You and I Together

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You and I Together Page 1

by Melissa Toppen



  You and I

  Book Two

  Melissa Toppen

  Copyright © 2015 Melissa Toppen

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events

  are entirely coincidental.

  You and I,


  You and I Book Two

  Written by Melissa Toppen

  Table of Contents

  chapter one

  chapter two

  chapter three

  chapter four

  chapter five

  chapter six

  chapter seven

  chapter eight

  chapter nine

  chapter ten

  chapter eleven

  chapter twelve

  chapter thirteen

  chapter fourteen

  chapter fifteen

  chapter sixteen

  chapter seventeen

  chapter eighteen

  chapter nineteen

  chapter twenty

  chapter twenty-one

  chapter twenty-two

  chapter twenty-three

  chapter twenty-four

  chapter twenty-five

  chapter twenty-six

  Chapter One

  “Damn girl, you were hot tonight.” Lo gives me an approving smile as she slides next to me at the bar. “Not that you aren't every night but tonight, wow.” She fans herself and turns inward, leaning her thin body against the counter and signaling Sean for a water. “Love looks good on you.” She smiles wickedly at me, opening her bottle and taking a long gulp of water.

  “I don't know what you're talking about.” I immediately try to play clueless, one of my signature moves and one that Lo is very aware of.

  “You can play stupid until you're blue in the face but it won't change the truth. Admit it. You are head over heels for sexy Mr. Reed.” She laughs, raising her eyebrows at me as if daring me to argue with her.

  “I'm not in love with him.” I lie. “We have only been exclusive for two weeks and I have not seen him once during that time.” I try to keep the whine out of my voice as I think about how much I miss Bentley and how terrifying that is for me. “Hell, I don't know if this will even work. How can it, when I never see him?”

  “But you talk to him right?” Lo asks, already knowing the answer but waiting for my nod to continue. “And don't think I missed that huge bouquet of flowers in your dressing room either.” She takes another long drink of water, giving me a moment to think over her words.

  While it's true that we haven't gotten to spend much time together, it is also true that Bentley has called me nearly every night since his confession two weeks ago at the dance studio. Most nights he keeps me on the phone until the sun is rising, others I fall asleep just listening to him breathe on the other end of the line. I know it sounds ridiculous but I just want to be near him, to know that he's thinking about me as much as I am thinking about him.

  “And there it is.” Lo laughs, pulling me out of my thoughts. “And you say you're not in love.” She shakes her head slowly back and forth. “Tell that to the smile on your face.”

  “You're impossible.” I sigh, pushing away from the bar as I turn to face her head on. “We on for Hals tonight?” I ask, referring to our favorite twenty-four hour diner that we nearly always go to after work.

  “Well I was going to say yes but something tells me you are going to have other plans.” She smiles widely over my shoulder causing me to turn my head and follow her line of sight.

  I no more than catch a glimpse of Bentley's smiling face before he spins me around and pulls me into a passionate kiss right in the middle of the club. My instinct is to push him away, tell him now is not the time or the place. But the truth is, I am so happy to see him, I really don't have it in me to fight against it. I didn't think it was possible but his kiss is a hundred times more consuming than I remember. Has it really been that long since our last kiss?

  “What are you doing here?” I manage to get out in a breathless stream of words, as he pulls back and hits me with his dimple filled smile. Thankful that the club is near empty, I take a moment to soak in his appearance. His eyes are lined with dark circles giving away that he hasn't slept much in the days we've been apart, no doubt thanks to our late night conversations and him being so busy during the day, but other than that, he looks just as perfect as I remember.

  “I'm gonna give you two some privacy.” Lo sings from behind me, her heels clicking against the polished floor, fading into the background the further away she gets. Not even acknowledging her departure, I keep my attention solely on Bentley.

  “I missed you.” He smiles wider, reaching up to push my hair away from my face.

  “But you said it would be at least another week or two before you could make it out.” I say, still trying to process that he's actually here. “How were you able to get away?” I ask, knowing that he is eyeballs deep in opening his first club on the West Coast. Having finally settled on a location on the outskirts of Seattle, he has been stuck in Washington for the last couple of weeks and will probably be there for at least the next few months getting everything off the ground and running.

  “I just left.” He laughs when my eyebrows shoot up in question. “I decided there is one person that needs to see it before I can move forward. So what do you say Ms. Blake?” He asks, laughing when I clearly don't pick up on what he's asking. “Would you like to join me in Washington for a few days?” He asks, pinning those dazzling blue eyes on me.

  “What?” I stumble out, that having been the furthest thing from what I expected him to say. “You want me to come to Seattle?” I question, immediately trying to figure out in my head how that would even be possible, deciding within seconds that it's not. “I can't.” I say, not missing how his expression doesn't change at my refusal, which tells me he knew I would resist.

  “Yes you can.” He says, reaching out to trail the back of his hand down my cheek.

  “No Bentley. I can't.” I say again. “I have work. I can't just pick up and leave without any notice.”

