Bhrodi's Angel

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Bhrodi's Angel Page 8

by Meara Platt

  She’d never been like this with a man before, and yet she didn’t feel afraid or in any way diminished to be subject to his gaze. “Bhrodi… I…”

  “Let me look at you, Prudence. You’re so beautiful.” How many times had he spoken similar words to a woman in his bed? But there was something gentle and assuring in Bhrodi’s expression that calmed her while at the same time arousing her. Her blood felt as though it was on fire. Her skin was suddenly intensely sensitive to his touch.

  She tried to cover herself, hardly recognizing the wanton feelings he aroused in her with merely a steamy gaze. She did not know how to stop the throbbing heat now pulsing through her body and awakening sensations in her most intimate places. She did not know how to calm her rapidly beating heart or the fluttering in her belly.

  “I want you, Prudence. I want you for my wife. I want you for always.”

  “You do?” She held her breath as she watched him slowly remove his shirt and toss it aside. She’d always thought him powerful, but he was so much more than that. He was muscle and sinew and taut strength. She reached out and slid her hand along the bulging muscles of his upper arms that were as solid as granite.

  He arched an eyebrow and smiled wickedly, but allowed her to continue to explore him.

  So, she did. She ran her fingers lightly along the dark hairs on his chest, careful to avoid the stitches along his raw, red flesh where he’d been struck and almost killed. The shot had left an ugly gash, and would leave a noticeable scar when it healed.

  But it would heal and that’s all that mattered.

  She traced her fingers downward to follow that trail of dark hair that disappeared below his taut stomach. There was nothing soft about this man except for the loving expression in his eyes. Was it possible he loved her? “A duke in love with the local magistrate’s daughter,” she murmured, speaking more to herself than to him.

  “It happened often enough over the course of history.”

  “But this is you, and you’re the powerful Duke of Pembroke. There is nothing to stop you from taking me now and offering me nothing in return.”

  His expression darkened. “Prudence, I will not take you unless I know you’ve consented to be my wife. Do you think so little of me that you think I would?”

  “No, Bhrodi. I know you would never intentionally hurt me. The doubt lies within me. I haven’t been raised to be a duchess. I’m a dotty bird lady,” she tried to explain, for she knew he was a man of honor. This was her Bhrodi and he would never harm her in any way. “You’re angry now.”

  “No, just disappointed. I love you, Prudence.”

  She smiled. “Say it again. Those words sounded very nice.”

  He kissed her softly on the mouth, drawing her up against the heat of his chest so that their bodies were pressed against each other, his muscle and her soft skin. His roughly stitched scar was a reminder of how close that shot had come to striking his heart. A little higher. A little deeper. He wouldn’t be alive. The realization caused a wave of anguish to wash over her heart. “We were so fortunate, Bhrodi. How did we ever survive?”

  “Because we had each other.” He emitted a ragged groan. “I love you. I intend to marry you as soon as I obtain the special license. I’d do it today if I could, but I’ll first need to obtain royal approval. I’ve already made the formal request, but I don’t intend to wait more than another day for it.”

  “A day? But how is it possible to send a messenger there and back in that little time? And what if your request is denied?”

  “It won’t be.”

  “How can you be so certain? I’m just–”

  “A magistrate’s daughter?” Now he was scowling at her, obviously angrier than before. “Your stature is far higher than mine, if truth be told. The dukes of Pembroke have long been the protectors of Wales. But who do you think protects the dukes of Pembroke?”

  “The serpent, of course.”

  “That serpent didn’t pull me out of the water. That serpent didn’t hold me in its arms and put the kiss of life in me.” He shook his head and laughed lightly. “Thank goodness. I much preferred your kiss. You saved my life, Prudence. You saved Wales. The serpent and I had a small hand in it, but this mad plot was foiled because of you.”

  He stilled her when she meant to protest.

