Day Soldiers (Book 4): Evolution

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Day Soldiers (Book 4): Evolution Page 13

by Brandon Hale

  “Why would we care?” Scott asked.

  Oliver looked at Scott for a few seconds, then said, “You really don’t know what I’m talking about, do you?”

  “All I know,” Scott said, “is that I came here hoping for friendship and all I got was accusations and name-calling.”

  “I’m sorry,” Oliver said. Unlike the last time, this apology seemed sincere. “I was wrong to accuse you. I just assumed her actions were part of some plan. I see now that I was wrong.”

  “What are you talking about?” Scott asked.

  “Lily Baxter,” Oliver said. “She didn’t go to her plane. She and your other soldier are in my city, hiding. What’s worse, I think she’s working with Travis.”

  “That’s not possible,” Ellie said. She looked at Scott. “Sorry. I know I’m not supposed to be talking, but that’s horseshit.”

  “It’s okay,” Scott said. To Oliver, he added, “She’s right. It’s not possible.”

  “I appreciate your devotion to your friend,” Oliver said, “but it happened. I’ll show you.”


  They watched the entire video. It was from a camera installed on a nearby building.

  The video had no sound, but the image was clear. Scott and Ellie watched as Grung and Lily walked down the center of the street, then abruptly stopped. From behind, a Topian walked up to them.

  “That’s one of my people,” Oliver said. “He’s asking them why they stopped.”

  On the video, Grung shifted to a werewolf.

  “Holy shit!” Ellie said as she watched Grung and Lily jump over the side of the street.

  “Something’s wrong,” Scott said. “They wouldn’t have done that without good reason.”

  “You saw the video,” Oliver said as he paused the video. “Nobody attacked them. Nothing happened. They stopped and apparently decided to execute some kind of plan. I can only assume that plan is nefarious, because we would have let them go anywhere they asked.”

  “No,” Scott said. “Your Topian said something to them.”

  “I assure you,” Oliver said, “he did not. But we’ll discuss that in a moment. It gets worse.” He continued the video.

  Scott watched in horror as Travis stepped from the shadows and slaughtered the three Topian Protectors.

  “Interview the witnesses on that street,” Scott said. “There’s an explanation for this.”

  “We have interviewed the witnesses,” Oliver said. “They didn’t see anything until it was all over. You’re welcome to talk to them if you think you can get more information.”

  “Maybe they saw Travis coming,” Isaac offered, “and ran. I’m not sure I would blame them for that.”

  “Never,” Ellie said. “Lily would never run from Travis.”

  “She’s right,” Scott said. “Lily has no fear of Travis.”

  “That leaves us with one conclusion,” Oliver said. “Baxter and Grung made the decision to do… something.”

  “Ellie,” Scott said, “try to reach her on your communicator.” He turned back to Oliver. “Mr. President, I understand your concerns. I really do. But there’s absolutely no way Lily and Grung would have jumped off that walkway without a very good reason.”

  “She was very upset about that baby,” Isaac said. “Maybe something snapped.”

  “No,” Scott said.

  “Maybe it was the werewolf,” Oliver said. “Maybe he took her against her will.”

  “Look,” Scott said, “I know my people. Something happened that isn’t shown on that video.”

  “And Travis coincidentally arrived moments later?” Oliver said.

  “Of course not,” Scott argued. “Travis was obviously following them.”

  “Lily’s not answering,” Ellie said. “Neither is Grung.”

  “Mr. President,” Scott said, “with your permission, I’d like to go look for them. I respect that you disagree, but I went through training with them. They’re my family, sir. I’m certain they’re in danger.”

  “Absolutely not,” Oliver said. “I believe you’re as surprised by this as we are, but I can’t risk sending you out there. You could warn them. You could help them escape.”

  “Please,” Scott said. “Something happened. Something we didn’t see.”

  “I’m sorry,” Oliver said. “Three of my men are dead. After that video, I can’t rule out Baxter’s connection to the other murders.”

