Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas Page 24

by Natasha Thomas

  I’ve never finished a man off this way before, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about what Jackson would taste and feel like as he orgasmed. If the way his cock is throbbing in my hand is anything to go by, it won’t be long before I can check that off my to-do list.

  “Beth, Jesus. Fuck. Yes,” he growls tilting his hips, feeding me the last half inch. “If you don’t want me to fill that beautiful mouth you’ve gotta move. Now.”

  There’s no way I’m missing out on this, so instead of answering I moan loudly allowing the vibrations to massage his cock. Pumping his hips harder and harder, Jackson lets out a guttural groan as his seed shoots down my throat, over-filling my mouth. Swallowing quickly, I savor his taste as it explodes on my taste buds and suck him greedily, devouring every last drop.

  “Holy shit,” he heaves.

  Looking up, I meet his eyes taking note of his sated grin and the sweat beading on his chest. I don’t have to ask if he enjoyed himself, it’s relatively obvious my man is relaxed, meaning there’s less chance he’ll kill Gage for interrupting us. And that’s a good thing because I like Gage. He’s smart, funny in a dry way, and sweet to Avery, which makes him one of my favorite people.

  Jackson’s deep voice causes shivers to skitter down my spine when he commands,

  “Come up here so I can repay the favor, Sweetheart?”

  That’s another of the things I’ve come to love about Jackson. He never leaves me wanting. But he’s not getting what he wants. Not this time. That was just for him.

  “I’m good, honey. I wanted to try it and I don’t want payback. Save it for later when we’ve got time to play,” I say returning his grin.

  “Not sure I can wait that long to get a taste of you, baby. I wanna go to my meeting with your cream coating my tongue and the smell of you covering my face.”

  If you’d asked me a month ago if I liked being talked dirty to, I would have told you, no. With Jackson, it’s different, though. I love everything he does to me, with me, and that includes his dirty mouth.

  Crawling up his legs, curling myself into his outstretched arms, I sigh deeply.

  “You worried about something, Sweetheart? That was a heavy sigh for a woman who just blew her man’s mind. Literally and figuratively,” he jokes.

  “No, just thinking,” I reply honestly.

  “About?” He asks biting down on the skin of my shoulder.

  Jackson has a thing about biting. He told me last week that he likes seeing his mark on me. Not only that but he like other men seeing his brand on me. If you ask me, it’s just another one of his Neanderthal traits, but seeing as it doesn’t bother me in the slightest and it makes him happy, I let him do it.

  Snuggling closer absorbing his warmth,

  “Bec arrives tomorrow,” I state like that should explain everything.

  “Yeah, baby, I know. You haven’t stopped talking about it for days,” he smirks earning him a sharp jab in his ribs. Snickering, he moans, “What the hell was that for? Is what I just said untrue?”

  “It might be true, but it isn’t nice to point it out,” I pout.

  Rubbing the pad of his thumb over my pursed lips, Jackson dips his head taking my mouth and owning it. Every kiss he gives me demonstrates how much he wants me. How much he cares about me. It unequivocally proves that I belong to him in every way.

  “Never been accused of being nice before, baby, so why start now.” Rolling us onto our sides, chests pressed together, his chest hair rasping across my naked, sensitive nipples, he goes on to say, “Want to fill me in on why you’re worried about her showing up. If it’s my brothers, I’ll tell them to behave themselves.”

  Giggling I shake my head as he drops a kiss on my crown.

  “No, it’s not that at all. Not even close.”

  Loving the feel of his hot, hard body engulfing my much smaller one, I try to put the lingering anxiety I have about Bec finally moving to Furnace out of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to see her, I’ve missed her horribly, but her arrival signals the end of what I’ve become to crave among other things.

  Every night since the first, I’ve spent in Jackson’s bed, either at his house or here at the clubhouse. After he’s done with whatever the hell it is he does during the day, he seeks me out, we eat dinner together, here, at his place, or at Jangles, then we take the short ride back to the club. Sometimes we will spend time in the main room with his brothers, Bella, Avery, and whichever of the old ladies are there, but others Jackson brings me back to his room and ravages me.

  More often than not, it’s the latter, and that’s not simply because he’s insatiable. My run in with Laura that first morning wasn’t the last of the altercations we’ve had. It wasn’t the worst either. Four times she’s approached me, and each time she has become nastier, angrier, and more aggressive.

  Three of the four occasions, Avery, Bella, or Sarge have been present, so Laura backed down relatively quickly, but unfortunately, the most recent incident I was alone in the kitchen. And that’s never a good place to be with a crazy bitch hell bent on making my life a misery.

  For the life of me, I cannot work out what her problem is with me. I know she and Jackson have history, but as he told me on that second night we were together, he hasn’t been serious with anyone before me which means she was nothing but a passing interest.

  Jackson and I have discussed everything from how I grew up, his respect and admiration for his sudo-Mom, Emily, what led me to tattoo for a living, and his concerns about the new property Vengeance bought in Boulder. We’d even gotten to the stage where we’d talked about kids whether we wanted them or not. I of course did, one day, but shockingly, Jackson was a resolute, unshakable, no.

