Sun, Sand, Sex

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  “Lexie’s not in the room. I woke up and she’s gone.” How the hell did she get out without him hearing her? But he knew. Lexie had fallen asleep with her computer on. Nick had gotten up, moved the computer, and damned if he didn’t start reading.

  He’d read for hours.

  Lexie could write. It’d been two A.M. when he finally fell into a dead sleep.

  “She’s with Shelly.”

  “Where?” he demanded, a sick feeling washing over him.

  “Surfing. Shelly and Lexie had breakfast and decided to sign up for the surfing lessons. Perfectly safe.”

  His heart rate slowed. Nick sank down on the bed. “She could have left a note or something.” Christ, he sounded like her mother.

  Mac snorted. “She wants to have fun, be impulsive before she has to go back and face the charges against her. Not worry about being your job.” He hung up.

  Nick slammed the phone down. Before he could stop it, he remembered the feel of Lexie stretched out on top of him. How she’d coaxed him into telling her about Ellen. That was all the more reason to keep his distance from her—just as soon as he made sure for himself that she was safe.

  He hauled ass to his room, grabbed a shower, yanked on his board shorts, and hit the beach. To do a visual check. Lexie was in his custody, and he had to keep tabs on her.

  Walking over the cool, slightly damp sand, he caught a few women watching him. Once he freed himself of Lexie, maybe he should come back and check out the scenery. Hole up for a day or two with a nice, willing woman.

  Maybe he was just horny.

  Once he finished this job, he’d go back to his hit-and-run sex—that would cure his Lexie-lust. Sex with no emotions, and keep it separate from work. It had worked for him for years, and no one got hurt. He wasn’t going to let Lexie screw it up.

  Where the hell was she? He scanned the sand but didn’t see her, although the cabanas blocked much of his view. Mac had said she was surfing, so she was probably with a group. Shielding his eyes, he looked out to the waves. A group of about five women straddled surfboards while two men helped them.

  Nick spotted Lexie. She was in a red bikini, and a man had his hand on her lower back, explaining something.

  Anger surged inside of him. Was she out of her mind? She didn’t know that man. He could be dangerous. Without thinking, Nick stormed out into the water.

  A wave came up behind the women. They all lay flat on their boards, pushing up on their palms to position themselves to try and catch the wave.

  Nick’s gut tightened. He surfed all the time and he knew the dangers. Lexie was a novice! She could get hurt. Helplessly, he stood in knee-high water and watched as the wave caught under her board. She got her feet under her and stood up.

  Her face lit up in joy. Even from a distance, he could see her huge smile right up until she lost her balance and fell off the board.

  Nick swam toward her, grabbing her arm and jerking her toward him. She sputtered. “What…oh. Nick. Did you see me? I was surfing! I did it! I got up!”

  Her tiny top barely contained her breasts as she panted with excitement. Looking down into her face, he said, “Yes. And I saw that man with his hands all over you, too. Is that what you left the room for? To go find some guy to feel you up?” What the fuck was he saying? He was out of his mind.

  The happiness in her eyes dimmed. “Let go of me.”

  “Nick? What are you doing here?” Shelly pushed her board over to them.

  He glared at her. “This is your fault. You put her up to this.”

  Shelly widened her brown eyes. “Up to what? Learning to surf? Or pissing you off?”

  He turned back to Lexie and realized he was making a colossal ass out of himself. Dropping Lexie’s arm, he said, “I’m just saying that you don’t know that man. He had his hands all over you. You’re supposed to be in my custody.”

  Lexie’s face tightened. “He’s just teaching me to surf.”

  “Why didn’t you ask me? I can teach you to surf.” God, he was just mad. So damned mad. Why the hell did she let that man touch her like that?

  “It’s not your job to teach me,” she said calmly. She turned and headed back to the instructor, who was holding her board for her.

  Nick stormed back to the shore. He was not going to stand there and watch another man pawing Lexie.

  He went to the gym.

  Lexie and Shelly had spent the day together, doing the spa and a little shopping at the resort boutique. She really couldn’t afford all this, but Shelly had a discount and what the hell.

