A Claim of Her Own

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A Claim of Her Own Page 23

by Stephanie Grace Whitson

  He was getting stronger, but he wasn’t ready to take action against the O’Keefes yet. For one thing, he didn’t know enough about Mattie to plan the perfect moment. He knew she was friends with the mammy. And, interestingly enough, with the idiot who’d offered to care for the bay gelding all those weeks ago. The kid was something of a hunter, it seemed. He’d delivered game to the mammy several times while Jonas watched.

  The return of the freighters to Deadwood explained what Mattie had been doing with the keys to Garth and Company Merchandise. She’d been working there while the couple who owned it were gone. Some couple. Swede’s man was so thin he’d break in half if she ever took a swing at him. She hadn’t mentioned a husband when Jonas was following the freighters to Deadwood, but then she hadn’t really said much of anything to him. The blond-haired child was charming, but already becoming a burden to her mother. As they all did, sooner or later. It was, Jonas thought, quite a menagerie. He still couldn’t figure out their exact connection with Mattie beyond her minding the store, but he would. He had all the time in the world.

  And so he continued to watch.

  Mattie paused outside the Langrishe Theatre building long enough on Sunday to read the chalked sign. The play The Banker’s Daughter was scheduled. Nightly performances, it said. She stepped inside, lingering to the right of the door as she listened to the congregation sing.

  Kitty Underwood had spoken the truth when she’d said she wasn’t very good on the piano. No one seemed to notice, though. “ ‘Amazing grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see.’ ” She didn’t think that was quite the way she’d sung it for Bill’s funeral. No matter. The meaning was the same. She couldn’t help smiling at the way she’d learned that hymn. They’d had a customer with a habit of singing hymns when he was drunk, and he was drunk a lot.

  When the hymn was finished, everyone seemed to know to sit down. Swede and Freddie were up front, as was Aunt Lou, wearing an enormous hat with a long black ostrich plume curving elegantly along the crown. The Underwood women were wearing hats, too. Mattie was fairly certain Kitty’s bonnet had been on display in the Berg sisters’ store window only yesterday. It was a red and black version of the blue and lavender one Mattie was wearing right now. As she slid into a chair right inside the door, Mattie loosened the bow at her throat and slid the bonnet back off her head.

  Just as Aron got up to speak, Justice padded through the door and came to her side. There were a few chuckles in the back rows, but no one said anything, so Mattie patted his head and pointed to the floor, hoping he would lie down. Which he did, but then he quickly lifted his head, sat up, and stared at the door. His tail thumped, and when Mattie looked about, Tom English was standing there looking nervous. She waved him over.

  “You new at this church thing, too?” she whispered. He only nodded as he removed his hat and sat down. Mattie noticed that he hid his hook under his hat. She’d have to tell him that it wasn’t really an issue anymore. The hook was simply part of who Tom English— an admirable man—was. In Tom’s case, the hook didn’t matter.

  Aron welcomed everyone and had the Langrishes stand up so he could thank them publicly for the use of the theatre. He looked up at the canvas roof and said, “And, Lord, if you’d hold off any rain until I’m done preaching, I’d be grateful.” And everyone laughed.

  “Now, why didn’t I think of praying on opening night?” Langrishe quipped, referencing how everyone who’d attended the inaugural performance at the theatre had come away drenched to the skin when it stormed and the canvas roof stretched and leaked.

  Aron’s sermon topic was once again about hope in the face of disasters like smallpox. The only hope for this life was to focus on the next and get things right with God, he said. The only way to get things right with God was to put ourselves in the place of the thief on the cross, to realize we had nothing to offer, to put our faith in Jesus.

  As usual, Aron stopped talking abruptly—long before he’d brought his talk to a proper conclusion, as far as Mattie was concerned. Kitty Underwood sashayed back over to the piano and there was more singing, but Mattie and Tom didn’t stay for that. Mattie had to take Justice out before he did his business right there in the middle of a church service, and as for Tom, he said he had to get back over and open the store. They both slipped out unnoticed. At least that’s what Mattie thought.

