Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1)

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Crown of Lies (Truth and Lies Duet #1) Page 17

by Pepper Winters

  I pushed him away, taking a greedy step toward the sidewalk.

  I wasn’t equipped for this. I needed to ease into sex, not be thrown headfirst into debauchery. “I’ve changed my mind. My answer is no.”

  Strong fingers wrapped around my wrist, yanking me back. “Like fuck it is.” He pressed me against the wall face first. His hands clamped on my hips, pulling me back to meet his as he thrust up.

  I moaned, long and low. A noise I’d never made before and had no idea where it’d come from.

  “Oh, Elle, you’re a little liar yourself.” He tightened his hold, grinding into me. “Is that what you want? Seduction? Do you need to be seduced to let me inside you?” He bent over me, his lips landing on my shoulder blade. “Because I can do that. I can coax you, or I can force you. I can give you any fucking fantasy you want.”

  His voice darkened to nightmares. “You don’t have to hide with me. You want it rough—” He looped his hand around my nape, crushing my cheek into the brick as his other hand slid down my body and scooped up my dress, up and up until his fingers found my inner thigh and aggressively cupped my core.

  My heart exploded through my ears as intensity I never thought existed came alive beneath his fingers.

  But then he switched.

  The violent hunger in his touch melted into gentle petting. He pulled me away from the brick, hugging me, supporting me while his tongue licked my neck and his fingers feathered so lightly over my clit. “Or do you want it soft?”

  I shuddered in his arms, confused when my body reacted more to anger rather than sweet.

  “I’m attracted to you, Elle. I have been since I saw you. I know you want me too because right now, my hands are on your pussy, and you’re so fucking wet.” With a harsh breath, he pushed aside my panties, running his finger along my bareness.

  He hissed in my ear as my hips rocked involuntarily. “There you go. Stop lying to yourself. That’s the worst crime. Tell me what you want.”

  “I still don’t like you enough to tell you.”

  He was utter temptation.

  Beyond reasoning and comprehension. But he pissed me off as he chuckled low in my ear, taking pleasure in my undoing as he pressed his finger into me.

  I lost the ability to stand. The delicious throaty echo of his laugh sent a coil of desire shooting right into my soul.

  I clenched around his finger as he sank deeper.

  “Your body likes me enough for your mind and heart.”

  My nerves heightened to a magnitude I couldn’t withstand. His touch. His control. His manipulation—it made him more than human.

  I didn’t stand a chance.

  “Just sex...” I panted as he fingered me.

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “Just lust.”

  “So much fucking lust.” His touch seemed to double in size, dragging heat and sharp, sharp need.

  A single finger.

  It was too much.

  It wasn’t enough.

  But my body, after years of neglect and build-up of countless nights imagining such a thing, surrendered entirely.

  Penn sucked in a breath as I allowed my head to fall back over his shoulder, giving him utter control. He held me against his body, his finger never ceasing.

  “Is that another yes?” He kissed my throat, biting it as his finger thrust upward. “Tell me it’s a fucking yes before I lose my goddamn mind.”

  I nodded.

  And that was it.

  Penn Everett vanished, replaced by a hunter. Spinning me around and shoving me against the wall, he kicked my feet open and drove his finger higher.

  My mind panicked that he would take me here like this. My first time would be against a dirty wall outside a nightclub, but he proved I was right to trust him. That I could give him power even though I’d never like him. That I would always hate him, purely because he wasn’t Nameless and I’d clung to the ridiculous delusion that I’d find him, save him, and find a happily-ever-after.

  Penn was the harbinger of truth in that respect.

  I’d failed Nameless. I would never find him. It was time to accept that and move on.

  Starting with sex.

  “I’m going to make you come.” Penn breathed into my skin. “And’re going home. We’ll save my place for another night.”

  The bands of muscles in my core clenched around his finger as he pressed my clit with his thumb. His free hand grabbed my jaw, holding me prisoner while he kissed me so damn deep.

  With his tongue inside my mouth and his finger matching the same pulse, I let it happen.

