Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series

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Sally’s Honeymoon: Book 4 Of A Contemporary Romance Short Story Series Page 6

by Temple, A. J.

  “Meaning that it was all her doing. She lured poor Robert to her room pretending she was not well. She set a trap for him Sally….but it did not work. Robert refused her, he even pushed her out of the way!” John chuckled at the thought.

  “Oh please excuse me – but you can understand; a woman like Melanie is not used to rejection!”

  Sally felt a lightness descend on her. “Oh my Lord, what have I done!”

  “My dear do not condemn yourself – you have done what any woman would have done under the circumstances. However I hope that this will set the record straight; your husband is an honourable man, my wife on the other hand…”

  “Oh John, I’m terribly sorry for you!” Sally reached out to touch his arm.

  “Oh no Sally, please don’t be. I’m a seventy two year old man, married to a stunningly beautiful woman with the kind of body that most men can only dream about. She married me for my money, and I married her for her looks!”

  “But how do you cope with her playing around with other men?” Sally asked shocked.

  “Ah well, most of the time she is quite discreet; she is a young woman after all, and she has physical needs that I cannot supply unfortunately. This time however she has ‘exceeded her remit’ so to speak; and she is truly repentant. It was her idea for me to seek you out; fearing that you would most likely sink something sharp into her ribs!”

  “Well she did have that right!” Sally sniggered, relief pouring over her.

  “What a mess, I wonder where on earth Robert is – I think I have an apology to make..sort off!”

  “Oh I can tell you that my dear. He is in your room waiting for you – I’ve just left him there!”

  “WHAT!” She said, incredulous.

  “Oh yes; you are not the only one I had to apologise to! I told him to wait till I’d spoken to you; that I would seek you out and tell you everything.”

  Sally gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thank you so much John – you might just have saved our marriage!

  But what about Melanie - What will you do now?”

  “Oh don’t you worry about that; she now owes me big time! As you say. I gave her a real rollicking over this, and she will be on her best behaviour for some time to come. The thought of being removed from my will, is enough to ensure that!” John gave a tired grin.

  Sally quickly got to her feet - a little unsteadily due to the two large scotches she had downed – and headed down to the cabin with a new lightness in her step. The marriage was saved, Robert had not been unfaithful after all. She was in tears again by the time she reached the cabin and opened the door to a distraught Robert.

  Saying nothing, she threw herself into his arms and smothered him with wet kisses.

  “Sally I…”

  She placed a gentle finger over his lips. No more needed to be said, as she opened herself to his warm embrace; and exalted in the fact that he had not been unfaithful, but in fact had withstood a test that would have caused many men to fall.


  Chapter 12

  Later that evening Raymond was finally airlifted off the ship, much to the entertainment of the passengers who lined the railings to see the procedure carried out. Sally gasped as poor Raymond’s stretcher bounced off the underside of the helicopter, as it was winched aboard in strong winds. Margaret was stricken with fear, and it was only with much gentle persuasion from Robert and Sally, that she was convinced he would be all right.

  Next morning, true to their word, the cruise line had arranged for transport to the hospital in Nice where he had been admitted. Sally and Robert both went with her to help with the luggage; as she was forced to leave the cruise and arrange accommodation near the hospital.

  It was a tearful but happy re-union with Raymond in the hospital, as they were all assured he would make a full recovery.

  Margaret secured accommodation at a nearby hotel, and after they had settled her in, and said their farewells; they headed for a quick tour of Nice before heading back to Cannes where the ship had docked.

  “Can I dare to bring up the subject of last night Robert? There is something that you might find interesting!”

  “Before you do…Are you cool with it all?” Robert asked looking slightly alarmed.

  “Yes honey I am totally cool with it!” Sally gave him a hug to emphasise the point.

  “So what is it then?”

  “You know Stefan, that you, sorry we, are not sure about?”

  “Yes, what about him?”

  “Well, it’s just that he came to your defence last night!”

  “What! How exactly did he do that?”

  Sally went on to repeat her conversation with the observant Stefan. Robert looked stunned.

  “So you mean to tell me, that not only had he guessed that we are suspicious of him; he had also figured out what had happened with Melanie?”

  “Well it certainly seems like it doesn’t it!”

  “Unbelievable! So he actually spoke out in my defence?”

  “Yes he did.” Sally repeated.

  “It looks like I owe that man a drink!”

  “Yes you do; it seems like we both owe him one – although he did not say anything about Shirley; except acknowledge she was old enough to be his mother!”

  “Ah well, never mind. Now that you have changed our dining arrangements, we may never see them again!”

  The first thing that Sally had done after the ‘infamous incident’ was to insist on a change to the dining arrangements. They now had an earlier time, and a table for two set up for the remainder of the cruise.

  “That’s not the point Robert, the poor woman still has to be looked out for!”

  “Ok ok..I’ll try and have a little word with him before the cruise ends; I can use the excuse of thanking him for his intercession on my behalf. Then maybe try and find out what his game is – that sound ok to you?”

  “Your my hero Charlie Brown!” Sally hugged him, laughing as they made their way back aboard the ship.