  “I know ven de snows come to Dakota, Mr. English.” Swede lifted her chin and glared down at him. “I need no lectures from you. Ve vill be fine and back into Deadvood by de end of October. Or maybe first of November.” She paused. “Either vay, ve vill be fine.”

  Tom had been sitting behind the counter with the ledger open before him doing sums, and he’d just mentioned that maybe Swede should consider forgoing the last supply run of the year. “I didn’t mean to lecture you,” he said gently. “I only meant to suggest.”

  “If dere is much snow once it starts,” Swede said, “ve vill need much more of flour and other staples dan ve haf. Much more of everyting to keep from running out.”

  Tom disagreed. “Not if we close the store when supplies get low. If we do that, there would be plenty for—”

  “For who? Are ve now to make a list of who goes hungry and who does not? How does dat show kindness to others? Did Aron’s sermon yesterday mean noting to you? Is dat vy you left so soon?”

  Tom stood up and, placing hand and hook atop the counter before him, said quietly, “Let us not turn this into a religious discussion. I was only raising a hypothetical situation. Your family would not go hungry.” He closed the ledger book.

  “I promised Mattie I vould bring de tombstone. And it vas not dere last time. But it vill be vaiting for me ven I reach Sidney dis time. It is promised to me, and I have promised Mattie, and I vish to see her pleased vit the marking of her brother’s grave before de vinter. Already he has been buried too long and no marker.”

  “Mattie would understand. And I don’t think you should go.”

  Why was he being so obstinate? He had never been this way before. She loved him for his gentleness. For his not minding Garth’s name on the sign. For the way he didn’t push to take over. They had been true partners. He had never acted as though a woman knew nothing. Until now. It was a part of Tom English she had not seen, and one she did not like. Not one bit.

  “Of course she vould understand. Dat is not my point. It is not right to disappoint ven I can avoid doing so. And I can avoid it. De oxen are strong and I vill make de load lighter. It von’t take so long. But I am going. I must.”

  “Have you considered Eva—and what being caught in a storm might mean for her?”

  It was the straw that broke the donkey’s back. For all her hard labor and all her fears about how Eva was being raised, for all her guilt over the countless miles her precious child had spent virtually locked in a makeshift cradle and getting rained on … she had done her best, but her best was not enough, and now to have Tom point that out … and hint that she might let her stubbornness endanger Eva! How could he say such a thing?

  Whether it was anger or hurt, the emotion filled Swede’s eyes with tears. “How dare you say such a ting to me, Tom English! How dare you hint—” She could not continue. And she could not look at him. She marched toward the stairs.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. You’re a good mother, Kat. A wonderful woman. I—”

  At the base of the stairs, Swede whirled around and pointed at him. “Hush. You hush now. Never did I tink dat you vould do dis ting, Tom English. To say such things to me, ven all I vish from you is—” She bit her lip to keep from speaking further. It was too embarrassing to face him with these womanly emotions rolling over her common sense. And so Swede turned and ran up the stairs to the room she shared with Eva, and if Eva had not been napping at that moment she would have slammed the door. She did not cry, but she sat on the edge of her bed, her arms crossed, muttering to herself. “Vonderful voman? Hmpf. You t
ink I am vonderful, vy don’t you—”

  Kat? Had she heard correctly? Had he just now called her Kat? Swede stood up and crossed to the door. She reached out and had the handle in her grasp. But then reason won out. She imagined Tom English down below, closing up the store and turning down the lamps. She heard his footsteps as he headed for the back door. Was it her imagination, or did he just now pause at the base of the stairs? Closing her eyes, Swede waited. Listened. Hoped. But then came the sound of the back door closing.

  Swede took a deep breath. She retreated to the bed. Lying back atop the patchwork quilt, she stared up at the ceiling. Presently she closed her eyes. Hush, now. Just hush. Hush and sleep and tomorrow … get the oxen yoked.


  … the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the

  outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.

  1 Samuel 16:7

  Praise be to God. Swede traced the letters in the simple white stone.

