Cowboy Strong (Cowboy Up Book 5)

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Cowboy Strong (Cowboy Up Book 5) Page 5

by Allison Merritt

  “I know. But we’ll be going our own ways soon.” He dropped his gaze. “I don’t want to start something I know I can’t finish. That’s not fair to either of us.”

  “We could compare schedules. Make a few adjustments if we needed to.” She traced a heart-shape over his heart. “Think about it for me?”

  “Mmm, I want to, but…”

  “Still hung up on Alaina.” A spark of jealousy lit in her belly. “What’s so great about her?”

  “I don’t know,” he answered softly. “You’d think as many times as she sent me away with my tail between my legs, I’d have gotten shy about being kicked. It’s a lot to do with Casey too. It’s always been me and her against the world.”

  “It’s a great big ol’ world. You could use another teammate. I’m not asking because I’m fangirling over you. We had a good time. I get it if you don’t feel like you can move on right now. But I’m saying I’d be open, if you ever wanted to start something.” She shook her head. “Sorry. I feel like I sound desperate now. How pathetic.”

  “It’s not pathetic. I appreciate your honesty. It’s a rare thing when people will communicate real feelings.”

  “Well, well, well. Look at this.”

  A buxom blonde, one hand perched on her cocked hip looked between them. “Did you finally get a girlfriend, Austin?”

  He jumped away from Natalie as though he’d been burned. “Alaina.”

  Natalie put her hands on her hips. “Wow, the infamous Alaina Rey. How nice to meet you, finally.” About as nice as meeting a rattlesnake.

  Alaina ran her gaze over Austin. Like he was an amazing new sex toy. Not like he was a human with feelings. “How’s things?”

  He removed his hat and ran his fingers through his hair. “Okay. You?”

  “Going really well. You roping tonight?”

  “Yeah. Roping and riding. You have barrels too.” He looked down at his hat. “I saw it on the schedule. Casey will be in the stands--”

  “How is she?” The coolness in Alaina’s voice suggested she didn’t care.

  “Good. Still wants to be a barrel racer.” He shifted his weight. “If you could give her some tips sometime, I’m sure she’d--”

  “I’m busy, Austin. You know that.”

  Natalie stepped forward. “I’m busy too, but I still managed to help her with roping. You know, give back to the kids and I don’t even want to be Miss Rodeo USA.”

  Alaina laughed. “Busy doing what? Banging my leftovers?”

  Austin’s cheeks colored. “That’s enough. You don’t have to talk like that. It was nice of Natalie to help Casey.”

  “Sure. I’ll bet there’s nothing in it for her.” Alaina tossed her long, blonde hair over her shoulder. “See you later.”

  He held out his hand to stay her. “If we could just talk for a minute. Alone. It’s about some stuff Casey needs.”

  “Call my mom. She’ll fix you up.” Alaina turned on the ball of her flashily decorated boot, then strode away.

  “It’s not…” Austin ribbed his bridge of his nose. “Shit.”

  Natalie clenched her fists and ground her teeth. What a bitch. “You’re just going to let her walk away like that?”

  His shoulders dropped. “There’s no use in chasing her. She’s done with the conversation. Her mom and dad will fix whatever needs fixing and no skin off her teeth.” But he looked devastated.

  “I am so sorry.” She touched his shoulder. “Poor Casey. Poor you.”

  He shrugged off her hand. “We’ll survive. We always do.”

  Stung by his action, she stuck her hands in her pockets. A moment ago, they’d been getting pretty cozy. Now he’d put her back on the shelf of women he wasn’t sure he could trust. “Don’t let it put you off your roping or riding tonight. Promise?”

  His mouth flattened and he grunted.

  “Don’t allow her to shake you up. That’s what she wants.” Women could be so cruel. She tried to only do good, but she’d been betrayed by her fair share of women.

  “I guess. Thanks for the pep talk.” He gave her a weak smile. “We should definitely get together over our schedules.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “Really?”

  “Really. But...I wonder, if you’d do me a favor?” He toyed with his hat. “It’s kind of a big deal.”

  “All I can do is say no.”

