Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

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Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series Page 3

by Temple, A. J.

  Robert wasted no time in removing his own clothes, to reveal a body muscled from hard work on the highland estate. Broad chested, with a ‘six pack’ stomach of rip-cord muscle; He easily picked up Sally and threw her screaming and giggling onto the bed.

  Their love-making was intense and yet gentle; as they both acknowledged the romance of the moment. As newlyweds; their first act of consummation was on a romantic cruise headed for the Mediterranean. Sally thought that it was possibly the best moment of her life so far; and thanked God again for the circumstances that had brought them together.

  Robert groaned as Sally told him to “Get a move on.” It was time to get showered and ready for the evening meal.

  “Come on Robert – you’ve got 15 minutes!”

  “Phew..I’m exhausted now!” He said, only half in jest.

  “Ha…so much for my ‘Sexual T-Rex.’ I’m about ready for another round!” She said jokingly to a wide-eyed Robert.

  “Woman have mercy! I’m off to the shower before I get accosted!”

  They were in fact just a minute early for the evening meal; as was evident by the line of people that snaked all the way up the stairs from the dining hall. Robert groaned; he hated waiting in queues of any kind, and for any purpose.

  “Robert, behave yourself; what do you expect in a ship with over 3,500 passengers!” Sally said exasperated.

  “Yea I know Sally; I just hope it’s not like this every night!”

  Sally gave him a light nudge, as the line started moving and they were soon being seated at a large round table that already had one other couple, but was set to accommodate ten guests in total. They were in fact the first to arrive, but were soon joined by the other guests who seemed to be a collection of mainly retired individuals – with the exception of two, Robert noted.

  One was a startlingly attractive girl in her mid-twenties, who enjoyed showing off her bosoms to full effect; and the other was a man in his early forties.

  Polite muted conversation followed as introductions were made, and people assessed their table companions for the duration of the cruise. Robert was stunned to find out that the girl with the ample breasts – and who sat on his right side – was in fact the wife of the elderly man he presumed was her father. Eight of the guests were couples and two were single, including the man in his forties; who Robert took an immediate dislike to.

  “Thank the Lord, that at least he is at the furthest place away from me at any rate.” He thought to himself, not quite sure why he had taken such an aversion to the man.

  Sally had of course spotted the busty girl, called Melanie, and was not pleased with the fact that she was placed on the opposite side of Robert.

  “If he turns his head sideways; he’s going to see what she’s had for breakfast!” She fumed silently to herself, as Melanie caught the attention of every male at the table.

  Robert himself was not immune to her obvious charms, especially as she seemed to be taking a keen interest in himself.

  “So Robert.” Melanie spoke with a quiet husky voice, of a woman at ease with an audience. “You are on your honeymoon with your charming young wife! How romantic for you both.” She flashed her dark eyes at Robert, whilst nodding easily to Sally on his opposite side. Just as Sally feared would happen; her breasts bulged out even more as she twisted slightly in the seat to speak to Robert. Infuriatingly she could see that Melanie had his full attention.

  “Unbelievable!” She thought to herself. “A quick flash of her tits, and his blessed tongue is hanging out like a hound dog!”

  Stefan meanwhile, sitting opposite; could not help but admire the vision before him. Robert it seems was the luckiest man at the table, having a gorgeous blonde on one side; and an equally gorgeous brunette on the other. Both girls were well endowed in the breast department; though he suspected the brunette - who enjoyed having hers on display it seemed – was no stranger to the plastic surgeon. He was also quite amused to see, that Roberts wife did not seem to see the funny side of the seating arrangement. “Well now, this does promise to be a very entertaining table. With the chemistry going on between those three, …” He let his thoughts wander, as the conversation gathered pace and the menus were handed around.

  Before he had left Shirley at her room, he had politely asked if she would like to share the same table at the evening meal sessions; unfortunately however she had made prior arrangements. With the pre-dinner cocktails arranged however, he was more than satisfied he had Shirley ‘on the hook,’ everything was going nicely to plan. For Sally however, storm-clouds were on the horizon as Melanie brought her charms to bear on an unsuspecting Robert.