  I didn’t hold on.

  He didn’t drag it out.

  I’d always been sensitive—always had a naughty ability to seek pleasure in banal situations. I’d stopped blushing years ago when I crossed my legs in a meeting filled with stuffy businessmen and enjoyed the tingle of desire just from the seam of my underwear. I’d accepted my body and how hotly it ran, simmering sweetly, ready to overflow into climax whenever I wanted.

  Penn didn’t know that.

  He knew nothing about me.

  But somehow, my body spoke to his and his touch sought those triggers inside.

  His finger arched up, hooking hard.


  My mouth popped wide, shuddering in yeses.

  He grinned in triumph, knowing he’d found one button to punish me with but there were countless more.

  His kisses turned reckless. His fingers thrusting right there.

  The recipe turned tentative sparks into fireworks and fireworks into detonations and detonations into a mushroom cloud of pure bliss. The orgasm scurried up my legs, down my spine, and convened in my core to explode in an avalanche of pleasure.

  “Oh...God.” I sucked in air as I drowned, but he didn’t give me time to breathe. He kissed me, sucked on my tongue, and let me ride his hand until the final wave of my release abated.

  Slowly, his body peeled away from mine. “Well, that was interesting.”

  His lips disengaged, leaving me bruised and stinging while he repositioned my underwear and removed his touch, letting my dress slither over my thighs.

  Without another word, he pulled me away from the shadows toward the busy pavement, caught the eye of David, my driver, who’d miraculously appeared, and placed me reverently into the Range Rover.

  Chapter Eighteen

  THE NEXT DAY, I went to work as if nothing had happened.

  As if everything at the Palm Politics was a figment of my imagination.

  As if I hadn’t come or given Penn any part of myself.

  I still hated him.

  But my wants more.

  Fleur handed me my meeting minutes, and I performed my duty in two conference calls like normal.

  But nothing was normal.

  I couldn’t stop replaying what had happened. Where the hell did Penn go after he’d taken what he wanted...or was that given? He’d given me an orgasm without expecting one in return. He’d sent me home rather than kidnapped me to his place.

  Had he gone home?

  Had he found some other stupid woman to fall for his corrupted charm?

  I hated that I wondered.

  He was nothing more than sex. We’d agreed to that. I’d been the one to stipulate it.

  So why does it leave a sour taste in my mouth?

  As the day wore on, I itched to research him. To find out who he was, who Stewie was to him, who the mysterious Larry was. What did he do for work? Where did he live? What had he told my father in the gin bar?

  He left me with more questions than Nameless did.

  I didn’t know how to contact him. I didn’t know how to tell anyone what had happened. He’d done exactly what he said and controlled me without trying.

  By the time the afternoon rolled around, my heart was ragged from fretting and my insides tight and jumpy. I couldn’t stop imagining how I’d next bump into him and what he would make me do.

  Would I say yes

  Would I say no?

  Would he even give me a choice?

  Those two daydreams caused twitchy anxiety to infiltrate my blood.

  I stared blankly at my computer screen, dying for a distraction from both work and Penn when Fleur stuck her head into my office. “Um, there’s someone here to see you.”

  Instantly, my body screamed yes. All while my mind bellowed no.

  Then rationale took over.

  It can’t be.

  How could he gain access to my building? Why didn’t he call to tell me he was coming? Security wouldn’t just let him up unless I’d cleared his name, which I hadn’t.

  My libido leaped at the thought of him, but self-preservation flipped into CEO mode. Last night had been terrifying in both good and terrible ways. He had a habit of making me forget myself and spinning lies I couldn’t unscramble.

  I couldn’t have him on my turf. “Tell him I’m too busy. Either take his phone number, and I’ll call him when it’s convenient, or he’ll have to make an appointment off site.”

  Take that, Penn.

  “Do you know who it is?” Fleur asked, suspicion bright on her adorable, pixy face. “Why are you acting weird?”

  “Weird? I’m not weird.”

