Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas

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Vengeance MC Box Set - Volume 1: Call Me...Vengeance ~ Fury ~ Jonas Page 76

by Natasha Thomas

  Fury speaks up, muttering,

  “Might be a solid dude, but patching him in? The man’s been off the grid for years. He reports to Mills, shows up when he’s called in, but other than that, the man’s smoke. No roots. No one to answer to. Patching him in, he’ll have to change all that. It’s a big risk to take on a man who hasn’t stuck around anywhere long enough to let the dust from the road settle.”

  “Gotta say, I’m with Fury on this one, Prez,” Gage pipes up. “I know he's been angling for a Vengeance cut for over a year, but I’m thinking there’s something other than wanting out of Black Widows in play here.”

  “Time for this discussion isn’t now,” Boss says, shutting it down. “I made it clear we’re not negotiating a cut for information. Lord gets that, still, he’s willing to nose around and see what he comes up with. We’ll revisit this next time we sit down in church.”

  Refocusing the conversation, he goes on to say,

  “I’ve got Sly, Jump, and Gunner working the contacts we’ve got on the street, and I’ve got no doubt, Cage will do the same. Not gonna call Brookes in on this one until we’ve exhausted every avenue, but I won’t hesitate to bring him in if it comes to that. That’s going to mean a lot of money flowing out. Brookes doesn’t come cheap, and rats or not, everyone needs the right incentive to get talkative. And in this case, the only incentive is green.”

  “I’ll throw in,” I offer. “Got savings and not a little of it. Live simple, don’t need a lot, so I’ve got it.”

  “That’s not necessary, brother, and not what I’m saying,” Boss counters. “The club isn’t hurting for cash, and I don’t foresee a time it will be. Fact is, what happened was blowback from our shit. You aren’t responsible for that, we are. And I promise you, brother, we’ll find the motherfuckers who did this and make sure they aren’t breathing to do it again.”

  I had no doubt Boss would, he just doesn’t know yet that I intend to be the man to pull the trigger.


  By the time Blaine was ready to be discharged from the hospital, I was running on a few minutes a day sleep, coffee, and pure adrenaline. Everyone who’d been to visit her took a shot at getting me to leave to get some sleep, but every last one of them was met with a firm, “Fuck off.” There was no way I was leaving Blaine, not for any reason. The time it took to have a shower was long enough to have me breaking out into a cold sweat that something might happen to her.

  I thought bringing Blaine home to my place would put me at ease somewhat. It didn’t. I know I’m being paranoid, but seeing your woman shot in front of you and not being able to do the first fucking thing about it will do that to a man.

  At the sight of her lying in a pool of her own blood, her arm at an unnatural angle, I felt sheer, unadulterated fear. I checked for injuries, arm aside, and found two. One between her shoulder and clavicle, the other in her upper thigh. Ripping my shirt over my head, I tore it in half and did my best to stem the flow of blood until the paramedics arrived. Blaine might not have been as bad as Cash, but she wasn’t good. And Tank’s face confirmed everything I didn’t want to think about.

  Days later, even knowing she was going to make a full recovery, that fear didn’t ebb. It still hasn’t.

  The phone rings, Blaine’s soft voice reaching my ears, reminds me her hard negotiated pizza is due any minute. I make my way from the utility room to the living room to see Blaine stretched out on the couch exactly where I left her. Good girl.

  Blaine has been nothing short of a pain in my ass since she started regaining some of her mobility. She’s still stiff and in a considerable amount of pain in the morning’s, and at night if she’s moved around too much during the day, but she isn’t wincing with every slight shift anymore. And thank fuck for that.

  Having to witness her struggle through her pain because, for the most part, she refused to take the painkillers the doctor prescribed for her, regardless of the fact he said they wouldn’t hurt the baby, has been fucking agonizing for me.

  “Maybe tomorrow,” she smiles into her cell. “I’ll ask him. I promise.”

  I’d do just about anything for this woman, and she knows it. So there’s a better than good chance whatever she asks me, I’ll do.

  “Who you talking to, baby?”

  Turning her blinding smile on me, she mouths,


  Oh, fuck no. If that weasely bastard thinks I’m bringing her to the shop, he’s got another thing coming. I might have given into her sitting her ass on the couch instead of the bed, but that’s as far as she’s going. No car rides. No visits, unless people come see her here.

  Shaking my head, I demand,

  “Give me the phone, baby.”

  “Hold on a second, Torr, Jonas wants to talk to you,” she mumbles.

  Whatever the prick says next makes Blaine throw her head back laughing, which is instantly met with a shudder of pain as tears fill her beautiful eyes.

  Handing her cell to me tentatively, I put it to my ear and growl,

  “You’ve got me, motherfucker. I swear to fuck, you make her laugh like that again so I’ve got to watch her beat back tears, I’ll hunt you down and gut you.”

  “Shit, Jay,” he rasps. “I didn’t know, man.”

  “Yeah, I fucking know you didn’t, but now you do. Don’t do that shit again,” I warn. “Now, what’s this I hear about you wanting my woman to come see you?”

