Having Adam's Baby (Harlequin Special Edition)

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Having Adam's Baby (Harlequin Special Edition) Page 14

by Butler, Christyne

  “Walk toward me.”

  He guided her outside, the heat of the July day making her glad she’d slipped on a pair of simple cotton shorts and shirt. The smooth wood of the porch was warm beneath her bare feet as she shuffled forward.

  “Stand here.” He released her hand, and she felt him move in behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Now open your eyes.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Fay did as he asked, stunned at the sight before her. “Oh, Adam! What have you done?”

  He tightened his grip slightly, then eased his hold and gently caressed her upper arms with his fingertips. “You don’t like it?”

  Fighting against her body’s response to his touch, she stared at the vehicle, a cross between a van and delivery truck, sitting in the shaded half-circle driveway next to Adam’s pickup. Shiny and new, the truck was a pale green color, a shade lighter than the tint of the magnetic shop logo stuck on the side.

  “It’s beautiful, but how? Why?”

  “You need transportation.” He dropped his hands and moved to stand next to her. “I’ve had this in the works for a couple weeks. For what it’ll cost to have your van fixed, it just made sense to get a new one. So I did.”

  Just like that?

  “Adam, I can’t—I know the van was on its last leg, but this is too much. It costs too much.” She crossed her arms over her chest. Swallowing hard, she forced the words past her lips. “My bank account can’t afford this.”

  Taking her elbow, he half turned her until she faced him. She looked into his eyes, read understanding in his gaze, but there was something else there, too. Concern? No, the stark emotion shining from his dark eyes was closer to fear.

  “When I saw you on the side of the road last night, the van half in the ditch—” He paused, pressing his lips into a hard line. He then cleared his throat and continued. “That sight about killed me. That I couldn’t get to you. You needed my help and I couldn’t be right there.”

  “Adam, I’m fine.” She dropped her arms, one hand resting over her belly. “I told you—”

  “I know I can’t be with you all the time, to keep you and the baby safe,” he continued, overriding her words. “But when I can do something, like provide reliable transportation, you need to let me.”

  Adam stepped closer, laid his hand across her belly below hers, gently cupping the slight swell that was their child. Her stomach muscles jumped—as much a reaction to his surprise move as to the heat of his touch—and he recoiled.

  She quickly placed her fingers over his before he could pull completely away. “Go on. I can tell you have more you want to say.”

  “Besides the fact the shop requires a vehicle like this to move supplies and materials, you explained last night how your delivery service is a major part of your business. Not to mention how much it means to you to see someone’s face light up when they receive the gift of flowers.” He gestured toward the driveway with his head. “Well, consider this my gift…for the baby. He deserves to be kept safe for the next seven months.”

  That was some gift. And the first she’d received for the child she carried.

  Fay smiled. “He?”

  “Or she.” Adam shared her smile. “Either way is fine with me.”

  Oh, how the way this man’s mouth rose at one corner into a sexy grin made her weak in the knees. She forced herself to look away and peered again at her new mode of transportation. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Try thank you.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Thank you. From the both of us.”

  Adam’s fingers pressed to her belly lightly for a moment and then, as if he’d finally realized he’d been touching her this whole time, he backed away. He tugged on the brim of his Stetson, pulling it low on his brow. She tried not to take his sudden retreat personally, not after what he’d just done, but it still stung.

  “Why don’t we take your new wheels out for a little spin?” He dug into a pocket for a set of keys. “You can get a feel for how it moves.”

  “I should really finish my breakfast.” Looking down, Fay wiggled her bare toes. “And I need to get shoes on.”

  “All right.” He placed the keys in her hand and then headed down the front steps, Shadow on his heels. “I’ve got some work to do. Come get me when you’re ready to head out.”

  “Aren’t you hungry? I’ve got fresh coffee made.”

  He shook his head and kept walking. “Thanks, but I ate when Dev picked me up this morning. Keep the coffee warm, okay? I’ll get some later.”

  Fay wasn’t sure what she wanted more. To take her new van out for a drive or to recreate the closeness she and Adam just shared before he shut down on her.

  Hurrying back inside, she finished off her breakfast and brushed her teeth. She slipped her feet into a pair of simple canvas sneakers, grabbed her purse and paused to check her reflection in the mirror, accepting that the half up, half down hairstyle would have to do.

  Back outside, she tightened her grip on the new set of keys and walked toward Adam who was standing near the still dismantled barn. “I’m ready to go.”

  He looked up, and slowly lowered the hammer in his hand. “That was fast.”

  “What can I say? You got me all excited.” She bit hard on her bottom lip, barely able to hold back her groan. “About the van, I mean. I want to give it a try. If you want to show me.”

  Adam held her gaze for a long moment before he laid the hammer on the workbench and then unhooked the tool belt that hung low around his hips.

  Fay’s mouth went dry. She quickly spun around and headed for the driveway. Opening the van’s passenger-side door, she reached for the owner’s manual stored in the glove compartment.

