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The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find the corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the “search” function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.
Adams, John Couch, 192n–98
Airy, Sir George Biddel, 193n, 195
Allan Hills 84001, 120–25
Almagest (Ptolemy), 33–34, 71
Alpha Regio (Venus), 65
Ancient era
Jupiter in, 145
Mercury in, 30–34
Venus in, 55–56
Anemone volcanoes, 68
Antoniadi, Eugène, 44–45
Aphrodite (Greek goddess), 56
Aphrodite Terra (Venus), 64
Apollo (Greek god), 31
Apollo missions, 8, 102–3, 117
Apollonia (Mercury), 44
Arachnoids, 68
Ares Vallis (Mars), 134
Argus (Greek monster), 31
Aristotle, 33
asteroid belt, 17
Ceres, 218
formation of, 16–17
Jupiter in, 141–45, 150–51, 155–56
split from astronomy, 143
Auroras, 26
Balboa, Vasco Núñez, 81
Bay of Rainbows (Moon), 108
Beagle, 92–96
Beta Regio (Venus), 65
Big Bang, 14–16
Bode, Johann Elert, 187n–88
Brahe, Tycho, 38
Caduceata (Mercury), 44
Callisto (moon of Jupiter), 157–58
Caloris Basin (Mercury), 47
Cassini mission, 175, 231–34
Cassini, Jean-Dominique, 171–72, 177, 233
Ceres (asteroid), 218
Charon (moon of Pluto)
discovery of, 8–9, 217
orbit with Pluto, 221–22
surface features, 224–25
Chinese astrology, 150–51
Chronometers, 92–93
Chryse (Mars), 133
Columbus, Christopher, 77–81
Comets, 108–10
formation of, 22–23
Miss Mitchell’s, 181–82
Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 10, 152–53
Cook, James, 90–93
Copernicus, 34, 37–38, 82–84, 143, 165
Cordelia (moon of Uranus), 203
Cox, Harold, 168–69
Cyllene (Mercury), 44
Darwin, Charles, 92–96
Deimos (moon of Mars), 130
Desdemona (moon of Uranus), 203
Despina (moon of Neptune), 207
Dog Star, 73
Earth, 71–99
age of exploration, 75–84
continental shifts, 96–98
core, rotation of, 98
formation of, 17–18
magnetism of, 85–87
mapping of, 72–88
rotation, decrease in, 114–15
scientific exploration (1698–1912), 86–96
tectonic plates, 97–98
Earth-lock, 113–14
Earthquakes, 97–98
Eclipse, 27–28
Einstein, Albert, 43
Encke, Johann Franz, 177, 182n
Erathosthenes, 74
Europa (moon of Jupiter), 157–59, 161
Evros Valles (Mars), 134
Exoplanets, 9–11
FitzRoy, Robert, 93
Flammarion, Camille, 42
Flamsteed, John, 189, 189n
Galápagos Islands, 93–95
Galatea (moon of Neptune), 207
Galileo, 53, 140–46, 170, 175–77
Galileo mission, 153–62
Galle, Johann Gottfried, 194–97
Ganymede (moon of Jupiter), 157–58
Gassendi, Pierre, 39–40
Genesis, 13, 16, 26
Genesis Rock, 124
Geographia (Ptolemy), 72–75
Gilbert, William, 85–86
moon and tides, 111–14
of Sun, 19–20
Great Red Spot (Jupiter), 147
Greeks, ancient, 31–34
Habitable zone, 20
Halleyan lines, 87
Halley, Edmond, 86–89
Harmonice Mundi (Kepler), 166
Heliopause, 26
Herschel, Caroline Lucretia, 180, 181n–201
Herschel, Sir John, 180, 181n, 196, 199, 233
Herschel, Sir William, 180, 181n–91, 185n–86, 190, 199–202, 208