  Sighing, he says,

  “I just thought she’d like a change of scenery, big man. She’s been stuck in that apartment since she came home, and the way Blaine tells it, she’s losing her fucking mind. I offered her to come down and hang with Goff and me, Beth will be here to help her get around, and that would give you the chance to do whatever you’ve gotta do that you’ve been putting off while playing nursemaid.”

  "Not gonna happen,” I reply gruffly.

  “Come on, Jay. She needs to get out sooner or later. What’s the harm in her sitting on the couch in the waiting room?” he reasons. “Nothing will happen to her here. I’m light on appointments tomorrow, so I’ll keep an eye on her.”

  I just bet he will.

  It’s no secret Torr feels something for Blaine. Whether it’s a simple case of lust or more, I don’t know, but I’m not giving him the opportunity to explore it. Blaine is mine. I haven’t said as much, but she knows. She knows I’d bleed and die for her. She knows I can’t handle having her more than a few feet away from me, ever. And she knows I love her. I haven’t communicated that to her in so many words, but she’d have to be blind not to notice that’s how deep my feelings for her run.

  Finally, I tell him,

  “The only way my woman is coming down there is with me. And when I say that, I mean, with me. I’m not leaving her with you. She wants to, she does it knowing I’ll be taking her, bringing her back, and staying the whole time,” I add more to Blaine than him.

  Blaine nods her understanding, and I rake my hands through my hair in frustration at how pussy whipped I am for this woman.

  Jesus. I didn’t think I’d ever see the day where one tiny woman had so much control over me, but there you have it. Blaine fucking owns me, just don’t tell her I said as much.

  “Whatever you say, man,” Torr replies. I can imagine him grinning at the knowledge that I caved so quickly. Well, fuck him. He doesn’t have the first clue what it’s like to be so in love with a woman you’d do anything to make them happy. His time will come, though. And when it does, I’ll be kicking back laughing my ass off at him.

  Walking into the kitchen, out of earshot of Blaine, I caution,

  “Don’t think it’s escaped my notice you’ve got a thing for my girl, Torr. I’m not fucking stupid. You don’t need to confirm it, but you do need to confirm you get me when I say; that is never going to fucking happen. Whatever thoughts you’ve got in your head about you and her, forget them. You’re a good kid, and I don’t want to have to hurt you, but I will if you even think about making a move on, Bl
aine. You get me?”

  “You’re not speaking Dutch, Jonas. So, yeah, I fucking get you,” he snaps, confirming my suspicions.

  “Good, then we’ll get along just fine,” I say hanging up on him.


  ~ Blaine ~

  “You’re the cheese to my macaroni.”

  - Blaine’s text to Avery

  “Two more minutes and then you can start your cool down stretches,” I yell over the sound of labored breathing.

  “Miss, I think you’ve got a visitor,” Ashleigh, one of my super helpful (insert sarcasm) students yells back.

  Girls giggle, the boys looking on with avid interest as Jonas strolls across the field like he belongs here. Dammit. I thought I would get, at least, one day back at school before he began, ‘Operation Stalk Blaine.’ Clearly not.

  “Alright. James, you’re in charge. A minute and a half people,” I remind them.

  I cross the few yards between us and prop my hands on my hips, glaring at him.

  “What for the love of all that’s holy are you doing here?”

  Jonas crosses his arms grinning broadly as his gaze roams over my spandex yoga pants, up to my maternity workout tank. Yes, I did use maternity and workout in the same sentence. And no, I wasn’t kidding. If you can believe it, there’s actually a whole range of exercise clothing for the pregnancy challenged.

  “Wanted to see you do your thing,” he shrugs. “It’s only fair. You’ve seen me work, now I’ve seen you. And I’ve got to admit, I really fucking like what I see.”

  “Pshh,” I scoff. “I’m not the first woman to wear spandex, Jonas, and I won’t be the last.” I can’t help the blush that heats my cheeks as his eyes appreciatively make a second trip, however.

  “This is true. But you’re by far and away the sexiest woman I’ve seen wearing it,” he flirts shamelessly with my entire class looking on.

  Grabbing him by the hand, I pull him further away and lower my voice.

  “Seriously, Jonas, what are you doing here?”

  “I just wanted to see how your first day back was going and see if you needed a ride home.”

  I finally got the all clear from the doctor to return to work the day before yesterday. Jonas wasn’t happy about it, he thought he’d managed to convince me not to go back, but once I had my letter in hand and a list of do’s and don’ts, nothing could have stopped me. Not even Jonas.

  At twenty weeks pregnant, I know my time is limited. I’ve got sixteen weeks at best before I have to start maternity leave, and I intend to make the most of them. After that, I’m relatively confident Jonas will lock me in the house until our baby decides it’s time to make his entry into the world.

  We haven’t discussed what will happen that far ahead. For now, we’re just taking one day at a time. I can’t say I’m not curious, though. Worried, stressed, and anxious too. All things that could be solved by a simple conversation, yet I can never seem to find the right time to bring it up.

