You and I Together

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You and I Together Page 8

by Melissa Toppen

  Chapter Ten

  “Hey Logan. You aren't working tonight are you?” Malcolm asks, approaching me at the end of the bar. Shaking my head, I swivel my stool to face him.

  “Bentley wanted to stop in and check on a few things while he's in town. I figured since it's early, I would just wait inside.” I say, gesturing around to how empty the bar is. It's just after six and business usually doesn't pick up until the later hours of the evening. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't feel comfortable sitting in the main room in my street clothes.

  “So you guys are like seriously a thing now?” He smiles, laying those dark brown eyes on me. “I mean, that's cool.” He tacks on, clearly sensing my unease.

  “It's something all right.” I laugh, not really sure what else to say.

  “Listen.” He says, leaning towards me and resting his hands on the bar in front of me. “I know it's none of my business but have you told him about the other night with Josh?” He asks, clearly gaining his answer based on the way my face drops slightly. “Yeah I didn't think so.” He adds.

  “I just didn't see the point. It's not a big deal. Besides, the main issue was caused by Bentley and he's agreed to fix it.” I say, not giving him any additional information.

  “Regardless of the issue. You know as well as I do that if Mr. Reed knew the things Josh said to you, he wouldn't have a job anymore.”

  “Which is exactly why I am not going to tell him.” I interject, not missing the way his forehead crinkles in confusion.

  “Why would you let him get away with treating you that way? You don't deserve to have someone talk to you the way he did.” He jumps to my defense, which I find extremely sweet.

  “I appreciate that.” I say, leaning back in my stool a bit to really look at him. Malcolm is a very attractive man. I've always known it but for whatever reason, I am just now really seeing it.

  He reminds me of the man who used to play Malcolm on one of the old soap operas my grandma used to watch. Which now that I think about it, is kind of ironic given that they have the same name too. He keeps his dark hair so short, he's nearly bald and his smile is one that stretches all the way across his face, revealing sparkling white teeth. It's one of those smiles that is so infectious, you can't help but smile with him.

  “You need to tell him Logan.” Malcolm continues, pulling me back to the matter at hand.

  “Listen. I know that it's easy to jump in and defend me when Josh acts the way he did the other night. But please keep in mind that there are two sides to this story. Josh is a sweet generous man who right now¸ is in a really bad place. I'm trying to cut him some slack.” I say, hoping that I am getting my point across.

  “I disagree. He may be a good guy but regardless of the situation, he should never speak to a woman the way he spoke to you. There's no excuse.”

  “You may feel that way.” I interject. “But this is between him and I and I would really appreciate it if you could keep the little incident you witnessed to yourself. You don't know everything happening behind the scenes but trust me when I say, Josh's actions are warranted.”

  “Logan, I have known Mr. Reed since the day he opened this club. I have worked with him on several occasions, including traveling to other clubs as they opened, to help train new staff. I know him better than you think I do and I am telling you, he would never tolerate a manager speaking to a dancer the way Josh spoke to you, especially if that dancer is the girl he is seeing.”

  “I know that he wouldn't.” I agree. “But it's not about what Bentley thinks, it's about what I know and what you don't.” I say, trying to keep the defensiveness from my voice. “Josh is harmless and I don't think another altercation is in our near future. Telling Bentley will only make the situation that much worse and honestly Malcolm, I just want to move past it.”

  “I still think you should tell him.” He says, nodding behind me, Bentley sliding up beside me seconds later.

  “Tell who what?” He asks, looking at Malcolm and then to me.

  “Oh nothing. We were just talking about scheduling.” I lie, feeling the heat of Malcolm's judging glare on the side of my face. “You about ready?” I ask, swiveling my stool to face him.

  “Yes.” He says, giving me the full dimple smile. “Everything going okay Malcolm?” He asks, turning his attention to him for a brief moment.

  “Going really well, Mr. Reed.” He nods. “You two have a good night. I should get back to it.” He says, gesturing to two clients as they walk in, making their way towards the bar.

  “Bye Malcolm.” I say, throwing him a nod when Bentley takes my hand. He leads me out of the main room and through the lobby, before we finally step into the muggy evening air.

  “You and Malcolm seemed rather chatty.” He says, leading me to his black sports car currently occupying the spot directly in front of the building.

  “He's a good guy. Chelle really loves him.” I tack on for good measure, in case he is trying to insinuate something between Malcolm and I. “Rumor has it, he plans to ask her to marry him.” I add on, thanking my lucky stars that I have a friend like Lo who keeps me in the know on well, everything.

  “Is that so?” He asks, peeling my door open and waiting until I climb in before closing it and making his way to the drivers side.

  “Well, he didn't tell me. But I have my sources.” I say, as he slides into the drivers seat and fires the engine to life.

  “Lo?” He questions with a laugh. “That girl needs to get a life.” He shakes his head as he pulls out onto the street.

  “Yeah, but she has an eye for a story. I keep telling her she should become a reporter. She has a knack for finding out information, even if you don't want her to.” I say, not realizing how it sounds until the words have already left my lips.