  Dillon Patrick O’Keefe

  Born June 6, 1854

  Died May 1, 1876

  Beloved Brother

  They’ll give me a welcome the warmest on earth,

  All so loving and kind full of music and mirth,

  In the sweet-sounding language of home.

  The words blurred as Swede remembered Mattie singing that song. She’d called it “Mist-Covered Mountains” and said she and Dillon had often sung it together. Taking a deep breath, Swede stepped back. She nodded at the baggage handler who’d unwrapped it for her. “Load it onto de second vagon, please,” she said. “Dere is much hay in de bottom for cushioning. Ven you have it in place, fill dat vagon with hay.”

  “All the way?”

  “Yah, sure.” Swede nodded. “All de vay.” She didn’t think it was going to snow, but if it did, she would not be caught on the prairie without a way to feed her oxen. In spite of what Tom English thought, she was not foolish.

  Finally. He was strong enough to take action. It had taken most of a month, but none of it had been wasted. He had grown wise in the old ways of hunting and hiding, remembered many of the tricks from his days in the war. He hunted in Deadwood for food, and it was easier than he expected it to be. The mammy left her kitchen unguarded at times. Once, Jonas had slipped in and taken an entire ham back up to his camp. It made him smile just to remember the next few days of good eating from that one act of thievery.

  He hadn’t planned to be camped out for this long. The nights were getting cold. Sometimes in the night when the dried leaves rattled in the wind, it woke him. Such a strange sound compared to pianos and laughter, glasses clinking and dice rolling. The memories made him homesick. Once back in Abilene, he would never leave.

  But first he would follow through with his plan. The very next time Mattie headed up the gulch he would prowl along the rim that ran high above the gold claims, and she would never even know she was being followed. He would finally solve the mystery of why he hadn’t seen Dillon in town. Having located the claim, he would plan a little surprise for them both. A reprise. He chuckled to himself. Mattie O’Keefe would regret ever stealing a penny of his money, and she would especially pay for cutting him with that ring and for being the cause of his scars.

  The delay in Sidney was no one’s fault. It simply took longer to load all the freighters’ wagons this time because when Red Tallent realized Swede was hauling hay against an early storm, he decided the rest of the wagons should follow suit, and that meant waiting for the ranchers to haul hay to the depot. It also meant some creative loading to accommodate the hay and still haul everything expected in Deadwood.

  It was October 1 before the supply train finally left Sidney headed north for Deadwood. Swede had purchased some pelts to line Eva’s cradle, and while she waited for the other teamsters to load their hay, she laced one together into a kind of bunting. For herself, she would make do with a couple of furs sewn together at the shoulder the way Red Tallent did it. And a fur hat and mittens, too. There was just enough left to line her boots.

  Oh, but she was stiff when she wakened in the morning these days. How she longed for the warmth of the feather comfortable and patchwork quilts on her own bed in the room she shared with Eva above Garth and Company Merchandise. She never suspected that the simple matter of having a room and a bed of her own would change her attitude toward the trail. Of course if she let herself think about it, she realized it wasn’t just the longing for her home that had changed her attitude about the trail. It was Tom.

  She had barely said three words to him after their fight, and yet he had kissed her on the cheek before she left town. That made two kisses. For the entire trip from Deadwood to Sidney, she had battled thinking about those kisses. Finally she was able to think more clearly about things. But it wasn’t just the time on the trail that had accomplished that. It was pondering that day back in Sidney when she’d seen herself in a mirror.

  She had only meant to buy a new bonnet for Mattie O’Keefe. As a way of saying thank-you for all her work at the store while Tom and Freddie were gone. But when the shopkeeper—a nice woman named Mrs. Johnson—insisted that Swede try it on herself, she submitted to one moment of feminine pleasure. A moment that was either a terrible mistake or a clarification of reality, depending on how one chose to see it.

  “There now,” Mrs. Johnson said, and tilted the mirror just so. “See how nice you look? Those yellow flowers are the perfect accent for your lovely blond hair.”