  The fact was, that Melanie was in an unsatisfying marriage; for her at any rate. Her husband John had made a fortune selling an online insurance company, and now wanted something attractive to hang on his arm. At 72 years old he was 46 years her senior; which was enough of an age-gap to attract some withering comments – especially from other females. Melanie herself was the first to admit that she was ‘not the sharpest knife in the drawer’ when it came to brains. However, she was smart enough to know how to utilise the superb figure that she had been blessed with – albeit with a few enhancements - to catch someone who could keep her In a style to which she would like to become accustomed. The age gap was an added bonus as far as she was concerned; after all, she reasoned, he could not last for much longer and she would be the sole beneficiary of his substantial fortune.

  It was simply put, a marriage of convenience. John had the financial wherewithal and She had the looks. There was only one thing wrong with this superb arrangement – sex was in short supply as John was all but impotent. Melanie on the other hand was a something of a nymphomaniac, and enjoyed sex just as often as she could get it. Fortunately for her, John did not mind her antics with other men, as long as she was discreet and came home to him at night. She did not have a problem with that compromise; sex was there for the taking if you were as attractive as she was – money and a millionaire lifestyle however, was a sight harder to obtain.


  Chapter 6

  Sally was seething inside, as they made their way back to their suite after the meal. It wasn’t just the fact that Robert had given Melanie so much attention, that bothered her; it was the fact that it was the very first day of their honeymoon cruise. “The last thing he should be looking at, is another woman’s breasts!” she thought to herself. “Maybe I’m just being unreasonable, after all, if the woman spoke to him he could hardly help looking at her tits, being as they were on full display!”

  “Are you ok Sally? Didn’t you enjoy the meal?” Robert spoke out slightly concerned at the silence.

  “Eh..Oh, yes Robert I’m just fine; just a little distracted that’s all.”

  “Ok..What did you think of our table companions then? – I thought they were quite interesting; though I’m not sure about that guy opposite…Stefan was it?”

  “Yes they seemed ok, although I’m surprised you even noticed, as your eyes seemed to be elsewhere for most of the meal!” Blast it! She kicked herself for being so obvious.

  “What?…Ah so this is what the silence is all about!” He chuckled, serving to irritate Sally even further.

  She turned on him as they entered their cabin.

  “Don’t you ‘what’ me, you swine! I’ll bet you cannot even tell me what colour her eyes are, since yours were gazing at her cleavage most of the evening!” She stopped to take a deep breath, realising that she was in danger of completely losing the plot, and having a full-blown fight.

  Robert too, realised that he was on dangerous ground, and decided on a gentler tone.

  “Sally…Please you have it all wrong, honest. Why on earth would I want to settle for cheap hamburger, when I have prime steak at home?” He wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her gently on the neck. “I’m sorry honey, you know that I would not do anything to hurt you at all – especially here on our honeymoon! Do you forgive me…please please please?”
r />   Sally felt her resolve melting away, as he held her in his arms and smothered her with kisses.

  “Ok Robert….but you are on probation – one wrong step and you’re in a whole world of pain!” She said laughingly as she settled down again.

  “You must admit though.” Said Robert with a cheeky grin as he felt the atmosphere lighten. “She did have great boobs!” He quickly jumped into the small toilet cubicle, and locked the door before Sally could get a grip on him.

  “YOU!” Was all she could say, as she saw her ‘brave man’ leap out of her clutches. Thankfully for Roberts sake, she did see the funny side of it; and before long they were getting ready for the late night show, and a few drinks in one of the many bars.

  It was just as they were headed through the busy promenade deck, that they bumped into two familiar faces. Raymond and Margaret were headed for the same show as it turned out, and seemed pleased to see them.

  “So how are you enjoying the cruise experience so far?” Margaret asked.