Hindemith, Paul, 166n
Holst, Gustav, 163–64, 167–68, 179
Hubble Space Telescope, 46, 208, 216
Huygens, Christiaan, 168–69, 232–33
Huygens probe, 232–34
of Neptune, 197–98
of Pluto, 20, 224–25
of Uranus, 197–98
Ice dwarfs, 219
Ingersoll, Andy, 229–30
Io (moon of Jupiter), 157–59
Ishtar (Chaldean goddess), 55
Ishtar Terra (Venus), 64
Ixion (Kuiper Belt object), 220
Juliet (moon of Uranus), 203
Jupiter, 140–62
in astrology, 141–45, 150–51, 155–56
bands of, 146–47
chemical composition of, 146–49, 153, 155
clouds of, 144–48, 155
energy released by, 148, 156
formation of, 17, 153–55
Galileo probe, 153–62
Galileo sighting, 140–46
Great Red Spot, 147
magnetic field, 150, 159
moisture of, 155–57
in night sky, 22
orbit of, 150–51
and Periodic Comet Shoemaker-Levy 10, 152–53
rings of, 178
rotation of, 150, 159
satellites of, 146, 157–59
size of, 145, 204
winds of, 155
Kepler, Johannes, 38–39, 88n, 157n, 165–66
Klaproth, Martin Heinrich, 188n
Kuiper Belt objects (KBOs), 219–20, 225–27
Kuiper, Gerard, 207, 219–21, 225–27
Lacus Timorus (Moon), 108
Lada Terra (Venus), 64
Larissa (moon of Neptune), 207
Lassell, William, 198n, 207
Lebreton, Jean-Pierre, 232
Leonardo da Vinci, 105
Leverrier, Urbain Jean-Joseph, 41–42, 192n–98
Lomonosov, Mikhail, 57
Lowell, Percival, 212–14
Ma’adim Vallis (Mars), 134
Magellan, Ferdinand, 81�
Magellan mission, 64–69
of compass, 85–86
of Earth, 85–89
of Jupiter, 150, 159
Mappa mundi, 75–77
Mariner 9, 134
Mariner 10, 46–47
Marius, Simon, 157n
Mars, 120–39
life on, 128–32
meteorite from, 120–25
moons of, 130
orbit of, 130
polar caps, 126, 135
rotation of, 129–30
scientific exploration of, 133–36
surface features, 125–27
surface toxicity, 136–37
temperature of, 130
terraforming, 137–38
water on, 127
winds of, 125–26
Mars (Lowell), 213
Mars Hill, 213–14
Marsh of Sleep (Moon), 108
Maskelyne, Neville, 183–84n, 186
Maxwell, James Clerk, 65–66, 172–73
Maxwell Montes (Venus), 65
Medicean stars, 141–43, 157n
Medici, Cosimo de’, 141–42
Mercury, 29–48
ancient concept of, 30–34
formation of, 16
mapping of, 45–45, 48
Mariner 10 photos, 46–47
in mythology, 29–31
orbit of, 2, 34–35, 45
proximity to Sun, 34
rotation of, 35, 45
surface features, 46–47
temperature of, 20, 35–36
transit of (1631), 38–40
visibility from Earth, 36–37, 43–46
Mercury (Roman god), 29–31
age determination, 124
Allan Hills 84001 from Mars, 120–25
Willamette Valley (Oregon), 6–7
Milky Way, 15
Mimas (moon of Saturn), 177
Mitchell, Maria, 65, 180–82
Moon, 100–119
Apollo missions, 8, 102–3, 117
dryness of, 108–11
Earth-lock, 113–14
and eclipse, 27–28
far side, 117–18
formation of, 17–18, 110–11
illumination by Sun, 22, 116–17
micro-meteorite showers, 118–19
phases of, 105–7, 116–17
rotation of, 113–14
surface features, 102–3, 111, 118
synchronization with Earth, 114–15
and tides, 111–14
Mundilfari (moon of Saturn), 233n
connection to astronomy, 164–68