  As far as Jonas is concerned, everything will remain the status quo. I’ll continue to live with him, and when our baby is born it will be as easy as adding a tiny extra to our dynamic. It’s not, though. Going to be easy that is.

  Jonas lives in a second floor, two bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Living room, kitchen, utility alcove, and back balcony makes up the entirety of his space. It would be fine if the second bedroom were even remotely usable, but it isn’t. Not even close. Part storage for Skin Fusion, part junk room for God knows what, the only corner free of clutter houses a light table where Jonas works designing tattoos from home. He doesn’t have basement storage and only has a single car park allocated for his use. All-in-all, there’s no way we could stay there long term. And by we, I mean the baby and me.

  My parents have offered for me to move home, more than once. Dad going as far as to say, he’ll take care of everything, all I have to do is get in the car and make the two and a half hour drive. I’ll admit, I considered it for a split second before my brain engages and mentally kicks my ass.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. My Mom is awesome, and my Dad isn’t too bad as long as Mom has him under control. But my brothers are a whole different story.

  Their reactions to being Uncles varied from shock to denial then moved on to anger and disappointment. For the first time in my life, I didn’t have their support, and that hurt. Especially, Miles’.

  Aside from speaking to them once each after I left the hospital, I’ve only exchanged a few texts backward and forward with Bryce and Jacob, but nothing from Miles. We are completely incommunicado. He won’t return my messages. Every text I send goes unanswered. Mom and Dad say I need to give him time, that he’ll come around, but every day that passes I don’t hear from him, I lose a little more hope.

  "When I’m done for the day, we need to talk,” I blurt out.

  Jonas studies me intently, his eyes never wavering from my face.

  “You okay?” He asks, his face a mask of concern.

  “I'm okay, but I’ll be even better when we’ve talked,” I reassure him.

  Not sure whether to believe me or not, Jonas gives my hand a light squeeze, saying,

  “Right. How about I call in a reservation for Upton’s and meet you at home. I’ve got about an hour worth of shit to finish back at the shop, but I’ll be done by five. Six work for dinner?”

  Honestly, I don’t want to have this conversation at a swanky steak restaurant in front of a full dining room of customers. I would prefer to do this in the privacy of Jonas’ living room. We don’t always get what we want, though. And if Jonas wants overpriced steak and ambiance to go along with this discussion, then so be it.

  “Sure,” I nod. “This is my last class for the day, anyway. I’ve got a free period after this and was planning on swinging by the mall on my way home.”

  “You taking someone with you?” He frowns.

  “Yes, Dad,” I snap. “Bella’s picking me up here in half an hour, so I promise I’ll have the proper adult supervision.”

  “Don’t be a smartass, baby. I love your sass, but reign it in, yeah? I want you safe, and if that means until we find the assholes that hurt you, that you have to be shadowed by someone, then give me that for my peace of mind, would you?”

  Rationally, I understand what he’s asking, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

  Boss, Fury – who brought Avery with him as a buffer – Cash, Gage, and Diesel showed up at Jonas’ apartment two weeks ago after we’d just gotten home from having my stitches removed. Jonas didn’t seem surprised to see them which was my first clue that this was a pre-arranged ambush.

  While they were there, Boss explained that the club was looking into the men who shot up the diner, and, in turn, Cash and I. Their leads had all but dried up, which wasn’t a good sign, but he assured me they were still searching.

  I won’t say that gave me any measure of relief because it didn’t. But the look of determination on Cash, Fury, Boss, and Jonas’ faces was enough to put my mind at ease. None of those men would let me get hurt again. Not one. It didn’t matter that I’m not technically family, they were claiming me as one of their own.

  “Alright, alright, I’ll try to beat back the bitch. But for future reference, come bearing cookie dough next time. I’m finding that processed sugars go a long way in taming the hormone beast,” I suggest, really wishing I had a freaking cookie right about now.

  “You’re in luck,” he smirks. “Check your desk when you get back inside, and text me when you and my trouble making sister are leaving the mall.”

  He was doing so well until he had to go and ruin it. Couldn’t he have just left it at hinting he bought me baked goods? I suppose he wouldn’t be Jonas if he did.

  "Aye, aye captain,” I salute, sauntering back to the group of kids now openly gaping at us.

  Turning back to look at him over my shoulder, I admit there’s a lot of goodness to take in. I don’t blame a bunch of seventeen-year-old girl
s for wanting to ogle him, or the boys for wanting to be him when they grow up.

  Jonas is all man. Nearly six and a half feet of pure mountain muscle. There was a time he honed all that is him in the gym at the clubhouse or one county over at Knight’s, but these days, all those muscles come from hard physical labor.

  Boss and Beth bought a fixer-upper, set into the foothills of the Rocky’s. Not long after, Fury and Avery bought the adjoining property, sharing a side fence with Vengeance’s president and first lady. Both houses needed a lot of work and Jonas was the first one to offer his services. Since then, every spare afternoon and weekend, Jonas has been at one of the two houses helping out.


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