  Okay, she wanted to look hot.

  She slid the slinky black dress over a lacy thong, then she brushed out her hair to soft waves. With all the sun, she only needed a touch of make-up. After putting on her shoes, she looked at the time. Six-thirty, time to check in with her PI. She sat on the bed, turned on her cell phone, and ignored the voice mail messages that were most likely from her family trying to make her call them.

  Tate answered, “Hi, Lexie, no news.”

  He sounded frustrated. “Maybe he’s given up, Tate.” She’d liked Tate right away when she hired him. He was about her dad’s age, a retired cop, and thorough.

  “Maybe, but I’m worried. He should be frantic by now since he hasn’t seen you. He should be making mistakes.”

  Her stomach clenched and tension shot up her spine, tightening her neck muscles. “He could have given up.”

  “I don’t like the way this feels. Let me talk to your family. We need to clear up just how often your brother was in your apartment. He’s not going in now, or I’d see him on the cameras I have set up.”

  She hesitated, not really wanting more trouble with her family. She knew Tate wanted to rule her brother out or see if he’d copied her house key, maybe given it to someone, but Lexie didn’t think Larry would do that. Larry was about the opportunity—he wanted to have sex with a woman and obviously couldn’t do it at home where his wife might catch him, so hey, why not use his sister’s apartment. In his mind, that didn’t hurt anyone. But giving out a copy of her house key would be dangerous; even Larry would know that.

  Tate interrupted her thoughts. “This is your life we’re talking about.”

  He was right. She cleared her throat and said, “Fine, do it.” She gave him all the information he needed, all the while deciding that she had to move. She couldn’t live in that apartment anymore. Just the idea of going back made her queasy. There was a knock on her door, so she said, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  “Be careful.”

  She turned off her cell, checked the peephole, then answered the door. Shelly had on the silver dress she’d bought and looked fabulous.

  “That dress ought to make Nick drool,” Shelly said.

  The black dress was fitted, low cut, and had a flared skirt for dancing. But between the phone call with her PI and thinking about Nick, her stomach was knotted and uneasy. “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” Much as she liked Shelly, Lexie suspected that she and Mac were playing their own twisted version of matchmaker. She should stay out of it. Nick had his reasons and she should respect that.

  But she’d given her impulsive streak a little freedom, and now that streak was taking over. She was tired of being ignored…by her family and now by Nick. One second he acted like he cared, the next he told her she was just a job. It hurt more than it should, and she was lashing back by teasing him.

  God, what did that make her?

  Shelly snapped her fingers to get her attention. “Let’s go, Lexie. I’m not letting you back out.”

  Lexie grabbed her purse and key card. “Okay,” she agreed, because her only other option was to sit in her room and wonder where Nick was and worry about the stalker. They went across the resort to the Bayside Restaurant and Bar. As soon as they opened the door, they were blasted by the vibrant music with a salsa beat. Already five or six women were dancing with the hired male teachers, who were all yummy looking. They appeare
d to have a sultry Cuban or Spanish heritage. She looked around the bar, seeing several couples watching. There were a few stray men, either belonging to the women learning to dance, or perhaps hoping to score.

  But no Nick. She told herself it was for the best.

  An hour later, Lexie was hot and having fun. She’d danced with three of the male teachers and she totally sucked. She knew it, but she didn’t care. The music was upbeat, the men were nice, the woman all laughed, and no one minded. No one judged; the whole point was just to have fun.

  What a concept, no one judging her.

  Raoul pulled her back against his chest and said, “Try to follow me. It’s supposed to be sexy.”

  She laughed. “I’m more comical than sexy.”

  “Not true.” He settled his hands on her waist. “You’re just self-conscious. Relax, let the music talk to your body.”

  Lexie closed her eyes to try, but the hair stood up on her arms.

  “Having fun?”

  Snapping her eyes open, she saw Nick. He towered over the other men. Wearing dark slacks, a cream-colored shirt rolled up his forearms, and a serious frown. “What are you doing here?”