  “And let me make one thing perfectly clear. I’m not offering to marry you out of a sense of obligation. I want to marry you because I cannot imagine my life without you by my side. Not as my protector, although you certainly are that. But as my wife. As the woman I love and want to hold in my arms for the full course of our lives. Share my life with me, Prudence. Share my bed. Share my happiness, for there will not be a sad day for me while you are beside me.”

  She closed her eyes to take in the import of his words, smiling because these were so much better than the stern ones he’d issued when chasing her off his land. Of course, he’d done it because he’d wanted to keep her and the members of the Pembroke chapter of the Ladies Birdwatching Society safe, but she hadn’t known it at the time. “Bhrodi, I’d be honored. Yes, my love. Although I must point out that I asked you first. In truth, it is you who owes me an answer.”

  He kicked off his boots and stretched out on the bed beside her, placing one arm under her to tuck her to his side. “To be precise,” he said, rolling slightly toward her so that he leaned over her, the weight of him so splendid against her body, “you asked me to reconsider your proposal. I have reconsidered it.”

  His kiss was long and lingering and deliciously possessive. “I am accepting it. We’re bound to each other now, Prudence.”

  She circled her arms around his neck and smiled. “Then you’ll be my husband?”

  “Yes, my heart is forever yours.”

  He gave her no chance to say more before he moved his body over hers and dipped his head to kiss her. His hands roamed along her curves, touching her in places that were only a husband’s right to claim. As he slid his hand along the swell of her breast, she felt the calloused pads of his fingers and the cuts that were still healing along his palm. But the roughness only served to enhance her building passion, for he was exquisitely gentle despite his own coiled need.

  He touched her and took possession of her, and cupped his hand between her thighs to slide his fingers along her most intimate spot to prepare her for their coupling. She wanted this and wanted him, and was greedy to experience all that was special between two people who loved each other. She was ready when he entered her and filled her. She allowed the pulsing sensations to take free rein over her body and her soul.

  She dug her fingers into his massive shoulders and held on as they rode to soaring heights, his movements as majestic as that of the golden hawks who flew among the coastal cliffs, his thrusts powerful and intimate and protective.

  Their bodies moved as one, his damp skin now rubbing against the sensitive tips of her breasts, and then his mouth closed over one sensitive tip and he began to suckle and tease until she couldn’t bear the pleasure of it and moaned. “Oh, Bhrodi. Oh… oh…”

  The exquisite sensations built as they moved with each other, his thrusts slower and deeper and harder, until they were both rocked by the explosive force of their passion. Prudence cried out as she felt herself shatter into a million pieces of starlight. She wrapped her arms tightly around Bhrodi’s hot, damp neck and kissed him as he spent himself inside of her, his liquid heat spilling deep, and traces of it spilling against her thighs as he slowly withdrew.

  But he did not release her. Instead, he rolled her atop him and held her protectively and lovingly in his arms. “Prudence, my love. How do you feel?”

  Her lips were full and swollen as she cracked a smile and rested her head against his chest. She felt the prickle of his stitches against her cheek and realized she should not be pressing down on them, although he did not seem to mind. She nestled in the crook of his shoulder instead. “I feel like a duchess who is very much loved.”

  He laughed softly.
“I never meant to take my desire for you that far. I meant to show you pleasure, but take none for myself until you were properly my wife. I had better obtain the special license first thing in the morning.”

  Her heart was racing. Although she felt completely safe in Bhrodi’s arms, there was no doubt that there was a majestic wildness to this duke that would make all their couplings a delicious adventure. She liked that Bhrodi was as wild and untamed as the wind along the ocean cliffs. As wild as a storm-tossed sea.

  As wild as the serpent of legend.

  She’d fallen in love with Bhrodi for all that he was.

  He ran his hands lightly up and down her arms as he cradled her in his embrace. “Your father has already given his consent. I obtained it the day the serpent destroyed Emrys de Courcy’s boat.”

  She glanced up at him in confusion. “You mean to say that you obtained it today? When did you have the time?”

  “Today? No, Prudence. That day was three days ago. You’ve been drifting in and out of consciousness ever since.”

