Bk 1 Dracones Awakening

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Bk 1 Dracones Awakening Page 6

by Sheri-Lynn Marean

  Jax shook his head and Tierney’s heart twisted at the emotions she was picking up from him. No one can love me, I’m unlovable.

  “That’s not true, we all love you,” she whispered.

  But Jax refused to believe so Tierney just held him close. Most of the thoughts flitting through his mind didn’t make much sense to her, but she did catch his self-recriminations, and they made her soul ache. As he began to relax, his arms reached around her, though she couldn’t bring herself to say anything about it. Especially when she caught his next thought.

  I feel like I’m home … She almost melted into a weeping puddle on the floor. Then she caught his masculine scent and he felt so good in her arms, even wet, that she was filled with yearning. Then he began to nuzzle her chest. “Hmm.”

  Her eyes closed and she stifled a groan as heat spread through her. Get a grip, girl, the guy is soaking, freezing and drunk, and all you can think about is how good he feels?

  “Okay Jax, let’s get this shirt off.” She quickly slipped his shirt off over his head before he even realized what had happened.

  She pretended not to see the scars covering his body, as she turned to rifle through his duffle bag, though she did feel his eyes burning holes in her. “Here, we’ll put this one on.” She slipped a clean shirt over his head. “Okay, now can you stand?” She didn’t meet his eyes, and he didn’t respond, but she did feel the heat of his gaze warming her.

  JAX DIDN’T SAY A WORD. He wanted to sink into a deep hole. She’d just seen his grotesque patchwork of scars and couldn’t even look at him now. For some lucky reason, the bastards had never touched his face. But the rest of him was covered in thick, ugly scars. Scars he’d never wanted Tierney to see. Over the years, he tried so hard to keep them from her, not wanting to witness her revulsion or pity. Now the secret was out.

  TIERNEY SIGHED AND HELPED him to his feet, then jumped when his arms encircled her and pulled away a step. Hands shaking, she ignored her racing heart and fumbled to undo the button and zipper on his jeans. “Jax, we need to get your wet pants off.”

  With a ragged moan he clutched her shoulders as she pushed his jeans down. Then she crouched to push them lower. The sight of the shiny, thick head of his cock standing at attention sent desire tingling through. He wasn’t wearing any underwear. Heat rushed to her face, and Tierney averted her gaze as she eased the wet jeans off first one leg, then the other. She caught sight of a sore looking wound and she had to resist the urge to touch.

  The sound of ragged breathing drew her eyes up. She bit her lower lip at his rock-hard erection surrounded by a patch of thick black hair. Tierney inhaled and pretended not to notice and gazed instead at his tightly corded six pack beneath his taut T-shirt. But who was she fooling? Oh yum! Feeling her face heat, she forced her eyes up further, to a sweet pair of inviting lips before settling on his blazing blue eyes.

  The heat of his gaze set her pulse racing even faster. Desire engulfed her. Unable to stand, she could only stare at the finely chiseled masterpiece in front of her. Then Jax pulled her up against him. Her breath caught in her throat at the contact of his skin touching her. She waited in anticipation as he lowered his lips to hers.

  Even reeking of booze, his kiss melted her and revved her up at the same time. She couldn’t imagine anything better. His scent and flavor, all man. Sweet and spicy with a hint of danger. Tierney couldn’t stop a moan from slipping out. Fire spread, tightening things deep inside.

  “Want you so bad,” his husky voice tickled her mouth and his hands roamed all over her body.

  “Jax,” she whispered, then his lips locked on hers again. Oh mama, he intoxicated her, and she ached to have him fill her in every way possible.

  “Need you.” His tongue thrust inside her mouth, savoring her. His hands sent tingles shooting through her like firecrackers. His erection, pressed firmly against her belly started her knees trembling. Sensuous lips whispered across her jaw and around her neck, making her shiver. “Tiern.”

  His desperation tore through her and she wanted to give him everything they both desired. Oh, to be pressed naked against him. To let him sink deep inside of her. Oh gods, I want him. But she couldn’t lose her virginity with Jax piss-ass drunk. He might not even remember what happened the next day, or worse, might regret them being together. He did tell her to find someone else, after all. Yeah, bad idea, very bad. If only she didn’t crave him with the intensity of an inferno.