  Nick narrowed his eyes. “Came here to get a drink with Mac, and what do I find? You with another man’s hands all over you.” He moved in a step closer. “She’s dancing with me.” He glared over her shoulder at her dance partner.

  Raoul lifted his hands off her waist. “Sure. Whatever.”


  He looked down at her.

  “Why are you doing this?” She was trying to keep her distance.

  His jaw flexed hard enough to crack nuts.

  Frustrated, she said, “Weren’t you the one pushing me away?”

  “I can’t stop myself. Damn it, Lexie, you are turning me inside out.” He leaned down. “You’re making it impossible to do my job.”

  Her chest tightened. She was his job. He was pissed that he was sexually attracted to her when she was nothing more than a job. He was being forced into close proximity with her because she was in trouble.

  A burden.

  If she didn’t do exactly as she was supposed to, then she was a burden. An inconvenience. A problem. She knew Nick had thought she’d be easy money. He’d counted on his charm to talk her into going back to Santa Barbara and he could collect his money. Now he knew the truth: Lexie never did what she was supposed to. She always screwed things up.

  The salsa music pulsed around her, escalating her anger until her fragile hold on her self-control shattered. Without a word, she dragged her arm away and slid past him. As soon as she reached the edge of the dance floor, she ran.

  Out of the restaurant. Away from Nick. Away from the feelings he roused in her until she couldn’t breathe. But she couldn’t outrun her attraction to Nick—the man who didn’t want to be attracted to her. She’d lain on top of him and felt his erection last night. Then he’d just pushed her away.

  She hurried along the stone pathways, wondering where to go. Back to her room? Nick could find a way to get in there. And he had her car keys, damn it.


  She kept going, winding around the stone paths down to the area called Palm Park. Swaying palm trees decorated with colored lights enclosed the small park. It had wrought-iron tables and chairs with bright cushions surrounding a graceful dolphin fountain. Lexie followed the sound of the water. Colored lights shone up on the dolphin, illuminating the creature as he appeared to arch toward the sea. She could smell the ocean just yards away, but the little park was quiet. People had picnic lunches here and just sat and talked. Sometimes the park was rented out for weddings or parties.

  Tonight the empty park echoed her loneliness. Sliding off her shoes, she set them on a bench and stepped into the water to ease the pain of dancing for an hour in high-heeled sandals.

  She could probably strike dancer off her list of possible career choices.


  His tone was low, with an undertone of silky steel. It pissed her off that just his voice made her belly quiver. Holding out a hand to the gentle fall of water, she didn’t look at him. “Take me back, Nick. Tonight. Get your money and we’re done.”

  “Still being a martyr?”

  She turned around, uncaring that the waterfall splashed her. “No. I’m being realistic. I’m done running. I’m going back.” Her throat thickened as she stared at him. The blue, green, red, and yellow lights highlighted his inky black hair, the dark shadow on his clenched jaw, the breadth of his shoulders. He looked tense, ready to pounce. She forced herself to add, “Away from you. Either you take me and collect your money or I’ll get there another way.”

  He stood as still as the statue except for his breathing, then he broke free, striding toward her. He stopped at the edge of the fountain to kick off his shoes and pull off his socks. Then he stepped in and came face-to-face with her in two steps. “The hell you will. I’m not letting you go back when you’re in danger!”

  It was all she could do not to back up. He was in her face, not touching her but in her face. “It doesn’t matter if I’m in danger. I’m just a job to you. Nothing more. No emotion involved. Do your job.” She couldn’t do it, couldn’t stay with him one more minute constantly craving something from him he couldn’t give her. She’d rather deal with her stalker. She’d find a way to ensure her safety. She could stay in a hotel if the cops didn’t put her in jail.

  He flexed his hands at his sides. “Be reasonable, Lexie!”

  Her control snapped. None of it mattered anymore. “I’m so damned tired of being reasonable! I ran away thinking my family would finally get it. They’d understand that I needed them for a change! Did that happen? No! And now I need you…and…” She shuddered and tears burned her eyes, ran down her face. Hot embarrassment flooded her. “I’m going back.” She tried to turn, to get out of the water.