  “Don’t tell me you’re one of those people who actually reads those things.” His words drifted over her shoulder.

  She turned. Adam stood behind her, one arm braced against the door frame. “From cover to cover.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much.” He grinned, then stepped back. “For now, we’ll just go over the basics, okay?”

  Nodding, Fay followed him around to the driver’s side, sliding behind the wheel as he pointed out the rear-view camera and reverse sensor system. She loved the dual sliding doors—perfect for deliveries—but when he’d opened the back-end cargo doors revealing the customized shelving unit, with its cabinets, racks and drawers, fresh tears flooded her eyes.

  “You can rearrange the shelving any way you want,” Adam said. “Depending on if you’re doing just regular running around or if you have a big event like a wedding—Fay, what is it?”

  A quick and simple thank-you kiss. On the cheek.

  She could honestly say that had been her plan, but when she placed one hand on the side of Adam’s face to steady herself, he turned to her and their mouths collided.

  A low moan slipped past her lips seconds before his tongue chased after it. She closed her eyes and welcomed him, knowing in a heartbeat how much she wanted Adam to kiss her.


  One arm anchored around her waist, pressing her body fully to his. His other hand grazed her jaw before burrowing into her curls. He held her in place and she leaned into him, letting him know there was no place else she’d rather be.

  This time, the kiss was different.

  Powerful as when he’d kissed her less than forty-eight hours ago, but this time there was a slow control, a slow build as Adam angled his head, deepening the kiss and twisting the restless desire inside her in a way she’d never felt before.

  His hand skimmed low on her back and molded over her backside, causing her hips to line up with his. She desperately longed for everything he wanted to give, to share. Her fingers curled into the soft fabric of his shirt, tightening into a fist as she gave
back, shared with him.

  Then suddenly Adam stopped and lifted his mouth from hers. Her eyes flew open, locked with his, and she read his need, his desire, but still he released her and backed away.

  A cool rush of air flowed between them as he leaned against the inside of the cargo door, his gaze now locked on the gravel drive at their feet.

  He rubbed hard at his mouth with back of his hand, pausing and holding it there for a moment before letting it fall to his side. “Sorry. I have no idea where that came from.”


  “Yeah, that’s a lie. I know exactly where that came from, but we’d agreed not to go there.” He straightened and turned away, his focus on closing the door. “Boy, I’ve got to find a way— Ah, look, I’ll get these latched. Why don’t you jump in the driver’s seat and we’ll get going.”

  Not knowing what to do, other than wanting so badly to ask him to finish what he’d been about to say, Fay instead walked away. She used those moments alone to get her breathing under control.

  Seconds later, Adam climbed into the passenger seat. Except for small talk about the new van, nothing else was said as they drove around the back roads before heading for town. By the time she parked outside her shop, Fay had to admit she was half in love with the vehicle.

  And right on the edge of being fully in love with Adam.

  On the way home, he surprised her with the news about his counseling sessions at the Veteran’s Medical Center in Cheyenne. The fact that he was taking steps to understand how his time overseas affected him meant the world to Fay. She should have told him that, but then they were home, their test drive complete.

  Three hours and a freshly made pot of coffee later, Adam left the house and headed for his office, claiming he had some work to catch up on.

  Fay wasn’t sure she believed him, but she kept busy with laundry and dusting. By midafternoon, she stared at the open freezer, realizing she hadn’t taken anything out for dinner tonight. She wanted to do something special, to somehow thank Adam for his amazing gift.

  And that amazing kiss?

  The phone rang, interrupting her thoughts as she pulled out a couple of steaks. Tossing the frozen package on the counter, she almost grabbed the receiver, then paused.

  This was Adam’s home, Adam’s phone. She didn’t have any right to answer. Four rings and then it stopped. She guessed it went to his voice mail.

  Then the song about never promising someone a rose garden filled the air. Fay grabbed her cell phone from the outside pocket of her purse and glanced at the display.

  “Hey, Peggy,” she answered taking a seat at the dining table. Shadow roused from where he’d been napping in a puddle of sunlight and joined her, laying his head on her lap. “Is everything okay at the shop?”

  “Everything’s fine. You’ll never guess who just walked out of here.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re calling to pass along local gossip.”

  “Even if it concerns you?”

  Fay’s stomach clenched, her fingers tightening in the dog’s fur. She’d only been staying with Adam for two days. Was it all over town already?

  She forced herself to pull in a deep breath and slowly release it. “Me?”

  “You know Jackie Timkins, right?”

  The name sounded familiar, but Destiny was such a small town, that happened quite often. She thought for a moment, trying to place the woman. “She works at the Blue Creek, right?”

  “She’s the assistant manager, but because Racy’s been staying home with the twins full time, she’s now the acting manager.”

  During the ride back to Adam’s last night, Fay had asked about Racy and the babies. Gage had smiled then said he and his wife had their hands full taking care of their twins, a boy and a girl, born just a couple of months ago. “What about her?”

