Manly Wade Wellman - Judge Pursuivant 01

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Manly Wade Wellman - Judge Pursuivant 01 Page 8

by The Hairy Ones Shall Dance (v1. 1)

  Zoberg then spoke up, rather diffidently, to say that he would be glad to stay with Susan. This was agreed upon, and the other three of us prepared for the search.

  I took the lantern from Zoberg's hand, nodded to the others, and walked away among the trees.


  "I was - I AM - a wolf!”

  Deliberately I had turned my face toward the section beyond the fire, for, as I have said repeatedly, it was there that I had heard the movements and cries of the being that had so strongly moved and bewitched Susan. My heart whispered rather loudly that I must look for myself at its traces or lack of them, or forever view myself with scorn.

  Almost at once I found tracks, the booted tracks of my three allies. Shaking my lantern to make it flare higher, I went deeper among the clumps, my eyes quartering the damp earth. After a few moments I found what I had come to look for.

  The marks were round and rather vague as to toe-positions, yet not so clear-cut as to be made by hoofs. Rather they suggested a malformed stump or a palm with no fingers, and they were deep enough to denote considerable weight; the tracks of my own shoes, next to them, were rather shallower. I bent for a close look, then straightened up, looked everywhere at once, and held my torch above my head to shed light all around; for I had suddenly felt eyes upon me.

  I caught just a glimpse as of two points of light, fading away into some leafage and in the direction of the clearing, and toward them I made my way; but there was nothing there, and the only tracks underfoot were of shod human beings, myself or one of the others. I returned to my outward search, following the round tracks.

  They were plainly of only two feet - there were no double impressions, like those of a quadruped - but I must have stalked along them for ten minutes when I realized that I had no way of telling whether they went forward or backward. I might be going away from my enemy instead of toward it. A close examination did me little good, and I further pondered that the creature would lurk near the clearing, not go so straight away. Thus arguing within myself, I doubled back.

  Coming again close to the starting-point, I thought of a quick visit to the clearing and a comforting word or two with Susan and Zoberg. Surely I was almost there; but why did not the fire gleam through the trees? Were they out of wood? Perplexed, I quickened my pace. A gnarled tree grew in my path, its low branches heavily bearded with vines. Beyond this rose only the faintest of glows. I paused to push aside some strands and peer.

  The fire had almost died, and by its light I but half saw two figures, one tall and one slender, standing together well to one side. They faced each other, and the taller - a seeming statue of wet-looking gray - held its companion by a shoulder. The other gray hand was stroking the smaller one's head, pouring grayness thereon.

  I saw only this much, without stopping to judge or to wonder. Then I yelled, and sprang into the clearing. At my outcry the two fell apart and faced me. The smallest was Susan, who took a step in my direction and gave a little smothered whimper, as though she was trying to speak through a blanket. I ran to her side, and with a rough sweep of my sleeve I cleared from her face and head a mass of slimy, shiny jelly.

  "You!" I challenged the other shape. "What have you been trying to do to her?"

  For only a breathing-space it stood still, as featureless and clumsy as a half-formed figure of gray mud. Then darkness sprang out upon it, and hair. Eyes blazed at me, green and fearsome. A sharp muzzle opened to emit a snarl.

  "Now I know you," I hurled at it. "I'm going to kill you."

  And I charged.

  Claws ripped at my head, missed and tore the cloth of my coat. One of my arms shot around a lean, hairy middle with powerful muscles straining under its skin, and I drove my other fist for where I judged the pit of the stomach to be. Grappled, we fell and rolled over. The beast smell I remembered was all about us, and I knew that jaws were shoving once again at my throat. I jammed my forearm between them, so far into the hinge of them that they could not close nor crush. My other hand clutched the skin of the throat, a great loose fistful, drew it taut and began to twist with all my strength. I heard a half-broken yelp of strangled pain, felt a slackening of the body that struggled against me, knew that it was trying to get away. But I managed to roll on top, straddling the thing.

  "You're not so good on defense," I panted, and brought my other hand to the throat, for I had no other idea save to kill. Paws grasped and tore at my wrists. There was shouting at my back, in Susan's voice and several others. Hands caught me by the shoulders and tried to pull me up and away.

  "No!" I cried. "This is it, the werewolf!"

  "It's Doctor Zoberg, you idiot," growled O'Bryant in my ear. "Come on, let him up."

  "Yes," added Judge Pursuivant, "it's Doctor Zoberg, as you say; but a moment ago it was the monster we have been hunting."

  I had been dragged upright by now, and so had Zoberg. He could only choke and glare for the time being, his fingers to his half-crushed throat. Pursuivant had moved within clutching distance of him, and was eyeing him as a cat eyes a mouse.

  "Like Wills, I only pretended to search, then doubled back to watch," went on the judge. "I saw Zoberg and Miss Susan talking. He spoke quietly, rhythmically, commandingly. She went into half a trance, and I knew she was hypnotized.

