Teague (The Dark Shadows Book 3)

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Teague (The Dark Shadows Book 3) Page 5

by Ariel Marie

  “I’m certain our source told us the truth being that she herself is a witch,” Bella said to the room. “From what we know, Rowena is in hiding deep in the country. But she won’t for long. She’s been cooped up too long to stay hidden. She’s going to want to get revenge soon.”

  “What do you have in mind?” Teague’s deep voice floated across the room, causing her heart to skip a beat. She took a deep breath before turning in his direction to answer, finding his intense blue eyes taking her in.

  “We are going after her. We need to move before she gathers enough followers. She’s one of the most powerful witches and getting the black magic witches behind her will do nothing but make her stronger,” she said, ecstatic that her voice remained steady. A tingling sensation crept along her neckline and she knew that his eyes were still on her as she turned away.

  “I agree. I will send members of the Shadows to accompany you,” Nicu said immediately.

  “Thank you,” she said, shifting in her chair. “I just want to remind you that we are here on direct orders from the God Adros himself to send her to hell. We will take the lead on this one.”

  The room remained silent at what Bella was implying. Yes, they were allies. Yes, the vampires came to them for help. But that was where the line would be drawn. Valkyries were fierce warriors and did not take orders from anyone who was not of a God status.

  “I will not argue that. You can take the lead but I will be honest. If my warriors have a chance to kill Rowena, they will take it.” Nicu said, as he held her gaze.

  “Your team won’t get the chance,” Bella declared, knowing that her women were the best warriors in all of the realms and would not fail. “I hear you still have an issue with the necromancers. From what we’ve learned, they have a bounty on your head, Nicu.”

  “They can place a bounty if they want,” he said, crossing his arms across his massive chest. “My head will stay connected onto these shoulders for a long time to come.”

  * * *

  “Bella!” She paused, hearing Teague call her name. She motioned to Katri and Viva to continue on without her.

  “I’ll catch up,” she said as Katri flashed a smirk before walking away. Bella turned in the hallway, watching as he stalked toward her.

  “Teague,” she breathed as he stopped a hair’s breath away from her.

  “Come with me,” he said, grabbing her hand.

  “I can’t stay! I have to go—”she tried to protest.

  “Just for a second,” he said, pausing to cast his ice blue eyes towards her. She nodded slowly, lost in his gaze. He pulled her behind him as he walked up to a closed door. He opened it, peeking inside before ushering her into the room.

  She gasped as he pushed her against the door. He was much taller than she, causing her to have to tilt her head back. She didn’t feel threatened by him. His body pressed up against hers had her wanting to bring him closer.

  “Teague,” she breathed, unable to look away from his eyes.

  “I can’t get you out of my mind,” he said, leaning in closer to her, his lips brushing hers as he spoke. “You’re all I think about, dream about—”

  She cut him off, closing off the distance between them. She had never felt this way about anyone before and had no experience whatsoever when it came to the male species. She could take down an ogre, fight off a demon, lead her valkyries into countless battles, but had never kissed a man before.

  For her first kiss, she learned quickly as Teague was expertly teaching her the art of kissing. His mouth expertly moved over hers, eliciting a moan from her. He slowly pulled away from her, ignoring her protest and pushed strands of hair away from her face.

  “Teague—” she tried to speak, but he put his finger to her lips, shushing her.

  “I know you feel what is between us; you’ve already admitted it,” he started.

  “I know, but there can never be anything between us,” she said sadly.

  If there ever was a time for her to have one regret for what she was, it was now. She wished she was a regular female from Aphadore, who could find love, raise children, and spend her life with any male she chose. But that was not in the cards for her.

  “Why can’t it be?” he asked, frustration lining his voice.

  “I am a valkyrie and we are destined to die in battle,” her voice broke as she reached up to touch his face, memorizing his handsome features. “I took an oath.”

  “The rules can be broken,” he growled, grasping her hand. His eyes flashing both in anger and desperation.

  “I’m afraid not. We are chosen by the Gods, to be Aphadore’s warriors.”

  He shook his head. “I refuse to believe that fate would present you to me only to take you away,” he said, placing a chaste kiss to her lips.

  “What does fate have to do with this thing between us?” she whispered, leaning into his hard body.

  He pulled back, using his finger to tip her head back to gaze into her eyes. “You are my mate.”

  Chapter Ten


  He shouldn’t have let her go. After their kiss in the study, Teague was certain beyond all reasonable doubt that Bella was meant for him. He would find a way for them to be together. He already could feel the bond forming between them. With her not being a vampire, he knew she probably wouldn’t feel the bond. He needed to complete the bond between them. He would go crazy if he didn’t.

  He guessed that was why he found himself standing outside her family’s home at two in the morning. This was his one night off from patrolling with the Shadows and he was drawn to her.

  “Teague?” He turned, finding her standing on the back porch of the house. “What are you doing here?” she whispered, tightening the ties of her robe.

  His mouth grew dry, as he stared at her. Her long blonde hair seemed to gleam in the moonlight. His eyes greedily took in her curves, down to her feet, finding her barefoot.

  “How did you know I would be out here?” he asked, moving towards her.