  “I didn’t say you were weird. I said you’re acting weird.” She fiddled with an orange button on her burnt sunshine dress. “What’s his name?”


  “The man you’re avoiding.”

  “Who said—”

  “Spit it out, Elle.”

  I chewed a smile. “Penn Everett.”

  Fleur inched closer, her eyes wide. “Did you meet him last night at the party? Oh, I knew you should've gone.” She swooned dramatically. “Did he ask you out? Wait, I thought Greg was your date?”

  I pretended to enter a few numbers into my laptop. “I met him a few days before the party, but yes, we confirmed an arrangement last night.”

  Fleur jumped up and down like a child. “An arrangement. What sort? A sexual sort? Look at you, you sexy minx. I demand you tell me everything.”

  “Not until you tell him to leave.” I pointed at my door, laughing a little at her antics. “In fact, tell him I’m far too busy for the next four years, and even though my answer is yes, he’d better have the patience of a saint if he wants to see me again.”

  Let’s see how he gets around that.

  He wanted to play games. Well, I could make up a few rules as we went.

  She giggled. “Whatever he did to you last night has done wonders for your sense of humor.” Moving toward the door, she grinned. “Finally, you’re learning how to have some fun.” She saluted me before vanishing out the door. “Leave it to me. Consider instigation with a new love interest in progress.”

  I groaned under my breath as snippets of male voices sounded in the hallway then were cut off as Fleur closed the door, preventing more eavesdropping.

  I probably shouldn’t have ordered her to tell Penn to wait four years. What if he took it seriously and left? As much as his personality appalled me, the thought of him leaving before delivering on his promises made me mildly sick.

  Hating myself, I pushed away from my desk and tiptoed to the door. Pressing against it, I struggled to follow the conversation on the other side.

  “You must be Steve Hobson?”

  That was already so familiar—hardwired to my belly and gasoline for every hidden desire. The sly smoothness; the cocky deepness. It wasn’t fair he was handsome and spoke like a rascally poet. He might not be marriage material, but he definitely delivered on fantasy.

  Penn wasn’t my future, but he could do very well for my present.

  Steve’s voice flowed through my door. “Yes, I am. I’m Mr. Charlston’s oldest friend and colleague. You are?”

  Without any hesitation and a lot of smugness, Penn said, “I’m Elle’s fiancé.”

  My knees gave out.


  I thought that lie was just for the girls at Palm Politics. He couldn’t go spreading such untruth around. My father would hear.

  Oh God, Dad.

  He’d be elated.

  And then he’d be crushed when I called it off.

  “Ah, yes. My son, Greg, mentioned something about an incident last night,” Steve said. “I thought he was exaggerating.” The disappointment in his tone crushed me like a little girl.

  “I figured he’d mention it.” Penn’s voice dropped to deadly seriousness. “I’m aware your son has feelings for my wife-to-be, sir, and I only have respect and regret that he didn’t deserve her affection. But rest assured, if he gets in my way, I won’t tolerate it.”

  “What does that mean?” Steve snapped.

  “It means Elle belongs to you in business. But she belongs to me in everything else.” His tone lowered possessively. “We’re together now, and no one will interfere. In fact, I’m here to collect her. It’s time for her to come home. We have lots of things to do tonight.”

  Even behind the door, the sexual innuendos reeked with promise.

  Steve cleared his throat, no doubt wondering when I had the time to hook up with a complete stranger and why Greg wasn’t the one taking me home. “I see.”

  My tummy clenched at how forlorn he sounded.

  I liked to think it was purely for wanting me to be happy and believing his son was the right candidate for the job, but some part believed he had ulterior motives. He’d been nothing but loyal to this company, my father, and me, but running a business for so long that wasn’t yours must take a toll. Possession was a fundamental human flaw.

  “You must excuse me; I’m late for our date.” Penn chuckled. “As you know, Elle is strict on time-lines.”

  Fleur’s voice piped up. “I’m afraid, Mr. Everett, Ms. Charlston has said she’s busy for the next four years, and you’ll have to make an appointment.”