  “It's all been taken care of.” His smile only grows wider.

  “What do you mean it's all been taken care of?” I ask, my insides knotting nervously.

  “Well technically you will be working, so I have arranged for you to be paid your normal wage, and Josh is not expecting you back in rotation until Sunday.” He says, clearly very pleased with himself.

  “What do you mean I'll be working?” I question, having no idea what I could possibly do in Seattle that would justify me being paid.

  “I could just use your help with a few things. They can spare you here.” He says, without giving me any further explanation.

  “Well that's only half of it.” I remind him. “Patty is still depending on me to teach my classes. I can't just bail on her last minute.”

  “Now you're just being difficult. You know as well as I do that Patty would have no problem with you missing a couple of classes. I will have you back in time for your Thursday class. You have my word.” He says, his smile spreading when he sees my resistance wavering.

  “What exactly is it that you need my help with?” I ask, pushing aside the matter at hand for a moment to try and get him to give me more information.

  “You'll see.” He says, his eyes dancing with promise.

  “Are you trying to tell me that you want me to up and abandon my responsibilities here so you can fly me across the country and what, fuck me?” I ask, laughing when his lips part on a playful gasp.

  “Well that's not the only reason but when you say it like that.” He trails his tongue seductively across
his lower lip and then pulls me firmly against him, the hardness of his body against mine causing a quiver of arousal to run through me.

  “Come with me?” His words are more of a plea than a command and I immediately feel every excuse I had for not being able to go just flying out the window.

  “Three days.” I say, not able to contain my smile with the one that is currently stretched across his beautiful face and glowing back at me with the force of a thousands suns, so incredible the heat practically melts my flesh. “I'm serious Bentley.” I warn. “I will talk to Patty and arrange to take tomorrow and Wednesday off but you have to have me back by Thursday morning. Promise me.” I say, knowing that if Bentley wanted to keep me in Washington, there would be very little I could do about it aside from shelling out money I can't afford to spend on a pricey plane ticket home.

  “You have my word.” He whispers across my lips before pressing his firmly to mine. “Now go get changed. Plane leaves in an hour.” He says, laughing when my mouth drops open.

  “An hour? Bentley I can't possibly be ready to leave in an hour. I need to pack.” I start to protest but he holds his fingers up to my lips and silences me.

  “Already taken care of.” He says, shaking his head like I should have already known that. “Now go.” He says, nodding his head to the side. Pinning him with a look of sheer annoyance, even though I feel anything but, I let out a small yelp as his hand lands on my near bare backside as I turn to walk away.

  Quickly crossing the room, I duck into the back hallway and make my way towards my dressing room, arriving in a matter of seconds. Pushing my way inside, I immediately begin stripping out of my black corset and matching panties before throwing on my jeans and a pale pink tank top. Wishing like hell I had time for a shower, I spritz myself with some vanilla scented body spray and run a quick brush through my tangled hair. Grabbing my purse and cell phone, I quickly scan the room to make sure I have everything.

  “Knock, knock.” Lo announces her arrival by knocking and talking at the same time but not actually waiting for a response before stepping inside. “Off to spend the evening with Mr. Handsome?” Lo asks, using one of the many names that she has given Bentley.

  “Seattle.” I mumble the one word before finding my voice. “He's taking me to Seattle.” I say, still having trouble grasping how quickly things seem to happen when I am with Bentley. For a person that is all about routine and structure, there is something so freeing about allowing a man like Bentley Reed to step in and pull me out of my comfort zone.

  “When?” She asks, staring at me in disbelief.

  “Right now.” I say, trying to calm my breathing.

  “Now? What about work? What about the studio?” She rambles off.

  “Josh doesn't have me back on rotation until Sunday and I am gonna call Patty in the morning and let her know that I won't be in on Tuesday or Wednesday. Bentley promised to have me back in time for my Thursday dance class. Besides, school starts in less than three weeks and this will be the only opportunity I have to do anything like this for the next year.” I say, deciding to shove a few key pieces of makeup into my purse before turning back to Lo.

  “You lucky fucking bitch.” She laughs. “Now why in the hell are you still standing here talking to me? Stop stalling and get your ass out of here. When you get back, I'll let you buy me dinner and tell me all of the incredible things that delicious man did to you during your time away.” She grinds her hips forward and lets out a moan, causing me to immediately burst into laughter.

  “Deal.” I say, rushing forward to give her a quick hug. “Love you.” I say, pulling away and matching her smile with one of my own.

  “Love you too girl. Now get the hell out of here.” She says, practically pushing me out of my dressing room. “And have fun.” Her voice trails after me just as I re-enter the main room of the club.

  I scan the now empty room, for the first time realizing just how late it is, nearly four in the morning. Sean is busy wiping down the bar but catches my eyes the moment I step into the light, nodding his head to the side, clearly knowing that I am looking for Bentley.

  While it has not been officially announced, several of my co-workers now know about my relationship with the owner. Cora was most likely the culprit that spilled the beans, not that I have really made an attempt to hide it or deny it for that matter. Once something like this catches, it spreads like wild fire.