  “Jax.” She twisted away regretfully and reached around him, pulling the blankets back. “Sit,” she said and eased him down on the bed.

  “Tiern?” Jax gazed at her with so much need in his eyes she almost caved.

  “Lie back,” she insisted, feeling bad when the hope in his gaze turned to disappointment as she covered him with the blankets.

  “Tiern?” her name came out as a whispered plea, but she shook her head.

  “I can’t Jax, not while you’re drunk like this. I’m sorry.”

  Jax’s sad but understanding nod left her feeling guilty. “Don’t go, please.” His eyes begging her not to leave him alone.

  Her heart melted as she took in this big, handsome man. Then she remembered how when he was younger he’d only go to sleep if she was there with him. “Okay, make room.”

  Jax shuffled over and she climbed on top of the blankets and lay facing him. “Go to sleep.” She ran her hand over his forehead and down his face in a gentle caress.

  The brush of whiskers tickled her palm as he stared into her eyes. Please, don’t leave me … After a moment they closed and he slept.

  Tierney stayed with him for a long time, replaying his kisses, and how much he turned her on. Her eyes devoured him. He had such raw masculine beauty, and in sleep, his long angelic lashes rested above his cheeks. Just thinking of his gaze on her gave her shivers, and sent desire crashing through her. Oh, how she wanted him.

  The reminder of his kisses burned bittersweet. Tears trickled down her cheeks as she thought of him on the balcony. There was no doubt that the pain-filled angry darkness came from within him. Oh, my love, my sweet Jax. What is going on with you? She wished he’d talk to her. “Sleep well. I love you.” She kissed him softly on the lips.

  Back in her own bed, Tierney fell into a fitful sleep, dreaming of ravens and creepy men who wanted to hurt everyone she loved.

  Chapter Seven

  Talking Wolf

  TIERNEY AWOKE LATE THE next morning feeling thoroughly exhausted. After dragging herself from bed, she showered, dressed and checked the landline for messages. Nothing. With a growl, she picked up her cell. Nothing. She grabbed her jacket and stalked out of her room, angry and worried.

  The scent of coffee and bacon wafting through the house made her stomach rumble, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten much the day before. She inhaled the wonderful aromas as she stepped into the kitchen to find Sami cooking breakfast, and a cute, curly dark-haired guy setting a box of groceries on the counter. “Hey, Damien.”

  “Hi, Tierney.” Damien smiled back at her as he headed through the mud room and back out for another box.

  “Mhm.” Tierney poured some coffee into her favorite mug, groaning in pleasure. “Hey, anything more on Dad?”

  “No, sorry,” Sami said, face pale and grim.

  With a sigh, Tierney eyed him “How are you feeling?”

  Sami shrugged without looking at her, but it was enough. Even with his shields up, and her not being able to sense his feelings, body language told her everything she needed to know. Wishing she could do more for him, she slipped her arm around his waist and gave him a hug, meeting his pain filled eyes when Jax dragged himself into the room.

  Tierney let Sami go and did a double take of Jax, who looked like shit. “Hey, you okay?” She pushed the memory of his kisses from the night before away.

  “Fine,” Jax growled, glaring at her.

  What the hell is his problem now?

  “So, some friends and I are going to Jezzaray’s tonight. You all
want to join us?” Damien asked as he walked back in and set the second box of groceries down.

  Jax scowled. “Who the fuck are you?”

  Startled, Damien turned to Jax and his smile disappeared. “Uh, Damien.” His voice was leery as he caught the dangerous glint in Jax’s eyes.

  “Where’s Mo?” Jax asked them, glaring threateningly at Damien.

  “Dude. Mo retired four weeks ago, you’d know that if you’d been here, so quit glaring. Damien delivers our groceries now.” Sami slid a couple eggs on a plate with toast and bacon, and handed the plate to Jax. “Sit, eat.”

  “Oh.” Ignoring the suddenly nervous Damien, Jax dug into the food. Tierney noted his voice sounded scratchy. Must be from the drinking, she thought, right as Cassie waltzed into the kitchen looking perfect.