  “What?” His tone snapped through the door.

  A nervous giggle percolated in my chest. Why did I want to piss him off? I’d pay for it later, no doubt.

  Shit, this was a bad idea.

  “Why is Ms. Charlston telling you to make an appointment when you’re telling me you’re her fiancé?” Steve asked suspiciously.

  “No disrespect, sir, but it’s none of your business.”

  Steve replied, “I think you’ll find it is. Elle means a great deal to her father and me. She’s really stepped into his shoes and taken the company to even greater heights. She’s far too successful for her own good, and that means pariahs are out there who see her as an easy target to her vast empire.”

  Damn you, Steve.

  Everyone made it sound as if I were some elusive unicorn to be hunted and snared. I wasn’t special or unique. I was bland and boring. A workaholic imprisoned since birth.

  “I’m not one of those pariahs, believe me,” Penn muttered. “However, I can’t say the same for your son.”

  Oh, my God. Did he truly just say that?

  “Excuse me?” Steve blurted. “My son and Elle are extremely close. It’s only a matter of time before they progress from friends to something more. Whatever you think you have with her is at best a silly fling and at worst a future heartbreak. But mark my words, Greg will be there to pick up the pieces and make sure Elle is happy and protected. I don’t for a second believe in this marriage bullshit.”

  I hated the optimism in his voice along with the vaguely concealed threat for Penn to back away. That somehow Steve, even though he’d watched me turn from child to woman, still believed he controlled me enough to decide who I should share my body and life with.

  I’m surrounded by manipulators.

  “That will never happen,” Penn snapped. “After the interesting conversations I’ve had with Ms. Charlston, I can safely say she isn’t remotely interested in your son.”

  Oh, no. Please someone stop him.

  “In fact, she distinctly said she didn’t want to have a thing to do with him. She wants me. And she has me. Just li
ke I have her. We’re engaged.”

  Steve mumbled something I couldn’t hear.

  Penn said, “That may be, but perhaps Ms. Charlston should be given the space to decide who she wants in her bed. Currently, that’s me, asshole.”

  Okay, that’s it.

  Wrenching my door open, I barreled into the waiting room. The soft furnishings and potted trees couldn’t distract me from my blistering anger toward the two men.

  “Once again, I’m shocked stupid.” I clamped both hands on my hips. “Steve, I expected better of you.”

  Steve had the decency to look down with his face flushed. “Sorry, Elle. I wasn’t saying that you and Greg were together but trying to protect your right to decide.”

  “No, you weren’t. You were trying to keep Belle Elle in the family. You and Dad are everything to me, and that’s why I won’t hold a grudge, but if you try to push me together with Greg again, I’ll refuse to speak to you. Do you understand?”

  “But Greg really likes you.”

  “Don’t care. Not interested.”

  Wow, the relief in finally speaking the truth and not worrying about other people’s feelings was immense.

  “Hello again, Elle. Does this mean you’re available for our second date now and not in four years’ time?” Penn planted his feet and smirked. “After all, you just admitted you’re more interested in me than anyone else.”

  I turned burning blue eyes on him. “I’m only interested in watching you fall off one of our buildings, Mr. Everett.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, now. Don’t be like that. I just did you a favor. One of many, I might add. You no longer have to deal with Greg.” He fiddled with a cufflink. “That was because of me. You owe me.”

  “I don’t owe you anything. I revoke my yes.” My nose tipped upward. “It’s been amended to a resounding no. Now, go away.”

  I spun around and marched back into my office, slamming the door in his face. The second I was away from him, I kicked off my heels and bolted into the bathroom. Grabbing the sink, I stared at myself in the mirror. Hot points danced on my cheeks, and wild insanity replaced my calm capableness.

  What was I thinking by saying yes to that man?

  I hated the way he made my blood boil. I couldn’t stand the way he spread rumors and none-truths on my behalf. No man since Nameless had earned a reaction from me—either in like or hate. I wasn’t ready to fight. I didn't have time to welcome attraction.


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