  The blood drained from her face and her heart gave a little lurch. “Three days? Are you serious?”

  He turned on his side to face her, his brow furrowed. “Quite serious. I was mad with worry. I haven’t left your side these past two days. Had I realized how badly you were injured, I would never have left you that first day either, not even for a moment. But there was too much to do, and you were so brave throughout the ordeal, I never thought that you would be in danger.”

  He propped up on one elbow and continued. “We summoned the local doctor to tend to my wounds and treat your concussion. I left you in the capable hands of my staff while I went into town with Bigbury and Colliers. We had Dylan de Courcy in our custody, of course.”

  She nodded and hugged herself to him while he continued, for she needed to feel the heat of him against her. She needed to breath him in and burrow herself against the hard strength of his body. She closed her eyes and listened to his deep, comforting voice. “While Bigbury questioned him, Colliers conducted a search of his home. Colliers then went to inform your father and the town council about what had happened.”

  “Did he tell them about the sea serpent?”

  “Yes, there was no getting around it. The bodies of the traitors began to wash upon the shore.” He sighed and gently ran his hands through her hair. “As soon as we’re married, I must return to London to report to the Crown and Parliament. This plot we foiled today is no small matter. Dylan was very helpful. So were Lucinda’s sketch books which were untouched in her bedchamber when we searched.”

  Prudence gasped. How could she have forgotten about her best friend? “But what of Lucinda? Have you found her?”

  He chuckled. “Rest easy, my love. She eloped with the local blacksmith, Charles Frayne. They’d planned to run off as soon as the town council meeting disbanded, and that’s just what they did. She had no idea what her father had planned, and her disappearance was mere coincidence.”

  Prudence closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “Thank goodness. I knew she and Dylan could not have been a part of their father’s madness.”

  His mirth also seemed to fade away. He kissed the top of her head and then continued to gently run his fingers through her hair. “I suppose it can be said that love saved Lucinda. I don’t think she would have been spared had she been spotted at Llangolyn Rock studying your birds. Her father was completely mad. He would have destroyed anyone who got in his way, perhaps even his own beloved daughter.”

  She hugged Bhrodi. “I’m so glad it’s over. It is over, isn’t it?”

  “I think so. Bigbury and Colliers are following all the clues that Dylan gave them. There are other traitors left to be captured, but none from around here. Any local conspirators have all been safely rounded up and imprisoned.”

  “What a mad, hopeless scheme. Whatever put the idea in Emrys de Courcy’s head? Madness takes many paths. Why did he choose this particular one?”

  “His mother – Dylan and Lucinda’s grandmother – was a descendant of the Wynn family, and she probably instilled this madness in him at an early age. They are one of the few families who can claim blood ties to the old Welsh kings.”

  “Ah, greed and the lust for power were his motives.”

  “Prudence, I almost lost you because of his madness.” His voice was soft and ragged with deeply felt relief. “I never want us to be apart again. But I must go to London. I’d like you to go with me as my duchess. I know I’m asking much of you, so I will understand if you’d rather not.”

  “I would go to the ends of the earth with you, my love.” She grinned as she trailed her hand down his chest and lower, for he had removed his trousers before they’d coupled, so they were both without their clothes and she was no longer shy about exploring his body as thoroughly as he’d explored hers. “I’m sure there are fascinating birds to study wherever you shall take me.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “That’s my Prudence. I’m glad you’re back, my love.”

  “It will take more than a wicked Mongoose to best a dotty bird lady.”

  “That name will never do for you, my love. From this day forward, you shall be known as the Fiery Maiden of Mor.”

  She laughed heartily. “Ah, I’m to be a fiery maiden of the sea? I think the townspeople of Pembroke will find it as ridiculous as I do. Fiery, indeed. What silliness.”

  ‘Very well, what shall I call you then?”

  “Prudence will do. Or my duchess will do nicely as well. My love will do best of all.”

  “Very well… my love.”

