Day Soldiers (Book 4): Evolution

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Day Soldiers (Book 4): Evolution Page 22

by Brandon Hale

  “It’s a trap,” Grung said.

  “Of course it’s a trap,” Lily said. To Scott, she added, “Get up here. We’re sticking to the plan. We’re going out the window and heading to the roof.”

  “On my way,” Scott said.


  “Did you hear that?” Oliver asked the other vampires. “Someone just told me to get on the roof.”

  “I heard it,” Cassius said. “Obviously, they weren’t talking to us. We just got the message.”

  “I think,” Travis said as he looked over the edge of the roof, “your soldiers got the message too.”

  Elizabeth, Oliver, and Cassius looked down and saw hundreds of vampires climbing toward them.

  “Idiots!” Elizabeth yelled. “What are they doing?”

  “Apparently,” Travis said, “they’re getting to the roof.”

  “Tell them to go back!” Elizabeth yelled.

  “Might be better if they come on up,” Cassius said.

  “Why?” Oliver asked. “It’s giving Baxter an easy exit.”

  “I don’t think she took the offer,” Cassius said.

  “Why would you think that?” Oliver said.

  Cassius pointed to the other side of the roof. “Because she’s right there.”


  Grung and Scott, carrying the others, climbed onto the roof. Once they were safely on top, Lily, Ellie, and Isaac dropped to the roof.

  “That was easy,” Ellie said.

  “Yeah,” Isaac agreed. “Why didn’t they attack us? It makes no sense.”

  “They wanted us to come up here,” Lily said. “And I think I know who sent you that message.”


  Lily pointed to the other side of the roof. “One of them.”

  Elizabeth, Oliver, Travis, and Cassius stood facing them. Dozens of vampires were crawling onto the roof behind them.

  Grung snarled in surprise and agitation.

  “I think we have a problem,” Lily said.

  “I think they played us,” Ellie said. “Including your buddy Travis.”

  Scott shifted to his human form. “Guys, just hang tight for now. Don’t do anything rash.”

  “Why?” Lily said. “I think rash action is pretty damn justified about right now.”

  “Just trust me on this, chief,” Scott said. “More fun is on the way, but for now… be patient.”

  “This is beautiful,” Elizabeth said as she walked toward them. Travis, Cassius, Oliver, and dozens of vampires followed her. All the vampires had guns pointed at Lily and her team.

  “I’m disappointed, Travis,” Scott said. “I knew we couldn’t trust you, but I never thought you’d lower yourself to being their puppet.”

  “What can I say?” Travis said with a shrug. “Guess I’m slumming.”

  “Travis is with me now,” Elizabeth said, “because you never recognized him for what he really is.”

  Grung shifted to his human form. “We recognized him as a complete psycho. I think that’s pretty accurate.”

  “You really don’t get it, do you?” Elizabeth said. “You still think of us as vampires. You’ve convinced yourselves we’re just animals, like you.”

  “I’ll play,” Scott said. Lily knew he was stalling for time. “If you’re not vampires, what are you?”

  “We’re gods,” Elizabeth said.

  “Spare me,” Lily said. “Another vampire with a god complex. Do you ever say anything original?”

  “You don’t understand,” Elizabeth said. “I’m not speaking metaphorically. We are the gods your ancestors worshipped. Zeus, Odin, Aphrodite, Apollo… all of them were what you now call vampires. And as gods, we have decided it’s time for the apocalypse.”

  “So what you’re saying,” Lily said, “is I have the power to kill a god with my touch. What’s that make me? The anti-god?”

  “It makes you an abomination,” Elizabeth said. She held up her hand. “Gun.”

  Someone tossed her a gun. She pointed it at Lily’s head. “Turning you would have been much more entertaining,” Elizabeth said, “but I suppose killing you will have to suffice.”

  Before she could pull the trigger, Travis grabbed Elizabeth by the back of the head and slammed her, face first, into the concrete roof. Behind him, Cassius tackled Oliver.