  I didn’t realize how much it would hurt me to hear that word leave his mouth. I saw the pain as it slashed unforgivingly across his handsome face, and assumed it was because he couldn’t have them. I had no choice but to guess seeing as his absolutely refused to talk about it. We weren’t at that point in our relationship yet, but I had a feeling that when we were this was going to be a bone of contention between us.

  I pictured little boys with their Daddy’s glittering silver eyes, mops of dark hair, and twin dimples; and beautiful little girls with my auburn hair, his eyes, and cheeky, sweet smiles. It wasn’t healthy, fixating on something that hadn’t happened and probably wouldn’t, but it was impossible not to. Now that I knew Jackson was so opposed to the idea it was all I could think about.

  “Didn’t think so, but you still didn’t answer my question, baby. What’s going on up there?” He queries, kissing my forehead. “I promise you, Laura will stay the fuck away from you from now on, and I’ll make it clear to her to stay away from Bec too.”

  Needing to stop him, I take his right nipple between my teeth and tug playfully.

  “Fucking hell, Beth,” he grunts. “If you don’t want me to throw you down, spread your gorgeous thighs wide open for me, so I can fuck you so hard you can’t walk, let alone get out of my bed for a week; keep doing that. Otherwise, you’ve gotta stop, Sweetheart.”

  Giggling, I bury my head in his chest and let out another sigh.

  “Bec’s a big girl, she can take care of herself. Honestly, if Laura starts anything with her, she’ll regret it. Bec isn’t known for being subtle, or particularly nice when she gets riled up. I’m more worried about how she and Jay are going to get along,” I confess softly.

  “I’m not following, Sweetheart. They got a history together?” Jackson asks, his curiosity peaked.

  That’s the million-dollar question now, isn’t it?

  “I think so, but neither of them has ever confirmed it. Every time I ask one of them what went on between them, they shut down. Jay assures me it won’t be an issue, but honestly, I don’t see how it won’t be. They can’t be in the same room without Jay stomping out after constant death glares from Bec. And Bec, she avoids him like the plague.”

  “You got any clue what went down,” he probes, s
troking his calloused palm over my hip.

  Inhaling a shaky breath, I share what I do know, which isn’t much.

  “A while back, Jay came to visit for a few days. Everything was fine up until the day before he left. We’d gone out for dinner and followed it up with drinks as Crash and Burn, a local bar just down the street from mine and Bec’s apartment. I wasn’t feeling great about an hour in, so I caught a cab home and left them there. As I said, everything was fine, great even before that. I woke up the next morning with them yelling at each other in the kitchen. Bec threw a plate at him, Jay told her he regretted ever taking a chance on her, and then he walked out. Two hours later, Jay called me and asked if I’d pack up his stuff and bring it to the hotel he had checked into. I tried talking to both of them that day and got nothing out of them. Same goes for every other time since.”

  Gathering me closer, Jackson wraps both arms around me and rolls until I’m sitting astride him.

  “Sounds like it’s something they’re gonna have to sort out for themselves. If I know, Jay, he won’t leave it as it is, though, baby. The man’s never been able to leave fucking anything unfinished,” he rumbles reassuringly.

  Huffing, I add,

  “That’s all well and good, but only part of the problem. When I moved here and Bec found out, she was all over coming with me. I think she had it all planned out in her head before I’d packed my first box.”

  I really don’t want to have to break this to him, because knowing him as I do, even if we’ve only been together a short time, I know Jackson isn’t going to take this well.

  “You know she gets in tomorrow, but I don’t think you’ve given much thought as to what’s going to happen when she does.”

  Scowling at me, Jackson grips my knees tucking them into his sides.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? What happens when she gets here?”

  “We’ve spent every night together, Jackson. All of our free time too. And I’m not saying we won’t find time for each other after Bec arrives, but she’s meant to be moving in with me. That was the plan. I get here, get settled, start work, and she’d join me when she worked out her notice. I don’t think Bec’s going to accept an absentee roommate and best friend. At least not at first.”

  Jackson’s body jerks at my statement, his body lurching forward as he tugs me solidly into his chest and sits up against the wall behind the bed.

  “She’ll just have to fucking deal, Beth.”

  Opening my mouth, I go to interrupt, but he silences me with a narrowed look.

  “No, I don’t want to hear whatever excuses you’re gonna come up with that’ll take you away from me. What we’ve got going on is good. More than good, it’s fucking great. That’s not changing because your friend rolls into town, baby. I’m good with you spending time with her, I’d never get between you and her knowing what she means to you, but I want you in my bed at the end of the day. If that means I’ve gotta spend nights at your pad until she’s settled, fine, but I’m not missing a fucking night of have having you curled in my arms. That shit is not up for debate either, Sweetheart,” he ends determinedly.

  “I’ll talk to her about it, okay?” I offering calmly.