  “That’s absurd,” Ellie said.

  “We’ll bring them in alive if possible,” Oliver said. “I hope you’re right. I hope there is a logical explanation for what we saw on that video. But until I know for certain, Lily Baxter is a fugitive.”

  “Cassius,” Scott said.

  Oliver cocked an eyebrow. “I’m sorry?”

  “It’s the only explanation,” Scott went on. “Something that Topian said made them jump. If you didn’t order him to approach them, maybe Cassius did.”

  “Who’s Cassius?” Oliver asked.

  “Come on,” Scott said. “Let’s not play games here.”

  “I assure you,” Oliver said, “I’m playing no games. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I fought a war against Cassius,” Scott said. “I know how he operates. There’s absolutely no way you’d be in power without his approval.”

  “I was the head of the Protectorate in Ireland,” Oliver said. “The president of Ireland nominated me to run for the Topian presidency. He had no desire to leave his homeland, but he believed in me. I won the election because of his support. I’ve never met anybody named Cassius.”

  “I see,” Scott said. “Perhaps our information is outdated. Mr. President, if you need me, I’ll be on our plane.”

  “Out of the question,” Oliver said. “You’re staying here with us.”

  “Respectfully, sir,” Scott said, “I’m going to my plane. There’s a chance Lily and Grung will try to contact the plane. Besides, my people are in danger. Something happened. There’s no way I’m staying in the city. We’re going to our plane, where we can defend ourselves if we need to.”

  “You’ll be safer here,” Oliver said.

  “I’m leaving,” Scott said. “If you’re telling me I’m a prisoner, we’re about to see a very violent international incident.”

  “You’re not a prisoner,” Oliver said.

  “Good to know,” Scott said. “Contact me as soon as you have more information.”


  The trip back to the plane was uneventful. The Topians escorted them to the plane then set up guards around the landing strip.

  Once inside the relative privacy of the plane, Ellie said, “I’m surprised you decided to stay here. We had better access to their information at the president’s office.”

  “I came back because they’re lying,” Scott said. “That’s clear now.”

  “How do you know?”

  “There’s no way in hell that guy doesn’t know Cassius,” Scott said. “And there’s no way in hell Lily and Grung just up and decided to jump off a bridge.”

  “I agree,” Ellie said.

  “I think the reason they stopped is obvious,” Scott said. “The Topians behind them were receiving orders. Probably orders to take them into custody. And Oliver’s denial that he has any knowledge of Cassius makes me think he was the man who issued the order.”

  “What about Travis?” Ellie said. “That looked bad.”

  “Travis is obsessed with Lily,” Scott said. “He was probably just following her back to the plane and decided to help them after they escaped.”

  “His idea of help wasn’t very helpful,” Ellie said.

  “It rarely is,” Scott said.

  “So what now?” Ellie asked.

  “Lily and Grung will try to make it to this plane,” Scott said. “If they make it, we’re taking off.”

  “So we wait,” Ellie said.

  Scott nodded. “We wait.”


  “I should be at that landing s
trip, sir,” Isaac said. “If Baxter shows up, you’ll need someone you can trust.”

  Oliver shook his head. “I have other plans for you, my friend.”


  Oliver smiled and placed a hand on Isaac’s shoulder. “You’ve been a good officer. You’ve never let me down. Your devotion to this city is unmatched.”

  “I believe in what we’ve built here,” Isaac said. “Even as a human, I knew this was the way to go. Topia may not be perfect, but it’s good. For the humans and the Topians.”

  “Let me ask you a question,” Oliver said. “What would you sacrifice to defend Topia?”

  “My life,” Isaac said. “Without hesitation, sir.”

  Oliver gave him a dismissive wave. “That’s too easy. Of course you’d give your life for Topia. But would you give more?”

  “More, sir?” Isaac said. “I don’t understand. I’ve dedicated my life to defending Topia, and if it became necessary, I’d sacrifice my life to defend it. I don’t know what more I could give.”