  “Casey needs new clothes. She’s outgrowing everything she has. She’s getting so big. I don’t know anything about shopping for girls’ clothing. We usually get t-shirts and jeans, but maybe she’d like something else. She’s so good about agreeing with me, but she probably would like other things. I’m happy to take her, but I think she’d warm to the idea a little more if you went along.”

  “That is so incredibly touching.” Natalie pressed her hand to her heart. “I’d love to help.”

  He sighed with relief. “Thank you. I wanted to ask Alaina, but I already knew she’d say no. She always does. I hope it’s not too much to ask of you.”

  Bitch. Natalie put her hands on her hips. “It’s her loss. I hope she figures that out someday. I’m happy to go with you guys. It’ll be fun.”

  He raised his brows. “Interesting, maybe. Fun… I guess we’ll see. I don’t know how I can pay you back for it. I mean, going out with a stranger and little girl.”

  “It’s my pleasure. Don’t worry about it. And it will be a blast. I promise. Now, you should get back to practicing a little more before the big event. I don’t want to distract you.”

  A slow grin crossed his face. “Pretty sweet distraction.”

  Her stomach did a flip. “Maybe if you get ahead tonight, we can celebrate later.”

  “I like that incentive.”

  She leaned forward, then raised up on her tiptoes to brush her lips across his cheek. Rough with a little stubble, it gave her shiver. “Go get ‘em, cowboy.”


  The heat under the bright lights inside the Ford Truck Center Arena caused a sheen of sweat to coat Austin’s body. He wiped his arm across his forehead, then dropped his hat onto his head.

  “You’re sweatin’ like a whore in church.” Nolan checked the cinch on Bourbon’s saddle, then ran his hand across the gelding’s shoulder. “What’s up, bro?”

  “Nothing. Just ready to get this over with.” He blew out a breath, willed himself to settle down before Jacko picked up on his nervousness.

  “Nothing to do with your new lady friend watching in the stands?” Nolan grinned. “Don’t want to mess up in front of her?”

  Natalie had offered to sit with Casey. He’d jumped at her offer because normally unless Nolan’s girlfriend was along, Casey had to sit alone. In this increasingly scary world, he hated to leave her.

  “It doesn’t have anything to do with Natalie.”

  “Then the fact that the Wicked Bitch of the West is out here somewhere too?”

  Alaina wouldn’t have to be ready to barrel race for a couple of hours yet. No doubt he could avoid seeing her altogether, but he didn’t want a surprise run-in. And she was damn good at them.

  “I don’t care about her.”

  “Since when?”

  He met his brother’s dubious gaze. “I just care that Casey gets what’s coming to her from Alaina. That’s the only reason I still talk to her. She told me to call her mom. I don’t care if I ever cross paths with Alaina again.”

  Nolan nodded in approval. “Good for you. ‘Bout time you gave up on that train wreck.”

  “Moving on to greener pastures.”

  “Would that particular pasture have a name that starts with ‘N’ and ends with ‘atalie’?” Nolan grinned. “The two of you were getting awfully close this afternoon.”

  “Shut up.” He hated Nolan’s teasing. He removed his rope from the saddle, then let it drop. Coiling it gave him something to do with his nervous hands.

  “Two to go.” Nolan squinted in the direction of the gates, but there wasn’t much to see from back here. “Is
your head in the right place? Not gonna get all distracted by Miss Breakaway, are you?”

  “I’m fine.” He gritted his teeth. “Wait and see.”

  “You never let me down.”

  “You better not let me down. Heading’s easy.”

  “Everything’s easy with enough practice.” Nolan stretched his arms overhead, then in front of him. “We’re gonna score big. National Finals, here we come.”

  “From your lips to God’s ears.”

  One of the teams headed back through the gates. One more in front of them, and then they’d be out on the sandy arena.

  “Let’s mount up.” Nolan swung into Bourbon’s saddle.

  Austin’s heart thundered in his chest. Go time.

  In less than five minutes, they were lined up on either side of the chute where their steer waited.

  It broke from the gate. Jacko didn’t need the tap from Austin’s heels to set off after the steer. The horse, born for every moment in the arena, took off.