  Tierney’s eyes narrowed as the blonde wiggled her way over to Jax. “Hi,” she said with a suggestive smile.

  “Hey Cass, you sleep okay?” Jax asked, looking at her appreciatively. Tierney wanted to puke. Yeah, wouldn’t want anything to interrupt Little Miss Perfect’s beauty sleep …

  “I did, thanks.” Cassie gave him a big smile and Tierney could have sworn her teeth sparkled. Her anger flared to life.

  “Here.” Sami handed Cassie a plate of food.

  Damien closed his gaping mouth, quickly put the jugs of milk in the fridge, then hurried back out to his van. Tierney hid her fury at the three men, downed her coffee, poured another cup and plastered a phony smile on her face as Damien walked back inside.

  “Yeah, I’m in for going to Jezzaray’s tonight,” she said. Gonna need the distraction.

  Damien shot a glance at Jax as he set the receipt down on the counter and beamed at her. “Great, I’ll see ya tonight, then,” he said and hurried out to his van.

  “Oh, Jezzaray’s! Let’s go too, Jax. It’ll be so much fun.” Cassie’s boobs rubbed up against Jax as she bounced around in excitement.

  Tierney finished her coffee and placed her mug in the sink. I need to get the hell outta here! If she listened to too much more of Blondie flirting with Jax, she’d kill the woman.

  JAX, HEAD POUNDING AND mouth dry as sandpaper, swigged his scalding coffee. Like a knife twisting in his gut, he fumed as Tierney shared glances with Sami. The sight of her hugging Sami when he walked in made his pissy mood even fouler, and reminded him why he drank so much the night before.

  He couldn’t remember going to bed, but now, as he thought about last night, he seemed to remember something about Tierney. Tierney put me to bed? And, I … kissed her? Jax groaned. What the hell did I do? Flashes of her removing his shirt and unbuttoning his jeans, pushing them down his legs drifted through his mind. Did last night happen, or am I so crazed for her that I imagined it all? Once again he was rock hard.

  Tierney had just made Damien’s day by agreeing to go to the club, and Sami didn’t say a damn thing. His volatile mood grew darker at the thought of her with that human. As if aware of what Jax was thinking, Tierney glared at him, eyes flashing angrily before heading for the mud room.

  “Be right back,” he murmured to Cassie and got to his feet. This is a bad idea but I have to talk to her.

  Stepping in behind Tierney, Jax bit back a groan. Her sexy ass faced him as she bent to pull on her boots and Jax tried to speak but nothing came out. He cleared his throat. “So, when did you get the bike?” he croaked, his cock so hard it was painful.

  Tierney straightened up and frowned at him. “Why?”

  “Ah, it’s nice,” he said, reminding himself that no matter how much he desired her, he needed to keep his distance. For Sami’s sake.

  “Nice? It’s a Ducati. It’s fucking awesome.” Tierney shook her head in exasperation.

  Yeah, and I’m sure you look hot as hell on it. Jax kept the thought to himself. “What did Zander say about it?” he asked instead.

  “He’s not here.” She rolled her eyes before moving towards him and he sucked in a breath when she leaned close to reach for her jacket right behind him. His body was instantly on fire as her breasts barely brushed his chest. Her wildflower scent filled his senses, making his blood heat and his mind fuzzy. His heartbeat picked up and he started to wrap his arms around her, but she pulled back and slipped her jacket on. All the while she stared at him, amethyst eyes burning straight through him.

  “Look, Tiern, I’m—” he started to say, but lost his train of thought as her eyes darkened with anger. Intense desire consumed him.

  “You’re what, Jax?” Defiance shone in her eyes.

  “I—” He ached to feel her pressed against him and wanted to lower his mouth to her sweet, decadent lips. Again. Oh shit, I did kiss her last night, didn’t I? A fleeting memory of how she tasted left his cock throbbing against his confining jeans.

  Then another memory slithered through his mind of how she wouldn’t look at him after seeing his scars and, afterward she refused him as he begged to be with her. I am such a piece of shit! I can’t believe I tried to get in her pants while I was drunk off my ass! No wonder she turned me down. What did you expect, you dumb fuck? Besides, she’s with Sami. And, if that isn’t enough, he did reject her six weeks ago. Pain twisted in his gut. “I just wanted to talk to you,” he said right before Cassie walked into the room.