  “I’m promoting you,” Oliver said. He picked up a small tablet from his desk and handed it to Isaac. “Tomorrow night, I need you to go to that address.”

  A map was on the tablet’s screen. Isaac looked at the highlighted address. “This is outside the city.”

  “It’s a training compound,” Oliver said. “More specifically, it’s an initiation facility. That’s where my elite Topian Protectors are promoted. I want you on that team, Isaac.”

  “I’m honored,” Isaac said. His eyes beamed with pride.

  “Be there exactly an hour after dark,” Oliver said. “I’ll be waiting.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Isaac said. “What about tonight? Should I assist in the hunt for Baxter?”

  “No,” Oliver said. “Go home. Rest. Take the night off. You’ll be far more valuable in this hunt after you’ve been promoted.”

  “Yes, sir,” Isaac said.

  “Welcome to the team, son,” Oliver said. “You’re about to step into a much larger world.”

  Chapter 16

  The Streets of Topia

  Lily and Grung sat in the dark alley, leaning against the wall of a building. Above them, a camera rotated on its stem, recording the empty alley. Lily and Grung had timed the camera’s rotation to get beneath it.

  “We’re hunkered down in an alley, avoiding security cameras,” Grung said. “It’s like we’re training in Sneaker City all over again.”

  Lily chuckled as she continued to tinker with her communicator. “Except in Sneaker City, you weren’t naked.”

  “Had to point out the naked thing, didn’t you,” Grung said. “If I’d known I was going to wolf-out, I’d have worn my backpack.”

  “You didn’t prepare for every possibility,” Lily said. “You’re getting lazy, old man.”

  “Any luck?” Grung asked, indicating the communicator in Lily’s hand.

  “No,” Lily said. “It’s dead. The fall did a real number on it.”

  “Sorry,” Grung said. “Next time I save your life, I’ll be more careful.”

  “Hey, I’m not complaining, big guy,” Lily said. “You’re totally my hero.”

  “It won’t take them long to find us,” Grung said. “We have to get to the plane.”

  “I don’t see how,” Lily countered. “We dropped down at least five levels. Going down is easy. I don’t know how we’ll get back up. I think our best bet is to find a way to contact Scott.”

  “If we tap into any Topian network,” Grung said, “it won’t take them long to zero in on us.”

  “This isn’t a good situation,” Lily said.


  After some thought, Lily said, “We have to get out of the city.”

  “I think so,” Grung agreed.

  “We need to keep going down until we get to the human section,” Lily went on. “From there, we’ll leave the city.”

  “We don’t know what Topia is like beyond the city,” Grung pointed out.

  “True,” Lily said, “but we do know what it’s like in the city. And if we stay in the city, it’s just a matter of time until they find us. At least out there, we have a chance.”

  “Okay,” Grung said, “first things first. I need to find some clothes and we need to find some stakes.”

  “No stakes,” Lily said flatly.

  Grung cocked an eyebrow. “We need to defend ourselves.”

  “We can’t kill those Topians, Grung,” Lily said.

  “Why the hell not?”

  “They’re not our enemies,” Lily said. “They’re just cops, following orders.”

  “So what?” Grung said. “They’re trying to kill us, boss.”

  “We came here on a mission of peace,” Lily said. “Whoever ordered them to capture us is trying to destroy that peace. I refuse to be their puppet. If we kill one Topian, it’s over. Best case scenario, they’ll use it to push for the end of the Day Soldiers. Worst case, they’ll use it as an excuse to attack New America.”

  “So we’re all stealth,” Grung said.

  Lily nodded. “But you’re right about one thing. We need to get you some clothes.”

  “You there! What are you doing?”

  Lily and Grung looked toward the street and saw two male Topians walking toward them. Both wore what appeared to be black police uniforms.

  “Damn,” Lily said.

  “I think I found my clothes,” Grung whispered.

  “What’s going on in there?” one of the officers asked as they stepped into the alley.

  “I’m naked in the dark with a beautiful woman,” Grung answered. “What do you think is going on?”