  Austin set his rope into motion, flying in a loop over and in front of his head. The loop fell over the steer’s horns.

  Just behind him, a second rope shot out and captured the steer’s right rear hoof. The animal staggered as the ropes pulled taut.

  The crowd roared with applause. With a flick, Austin released the horns and headed back for the gates. Nolan followed a moment later.

  “Good job, buddy.” Nolan slapped him on the shoulder as their horses walked side by side.

  The announcer’s voice came over the PA. “Austin and Nolan Locke. Time of four seconds.”

  “Sweet.” Nolan grinned. “I’d swear it took you ten minutes to let that rope fly.”

  Austin laughed. “Yeah, right back at you. Now if I can glue myself to that bronc’s back for eight seconds, I’ll call it a good day.”

  “You got this.”

  Getting in a good ride was a complete gamble, but he’d had more than a fair few, or he wouldn’t be where he was. “Thanks, Nolan.”

  “Let’s take the horses for a rest, then go find those pretty girls waiting for you in the stands.”

  * * * *

  “Your dad was fantastic, Casey. You must be so proud.” Natalie drew the girl close in a one-armed hug. “He makes a good team with Nolan.”

  “They get on one another’s nerves sometimes, but they’re really good at roping.” Casey pushed her glasses up her nose. “We can wait here till they come find us. Daddy doesn’t like me wandering around the rodeo grounds by myself.”

  “Who can blame him? You’re adorable. I’m really glad you let me sit with you tonight.”

  “You’re welcome.” Casey gave her a shy smile.

  “What do we have here?” On the edge of the aisle, right next to Natalie, Alaina tapped her fancy pink boot against the concrete step. “Hello, Casey.”

  Casey squirmed in her seat. “Hi.”

  “Hello, Alaina.” Natalie sat up a little straighter. “How are you?”

  “Just wondering why you’re hanging out with Austin’s daughter.” Alaina reached into her pocket. She drew out a few dollar bills. “Casey, you want to go get a hot dog?”

  Casey shook her head. “I already had dinner. Daddy said I don’t need any junk food.”

  “I’m sure he thinks he knows best, but it’s not really fair that all these other people around here have a snack. I’ll tell him I said it was okay. Give me and this lady a minute to talk, will you?” She gave Casey a sickly-sweet smile.

  “Um, I’m not supposed to wander off from Natalie.” Casey wrang her hands together. “I can’t go to the concession stand.”

  “Look, I need a minute with your friend. So go.” She thrust the money toward Casey. “Get yourself a drink or something.”

  Natalie rose. “I don’t really think that’s appropriate. You’re obviously not her guardian.”

  “Oh, like you are?” Alaina rolled her eyes.

  “Since Austin asked me to watch her, right now, I’m close enough.”

  “Fine. Then I guess we can talk about her daddy right in front of her.” Alaina glanced at Casey, then met Natalie’s gaze again. Her eyes were steely. “He’s not what you think.”

  “Oh, really? And what is it I think about him?” She folded her arms. “Do tell.”

  “That’s he’s this super-sweet, modest cowboy with Casey’s best interests at heart. Well, let me tell you, that’s all he thinks about. He’ll forget you even exist so long as Casey is happy. Whatever you want or think will get put on the back burner. He’s never around because he likes his roping and his broncs so much. Every other time, it’s Casey needs this or Casey needs that. He’s probably conned my mom and dad out of thousands trying to ‘take care of Casey’.” She made air quotes with her fingers. “Believe me, you’re better off getting out of whatever you’re calling a relationship right now.”

  Casey stared at the sticky floor, her face ghostly white except for two bright red splotches on her cheeks. She looked like she was about to choke on a bone. Her eyes were damp, but she held back her tears.

  “Alaina, I think you’ve said more than enough.” Not at all intimidated by the other woman’s abrasive manner, Natalie reclaimed her seat. “I’d say it was nice chatting with you, but that would make me a liar too.”

  “Whatever. You’ll see. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Alaina tossed her hair over her shoulder, then bounded down the steps.

  “You okay?” Natalie leaned close to Casey. It might be too bold to put her arms around the little girl. She dug in her purse and pulled out a tissue. “Here, blow your nose.”