  He stopped on the bottom stair of the porch, and reached up, unable to resist running his hands through her soft silky hair. His chest expanded as she leaned into his hand.

  “Something woke me up and I had a feeling that I should look out the window,” she trailed off as he leaned in, kissing her softly. “Why are you here?”

  “I missed you,” he said honestly, pulling away from her. “Come with me.”

  “I don’t have any shoes on,” she protested faintly.

  “We won’t go far and I’ll carry you if need be,” he said, pulling onto her hand. He had a surprise waiting in the woods, not far from the house.

  He had confessed to his sister, Nadira, about Bella being his mate. She was the only one of his siblings that he could trust to not only keep his secret but not make fun of him. She helped him pack this surprise. His heart fluttered, not knowing what Bella would make of it.

  “How much further are we going?” she asked. He cursed slightly as they went deeper into the wooded area. He turned, quickly swinging her up in his arms to carry her rest of the way. “I can walk!” she exclaimed.

  “It’s not too much further. It’s a little rough over here and I wouldn’t want you stepping on anything,” he said, gripping her tighter to him.

  His swelling cock was well aware of the fragrance she wore as it filled his nostrils. With her in his arms, his hardening cock made it more difficult to walk. He held in a groan, trying to will his cock to go down as he walked towards their destination.

  They finally came to the clearing where he had laid out a blanket under the clear night sky. The moon showed down, showcasing her beauty. He sat her down on the blanket gently.

  “You treat me as if I’m going to break,” she laughed softly as he sat next to her. He wanted this night to be perfect. They would leave tomorrow to hunt the witch and he wanted just a little time with her by himself.

  “I cherish what is mine,” he said softly, pushing her hair behind her ear.

nbsp; “Teague, I told you before—”

  “I’ll take what I can get,” he said, cutting her off.

  He would not force her to mate with him, but he knew that no matter what, she was it for him. He also knew the dangers of a vampire who was unable to claim their mate but he would have to cross that bridge at a later time.

  Vampires who were unable to complete the bond with their mates eventually died from what was said to be a broken heart.

  “What is all of this?” she asked, waving her hands in the direction of the basket that sat on the edge of the blanket.

  “Well,” he paused, feeling his cheeks becoming warm.


  He couldn’t believe he was blushing. He was always a ladies man but now that his mate looked at him with her wide eyes, he could barely form a coherent thought.

  “Tomorrow, we leave to hunt for Rowena and I just wanted to spend a little time getting to know you.”

  “That’s so sweet,” she said, reaching into the small picnic basket that Nadira had packed. He didn’t even look into it once she handed it to him. He watched amazed as she pulled out a bottle of wine, two glasses, and even some snacks for Bella. “Did you pack this?” she asked, turning to him.

  “No, my younger sister, Nadira gets the credit,” he admitted, taking the wine from her. He quickly opened the bottle before pouring them both a generous glass.

  “So, since you say that you want to get to know me, ask away,” she said with a small smile as she took a sip from her glass.

  They talked for what seemed to be forever, learning about each other. He learned that she was number fifteen of twenty-three daughters that the queen of Aphadore had born. She spoke of her training to be a valkyrie and when she was put in charge of the female warriors. He couldn’t remember the last time he just laid outside beneath the open sky staring up at the moon and stars conversing with a female.

  “So the God Adros chose you to lead the valkyries ?” he asked.

  “Yes, he presented himself to my mother demanding that I be put in charge. He is the God that we answer to directly and we didn’t argue with him. He told her I was to lead and that he saw a great future in me,” she said softly, staring up at the stars above them.

  He turned to her, rising up on his elbow, to stare down at her. He couldn’t get enough of looking at her. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes upon. The moonlight caressed her skin, showcasing her beauty that left him wanting to touch her.

  She stared at him as he ran his finger from her hairline to her jaw. Gently caressing her lips, his finger trailed down her throat to the opening of her robe. Her breath caught in her throat as he continued his path over the perfect mounds of her breasts down to her ties of her robe.

  He gently untied the robe, finding her in a dainty pale pink nightgown that barely came to her knees. His little warrior had a girlie side to her.

  His heart pounded as he watched her nipples pebble as the cold air blew across her. He couldn’t help but lean down, capturing one nipple in his mouth, suckling it through her nightgown, causing a gasp to escape her. He continued his assault on her breasts until he felt her hands grip his hair.

  He reached up, tearing her gown straight down the middle exposing her creamy mounds. His mouth watered as he took in the sight of her laying in the moonlight, naked as the day she was born. His eyes greedily traveled down her body from the top of her head to the bare nether area between her legs.

  “Say something,” she pleaded softly. He could tell she was trying hard not to squirm. “Do I… please you?”

  “You are more beautiful than I could have ever imagined,” he breathed, dipping down to taste the other soft breast.

  She moaned as he paid close attention to her generous mounds before trailing kisses down her abdomen, and then shifting to reach her center. He nibbled on her inner thigh, causing a giggle to escape.

  “Someone’s ticklish?” He smiled as he spread her legs far apart.

  “Don’t tell anyone,” she breathed, looking down at him.