  The next day was the port of Civitavecchia, which is the port for trips to Rome. Both decided that after the recent traumatic events however, that they would stay on board the ship and take advantage of the facilities, which would be quiet, with most of the people heading out to Rome. Sally personally was still a little fragile, and was glad to stay aboard and ‘chill.’ Both looked forward to the trip to Naples.

  By the time the ship docked at Naples, Sally and Robert had sorted out a routine between them. Both of them would get up about 7am, well before the crowds had started. Sally would go for a run around the ships running track, while Robert – if he did not join her – would go for an early morning coffee and fresh made Danish pastry.

  Robert loved the peace and quiet of the early morning, and watching the Mediterranean sun rising over a glassy sea, was his idea of heaven.

  When Sally had finished her run, she would come and join him and they would head off to breakfast.

  This morning, a jaunt around Naples was on the agenda, and Sally was particularly looking forward to it.

  “So what’s the routine honey?” Robert asked, as Sally usually liked to take some control over the trips.

  “Well the ship really berths just a short walk away from the city, so I thought we could just take a snack and some drinks, and leg it!”

  “Sounds good to me honey. Mind you, it’s going to be blistering hot today!”

  “Yes indeed.. That’s why I have packed plenty of sun block!”

  Robert gave a groan, he hated putting on sun block, or any other cream for that matter. Sally however was not daunted.

  “Oh, stop your groaning Robert; your putting this sun block on and that’s final!”

  Robert did as he was told. “Only a few days married and already under the cosh!” He grimaced to himself, as he considered how it had seemed doomed just a short while ago.

  They journeyed out into the City of Naples, first heading up into the old town then gradually working themselves to th
e East of the city towards the coast, and following the coastline until they reached an old Castle called the Castel dell'Ovo. It stood solidly on a small island of rock, and was accessible by a single road from the mainland.

  They both strolled over the narrow road bridge that led not only to the castle itself; but also to a small community at its base, which consisted mainly of pizza restaurants catering for the many tourists who came to see the castle.

  After running the gauntlet of the zealous waiters who seemed to take a great pride in pulling in customers, they finally succumbed and settled down under the shade of the massive fortress.

  “Isn’t this amazing.” Robert said while looking up at the stone buttresses of the castle. “I wonder just how old it is?”

  “Ah, you wonder about the castle.” The waiter said, as he approached the table with their order of pizza and cold drinks. “I know a little of it.”

  “You speak very good English!” Sally complimented the man, who was in his early thirties and very charming.

  “Ah, thank you so much. I actually worked in England for 5 years; it was a good experience for me.”

  “And now you are back home. Do you own the restaurant then?”

  “Unfortunately no; it belongs to my father, but someday I hope to take over the business.” He nodded dreamily at the thought; then remembered about the Castle.

  “Ah..the castle. It is called castle dell’Ovo, which means ‘egg castle.’ This is because when it was built in the 6th century BC, Legend has it that Virgil the sorcerer, put a magic egg into the foundations to support and strengthen the fortifications of the castle and make it indestructible. Unfortunately it did not protect it against the local inhabitants who demolished it in the 9th Century to prevent its use by the Saracens! The castle you see before you now was actually built by the Normans in the 12th Century, on the foundations of the old one.”

  “Isn’t that fantastic.” Said Robert impressed. “So it is still built on the ‘magic egg’ then!”

  The waiter laughed. “Yes indeed, though I’d imagine it would have been well scrambled by then!”

  He was still chuckling as he left them to bask in the romance of the setting, enjoying Good food, and building memories that would stay with them forever.

  When they had finished their pizza, they immediately set off to explore the ancient castle; Robert being particularly keen as this was his more of his idea of a great building, rather than the ornate stonework of Gaudi.

  “Honestly Sally, if ever I could afford it, I would love to stay in an old Castle! The thought of all the history that has gone before you, I think is just mind-boggling!”

  The day, they both agreed, had been a great success as they took a leisurely stroll back to the ship; admiring the view of the Bay of Naples, and dreaming of the possibilities of owning an apartment someday, overlooking the famous waterfront.

  That evening they enjoyed their meal, Sally much more relaxed and at ease without the worry over Melanie – whom they had never seen since the recent turbulent events – and headed down to see the Ice Show. They both thought that this was a marvel, that a ship could have a full size ice rink on board, seemed to defy all logic.

  The show itself was performed by American, Russian and Canadian professional ice skaters; who they both agreed gave an excellent performance.

  “It’s definitely one of the highlights of the cruise for me!” Sally said, as she headed up the stairs to the cocktail bar.

  Robert nodded, commenting that he wished he had learned to skate when he was younger. “Oh never mind old man!” Sally poked him in the ribs. “Why don’t you just ‘Skate’ over to the bar and get the drinks eh!”

  “Oh yes…very funny dear – Not!” He dodged a weak blow from Sally and wandered over to get the drinks as commanded.