  "As the fire died down, he began the change. Ectoplasm gushed out and over him. Before it took form, he began to smear some upon her. And Mr Wills here came out of the woods and at him."

  O'Bryant looked from the judge to Zoberg. Then he fumbled with his undamaged hand in a hip pocket, produced handcuffs and stepped forward. The accused man grinned through his beard, as if admitting defeat in some trifling game. Then he held out his wrists with an air of resignation and I, who had manacled them once, wondered again at their corded strength. The irons clicked shut upon one, then the other.

  "You know everything now," said Zoberg, in a soft voice but a steady one. "I was - I am - a wolf; a wolf who hoped to mate with an angel."

  His bright eyes rested upon Susan, who shrank back. Judge Pursuivant took a step toward the prisoner.

  "There is no need for you to insult her," he said.

  Zoberg grinned at him, with every long tooth agleam. "Do you want to hear my confession, or don't you?"

  "Sure we want to hear it," grunted O'Bryant. "Leave him alone, judge, and let him talk." He glanced at me. "Got any paper, Mr Wills? Somebody better take this down in writing."

  I produced a wad of note-paper and a stub pencil. Placing it upon my knee, with the lantern for light, I scribbled, almost word for word, the tale that Doctor Zoberg told.


  ''And that is the end."

  "Perhaps I was bom what I am," he began. "At least, even as a lad I knew that there was a lust and a power for evil within me. Night called to me, where it frightens most children. I would slip out of my father's house and run for miles, under the trees or across fields, with the moon for company. This was in Germany, of course, before the war."

  "During the war - " began Judge Pursuivant.

  "During the war, when most men were fighting, I was in prison." Again Zoberg grinned, briefly and without cheer. "I had found it easy and inspiring to kill persons, with a sense of added strength following. But they caught me and put me in what they called an asylum. I was supposed to be crazy. They confined me closely, but I, reading books in the library, grew to know what the change was that came upon me at certain intervals. I turned my attention to it, and became able to control the change, bringing it on or holding it off at will."

  He looked at Susan again. "But I'm ahead of my story. Once, when I was at school, I met a girl - an American student of science and philosophy. She laughed at my wooing, but talked to me about spirits and psychical phenomena. That, my dear Susan, was your mother. When the end of the war brought so many new things, it also brought a different viewpoint toward many inmates of asylums. Some Viennese doctors, and later Sigmund Freud himself, found my case interesting. Of course, they did n
ot arrive at the real truth, or they would not have procured my release."

  "After that," I supplied, writing swiftly, "you became an expert psychical investigator and journeyed to America."

  "Yes, to find the girl who had once laughed and studied with me. After some years I came to this town, simply to trace the legend of this Devil's Croft. And here, I found, she had lived and died, and left behind a daughter that was her image."

  Judge Pursuivant cleared his throat. "I suspect that you're leaving out part of your adventures. Doctor."

  Zoberg actually laughed. "Ah, I thought to spare you a few shocks. But if you will have them, you may. I visited Russia - and in 1922 a medical commission of the Soviet Union investigated several score mysterious cases of peasants killed - and eaten." He licked his lips, like a cat who thinks of meat. "In Paris I founded and conducted a rather interesting night school, for the study of diabolism in its relationship to science. And in 1936, certain summer vacationists on Long Island were almost frightened out of their wits by a lurking thing that seemed half beast, half man." He chuckled. "Your Literary Digest made much of it. The lurking thing was, of course, myself."

  We stared. "Say, why do you do these things?" the constable blurted.

  Zoberg turned to him, head quizzically aslant. "Why do you uphold your local laws? Or why does Judge Pursuivant study ancient philosophies? Or why do Wills and Susan turn soft eyes upon each other? Because the heart of each so insists."

  Susan was clutching my arm. Her fingers bit into my flesh as Zoberg's eyes sought her again.

  "I found the daughter of someone I once loved," he went on, with real gentleness in his voice. "Wills, at least, can see in her what I saw. A new inspiration came to me, a wish and a plan to have a comrade in my secret exploits."

  "A beast-thing like yourself?" prompted the judge.

  Zoberg nodded. "A lupa to my lupus. But this girl - Susan Gird -had not inherited the psychic possibilities of her mother."

  "What!" I shouted. "You yourself said that she was the greatest medium of all time!"

  "I did say so. But it was a lie."

  "Why, in heaven's name - "

  "It was my hope," he broke in quietly, "to make of her a medium, or a lycanthrope - call the phenomenon which you will. Are you interested in my proposed method?" He gazed mockingly around, and his eyes rested finally upon me. "Make full notes, Wills. This will be interesting, if not stupefying, to the psychic research committees.

  "It is, as you know, a supernormal substance that is exuded to change the appearance of my body. What, I wondered, would some of that substance do if smeared upon her?"

  I started to growl out a curse upon him, but Judge Pursuivant, rapt, motioned for me to keep silent.

  "Think back through all the demonologies you have read," Zoberg was urging. "What of the strange 'witch ointments' that, spread over an ordinary human body, gave it beast-form and beast-heart? There, again, legend had basis in scientific fact."