  Nick caught her by the shoulders, his hands firm. He pushed her back a step, flush against the statue. His green eyes caught the lights, flickering with a raw need. “I never let my lust get out of control. But you, Christ, you smash my willpower and make me ache for your touch. I’m done fighting. Hell with the consequences.” He pressed his body into hers, his erection into her belly. “I’ll worry about your safety tomorrow; tonight you’re mine.”

  More tears brimmed over and ran hot down her face. “Nick.” She put her arms around his neck.

  He slammed his mouth down on hers, one hand sliding into her hair to hold her.

  She inhaled the scent of him—soap and hot skin mixed with the water trickling over them. He made an impatient noise in his chest and invaded her mouth. Or she invaded his. She didn’t know, and she didn’t care, she just wanted Nick. Needed him, needed him to wrap himself around her and make her feel real and substantial. She slid her tongue along his and dug her fingers into his shoulders. Hot desire ripped through her.

  Nick slid his hand off her shoulder and cupped her breast, squeezing just enough. She moved against him. He ran the pad of his thumb over her pebbled nipple through the thin dress, making her shiver. She stroked her hand over the soft material of his shirt, down to the front of his pants, and pressed her palm against his dick.

  He groaned deep in his chest. Lifting his head, he said, “What are you wearing under the dress?”

  Her voice was raspy. “Panties. Thong.”

  He slid both his hands down the sides of her body, dropping to his knees. “Show me.”

  She looked at him on his knees, in the water, his pants getting wet, his head tilted as he stared up at her with those eyes.

  He put his hands on the outside of her knees. “Now.”

  Lexie pulled up her dress until she felt the cool air and wet droplets of water from the waterfall.

  Nick dropped his gaze. “Damn.” He stroked his hands up her thighs, over the thong, then grasped the edge and eased it down and off. Then he reached up and pressed her legs apart. The cool mist touched her sex and she shivered.

; “God. I’ve wanted this.” He touched her with his thumbs sliding along her seam, then spreading her. Touched her clitoris, stroking his thumb in circles.

  Lexie fell back against the statue, her back wet, the dress sticking to her while she held up the skirt. “Nick…”

  “I’m not stopping. Not now.”

  She saw his dark head lean into her thighs, then his tongue touched her, sliding over her clit and deeper to taste all of her. A deep shudder wracked her.

  Nick reached up one hand to hold her against the statue.

  He centered his tongue on her clit, wet, lapping circles until Lexie thought she’d cry. She ground against him, desperate. “Oh!” She held the dress with one hand.

  He increased his licks and slid his hand deep between her legs, one finger easing inside of her.

  Panting, she knew she was making noise. Probably begging. Nothing had ever felt like this. Free. Sexy. Just her and Nick. The cold water on her skin, her dress wet against her sensitive breasts, and Nick sucking her, thrusting his finger in her.

  Then he added a second finger. Lexie shattered, her entire body rocking with deep spasms of pleasure. Nick pushed her further, tonguing her, thrusting his fingers inside of her to keep her orgasm going until she was breathless.

  He rose up, his eyes so light with gold, they were intense. “Keep holding that dress.” He undid his pants and pulled his cock out.

  In the colored lights, his penis looked deep in color, thick and long. She had never wanted to be filled up like she did now.

  Tonight. By Nick. She might have whimpered.

  “Every time you make that noise, it makes me hornier.” He reached around her, lifted her up, and held her against the wet column of the statue. “Take me, Lexie.”

  “Are you sure? It slippery in here and—” Suddenly her eyes widened. “Condoms.”

  “Shit.” He eased her down to her feet.


  Nick inserted the keycard, opened the door, and looked at Lexie.

  The flush of her orgasm was fading from her face. Her dress was wet and clinging to her breasts and legs. He had her panties in his hand with his shoes and socks. She shivered as she walked into the air-conditioned room.


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