Of Minds and Masters

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Of Minds and Masters Page 21

by Paul Ormond

  “I can now access any of the features available through the panel. Let me show you a few of these features, and then we’ll all activate our systems together,” Cindy said as she began to open up different features available within the application. Everybody leaned forward as she started to open up photo features and social networking tools. Mitch tried to look on with the same enthusiasm as everybody else. He fidgeted with his phone inside the pouch pocket of his hoodie.

  “Let’s all stand up and we will practice a few basic motions that everyone will need to remember in order to get the most out of their devices,” Cindy instructed her audience.

  Everybody began to rise awkwardly out of their seats, but it was difficult to find enough space between the seats and people began to bunch together in the gaps between the chairs. SoHee stood holding her box between a set of chairs. A heavy set older man stood in front of her and behind her were a pair of women that wore matching yellow t-shirts. They seemed to be promoting a brand of environmentally friendly cleaning products. SoHee was hopelessly stuck and she couldn’t see. Mitch stood on the other side of one of the chairs which held SoHee prisoner. She rolled her eyes when she saw him smirking at her situation. Mitch reached over and pulled the strange looking furniture towards him giving SoHee a chance to step out of captivity. The man in front of her didn’t look back as SoHee stepped past him. He was following along with Cindy’s movements. SoHee had to duck under his arm as she crept past his wide body.

  “Awkward,” Mitch mouthed as she stepped out into the space on the other side of the chair. SoHee tried to hide her embarrassment by hanging her head down, but she knew that her cheeks were flushed with color. She was still clinging to her specimen container, afraid to put it down after all that had happened in the last 48 hours. More people began to spread out and shove the furniture aside as well.

  “Yes, let’s all find some space and we can get ready to engage our devices,” Cindy said from the front of the room. “After you find a comfortable space please take out the devices you received in your orientation packages.” Everybody began to pull out their phones and they looked at them with wonder and curiosity.

  Mitch held the slick new phone in his hand and he watched as SoHee contemplated where to put her container. All of the surfaces on the ergonomic chairs were oddly shaped and she appeared reluctant to place it on the ground in fear of it getting stepped on. She finally settled on a nearby table and she hesitantly set it down. “What’s in the box? Is it the stuff?” Mitch asked with curiosity. SoHee didn’t respond she only made a face. Mitch didn’t get a chance to press her any harder as Cindy had resumed the demonstration.

  “Ok people, you’ll notice that your devices are not powered up and that is because we haven’t connected your devices to the system. To connect your device you will need to hold down on the power button until you see the MindHIve logo begin to flash on the screen,” Cindy said as she raised up her inReal display for everybody to see. Mitch followed along with the crowd. He was curious to see if there was a difference between what he had in his pocket and what MindHIve intended to dole out to the masses. As he was doing so he noticed a large entourage enter the dome. There were cameras and several security personal amongst them. They all seemed to be focused on a man at the center of the group. They rounded a corner and disappeared behind a mood wall before Mitch could make out who was at the center.

  “So after we’ve powered up our inReal devices, we’ll begin the process of engaging the application. Place the device anywhere on your person. I recommend your front pocket, but anywhere is fine. If you don’t have any pockets you can use the collar and hook that we have provided for you in your orientation packages,” Cindy said as her audience followed her instructions. Mitch reached into his pocket and made sure that his other phone was switched off. He didn’t want to fire up his hacked phone in front of everybody. SoHee stood beside him and she hung the device around her neck using the collar from her orientation package. She still seemed nervous and she kept looking back at her container on the table. Mitch wanted to tell her not to worry, but he decided to keep his mouth shut. Surprisingly, he was in a good mood. He couldn’t explain why he felt the way that he did, perhaps it was because he felt like a burden had been lifted off of his shoulders. He still felt bad about Drak, but Mitch hadn’t forced him to go. He couldn’t blame himself for what happened. None of it was his fault.