  “Get dressed and come with us,” the Topian said. “The city is under a curfew. It’s not safe.”

  “Wait,” the other Topian said. “You’re human. What’s are you doing up here?”

  The first Topian’s eyes widened. “It’s them, mate.”

  Grung was instantly a wolf again.

  Both officers tried to draw their weapons, but they weren’t fast enough. Grung grabbed one and threw him across the alley. Before the other could react, Grung was on top of him.

  The first Topian slammed against the wall and fell to the ground. Before he was able to stand, Lily sprinted to him and snatched the gun from his belt.

  “Hands on your head,” she said as she pointed the gun at his heart. “I’m assuming this gun is loaded with wooden bullets.”

  “It’s not,” the Topian said.

  “Oh, good,” Lily said. “Then you won’t mind if I shoot you in the heart.”

  “Okay, okay!” The Topian put his hands on his head.

  Human again, Grung and the other Topian walked toward Lily’s prisoner. Grung held the Topian’s weapon. “Get beside him.”

  “Okay,” Lily said as she tucked the gun into her belt. “Nobody’s going to get hurt as long as you cooperate. Start by tossing your belts to me. Then take off your clothes.”


  A few minutes later, the Topians were handcuffed to a pipe coming from one of the apartments. They were both in their underwear.

  “It’s a little snug,” Grung said as he buttoned up his shirt, “but it’ll do.”

  “Hurry,” Lily said. The other officer’s clothes were hanging from Lily’s belt. “I’m sure they’re already on the way. We gotta move.”

  Grung looked at the utility belts on the ground. “It’s a shame we can’t take their communicators. Could be valuable to hear their progress.”

  “Too risky,” Lily said. “We can’t take anything that might have a tracking device. We’re already risking too much by taking the guns.”

  “Okay,” Grung said. “Let’s roll.” He looked at the Topians. “Thanks, guys. You’ve been a great help.”

  As Lily and Grung disappeared into the shadows, one of the Topians looked at his companion and said, “We just got mugged by Lily Baxter.”

  The other Topian grinned. “Yeah. That was bloody fantastic.”

  “Oliver, you’re destroying everything!” Cassius was furious.

  “Calm down, old man,” Oliver said. “I’m not destroying anything.”

  “You ordered your men to apprehend Baxter,” Cassius said. “What did you think that would accomplish?”

  “She’s now a fugitive,” Oliver said, “and her own people have doubts about her.”

  “You’re delusional,” Cassius said. “Scott Vellin doesn’t doubt Baxter. Because of you, he knows.”

  “He knows what?”

  “He knows you’re a liar,” Cassius said.

  “Who cares?” Oliver said.

  “I care,” Cassius said. “You didn’t stick to the plan. Now, there’s no way they’ll allow their citizens to visit Topia. And if the citizens don’t visit Topia, how can we convince them the Day Soldiers are no longer needed?”

  “You’re not thinking this through,” Oliver said. “Eventually, we’ll push Baxter over the edge. She’ll do something so horrible that the Day Soldiers won’t just be seen as unnecessary. They’ll be seen as evil. The world will want us to kill them. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if it causes a revolution in New America.”

  “Are you joking?” Cassius asked. “I honestly can’t tell if you really believe that nonsense. You’ll never push Lily Baxter ‘over the edge’ and you’ll never turn her people against her. The best chance we have is to make her people think they don’t need her anymore. And you’re destroying that chance.”

  “Cassius, my friend,” Oliver said, “you’ve done well up to now. You’ve put all the pieces in place to enslave humanity forever, but you’re afraid to make that final move. I don’t know why you’re so determined to do this without bloodshed. We’re vampires.”

  “While you were hiding in Ireland,” Cassius snapped, “I was running a war. A very bloody war. So don’t tell me I’m afraid to shed blood. This isn’t about bloodshed. This is about building a world we can control. A world of vampires would be chaos, but these half-vampires… these Topians… they can be controlled. If we take our time and do it the right way, that is.”


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