  “Good, that’s settled.” She rubbed her body invitingly against his. “Bhrodi, are you tired?”

  “Not in the least.” He kissed her softly on the mouth, understanding what she was asking.

  “I’m not either.”

  Grinning wickedly, he took her into his arms and rolled her under him. “We’ll have to think of something to do then. I know just the thing.”

  “I’m sure you do.” Prudence wasn’t experienced enough to take the lead. Bhrodi knew what he was doing. Indeed, as his big body settled over her, and his hands explored her intimately, and his lips and the soft, flicks of his teasing tongue stirred her to heightened passions, she had never had more fun in an evening.

  The hot sensations and decadent moans he evoked from her…oh, heavens. She had no idea that coupling could be so exquisitely enjoyable.

  Perhaps she was a fiery maiden, after all.

  Chapter Nine

  Three Months Later

  BHRODI SMILED AS he watched Prudence scamper off Llangolyn Rock and make her way toward him. Sundown approached early in December and the golden ball in the sky had already begun to sink low on the horizon, leaving behind a brilliant tapestry of pinks, burnt oranges, and purple streaks across the sky. The white, tufted clouds appeared to be glowing as the sun’s rays shone behind them, and the tranquil sea glistened as though pearls had been cast across the vast expanse.

  Bhrodi loved the sea and land, but he loved nothing better than Prudence. Indeed, he’d never tire of looking at this beautiful woman who’d conquered his heart the moment he’d first seen her standing on that outcropping, her flaming hair billowing against the wind and her magnificent body outlined against the fabric of her gown. “Any discoveries today, my love?”

  “A few. Hamlet and Ophelia are now a matched pair. Come, have a look. They’ve built their nest where Romeo and Juliet had theirs.” She turned to gaze across the outcropping toward the cliff walls and the caves below, her expression momentarily wistful. “I hope they’ll have a happy life.”

  Bhrodi moved to stand behind her, drawing her into his arms so that she was now swallowed in his cloak to keep her warm while they both looked out across the cliffs and icy sea. Her back was pressed against his chest and her head rested against his shoulder. “You have to stop naming them as doomed lovers,” he teased. “How about naming them after a couple who managed to find their happily ever af

  “Such as Bhrodi and Prudence?” She turned to face him, still buried in his cloak. Grinning, she reached up on her toes to kiss him.

  “They would be a happy couple, indeed,” he said, meaning every word. He’d spent almost thirty years on his own and a mere three months married to Prudence, but he had already amassed more happy memories during their marriage than he’d had in his life before they’d met. He was the proud Serpent. He wasn’t the sentimental sort, and would never be, except when it came to Prudence.

  She threw her arms around him and kissed him again. “The sun’s going down. It will be dark soon.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “What are you suggesting?”

  “Must I say it?” She was still grinning at him like a kitten who had just licked her fill of sweet cream. “Or would you rather I occupy myself elsewhere. I could call a meeting of the Ladies Birdwatching Society, and–”

  He gave a mock shudder. “Perish the thought. I find that I am suddenly fatigued and would like nothing better than to retire early. Care to join me, Duchess Pru?”

  “I’d love nothing better, Your Grace.”

  He swept her into his arms.

  She gave a little cry and swatted his shoulder. “What are you doing? I can walk.”

  “I know. But I think this is how you fell in love with me. You’d twisted your ankle and I came to your rescue. You lost your heart to me when I caught you up in my muscled and manly arms.”

  She laughed heartily in response to his wicked grin. “You’ve long since won that battle, Bhrodi de Shera. You know I’m wildly in love with you.” But in the next moment, she cleared her throat and turned disquietingly serious. “There seems to be no point in waiting, now that you do have me in your arms.”

  He stopped walking and stared at her, his humor fading as hers had. “In waiting for what, Pru?”

  “Your Yuletide gift, of course. I was going to tell you after the celebration we’re hosting for the town tomorrow, but this feels so right and I can no longer contain myself.”


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