  “What the hell?” Isaac said. “Why does everybody want to save you?”

  Lily shrugged. “I’m a charmer.”

  Travis looked up at Lily and said, “You probably should start killing vampires now. I think I’ll have my hands full with this one.”

  Scott threw a grenade into the crowd. “Let’s do this!” he screamed as hair began to sprout on his face and body. A second later, Scott and Grung were wolves. As soon as the holy water grenade exploded, they sprinted toward the vampires.

  Taking advantage of the momentary distraction, Isaac and Ellie both dropped to one knee and began firing.

  Lily dove toward Travis and Elizabeth. She knew one touch could end that fight. Before Lily was close enough, Elizabeth sprang to her feet, knocking Travis to the roof. A second later, she was a blur, sprinting across the roof.

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Travis yelled as he darted after her.

  Lily looked at the fight between Cassius and Oliver. Cassius appeared to have the upper hand. He had Oliver pinned to the roof with his knees while he pummeled him with punches that were almost too fast to see.

  “Okay,” Lily said as she cracked her knuckles, “I guess I’ll have to settle for the president.”

  “No!” Cassius screamed. “This bastard tried to take my world from me! He’s mine!”

  Lily groaned. “What’s the point of having this power if nobody will let me use it?”

  Several bullets hit the concrete beneath her feet, barely missing her. “Shit! Guys, find cover!”

  “There!” Isaac yelled.

  A small structure stood near the north end of the roof. It was an entrance to a stairwell leading into the castle. Basically three walls and a door, it wasn’t much, but it was enough to offer them cover.

  Lily, Ellie, and Isaac ran to the structure and ducked behind the wall opposite the battle.

  “What now?” Isaac said. “There are too many to fight. We need to get out of here.”

  “Ellie,” Lily asked, “do you have an extra gun?”

  Ellie tossed her a pistol.

  “You have a plan?” Isaac asked.

  “Yeah,” Lily said. “We shoot at them until we think of something better.” She looked at Ellie. “Remember, don’t shoot blind. Aim every shot at a heart. Don’t waste your ammo.”

  Ellie leaned around the corner, popped off two shots, then leaned back. “Two down. I’ve been training my whole life. I think I know what I’m doing.”

  “Don’t get cocky,” Lily said.

  Isaac began to climb onto the small roof of the structure.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Lily asked.

  “Taking a prone position on the roof,” Isaac said. “I’ll do more damage and my heart’s more or less protected.”

  Lily just nodded and pressed herself against the wall. She had one side covered, Ellie had the other. Lily leaned out and fired three times. “Three down,” she said. “I’m winning.”

  “The hell you are, old woman!” Ellie said as she leaned out and fired several more shots.

  “Isaac,” Lily said, “are you gonna let a couple of human girls beat you?”

  “I’m busy watching your friends,” Isaac said. “Remind me to never piss them off.”

  Lily laughed. “They’re big teddy bears,” she said. “I piss them off all the time.”

  “You’re not a vampire,” Isaac yelled back.

  Lily poked around the corner, then quickly came back as several shots zipped by. “You wanna get on their good sides? Clear them a path so they can get back here with us. They can’t last forever out there.”

  “Do all those vamps carry silver bullets?” Ellie asked.

  “Yeah,” Isaac yelled back. “We were all issued one mag of silver when we learned Scott and Grung were coming to Topia. Far as I know, each soldier only has one magazine of fifteen rounds. These guards could have more, though. I honestly don’t know.”

  “Shit,” Lily said. “We need to get them back here.”

  From the roof of the structure, Isaac fired several shots. “One of your friends just got shot in the leg!” he yelled. “I shot the one who got him, but what does that mean? If it’s silver, is he gonna make it?”

  “He should be fine,” Lily said. “Werewolves are vulnerable to silver, but it doesn’t automatically kill them. The shot still has to be a lethal shot. Who got hit?”

  “The one with black fur,” Isaac said. “That’s Grung, right?”

  Ellie looked at Lily. “We have to do something.”

