lizzy now and never look back.”

  “What do you know about it? I’ve been helping her out because of the case, but that’s it. You, however, have dropped off the face of the earth since your trip, and frankly, I’m suspicious. What happened to Carter, Bay? Is he lying dead somewhere? And what about the fucking evidence? You think I’ve forgotten that you went to do the will, hoping to find something in Justin’s personal stash?”

  Bay looked around the lot and gestured for Darek to keep it down. “I did find some things, and I wanted to look over them myself first. You’d have done the same thing. If you’re interested, you can come to my private suite tonight and take a look for yourself.”

  He had a feeling this was another setup. Bay was obviously trying to get under his skin. “Is that where Raven’s staying?”

  Bay shook his head. “Not the suite. But I did give her a room down on the third floor. It’s comfortable, quiet, and free.”

  “Stop acting like you did me a goddamned favor.” He didn’t know why he expected Bay to be better. Just because they’d had to deal with each other more didn’t make them friends.

  Bay let out a sound of frustration. “Hey, I’m taking care of her like I promised. That’s what matters, right?” He met Darek’s eyes as if daring him to disagree.

  “I’ll see you tonight.” Darek got into his car and started the engine as Bay slowly walked away. It took everything in Darek not to run him down.

  Chapter 12


  Ethan hoped he never had to see Spencer Wiggs again. Not only was the man a pain in the ass photographer, but he was the world’s biggest shit starter, next to Bay Collins, of course. While Bay’s dick move had made him look bad to Darek, Spencer’s little photograph of Ethan and Shannon, their back to back photo op, was hung all over the city.

�I’ll see what I can do to get it taken down,” said Nate as they walked into the hotel elevator, fresh off the press meeting.

  Ethan doubted that would do any good. “Too late,” he said, leaning against the handrail to take out his phone. “I looked like an idiot. Of course, Shannon didn’t. I think this whole thing is designed to make me look like an asshole.”

  “That’s not true. You booked this long before you and Shannon had problems, and you were excited about it then.”

  Ethan was about to blow his top. “We should have canceled.” He went to his call list to dial Raven’s number.

  “Are you calling the girl? Do you really think this is a good time to be making a new relationship?”

  “I’m not asking your fucking opinion on my love life, so stop offering it.”

  “Wait, you’re talking about love? Give me a break, man. You barely know her, and she’s bought and paid for.”

  “I haven’t paid a dime, my friend. Bay said she was a gift, and he couldn’t be any more right about that.” He also knew the only reason Bay had told him not to worry about it was because he really fucked up. Hooking him up with Darek’s girl, ex or otherwise, was uncool, and he wasn’t sure what was going to happen after the day’s blowup.

  He hit send, and as the phone rang, he tapped his foot. She had worked the day shift, and even though it was her first day, she should be off of work by now. He breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her voice.

  “Hello?” Her voice was weary as if she’d had a long day.

  Ethan felt horrible about what had happened. “Hey, I thought I’d call and see how you are.”

  “I’m okay,” she said. “I’m sorry about what happened at the restaurant. I guess I should have known that you and Darek would see each other while you’re here, since you’re both Zodiacs and all.”

  “Yeah, well, I guess it didn’t help that I was so eager to show you off.” The elevator stopped, and Nate pulled his arm when it was time to get off.

  Raven laughed. “That was sweet actually. Don’t worry about it. Bay Collins is the devil.”


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