  Casey’s breath came out ragged. “She hates me.”

  “She doesn’t hate you. She just…” Probably hated that any female had stood between her and Austin. He took parenthood a whole lot more seriously than Alaina did. “She’s self-centered. Some people are.”

  “She’s my mom,” Casey whispered. She squeezed her eyes shut. “I never knew anybody whose mom hated them so much. I don’t know why it had to be me.”

  “Aww, please don’t cry.”

  A sniffle turned into a sob and the dam broke. She leaned over and put her arms around Natalie’s waist.

  Natalie hugged her back. Stupid. I should have taken the conversation away from Casey. That won’t happen again. “I’m so sorry you had to hear all that. You know your dad loves you. He’d do anything for you.”

  “Yeah, but Uncle Nolan’s right. Daddy is always with me. He’s never going to find a girlfriend like that. He’ll always be sad because he can’t get married.”

  “Oh, honey. I don’t think he seems unhappy. He wants what’s best for you. Right now that’s your schooling and taking care of you. You shouldn’t worry about things like this.”

  “I don’t want him to be mad at me because Alaina is. I don’t want to ruin his life.”

  “In no way did you ruin his life. That’s nonsense. I don’t want to hear it come from your mouth again.” She hugged Casey tightly. “He loves you so much. Enough that he got you away from Alaina and her bad attitude. That’s a pretty deep love.”

  Casey sniffed, then blew her nose. “I guess.”

  “Trust me, I can tell. Now dry your eyes. Your dad and uncle will be here any minute and I don’t want them thinking we had an argument.”

  “Are you going to tell him what Alaina said?” Casey frowned. “I don’t think you should. He’s gonna be so mad.”

  “He’d be madder if I didn’t tell and he found out some other way. It’s not right to keep this secret from him.”

  Casey wiped her eyes, then replaced her glasses. “Then don’t tell him till after he rides, because it’ll make him lose. I don’t want to be the reason he loses. He needs to win.”

  “Yeah, I can understand your logic there.” No matter when she told him, Austin was going to flip. And he had every right to. But no sense upsetting him before his second event of the night. “Okay, let’s make a quick trip to the restroom and wash your face. If he’s going to bel
ieve we’re having fun, we’d better find a way to put the smiles back on our faces.”


  Austin remained ahead in points in both his events. To celebrate, he commandeered Nolan’s truck again and drove them all to a pizza parlor. He was the happiest Natalie had seen him. While he played arcade games with Casey, Natalie picked at her pizza and tried to figure out a way to tell him about Alaina.

  “You seem out of sorts.” Nolan dropped into the chair across from her. “What’s up?”

  She shrugged. “Nothing I want to get into with you. No offense. They’re cute together. Look at the smiles they’re wearing.”

  Nolan stared across the floor. “They’re having fun. Why aren’t you?”


  “Oh. Yeah, she sucks the fun out of everything.” He picked up his discarded straw wrapper and twisted it around his fingertip. “Rumor has it she had a good run tonight.”

  “Good for her. Too bad her horse didn’t throw her.” She tore her crust into little pieces. “Who would blame it?”

  “She’d probably have it shot if it tried. Just out of general meanness.”

  “Did Austin tell you I’m going shopping with him and Casey tomorrow?”

  Nolan raised his brows. “That’s big of you.”

  “I’m excited about it. How often do I get to shop for a little girl? Never. It’ll be fun.”

  “Natalie, can I ask you something?”

  “Sure. Shoot.”

  “What are you expecting to get out of this...dare I call it a relationship? Austin’s not like me. I can flit from woman to woman, and mostly we end on positive notes, because I’m a likable guy. But Austin, he’s…like relationship challenged because Alaina messed him up. I’m sure there have been a lot of women who thought they could turn him around. Austin don’t turn easy.”

  Natalie’s spirits sank. “You’re saying that I’m wasting my time.”

  “I hope not, but I like you. I don’t want you to get hurt. Austin’s got that pretty-boy face and the damaged vibe. Women go for that. I can’t say why, but it seems like plenty of them walk away hurt and confused. Don’t be one of them.”


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