  “They need to stop acting like super heroes and get their furry asses over here!” Lily said.

  Isaac dropped from the roof. He looked flustered. “They just have to hold out for a few more minutes. After that, I don’t think these vampires will be a big problem.”

  “Why?” Lily asked.

  “Because something’s coming,” Isaac said. “Something big.”


  Scott and Grung employed the most basic rule of battle for werewolves.

  Stay close and stay fast.

  They stayed close to the vampires and they constantly moved from one vamp to the other. This technique made it extremely difficult for the vampires to use silver bullets without shooting the other vampires.

  Even with the technique, however, they were fighting a losing battle. Grung had already taken two bullets in the leg and Scott had taken a bullet to the arm.

  Scott was about to break and run when he noticed several vampires were no longer focused on him or Grung. They were looking at the ocean.

  Scott risked a glance.

  A very large yacht was headed toward the castle.

  Cooper, Scott thought. About damn time!

  Anybody watching him wouldn’t have noticed because he was in wolf form, but as soon as he saw the boat, he smiled.


  Elizabeth darted to the south end of the building and leapt over the edge. She didn’t make it far.

  Travis caught her by the ankle, flipped her over his head, and, for the second time, slammed her into the roof.

  She immediately sprang to her feet. “What is wrong with you, Travis? I offered you unlimited power!”

  “No, you didn’t.” Travis punched her with enough force to level a building. Elizabeth flew across the roof and landed on the east end. A moment later, Travis was standing over her. “You offered me unlimited boredom. Strutting around a dead world isn’t my idea of power.”

  Elizabeth grabbed both of Travis’s ankles, jumped to her feet, then proceeded to slam him into the roof multiple times. After several seconds, she paused her assault. “I offered you death and you repaid me with lies!”

  Travis climbed to his feet. He was covered in blood. “That was a damn good beating.”

  “Thank you,” Elizabeth said. “It felt good. I rarely get to unleash like that.”

  “I know how you feel,” Travis said. “Anyway, you got me all wrong, lady. I don’t love death. I love killing. And your plan would eventually take that away from me. Besides, I don’t like the idea of another batshit crazy super-vamp walking around. That’s my gig.”

  “We can keep fighting if you want,” Elizabeth said, “but we both know it won’t do any good. I can’t kill you and you can’t kill me. After this battle, most of my vampires will be dead and most of your friends will be dead. But we’ll still be here. And that’s the way it will always be, Evan. Ultimately, we’re always alone. I don’t know why you’re fighting for them.”

  “They’re not my friends,” Travis said, “and I’m not fighting for them.”

  “Then why are you fighting?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I have my reasons,” Travis said.

  “Dreadfully boring reasons, I’m sure,” Elizabeth said. She looked past Travis and, for a very brief moment, her eyes widened. She quickly looked back at Travis. “Playing with you has been fun, but it’ll be daylight soon.”

  “Daylight won’t hurt us,” Travis said.

  “No,” Elizabeth said, “but it’ll hurt my helpers out there. Besides, I think this battle is about to turn against me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Elizabeth pointed behind Travis. “Company’s coming.”

  Travis turned around and saw the yacht headed toward them. When he turned back, Elizabeth was gone. “Oh well,” he said as he turned back toward the ocean. “I have more fun things to do anyway.”


  Lily poked her head around the wall just long enough to get a glimpse. Several bullets whizzed by, causing her to jerk back.

  “What’s going on up there?” Ellie asked.

  “We’ve gotta help them,” Lily said. “They’re getting swarmed, but there’s a line of vamps with their guns pointed our way to keep us separated.”

  “Shit,” Ellie said.

  “Yeah,” Lily said. “They’ve both been shot, but nowhere lethal… I hope.”

  “If we step out there,” Ellie said, “they’ll drop us.”

  “They won’t drop me,” Isaac said as he checked his magazine. “I could use a second gun.”

  “Isaac,” Lily said, “you’ll never make it.”

  “I’ll make it farther than you,” Isaac said. “With me, they have to hit the heart. I can survive anything else. It’ll hurt like hell, but I’ll survive.”