  “Well the ship is quite unbelievable I have to say, it’s so big in fact I’m really surprised to see you again!” Sally laughed.

  “And what about your first meal? I often find that a lot rests on the company at the table. If you have good friendly company, it can be quite fun to discuss the different trips that people have gone on.” Margaret continued enthusiastically.

  “Oh yes…we had some good friendly company at our table all right – didn’t we dearest?” She said sweetly to Robert, who caught just the slightest edge to her voice.

  He thought about teasing Sally again – then thought better off it, remembering her stern warning earlier. “Yes indeed, it is a good mix of people, and they all seem very friendly!” He looked sideways at Sally as he continued. “Though there is one guy who I’m not too sure about yet – he seems a little out of place somehow.”

  “Oh Robert.” Sally said exasperated. “You know nothing about him yet; give him a chance – he might surprise you!”

  “Yes indeed.” Raymond said. “The first meal together is usually a bit strange, but by the end of the cruise believe me, you will probably be swapping telephone numbers!”

  “Well, there’s one number I will definitely not be swapping!” Sally thought to herself as they strolled along to the show.

  The show itself was a bit of a disappointment, consisting as it did of an evening’s entertainment with an individual who classed himself as a Comedian – but who struggled to get a laugh even from the obviously inebriated. Both couples took the first opportunity to exit the theatre, and head over to one of the many bars that graced the mammoth ship. Passing by the casino, Sally had a quick glance in.

  “Look Robert, isn’t that Stefan at the roulette wheel? He seems to be rather cosy with that lady don’t you think!” They all looked to where Sally indicated, to see Stefan up-close-and-personal with a lady who was obviously many years his senior. Even from a distance, it was obvious that he was pouring on the charm.

  “I take it that the lady is not his mother then?” Raymond said with an amused smile on his face.

  “Hmph..well not unless he has sneaked her on board, and she is sitting at a separate table for dinner!” Sally retorted slightly bemused.

  “That’s the guy at our table, I said I was not sure about Raymond.” Robert said, without removing his eyes from Stefan; who at that moment looked up and saw that he had an audience. Giving a friendly wave at Robert and Sally, he whispered something into the ladies ear, and shepherded her away to a different table.

  “How odd.” Sally remarked. “He definitely had the look of a boy caught with his hands in the cookie jar!”

  Robert looked deep in thought.

  “Ok ‘Patrick Jane.’” – Sally was a big fan of ‘The Mentalist’ a popular TV criminologist – “What exactly are you thinking?”

  “Me? Oh.. nothing really…”

  “Spill it Robert!”

  “Well, it’s just that I have a bad feeling about that guy – something just isn’t right about him; and now I think I know what it is.”

  “Well?” Sally echoed the question on all their lips.

  Robert made a decision. “Nothing really…I’ll let you know when I’m a bit more certain!”

  “ROBERT!” Sally protested, digging him in the ribs.

  “No, honestly it’s nothing! Now let’s go and get that drink shall we? Raymond, you look like a man who is about to die of thirst – what will it be?

  “First of all, I’ll have to get the weight off my poor feet – then I will have a nice malt whiskey I think!”

  “Ah, a man after my own heart!”

  With that said, the subject was changed and drinks were ordered, as they chatted about the first port of call; Gibraltar.

  “I wouldn’t get too excited Sally.” Margaret pointed out. “Unless that is, you really want to do some duty-free shopping; or maybe you want to take the cable-car to see the Barberry apes?”

  “Not on your life Margaret, apes scare the life out of me! I might settle for some shopping though – It will be good just to get off the ship and stretch our legs a bit I think.”

  “Well another day’s sailing – hopefully the sea will stay calm around the bay of Biscay – and you can ‘shop till you drop’ my dear!” She laughed.