  Yellow might accent her hair, Swede thought, but nothing could hide the fact that a once pleasant-looking Katerina Jannike now looked more like a weather-beaten man than a woman. Quickly, she looked away from the mirror and handed over the hat. “Please to write on de package, To Miss Mattie O’Keefe.”

  “Package?” Mrs. Johnson asked, even as she held up a fine leather hatbox, “or traveling case?” She raised the lid to show off the purple velvet lining.

  Swede didn’t hesitate. “Put a tag on one case for Miss O’Keefe, if you please, and if you have more, I vill take five.”

  “Wise woman,” Mrs. Johnson said with a smile. “The ladies of Deadwood will buy you out in no time.”

  Swede didn’t bother to explain her intent to sell all five hatboxes to the Berg sisters upon arrival. She only nodded as she glanced back into the mirror one last time. Remember what you see here when next you have foolish thoughts about you and Tom English.

  Jonas needed a mirror. People still turned away after one glance. Could it be that bad? He was feeling better now and tired of skulking around like some animal. The pest tent had been taken down. He couldn’t be the only former inmate who’d stayed in Deadwood. Surely he wasn’t that much of an oddity. But he hadn’t run into any of the other patients—except for one hideously scarred sporting girl staggering around behind Al Swearengen’s place. She was drunk, and Jonas could understand why. A creature like that might as well take a gun to her head and end her misery.

  An idea took shape. The mammy would likely have a mirror in her bedroom next to the kitchen, and she always went to church. Jonas smiled to himself. She’d never even know he’d been there. And on his way out, he’d help himself to whatever was cooking for lunch. He laughed aloud. Maybe he’d even leave a little gold dust from the bag he’d taken off that body. Gold dust on a saucer on the table. Now, that would give old mammy something to wonder over.

  “Just let me put my hat in my room, and we’ll have us a fine Sunday dinner,” Aunt Lou said as Mattie and Aron followed her into the hotel kitchen. “I’m so glad the two of you said you would do this. I declare, Mattie, you have been up at that claim of yours so much lately I thought maybe you’d left Deadwood.”

  “It hasn’t been that bad,” Mattie said with a laugh. “I have been busy, though. Trying to sink another hole to bedrock before the ground freezes.” And counting my gold. I’m rich, Aunt Lou!

  “Well, you just—” Aunt Lou’s hand paused in midair as she reached for the elaborate pin anchoring her hat in pla
ce. She stared into her room, then leaned against the doorframe groaning, “Oh no … not my best quilt … oh no … no … no …”

  Aron stepped up to peer over her shoulder. Mattie joined them, and that’s when she saw the devastation. Someone had reduced Aunt Lou’s room to shattered glass and shredded cloth. She slumped down onto the edge of her cot, frowning as she looked up at where the mirror used to hang. Motioning for Mattie and Aron to step into the room, she pointed to the back of the door. “What is that?”

  Aron frowned as he examined several deep gouges in the wood.

  “And there,” Aunt Lou said. “And there.” She pointed at the rips in the newspapers covering her walls.

  Mattie turned in a circle, pointing out gouge after gouge. She ran her finger along the marks in the top of the old bureau in the corner and shivered. “Who would do such a thing? The whole town loves Aunt Lou.”

  “It seems there’s at least one person who don’t,” Aunt Lou said. Looking down at the hat in her hands she smiled. “Well. At least he didn’t ruin my favorite hat.” She forced a laugh. “And he isn’t gonna ruin my Sunday dinner with two of my favorite people, either.” She stood up and motioned for Mattie to follow her into the kitchen. “Come along, Miss Mattie. We’re all hungry and”—she waved around her—“sitting here ain’t gonna change what’s been done. I got one of my fattest hens all ready to—” She stopped in midsentence. “Now, what on earth …” She looked around. “It was right here.” She motioned to the shelf just above her worktable in the corner.

  “What? What was right here?”

  “A pie. An apple pie. And now—look at this.” Aunt Lou pulled a saucer down off the shelf and stared at it. She held it out for Mattie and Aron to see the pinch of gold dust right in the center of the white saucer. “Now, who steals a pie and pays in gold dust?”


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