  “Well, I guess Jackie has gone out a few times with Dev Murphy. I mean, there’s not too many ladies in this town who haven’t spent time with Dev—”

  “You haven’t.” Fay cut off her friend. “Have you?”

  Peggy sighed into the phone. “No. I told you, Dev and I are just friends. Anyway, Jackie said that Michelle, one of her waitresses, just moved back to Destiny from Reno and she was very excited to find out that Dev’s brother, Adam—your Adam—was back in town as well.”

  “He’s not ‘my Adam.’”

  “Right, and I’ve got a bridge in Brooklyn I can get a great deal on. Will you let me finish?”

  Fay thought back at how surprised Peggy had been last night when she’d confided in her about the pregnancy and her new living arrangements. It had taken a lot of convincing before her employee accepted that there was nothing going on between her and Adam.

  Except the fact they were having baby together.

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Well, I guess Michelle and Adam went out on a few dates before he shipped out last time. I mean, that was well over a year and half ago, but she suggested to Jackie the four of them double date. I guess she’s determined to ‘hook back up and cross the finish line,’ if you get my meaning.”

  Yes, Fay understood all too well.

  Bracing her elbows on the table, she pressed her fingertips to her lips. News like this shouldn’t come as a surprise, still a dull ache rose in her chest. She remembered how Adam had stressed the sparseness of his sexual activity while talking with Liz, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t dated. Of course he had. Back then, they had been very different people at very different places in their lives.

  Now, because of one crazy night, their lives were forever entwined, but that didn’t mean—

  They weren’t—

  Adam had made it clear after both kisses he didn’t want to get involved.

  “Fay? You still there?”

  Pulled from her jumbled thoughts, she nodded, then realized Peggy couldn’t see her. “Y-yes, I’m here, but I don’t think you needed to call and tell me this.”

  “Are you kidding? If I knew someone was going after my man—I mean, if I’d known what my ex-husband was doing during all those long hours at work—” Peggy’s voice changed suddenly, catching on a half-sob. “I just thought… Oh, I’m sorry, Fay.”

  “Don’t be. I understand.”

  This was less about gossip and more about what her friend had gone through with the demise of her marriage. They spoke for a few more minutes with Fay offering to come into town, but Peggy brushed her off. She assured Fay everything was okay and ended the call when a customer entered the shop.

  Setting her phone down, she breathed deeply as the pain in her chest curled into a tight ball that took direct aim at her heart.

  She thought about her friend and all she was going through, her thoughts drifting from the failure of Peggy’s marriage to the failure of her own. Divorce and death. Different causes, but both left the survivor confused, angry and hurt.

  And just when Fay had been sure she’d worked through her feelings for Adam, moving from anger to an uneasy companionship over being first-time parents, Peggy’s news about him dating that waitress bothered her. In their conversations about the fact they were having a baby together, they’d never talked about their personal lives or whether they’d be involved with other people.

  She didn’t have a personal life, at least not one beyond dealing with the financial fallout after Scott’s death and one passionate night with Adam.

  Finding out about the baby had made her realize it was time to let go of the past, accept that she’d done the best she could to fix the wrongs thrust upon her and move forward.

  To make a life for her and the baby.

  A life that might include Adam?

  Had she accepted his offer to move in too quickly? Due to her still-tight financial situation, it wasn’t l
ike she had any other choice. Especially with Liz’s warning to take it easy for the next several months.

  Shadow whimpered, as if he understood her confusion.

  “No, moving in here was the best thing for the baby.” She spoke aloud, to herself as much as to the dog, and then looked around the beautiful home she’d worked so hard on before Adam returned.

  No wonder she felt so comfortable here, having had a free hand in decorating this place as she pleased. Playing up the masculine features of the leather furniture and iron-and-wood tables Adam already owned, she’d chosen fabrics, dishes and accessories that added color and style, turning this bachelor pad into a home.

  A home for a family?

  Then again, when she’d started working on the house, she hadn’t known she was pregnant. Despite the grief and pain she’d tried to hold on to from the moment she’d stepped inside this place again, there’d been a part of her that couldn’t forget those magical hours she’d spent in Adam’s arms.

  Had she subconsciously wanted to create a home with the man she’d spent months blaming for all the tragedy in her life? The same man who, many years ago, had caused her to second-guess her decision to marry Scott in the first place?

  If a child hadn’t been created almost three months ago, would she have found a way to move on?

  With Adam?

  “Oh, what am I doing?” she groaned. “I can’t fall in love again. I won’t—”

  The sound of a car door slamming shut pulled Fay from her thoughts. She scrubbed her hands over her face, surprised to find wetness on her cheeks.

  Shadow headed for the front door, his tail already wagging when three quick knocks sounded from the other side. Rising, she followed. A quick peek past the buffalo-checked curtains revealed Adam’s mother standing on their front porch.

  His front porch. Her son’s front porch.

  Oh, darn it! Fay yanked open the door and plastered a smile on her face. “Elise, h-how nice to see you.”

  Seconds later the older woman wrapped her in her arms.


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