  “There’s no fucking talking to be done, Beth. You tell her that’s the way it is, and she deals with it. If she’s got a problem with it, you let me know and I’ll have a chat with her.” At my stunned look, Jackson grins wickedly. “Not gonna hurt her or scare her, baby. You know me better than that. But I will make sure she’s sees the situation for what it is. You and me together. I’m not gonna have access to your sweet body cut off. I’m not gonna spend my nights and morning’s wishing you were with me when nothing is stopping that from happening. And I’m not gonna worry about you if I don’t fucking have to. We might have started fast, but we’re solid and we’re gonna stay that way. One of the ways that is happening is by us spending time together continuing to get to know each other. Can’t do that in separate houses, baby.”

  “Ah, I think your idea of getting to know one another and mine are entirely different things, honey,” I say jokingly. “Deep and meaningful conversations are relatively difficult to have when most of our time together is spent naked.”

  “We talking now?” He questions.

  Damn, I’m beginning to hate it when he’s right. He looks so smug when he realizes I’ve got nothing to counter. Squeezing me, Jackson continues.

  “I’ll give you tomorrow to talk her around, but come tomorrow night, I’m in your bed. I get that she’s gonna want you at the apartment for a bit and I’m good with hanging there with the two of you, but she’s gonna have to accept that’s the way of it. Not borrowing trouble, baby, but we’re gonna have problems if she takes issue with me being there.”

  I don’t think Bec will have a problem with Jackson being around, but seeing as I haven’t been in a relationship since I’ve known her, I can’t be positive. I know the idea of us will take some getting used to, and I worry because she’s so protective of me like a Momma bear is her cubs, but I think when she sees how good Jackson is to me she’ll be okay.

  “You do know it sucks when you’re right all the time,” I gripe. “And it also sucks when you go all alpha on me because then I get turned on and want to do all kinds of dirty things to you.”

  Crossing his arms behind his head, Jackson grinning at me. Swatting playful at his chest, I smile, saying,

  “Not going to happen, big boy. You’ve got Gage waiting on you, and I need to get home so that I can run some errands before I start work.” Pushing off him, I roll to my side and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower and then head out, but don’t forget that Avery, Bella, Bec and I are having a girl’s night out tomorrow.”

  “I’ll send Hail with you,” Jackson states, pulling on his jeans commando. Mmm, yum.

  “No need. We’re only going to Hounds. There're plenty of people to keep an eye on us there, honey.” Honestly, I don’t think Bec’s initiation into all things MC is best served with a security escort. It will be hard enough convincing her that they aren’t dangerous guys without a huge, hulking bodyguards trailing us around.

  Bec isn’t judgmental, she’s just protective. She has been my own personal shield for so long that it’s become part of her makeup now. It’s automatic for her to worry about me, and I hate that for her. I hate that I put her in the position that she’d need to be that for me.

  Jackson might not understand why Bec behaves the way she does toward me, but that’s nobody’s fault but my own. I haven’t shared that part of my past with him, and to be honest, I don’t want to. And if I have to tell him, I want to be able to do it in my own time. That takes building up the courage that to date has eluded me. Call me selfish, that I want to keep this to myself for longer, especially considering the direction our relationship is heading, but I need that small piece of control. The ability to choose who I share the darkest, most humiliating part of my life.

  “I’ll let Jimmy know then. He’ll watch out for you, but Beth,” Jackson prompts. “You take your cell, you stay alert, and you call me if anything feels off. I don’t give the first fuck if you think it’s nothing, you trust your gut and call me immediately. If you can’t promise me that, I’ll send Hail, Fury, and fucking Gage with you.”

  Knowing better than to challenge him, I reluctantly agree.

  “I will, I promise.”

  “I’m not kidding, baby,” he growls. “I’ll let you have this play because I know you don’t want to spook your girl her first night in town, but that doesn’t mean I’ve gotta like it. The only reason I’m agreeing is because Jimmy’s got a shotgun behind the bar and is a fucking good shot. You were going anywhere other than Hounds and you’ve gotta know, you’d have an escort. Also, me letting you have this play doesn’t mean I won’t have a brother drop in to check on you. He won’t hang around, you won’t see him, but someone will look in on you.”

  Stepping in front of him, I grab his
shirt in my hands and tip my head back.

  “I said I promise, and I meant it. If I get a strange vibe, I’ll call. You need to stop worrying so much, honey. You’ll send yourself to an early grave if you don’t. And, I will accept your generous offer of an invisible, silent, watchman if it makes you feel more comfortable,” I retort sarcastically.

  That’s when Jackson kisses me hard, deep, wet, and with lots of tongue. Tilting my head back, one hand fisted in my hair and the other snaking around my waist, he has me panting with need in seconds. But this isn’t a new development. Every kiss from him causes me to have a reaction like this. It doesn’t matter where we are, how long it has been since he last touched me, or how short it is, every time Jackson puts his hands on me I melt.

  Disentangling himself from me and landing a slap on my ass, he pulls his cut off the hook behind the door, slipping it over his broad shoulders.

  I love watching Jackson get dressed, as backward as that sounds. The way he methodically moves is almost hypnotic. The reverence Jackson shows for his cut, his most treasured possession, which is always treated with such care, being hung or folded, never tossed carelessly aside. He adds his leather wallet to his back pocket, attaches the chain to his belt loop, and slides the silver rings he removes every night last.


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