  Chapter 7

  The dreaded Bay of Biscay did stay calm for them, and the day passed lazily for all on board. The following day half the ship’s passengers spilled on to the dockside of Gibraltar harbour. As Margaret had predicted, the shopping was really the only attraction to Gibraltar, as far as Sally and Robert could tell. They agreed that whilst it was ok, they hoped the other ports would have more to offer. As it was, Robert managed to purchase a Rolex Oyster watch which was only six months old, and came with a full makers warranty for only £1,700 which in his opinion was an absolute steal.

  “I’ve always fancied a Rolex!” He’d told Sally showing off his purchase. “It’s a heck of a money though to be honest.” Sally then had the job of convincing him not to take it back, as guilt worked away at him for spending so much money.

  At the end of the day, they were glad to get back aboard the ship, and into the air-conditioning. Already things were heating up considerably, and being from ‘the cold north’ Robert was happy to get back and have a dip in the pool.

  “What about it Sally – fancy a quick swim?”

  “No thanks Robert; I think I’ll go lie down for a while and try to shake off this headache – I’ve obviously not been drinking enough water in all this heat!”

  “Ok, I’ll not be long, maybe an hour or so?”

  “That’s ok honey, I’ll have a quick nap I think.”

  Robert quickly got changed into his trunks under his shorts, and headed up to the pool on the ‘Aqua’ deck.

  It was fairly quiet when he arrived, as it was nearing 4pm and those who had not gone ashore for the day, were mostly getting ready to go for a bite to eat. They had both discovered early on, that eating apparently never stopped on a cruise ship!

  Robert swam a few lengths of the pool, then lay against the side, just letting his legs float in front of him as he closed his eyes and soaked in the experience. After a few minutes of this bliss, he was aware of a presence close to him.

  “Hello Robert.” Came a sultry voice close to his ear. He knew immediately who it belonged to, and opening his eyes, found himself eye-level with Melanie’s breasts; barely covered by the skimpiest of bikini’s.

  “Oh.ah..yes..Melanie how good to see you.” He stammered, much to her amusement.

  “Really Robert, don’t tell me you haven’t seen a woman in a bikini before!” She teased.

  Robert quickly regained his composure, and quipped back. “Well to be honest – I’m still looking for the bikini – there isn’t much off it after all is there?”

  Melanie laughed delightedly and with a small voice said. “Well, just between you and me; my husband paid for them and he likes to see
what he’s paid for occasionally!” She gave him a sly wink as she motioned over to John, who gave them a wave from their sun-lounger.

  Robert was a little disconcerted by that, and by the fact that this stunningly attractive woman who had the attention of every man in the pool area; was paying him such obvious attention. As flattering as it was, he knew trouble when he seen it – and she was trouble with a capital ‘T’.

  Melanie meanwhile was devouring Robert in her mind, imagining the fun she could have with his taut muscled body. She had no doubt that he was in love with his beautiful wife – it was very obvious they were devoted to one another. She was also well aware however that when it came to sex, men were fairly easily tempted – you just had to put the right package in front of them – and Melanie knew that she had ‘the goods’ when it came to tempting packages.

  “It’s just a matter of time Melanie.” She said to herself. “And I have almost two whole weeks to get this stud into my bed – the sooner the better!”

  Robert could not help but be aware of her overwhelming sexuality, especially at close quarters such as this; and her more than half naked. He quickly dropped himself lower in the water as he realised that it was beginning to show.

  “Ah, yes well Melanie – I’ll maybe see you later at dinner then?” He said as he made to leave.

  “Yes of course Robert, I wouldn’t miss it! Do tell your lovely wife…Sally is it? That I was asking for her will you. Is she well?”

  “Oh yes thanks, she just has a headache from the heat I think. I’m just going off now to see to her.”

  “Hmm, why don’t you see to me instead Robert?” She almost blurted out, but instead answered. “Oh that’s too bad, do give her my regards; and we will see you at dinner.” She gave him one more penetrating look, then plunged into the water; her firm buttocks showing seemingly naked as she swam away from Robert.


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