  He almost swallowed his tongue as he spread her labia, finding her pussy glistening. He could feel his jeans tighten as his length hardened. He needed this. He needed to taste her.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” he said, taking his first taste of her, instantly falling in love.

  He devoured her, unable to get enough. He knew that she was a virgin and that he had to make sure she would be well prepared to take his wide girth. He reached up, sliding two fingers inside of her, stretching her channel as he paid close attention to her tiny hidden nub.

  “Goddess above,” she called out, her breaths coming in short pants, her body drawing tight.

  She tried to clamp her legs closed but he wouldn’t let her. She was almost there. He slowly continued to stretch her as he bit down on her clit, extracting a scream from her. He rushed to lap up her delicious creamy goodness as her body relaxed.

  Her body flopped back against the blanket as he raised himself over her, pulling his shirt over his head. He leaned down, taking her lips in a kiss that would leave little doubt in her mind that she was his. A growl vibrated in his chest as she kissed him back with a passion he knew he was the first to experience. Dammit, he would be the only one to sample her sweet pleasures, if he had any say about it.

  Her hands slid down his torso undoing his jeans and sliding them down. He quickly kicked them off before returning to her.

  It was his turn to gasp as her small hands grasped his cock, exploring it as she gently caressed it. She sat up slightly on her elbow while she ran her hands up and down his length. He bit back a groan at her inspection.

  “It’s so hard but yet it’s soft and smooth,” she whispered in wonder. He could feel sweat forming on his hairline as she continued her exploration and knew that if he didn’t get inside of her soon, he would embarrass himself.

  “Take me,” she said, laying back and guiding his shaft into her slick folds.

  “I want all of you,” he demanded against her lips as he lined himself up to her entrance.

  “I can’t give myself to anyone, Teague. That hasn’t changed,” she said, tears forming in her eyes. “You said you would take what you could get.”

  “I know but that’s not going to be enough,” he whispered feverishly, staring deep into her eyes. He wanted all of her— mind, body, and soul.

  For an eternity.

  Chapter Eleven


  Teague gently pushed her hair away from her face as he slowly pushed his hardened length inside of her virgin channel. She knew what he wanted from her, but she couldn’t give herself to him. She was here in the Terra realm to do a job and the God Adros needed a sacrifice. Tonight, she wouldn’t think of the pending battle that she and her valkyries would ride off to fight.

  She would be selfish this night and take what she wanted and needed from Teague. “I need this,” she whispered, pulling his head close to her.

  “Why?” he asked, his blue eyes slowly morphing to his vampiric crimson.

  “I want to know what it feels like to be loved and cherished,” she whispered, her breath catching in her throat as he pushed further inside of her. She could feel him stretching her, filling her, giving her the sensation of what it finally meant to be complete. “If only for one night, I just want to be loved.”

  He took her mouth in a brutal kiss just as he pushed through her barrier, causing a sharp pain. He paused, giving her time to accommodate his girth and for the pain to dissipate. Within seconds, her hips instinctively shifted to accommodate him. She needed him to move.


  She threw her head back as he thrust with his hips. Her hands gripped his hair tighter as he took her as she asked. There wasn’t an inch on her body that he didn’t touch. He consumed her, made her feel whole, and even made her feel cherished her as he continued to make love to her.

  “Bella,” he gasped against her neck. She could feel his sharp fangs as he dragged them alon
gside her neck. She wanted to beg him to bite her, but she knew that if he bit her now, she would risk him binding himself to her. She knew that the mating of a vampire to his or her mate required the exchange of blood in the heat of passion. She just couldn’t risk him binding himself to her.

  He shifted her leg, hitting a new spot with his thrusts that she never knew existed. She whimpered as he took her mouth in a brutal kiss. She wanted to take advantage of this night. This may be her first and only time and she wanted to take as much as she could.

  She pushed at his shoulder, forcing him to roll over onto his back, taking her with him, placing her on top of him. She gazed down at him, not shy at all anymore about her body. Her eyes took in his perfectly sculpted body. The hard ridges of his abdomen quivered as she ran her fingers down his stomach.

  “Seems like I’m not the only one that is ticklish,” she whispered, teasing his stomach again with the tips of her fingers.

  “Our little secret,” he whispered back, his eyes glued on her swaying breasts.

  She felt beautiful and empowered as her breasts grew deliciously heavy and her nipples tightened from the chilled night air. His heated gaze was glued to her. She shifted her hips, loving the full feeling that he gave her.

  Having his cock deep within her sent a shiver down her spine. She lifted herself up before slowly sliding down on his shaft, impaling herself on him, repeating this motion, riding him as her instincts guided her.

  “Teague,” she gasped, her eyes locked with his.

  He let loose a curse, grasping her hips, again taking control, while one hand strummed her sensitive nub. Her heavy breast swayed with the rocking motion of his hips thrusting inside of her, causing her to grasp her own breasts in her hands, squeezing them, pinching her own nipples as she continued to ride her new lover.

  Her core pulsated, her breasts ached, and his fingers strumming her nub was just too much stimulation and she couldn’t take it anymore. Her orgasm slammed into her just as he shouted her name, pouring all of himself deep within her.


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