  "By the thunder, you're logical," muttered Judge Pursuivant.

  "And damnable," I added. "Go on, Doctor. You were going to smear the change-stuff upon Susan."

  "But first, I knew, I must convince her that she had within her the essence of a wolf. And so, the seance."

  "She was no medium," I said again.

  "I made her think she was. I hypnotized her, and myself did weird wonders in the dark room. But she, in a trance, did not know. I needed witnesses to convince her."

  "So you invited Mr Wills," supplied Judge Pursuivant.

  "Yes, and her father. They had been prepared to accept her as medium and me as observer. Seeing a beast-form, they would tell her afterward that it was she."

  "Zoberg," I said between set teeth, "you're convicted out of your own mouth of rottenness that convinces me of the existence of the Devil after whom this grove was named. I wish to heaven that I'd killed you when we were fighting."

  "Ahh, Wills," he chuckled, "you'd have missed this most entertaining autobiographical lecture."

  "He's right," grumbled O'Bryant; and, "Let him go on," the judge pleaded with me.

  "Once sure of this power within her," Zoberg said deeply, "she would be prepared in heart and soul to change at touch of the ointment - the ectoplasm. Then, to me she must turn as a fellow-creature. Together, throughout the world, adventuring in a way unbelievable - "

  His voice died, and we let it. He stood in the firelight, head thrown back, manacled hands folded. He might have been a martyr instead of a fiend for whom a death at the stake would be too easy.

  "I can tell what spoiled the seance," I told him after a moment. "Gird, sitting opposite, saw that it was you, not Susan, who had changed. You had to kill him to keep him from telling, there and then."

  "Yes," agreed Zoberg. "After that, you were arrested, and, later, threatened. I was in an awkward position. Susan must believe herself, not you, guilty. That is why I have championed you throughout. I went then to look for you."

  "And attacked me," I added.

  "The beast-self was ascendant. I cannot always control it completely." He sighed. "When Susan disappeared, I went to look for her on the second evening. When I came into this wood, the change took place, half automatically. Associations, I suppose. Constable, your brother happened upon me in an evil hour."

  "Yep," said O'Bryant gruffly.

  "And that is the end," Zoberg said. "The end of the story and, I suppose, the end of me."

  "You bet it is," the constable assured him. "You came with the judge to finish your rotten work. But we're finishing it for you."

  "One moment," interjected Judge Pursuivant, and his fire-lit face betrayed a perplexed frown. "The story fails to explain one important thing."

  "Does it so?" prompted Zoberg, inclining toward him with a show of negligent grace.

  "If you were able to free yourself and kill Mr Gird - "

  "By heaven, that's right!" I broke in. "You were chained, Zoberg, to Susan and to your chair. I'd go bail for the strength and tightness of those handcuffs."

  He grinned at each of us in turn and held out his hands with their manacles. "Is it not obvious?" he inquired.

  We looked at him, a trifle blankly I suppose, for he chuckled once again.

  "Another employment of the ectoplasm, that useful substance of change," he said gently. "At will my arms and legs assume thickness, and hold the rings of the confining irons wide. Then, when I wish, they grow slender again, and - "

  He gave his hands a sudden flirt, and the bracelets fell from them on the instant. He pivoted and ran like a deer.

  "Shoot!" cried the judge, and O'Bryant whipped the big gun from his holster.

  Zoberg was almost within a vine-laced clump of bushes when O'Bryant fired. I heard a shrill scream, and saw Zoberg falter and drop to his hands and knees.

  We were all starting forward. I paused a moment to put Susan behind me, and in that moment O'Bryant and Pursuivant sprang ahead and came up on either side of Zoberg. He was still alive, for he writhed up to a kneeling p>osition and made a frantic clutch at the judge's coat. O'Bryant, so close that he barely raised his hand and arm, fired a second time.

  Zoberg spun around somehow on his knees, stiffened and screamed. Perhaps I should say that he howled. In his voice was the inarticulate agony of a beast wounded to death. Then he collapsed.

  Both men stooped above him, cautious but thorough in their examination. Finally Judge Pursuivant straightened up and faced toward us.

  "Keep Miss Susan there with you," he warned me. "He's dead, and not a pretty sight."

  Slowly they came back to us. Pursuivant was thoughtful, while O'Bryant, Zoberg's killer, seemed cheerful for the first time since I had met him. He even smiled at me, as Punch would smile after striking a particularly telling blow with his cudgel. Rubbing his pistol caressingly with his palm, he stowed it carefully away.

  "I'm glad that's over," he admitted. "My brother can rest easy in his grave."

  "And we have our work cut out for us," re
sponded the judge. "We must decide just how much of the truth to tell when we make a report."

  O'Bryant dipped his head in sage acquiescence. "You're right," he rumbled. "Yes, sir, you're right."

  "Would you believe me," said the judge, "if I told you that I knew it was Zoberg, almost from the first?"

  But Susan and I, facing each other, were beyond being surprised, even at that.




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