  “Not that she's ever told me anything about you.” I tack on, trying to recover. “I just mean, she seems to know everything before anyone else. Kind of makes you wonder how she finds things out.”

  “Yes, it certainly does.” He says, seeming lost in thought and not really giving my rambling a whole lot of attention.

  “Everything okay?” I ask, feeling oddly paranoid all of a sudden.

  “Yeah. Just fine.” He reassures me, reaching across the space to rest his hand just above my knee. “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?” The question comes out before he has a chance to give any explanation at all.

  “You.” He says, throwing a brief wink my way before turning his eyes back to the road.

  “What about me?” I ask, now really curious as to what is going on.

  “Do you see yourself getting married one day?” He asks, throwing his eyes in my direction for a split second. Just enough time for him to see the color drain from my face.

  “No.” My answer is short and crisp. Suddenly the car feels too small. Like the doors are somehow shifting inwards, trapping me in a metal box. I don't know if he is asking because of what I told him about Malcolm or if he is asking for another reason entirely. Either way, marriage is certainly not a conversation that I want to have with him right now.

  “No?” He asks, clearly not expecting my answer to come so quickly.

  “I mean, I've never even really considered it. I just never felt like it was really for me.” I ramble out, praying that I am making at least a little bit of sense.

  “So you never want to be someone's wife?” He asks, surprisingly seeming more curious than upset, which I half expected him to be. Not that he wants to marry me or anything. Now I am the one getting ahead of myself I think.

  “I don't know. The whole concept of marriage just seems like a sham to me.” I shrug, looking out the window instead of at the man next to me.

  “How so?” He asks.

  “I just feel like people get married for the wrong reasons and then just end up resenting each other years down the road. By which time, they are both so miserable, they can't stand to be in the same room with each other. What's the point in vowing to love someone for
the rest of your life when you bow out the moment things get a little hard? People just throw away marriages anymore. It means nothing. Just a piece of paper and a roommate who brings your life more misery than happiness. No thanks.” I say, immediately kicking myself for how awful the last part sounded.

  “Not all marriages turn out like that you know?” He says, pulling into a vacant spot outside of my dorm building and killing the engine.

  “It's rare that they don't.” I say, finally turning to face him.

  “How long were your parents married?” He asks, catching me off guard with his question. Thinking back, I have to do the math in my head before giving him the answer.

  “Eight years, I think.”

  “And were they happy?”

  “How should I know? They died when I was four.” I say, immediately regretting the comment the moment it leaves my lips. “I mean, I guess so.” I try to recover from my epic failure at having a general conversation about marriage.

  “What about your grandparents?” He turns inward to face me head on.

  “My grandpa died when I was two. My grandma never remarried. My mom's parents died before I was born so I don't really know anything about them.” I say, meeting his soft gaze.

  “So not a fan of marriage then?” He reverts back to our original conversation, a small grin pulling up the corners of his mouth, giving me just enough comfort that I let out the breath I feel like I have been holding since the moment marriage was mentioned.

  “Not a fan.” I admit. “That's not to say I will always feel that way but yeah, it's never been something I have really wanted. What about you?” I ask, turning the tables on him.

  “I don't know. I think I have always imagined myself settling down one day. I just never knew if I could find someone that I would love enough to make that type of commitment to.” He says, his eyes burning deep with meaning or maybe I am just seeing something that isn't there.

  “Well, I guess I should get inside.” I say, not wanting to leave but wanting desperately to escape the confines of this car and the current conversation taking place.

  I know he's not asking me to marry him or anything, but just the idea of even discussing it, has me more than a little freaked out. Hell, a month ago I was afraid to exclusively date someone, marriage was the furthest thing from what I saw for my future. Now, to be sitting here discussing it like it's actually a possibility, feels like too much.

  “Hey.” He says, grabbing my forearm when I reach for the door handle. Turning back, my fear immediately evaporates when the softness of his eyes finds mine. “It was just a conversation. I wasn't trying to push for anything. I just wanted to know where you stood.” He says, reaching up to trail his hand along my jawline.

  “I know.” I say, leaning in to press my lips softly against his. “I'm going to miss you.” I pout, knowing full well just how empty I will feel the moment he's gone.

  “And I you my sweet girl.” He says, pulling me in for another kiss. By the time he pulls away, I have all but forgotten the marriage talk and am now one hundred percent focused on the fact that once again, he's leaving and I have no idea when I will get to see him again.

  “How long will you be in New York?” I ask, hoping maybe he will have time to swing back through on his way back to Washington.

  “Just tonight. I just need to make a quick stop and then I am back to Seattle. I have a meeting first thing tomorrow morning that I can't miss.” He says, reaching up to tuck my hair behind my ear.

  “Okay, well I guess I should let you get to it then.” I say, trying not to let my disappointment show through. Reaching for the door handle, I get the door open before Bentley stops me once more.