  Lily handed her gun to Isaac. “Thank you.”

  “If your heart is your only weakness,” Ellie said, “why don’t you wear body armor that covers your heart? Seems like a no-brainer to me.”

  Isaac stared at Ellie for a second, then said, “I have no response to that.” He looked at Lily. “Wish me luck.”

  “Good luck.”

  Isaac stepped out from the protection of the wall.


  Scott took another shot in the shoulder. He knew it was a just a matter of time until one of the vamps got a lethal shot. With clawed hands, he drove a stake into another vamp’s heart, then stole a glance toward the ocean. The boat was closer, but still not close enough.

  Come on, guys. Hurry! We can’t keep this up much longer.

  The original idea was to keep the bulk of the vamps in the center of the roof to make them easy targets for Lily and Ellie. The plan wasn’t working, though. Unlike other large battles they’d fought, this one simply wasn’t chaotic enough… even with Grung’s and Scott’s attacks. The outer vampires quickly realized what was happening and set up a defensive line.

  I think it’s time to retreat, Scott thought.

  A vampire jumped in front of Scott and aimed her weapon at his head. Before he could react, a bullet wound appeared in the center of her chest. She fell to the ground. Behind her, another vamp fell from another bullet wound.

  Scott looked to his right and saw Isaac walking toward them.

  He was walking sideways to protect his heart. He’d already taken several hits. Blood poured from various wounds on his body.

  But he didn’t stop.

  Isaac continued to walk, a gun in each hand, firing with deadly accuracy.

  “Mr. President,” he yelled as a bullet pierced his shoulder, “I think it’s time to retreat!”

  Another bullet slammed into his chest.

  He fell.

  With a roar, Grung leapt over Scott and ran toward Isaac.


  Cassius and Oliver fought silently. There was no banter. There were no insults exchanged. Each held a stake and every thrust was aimed at a heart.

  They weren’t fighting to hurt each other.

  They were fighting to kill.

  Completely ignoring the battle around them, they fought from one end of the roof to the other. After several minutes of intense battle,
Oliver broke the silence.

  “They’re not worth it, Cassius,” he said. “These Topians you created. They’re just half-turned vampires. Why are you fighting so hard to defend them?”

  “I’m not fighting to defend them,” Cassius said. “I’m fighting to kill you. I’ll tolerate many things, Oliver. Betrayal isn’t one of them. I trusted you!”

  “Believe it or not,” Oliver said, “I never intended to betray you, but when I found Elizabeth, everything changed. She made me, Cassius. I know you understand. You stood by Arcas until Baxter killed him.”

  “Baxter just saved me from having to kill him myself,” Cassius said. “Your devotion to that psychotic creature isn’t noble. It’s pathetic. I was your ally and you threw that away to be her pet!”

  Cassius came in for another thrust. Oliver blocked the attack and jumped back several feet. “Like I said earlier, Cassius, your problem is you’ve never respected your elders. You respect those humans more than you respect your own kind.”

  “I respect people who earn it,” Cassius said as he came in for another attack.

  This time Oliver managed to catch Cassius’s arm. He kicked Cassius in the chest, sending him over the edge of the castle.

  He considered going after Cassius, but the sound of a boat’s horn changed his mind.


  Travis hovered a hundred feet above the castle’s roof. Below him, the battle raged on. Lily and that new girl were huddled behind a small structure. The black werewolf was running toward that structure, carrying a vampire that was either injured or dead. The brown werewolf was getting swarmed by the majority of vampires, but he seemed to be holding his own. Oliver stood at the edge of the roof.

  Travis knew he could help any of them. He could lower a fog on the battle and let chaos take over. He could swoop in and kill most of the vampires. He could help the vampires and kill most of the Day Soldiers. He could kill Oliver.

  Which would be most fun?

  He looked at the approaching ship and smiled.

  Yeah, he thought. There’s my entertainment.

  He closed his eyes and lifted his arms.


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