  “So now that we have placed inReal on our persons, let’s get to the exciting part. If all of you could do as I do and raise your arm in front of you we will activate our devices,” Cindy said with enthusiasm. Everybody did as they were told and the room was filled with shrieks of joy as the devices went live. Mitch watched as everybody around him was encased in opaque bubbles. He crossed his arms over his chest and he was relieved that his new device kicked in, not his hacked phone. The panel was similar to what he had grown used to, but several features were noticeably missing and it seemed that the devices weren’t capable of any type of motion. He reached out and played around with the panel for a moment. He looked over and saw that Sohee had opened her device and she had already connected to her MindHIve account.

  “Hey, you’re pretty fast,” he said.

  “Maybe I am, but it’s actually really easy to use,” she said. As they played around with the features on their devices the entourage of people that Mitch had seen enter the dome earlier rounded the corner and entered incubator W. Everybody gasped as they realized that Robert Chapman was at center of the group.

  “Now, now, everybody carry on. Don’t make a big fuss because there are some cameras watching you. It’s amazing to see everybody quickly familiarizing themselves with this amazing new technology,” He said into the cameras and to all of the people present. “As you can see this convention is dedicated to bringing about a fully immersive experience. We want our participants to wholly engage with inReal, so that we can release the very best user experience to the public.”

  Robert walked around the room and he talked to several different people. They all smiled and waved to the cameras. As he came around to the front of the incubator the camera crew fell back and his security team positioned themselves throughout the room. Everybody stopped what they were doing and looked at Robert.

  “I hope that everybody is having a fantastic time this morning. It is truly wonderful to see all of you good people experiencing inReal for the first time. This has been an incredible morning, hasn’t it?” Robert said to everyone. “Now, as I said earlier, we have plenty of surprises packed in to this convention and you people are lucky enough to be able to witness something that has never happened before.” Everyone looked around with excitement as Robert prepared to make his announcement.

  “There is a young lady here that has travelled all the way from Korea and she has brought with her a special guest. I’m talking of course about “Miss Science” herself: Moon SoHee. Everybody give her a big hand,” Robert said as he began to applaud. Everyone else in the room clapped as well. SoHee dropped her head down in embarrassment.

  “We’ve also got another celebrity present. I’m pretty sure you’ve all seen his video. #Epiccrotchshot boy is here with us as well. Everybody give a big hand to Mitch Mythic, the hometown hero. Why don’t both of you come up here with me?” Robert said as he beckoned Mitch and SoHee towards him. Mitch gulped and looked around. He realized that everybody was looking at him and he felt that knot of anxiety tightening in his gut. He saw all of the expectant faces and he knew that he had no choice but to oblige the CEO of MindHIve. SoHee reluctantly headed towards Robert as well.

  “Well, both of you sure look embarrassed. That’s surprising. You are both internet sensations and a live audience has you rattled,” Robert said as he beamed at the cameras. “I’m just giving you a hard time. I’ve seen that video of you going over the net I don’t know how many times, Mitch. That’s gotta be way more embarrassing than standing up here with some old businessman.”

  “You may be right,” Mitch
said as he tried to smile.

  “Now, Moon SoHee, or do I call you SoHee Moon? I’m not sure about these things,” Robert asked.

  “Just call me SoHee,” she said.

  “Well, SoHee, we sure are glad to have you with us. I understand you brought your friends with you. As I’m sure all of you are aware, “Miss Science” isn’t just a blogger she’s an innovator of some standing. We were all awestruck by her discovery this year. It’s truly staggering what she has achieved,” Robert said for the cameras.

  “I only used other people’s ideas. It’s nothing, really,” SoHee said while trying not cry.