  I know that some of the girls think it's awesome, while a couple of others feel like I am no better than a paid whore and have treated me as such. I can get over the comments and dirty looks. Honestly, they can think whatever they want. I'm not willing to give up my relationship with Bentley because a handful of girls, I barely know, are upset about it. I used to care what everyone would think of my involvement with him. Now, I just don't.

  Crossing through the empty space, I make my way down the main hallway leading to the entrance, spotting Bentley immediately in the front office talking to Josh. I don't know what they are discussing but from the look on both of their faces, it seems serious. Not sure if I should just wait in the lobby or make my presence known, I hesitate too long and am spotted by Josh, who meets my eyes for only a fraction of a second before looking away, his forehead crinkling together in disgust.

  I wish I could say that Josh's new found hatred towards me doesn't bother me but the truth is, it does. More than I care to admit. I know I deserve it. I know I hurt him. But at the same time, I can't help but feel like he's taking his dislike for me a little further than warranted. Not to mention the fact that Bentley had planned to let Josh go, considering our past relationship, but agreed not to after I spent two hours on the phone convincing him that me and Josh working together would not be an issue. I have second guessed that decision every night since, especially given how shitty Josh's attitude has been towards me. Not that I have mentioned any of this to Bentley.

  “You ready?” Bentley pulls my attention to him. My heart picks up speed the moment his eyes meet mine, giving me a look that makes me feel like I am the most beautiful thing he has ever seen.

  “Ready.” I manage to choke out, ignoring the feeling of Josh's eyes as they burn holes in my flesh.

  “Make sure to notify me immediately if you hear anything.” Bentley turns to Josh just as he joins me in the doorway. “We don't need this situation going any further.” He says, surprising me with the seriousness that laces his voice.

  “Will do.” Josh says, nodding at Bentley before turning his attention back towards the desk.

  “What was that about?” I ask, as Bentley drapes his arm across my shoulders and leads me outside into the muggy night air.

  “I was just discussing a client with Josh. Nothing to worry about.” He says, brushing it off like it was nothing, though it doesn't feel like nothing.

  I am tempted to push for more but the moment I open my mouth, I close it again, deciding against sticking my nose where it doesn't belong. No matter what our relationship status, he still has a business to run and I am just going to have to get used to being left out of the loop when it comes to certain things.

  Bentley makes his way around to the passenger side of the town car waiting on the curb and opens the door, waiting for me to climb inside before closing it. “So nice to see you again Ms. Blake.” My attention is immediately pulled to the front where the driver is located.

  “Mr. Colbers.” I say, smiling widely at the older gentleman. It seems like an eternity since our first meeting when he picked me up and delivered me to Bentley on our first night together. It's hard to believe it was just a few short weeks ago and even harder to grasp everything that has happened since that night.

  “Please. Call me John.” He reminds me again, his eyes meeting mine in the rear view mirror.

  “John.” I say, giving him a warm smile.

  “Will there be any additional stops Mr. Reed?” He turns his attention to Bentley the moment he slides inside the vehicle and pulls me into his side.

; “No John. Thank you.” He says, waiting until John pulls the car out onto the street before turning his face to look at me.

  “I don't think I will ever get used to how beautiful you are.” He says, his eyes tracing every inch of my face before finding my eyes again.

  “And I don't think I will ever get tired of hearing you say that.” I laugh lightly when he nuzzles my neck with his face.

  Chapter Two

  It only takes about twenty minutes before we arrive at a private air strip just on the outskirts of the city. It's apparent within moments of arriving that we will be flying on a small private jet which makes me extremely nervous. I am not a fan of small planes. Taking a deep breath, I don't voice my concerns as Bentley leads me up the boarding ramp and into the plane.

  The moment I step on board, it's clear that the plane is not at all what I expected upon first glance. I was envisioning a couple rows of seats jammed inside of a small area with little to no room, but that certainly is not the case. Four large white leather seats sit directly inside the door. Two seats face one direction while the other two face the opposite, making it so the occupants can face each other during the flight. There are small, retractable tables that separate the facing seats, providing an area for dining, and then an oval couch and small bar lining the back. Everything is stark white giving off a very elegant feel that makes me hesitant to touch anything.

  Taking the seat to my left, I immediately latch my seat belt and then look out the window into the darkness, taking a deep breath as if trying to reel in my nerves. Bentley takes the seat across from me just as an older woman, wearing a navy dress suit, approaches us with a bottle of wine and two glasses in her hand.

  “Wine?” She asks, waiting until I nod before pouring me a glass, handing me mine before proceeding to pour one for Bentley as well. “If you need anything else, just press the red button to your left.” She says, gesturing towards a panel that sits along the wall next to us. I am tempted to ask her to leave the bottle, knowing it's going to take more than one glass to keep my nerves at bay, but at the risk of sounding like a total lush, I keep my mouth shut, turning to look at the panel of buttons next to me.


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