  “Anna.” He says, catching my forearm. Turning towards him, the moment his eyes meet mine, my heart triples in speed. “I love you.” He says, leaning forward to place a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “I love you.” I say back, feeling oddly at peace with how natural it feels to say the words I never thought I would say in this context. I don't miss the way his smile lights up his face at my words or the way my body reacts to how happy he looks right now. I would say it again a hundred times over just to keep that smile permanently attached to his gorgeous face.

  “Now go.” I laugh, pulling myself out of the car but then leaning back in to give him one more kiss. “Be safe. Call me when you're back in Seattle.” I say, backing out of the car and shutting the door.

  As much as I want to wait outside and watch him drive away, something about the action seems over the top to me and as such, I settle for walking directly into my building without turning around. It's hard enough to say goodbye to him, I don't need to torture myself further.

  Climbing the stairs two at a time, I make it to my dorm in the matter of a minute, though I must admit my lungs don't seem too happy with me at the moment. Pushing my way inside, I flip on the lights, surprised to find that Andrea has not returned yet.

  Crossing the room, I toss my cell phone down on my night stand and look around. Something seems different and yet, I just can't seem to place it. Turning towards my bed, I stop mid motion as soon as I realize that my clothes are missing. Spinning around the room, I immediately assume that Andrea must have returned at some point and piled them somewhere. Only I don't see them.

  Making my way to the closet Andrea and I share, I pull open the door to see all of my clothes hanging on my side of the closet. Closing the door again, I quickly go to my dresser and find that all of my other clothes have been folded and put away in the drawers.

  Confused, I immediately grab my cell and unlock the screen, clicking on Andrea's name. I can't see her doing something like this, especially given that she is lost somewhere in Collin Land at the moment, but I can't come up with another reasonable explanation. The phone rings three times before Andrea's bubbly voice comes across the line.

  “Did you put my things away?” I ask, not even wasting time with a greeting.

  “Well hello to you too bestie.” She laughs. “And no. Of course I didn't. That was compliments of the amazing man you are currently dating. You know, I've decided that if things don't work out between the two of you, I am totally gonna move in on that. You can give me your permission now if you'd like.”

  “Shut up.” I laugh out loud at her ridiculousness. “But seriously, what about our room now?” I ask, having only gathered that somehow Bentley was involved.

  “Bentley sent someone over to unpack the rest of your things and clean the room. He asked me to leave my key under the mat for her.” She says, talking to someone in the background before continuing. “Sorry about that.” She says, laughing at whoever it is she is talking to.

  “Where are you?” I ask, completely bypassing the part where she once again was in cahoots with Bentley without my knowledge.

  “Tillies.” She says, referring to a well known college bar just off campus. “Come have a drink with me.” She suggests.

  “I don't know.” I say, not wanting another repeat of last night's fiasco.

  “Oh come on. One drink.” She whines, making me feel instantly guilty that I have not gotten to spend any time with her since her return from Vermont, even though it is only partially my fault.

  “Fine. I'll be there in twenty.” I hit the end button and then immediately text Bentley.

  Classy move Mr. Reed. Glad to see that no matter where you are, there are always people willing to clean up for you.

  His reply is almost instant.

  Just another perk of being me

  I can't help but smile as I type out another message.

  There's a lot of perks to being you apparently. And thank you!

  Have a safe flight. Miss you already.

  I hit send and then quickly change out of my blue tank top and into something a little more bar appropriate; a three quarter length sleeve, black fitted top. Exchanging my flip flops for black heels, I run a quick brush through my hair before exiting my room. My phone signals a new message just as the doo
r clicks behind me.

  You have no idea and you're welcome.

  Is all the message says. But then another signals in right behind it and this one is something I never wanted to hear but now, can't seem to hear enough.

  I love you.



  “There you are.” Andrea sings from her bar stool the moment she catches sight of me. Pushing to her feet, she embraces me as soon as I am within her reach. “I'm so glad you came.” She gives me a cheeky smile and then flops back down in her stool.

  “You're drunk.” I laugh, pulling up the bar stool next to her and taking a seat. “Just a water.” I say to the bartender who immediately approaches me.

  “I am not drunk, I am buzzed. Big difference.” She turns up her nose when the bartender sits a glass of water in front of me. “And what the hell is that?” She asks, turning glazed eyes on me.

  “It's water. You know, a clear liquid that you drink.” I make fun of her, loving nothing more than watching her get all riled up.

  “Shut up Anna.” She swipes her hand through the air at me. “Bartender!” She leans across the bar and yells. “Bartender!” She yells again, having no patience for the poor man who is trying to keep up with the demands of a pretty large crowd.

  School doesn't start until Monday but almost everyone has returned to the dorms and is getting settled. With no classes yet, it's no surprise that the closest bar to campus is as booming as it currently is. Looking around the space, I turn back to Andrea when I remember that she left with a guy but is now sitting alone.

  “Where's Collin?” I ask. She holds up her finger and then orders four shots from the bartender before turning back to me.

  “Playing pool.” She rolls her eyes. “Over there.” She points to the two pool tables stuffed in the corner of the small space. Collin and three other guys are occupying one, while the other is being used by two girls and two guys who appear to be couples.


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