  “How humble you are. You should take credit for all that you’ve done. For those of you that don’t know, SoHee here, has gone and invented a bacteria that can consume any type of material and in doing so, the bacteria will take on the properties of the material it has consumed. It’s super mutant bacteria! As exciting as that sounds we’d like to take this opportunity to take this development one step further. SoHee, I need to ask you something. Would you like to see your specimen coupled with inReal? It would be astounding to see what would happen, all for the sake of science of course. What do you think everybody?” Robert said as he started to clap and everybody else joined in.

  “I, uhm, I don’t know. We have to conduct more research about the specimen before we start to manipulate its properties any further. It’s difficult to say what mutations may develop if the enzyme is altered…” SoHee was going to continue on, but she was cut off by Robert.

  “These scientists and their cautious approach to everything. SoHee, this week is about being bold and reaching out into the future. Let’s take a chance and see what becomes. I have taken the liberty of preparing an inReal prototype that is ready to be inserted into your bacteria culture, with your permission of course. What do you think everybody? Should SoHee take the plunge? No risk no reward right?” Robert asked to everybody watching. Incubator W responded with cheers and applause. Behind Robert two MindHIve employees wearing blue shirts brought in a large cart that had a MindHIve banner across the front of it. A glass box with glowing lights sat on top the cart. Inside the cart was a small black cube and it sat on a glass pedestal.

  “SoHee, are you willing to take a risk and see what will happen? We could be sitting on the edge of a major breakthrough. Just imagine what could happen with your bacteria and inReal. We could be talking about the end of the pollution crisis as we know it. This is why we invited all off you great people to this convention, because the world needs new and innovative ideas. SoHee, you stand on the cusp of greatness. It’s time that you step forward and take a chance like all of the other great scientists that came before you,” Robert shouted out and everybody cheered.

  SoHee was so shaken up by the attention that she just started nodding her head. She knew it was a terrible idea that the CEO of MindHive was suggesting, but she knew how bad it would look if she said no.

  “She says: ‘OK.’ Everybody, this is incredible. SoHee, where is your sample?” Robert asked.

  “It’s on the table over there,” Sohee said.

  “Would you get it for me please?” Robert said as he beamed for the cameras. SoHee reluctantly walked over to the table. She was visibly upset, but she was doing her best to hold it all together. “The world needs innovation everyone, and it’s innovators like SoHee that make a difference. She seems a little shy, but just think about how brave she is for coming all the way to America. Now she is going to do something that no one has done before. Let’s give her another applause people.” Everybody stared to clap as SoHee placed her hand on her container. She paused for a moment and then turned around. She walked slowly over to Robert again, and she clutched the case close to her chest.

  “Well, she’s carrying it like a baby. It must mean a lot to you, doesn’t it SoHee?” Robert said as he tried to take the case away from her.

  “It is very important to me,” SoHee said. “If anybody is going to put that device into my work it is going to be me.” SoHee surprised herself by what she said. Robert was taken aback, but only for a moment. Mitch smirked at what SoHee had said. She wasn’t so timid after all.

  “As you like, Miss Science,” Robert said. “Let’s take the inReal device out of the glass.” The MindHIve workers did as they were told, and they removed the case leaving the black cube sitting on the pedestal alone. SoHee slowly stepped to the cart and began to open up her container. She undid a few latches and the top came off. This was not how she had imagined sharing her findings, but she was now hopelessly trapped. The cameras were rolling and a large crowd had gathered to watch. As she opened the inner chamber, vapors released from inside the container. Everybody watching gasped with astonishment.

  “Now SoHee, could you hold up the container so everybody can see what we’ve got here,” Robert asked. Several camera people rushed in as SoHee held up her specimen. It was nothing more than a clear tray with some green looking bacteria. It had continued to grow during the trip, but it was still well contained within the clear container.

  “This is it everybody. SoHee, is there anything you’d like to say before we drop in the device?” Robert asked. SoHee paused for a long time, she wanted to scream and she wanted to cry, but she knew that she couldn’t do either.