  “I have a client to meet.” Her eyes narrowed on Cassie as he sidestepped so the blonde stood beside, not behind him.

  “What about later?” He tried not to wince as what felt like a lightning bolt shot through his aching head.

  Tierney started to say something, then she searched his face. “You’ll be here?”

  Jax stared at her lips, his whole body yearning to taste her. Another shot of lightning through his skull rendered him unable to concentrate. “Ah,” What? What did she ask?

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” She turned away.

  “Tiern,” Jax called, but the door had already closed behind her.

  Frustrated, he turned away and glanced briefly at Cassie. “C’mon, I’ll take you home.” He’d go search for some Ilyium to fight, blow off some steam. If he didn’t kill them all first. Maybe he could wring some info on Zander’s whereabouts out of one of them. Sweat trickled down his back and he rubbed his aching temple. Shit, why did I drink so much last night?

  TIERNEY RETURNED HOME WITH mixed feelings. She was glad to see Cassie gone but worried about whether Jax would be back or not. Though she ached to see him, it was painful knowing she couldn’t have him. Pushing him out of her mind, she checked the phones, then dialed her dad. His cell went straight to voicemail. Again. Constant worry churned in her gut as she found Sami in the great room, staring outside. “Hey.” She dropped onto the couch beside him.

  “Hey, you talk to the Dubaras?” he asked.

  “Shay and Daniel are at the house talking to her parents right now. They all seem to be getting along.”

  Sami nodded. “Good.”

  “Yeah,” Tierney agreed and leaned her head against him as they both stared outside, lost in thought. Finally, she nudged Sami. “We’re a pair, aren’t we?” Sami snorted, but didn’t say a word. “I’m going to go for a hike, wanna come?” she asked. She found hiking, or even racing over the trails, an excellent way to burn off energy. Of course, soaking up the peace nature offered, helped as well.

  “Nah,” Sami said, despondent.

  “C’mon, you need to get out of the house, and I need a distraction.” Tierney tugged on his arm, making him groan in fake indignation.

  “Great, so I’m a distraction now, am I?”

  Tierney grinned. “Of course, none better.”

  Sami rolled his eyes. “Okay, only for a bit then. Wouldn’t want to distract you too much.”

  Now it was Tierney’s turn to groan.

  Outside, she glanced at the raven spot, shivered and began to tell Sami about the bird.

  “Maybe you’re losing your mind?” he suggested, raising his eyebrows like she was crazy.

  She growled and punched him. “Shut up assh

  “Ow!” he yelled, faking pain and making her laugh. “But really, you couldn’t come up with anything better than a dumb raven?”

  When she attempted to punch him again, he ducked and began to run. She grinned and took off after him. A few seconds later she caught up, pushed him out of the way, and took the lead. They raced for a couple miles, the ground rushing by as they leaped over fallen branches, rock and deadfall, before slowing to a walk. The smile on Sami’s face warmed her heart, and made her glad she’d dragged his ass outside.

  They spent a couple hours just wandering the mountain before finally heading home. They were getting close, when Tierney sensed a presence similar to the one the night before. Only this time, without the hatred. “Sami, stop.” She opened her senses and searched around, stunned when she connected with a wolf, and not an ordinary wolf—but one who seemed more human than animal.

  “What’s happening?” Sami asked and Tierney couldn’t help but smile as a strong vibe of friendship passed through the connection.

  “I’m communicating with a wolf,” she said, excited.

  “Tierney.” Sami glanced around uneasily.

  “I mean you no harm,” the wolf replied telepathically.

  “Holy shit, you talk.” Tierney was completely awed.


  “So, who, what are you?” she asked, thinking of Were-wolves.

  The wolf chuckled. “I’m not Were-wolf.”

  “He just chuckled at me.” She stared wide-eyed at Sami. Then she spoke aloud for his benefit. “If you’re not a Were-wolf, what are you?”

  “Tiern.” Sami glared, worried about this being a threat, then he indicated they keep moving. Tierney nodded and kept pace beside him.

  “I’m sorry to alarm you. We can talk another time,” the wolf said and left her mind.


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