  “I hope nothing bad happens,” she said and everybody laughed. SoHee didn’t find it funny. She reached over and grabbed the cube off of the tray. The room hushed and time seemed to slow down. SoHee held the cube in her hand for a moment and she looked down at her bacteria culture. She truly had no idea what would happen if she placed that cube inside the tray, but she had a bad feeling about it. She looked out at all of the expectant faces and the cameras. She breathed in deeply and sighed as she exhaled. She slowly lowered her hand into the tray and carefully placed the cube alongside the specimen.

  The audience held their breath waiting for something to happen, but after a moment of silence and puzzlement SoHee cautiously approached the container and peered in.

  “Nothing’s happening so far,” She said.

  “Well, let’s hope that our patience will be rewarded,” Robert said for all to hear. “We’ll continue to monitor this experiment all week. I’m sure were are in for a treat. Everybody give a big round of applause to SoHee.” Everybody cheered as SoHee stood awkwardly beside her container. Robert then turned to Mitch who had been watching with curiosity from a few steps away.

  “You’re all probably wondering why I’ve brought Mitch Mythic up here. We’ve all seen the #epiccrotchshot video countless times, but let’s not forget that in that video Mitch was playing hockey. Mitch Mythic is a great athlete and before this video went viral he made Kingsford quite proud playing that sport. Mitch, I’m sure you’re interested in redeeming yourself to everybody here and everybody out there. How would you like a chance to participate in a very special event we have planned over the next couple of days?”

  “Uh, that sounds, interesting, I guess,” Mitch managed to say while everybody looked on.

  “Well then, let me tell everybody about our next big announcement,” Robert said as he reached into his pocket. “I hold here in my hand what we call ‘The inReal sport’,” Robert held up a small phone in his hand.

  “While this may look just like all of the other devices you all have been using just now, this particular device is capable of the flight and motion functions that my security team has been showing off over the last few days. During this morning’s presentation I used an inReal sport to enter the dome while all of you looked on. Mitch, I’d like you to take this device and activate it for yourself,” Robert said as he handed the device to Mitch. Their eyes made contact for a second and Mitch felt a flash of panic.

  “Go ahead and activate the device, Mitch. You've had a bit of practice already right?” Robert asked. Mitch looked around for a moment trying to find an exit. He expected the security team to pounce on him at any second. “Just now I saw you using your inReal beta, as we like to call it.”

/>   “Yeah, I was kind of getting the hang of it,” Mitch said trying not to sound flustered.

  “Then this should be easy for you,” Robert said. “Follow my instructions and we’ll have you using the inReal sport in no time at all. What do you think everybody? Give a big hand for Mitch Mythic.” Everybody cheered while Mitch gulped and pretended that he wasn’t scared. He couldn’t figure out what Robert was after. Did he know? What was he trying to prove, Mitch wondered to himself, but he didn’t have to time think. Everybody was watching as the CEO of MindHIve was luring him into a demonstration of his skills.

  “Mitch, I’d like you to follow my lead as I activate the inReal sport. This is the first time that this has ever been shown in public. As I promised earlier, there will be a lot of surprises over the next few days,” Robert said to the cameras and everybody watching.

  “Cross, your arms like this, Mitch, and you’ll activate the device,” Robert said. Mitch did as he was told. The crowd gasped as a blue glow encased both Robert and Mitch. “You’ll notice there is a little difference between the inReal beta and the sport. The inReal tech uses your available energy field to manipulate the environment and that is exactly how the inReal sport allows us to levitate. Watch as I raise myself off of the ground.” Robert lowered his hands to his side and he slowly raised himself into the air.

  “Mitch, do you think that you could do the same?” Robert asked as he stared at Mitch. Mitch tried desperately to maintain his composure. He did not want to make a fool of himself in front of everybody, but he couldn’t let Robert Chapman know what he could do. Everybody looked on in anticipation. He bent his knees and readied himself. He made his hands into fists and raised himself into the air. Everybody gasped and cheered as Mitch stood hovering before them.


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