  Chapter 13

  Stefan was pleased, when he heard that the problems with Robert and sally had been sorted out. The fact was that although his own life was complicated, and his morals left a lot to be desired; he did in fact have a strong romantic streak in him. This meant that although he could not bring himself to settle down with one woman for the rest of his life; he liked to think that it was at least possible for others. He had an idealistic dream of sharing his life with his ‘soul mate,’ and being faithful to her forever; but up until now it had always been a dream that eluded him.

  “If only circumstances were different.” He mused to himself; knowing deep inside that he was just making excuses for his actions.

  He loved the lifestyle of the rich and famous, that was his first problem. The next problem was that he did not have any wealth of his own, and when he did acquire it through others; he soon lost it again – usually over the roulette table, or entertaining expensive women.

  He was standing at the bar mulling over his next move with Shirley, when Robert tapped him on the shoulder.

  “Ah Robert my friend. Is all well with you?”

  “It is now Stefan; thanks in part at least to your intervention!”

  “Think nothing of it Robert; I knew that woman would be trouble for you, right from the first night.”

  “How right you were Stefan – if only I had been so astute!”

  “Ha, do not beat yourself up my friend. I have had my share of trouble with such women, believe me! I recognise the signs only because of painful experience.”

  “Thanks Stefan. I have to admit though I was tempted – God help me!” Robert said, with guilt written all over his face.

  “Ha ha, who wouldn’t be - She has the body of a goddess! Temptation is not a sin my friend; falling to temptation; this is what brings down the wrath of God – or woman!”

  Robert ordered them a round of drinks, Sally having retreated back to the cabin for an early night, just a few minutes previously.

  “So where is Sally now?” Stefan inquired, nursing his drink thoughtfully.

  “Oh, she is just having an early night, we walked for miles all over Naples today! And what about Shirley, has she retired for the evening as well?”

  “Oh…yes she has a headache, and has decided to call it a day.”

  Robert decided to take the plunge.

  “Can I ask you Stefan – and I know that this is none of my business – but…you seem very friendly with Shirley…if you get my meaning.”

  Stefan looked intently at Robert before replying.

  “Well Robert; as you say – it is none of your business.” He paused to assess Roberts reaction to his next line. “However I will tell you that my life, is complicated. In fact I have made a real mess of it, if truth be told. And the truth my friend, is something that you will not often hear spoken from my lips!” He paused while he took a large swallow from the glass of Napoleon brandy, he had been warming in his palms.

  Robert remained silent, knowing that this was difficult for Stefan to admit; and if he said anything at all he risked Stefan just closing down.

  “I am not a good man Robert; I want you to know that. Oh yes I am capable of good deeds occasionally.” He stopped to raise a comical eyebrow at Robert. “But I am not a good man. I have hurt many people. I have broken many hearts; and still the madness continues.”

  Robert could not contain himself any longer. “Surely though, the fact you recognise that there is a problem, is the first step to doing something about it Stefan!”

  “Ah…words of wisdom indeed Robert.” He raised glass in salute. “And normally I would agree with you wholeheartedly; when it comes to applying good sense to my own life however….” He left the sentence unfinished, as he swallowed the rest of his Brandy and ordered another round for them both.

  Robert could hardly refuse, as he had instigated the conversation, and so was obliged to take it to its natural conclusion.

  Stefan talked on, and the drinks flowed; till finally they both reeled out of the bar arm in arm like old mates. Robert had lost count of the drinks he had consumed, and was only vaguely aware of staggering into the cabin in t
he early hours of the morning.

  He awoke with a head like thunder, and a stomach that was burning up with acid. Sally stood looking at the pathetic figure on the bed, as she held out a glass of water and a couple of aspirin’s.

  “Well dearest…I take it you had a good ‘chat’ with Stefan?”

  Robert just moaned a pitiful thanks, as he took the water and tried to wash away the gunge in his mouth.

  “Lord help me!” He groaned aloud. “My tongue feels like I’ve been licking the surface of a pool table all night - and I’m just about blinded by this headache!”

  “My poor baby!” Sally grinned at him. “Perhaps mummy should run you a little bath for you to relax in!”

  “Yes, that might be a good id……” He stopped, as he saw the look on Sally’s face. “Sally! It’s not funny – I feel terrible!”

  “And so you should – you dirty stop-out! Did you get anything resolved with Stefan? What are his intentions regarding Shirley? What about the …..”

  “SALLY! Stop please, my head’s thumping!”

  Sally stood in front of him, with her arms crossed. “Ok honey. I’m going upstairs for my breakfast, I’ve already been out for my jog. Can I maybe have a nice fried breakfast sent down to you? Maybe a nice greasy sausage and egg would settle things!”

  She jumped out of the way as Robert launched himself out of bed, and retched the contents of his stomach into the toilet basin.

  “That’ll be a no then!” She said quietly as she headed out the room, closing the door gently behind her.

  The fact was that she was not mad with Robert in the least, she had after all encouraged him to speak to Stefan. She just hoped that he had sorted something out, especially for Shirley’s sake.


  Chapter 14

  Sally enjoyed shopping and the café culture in the ports of Cagliari, and Cadiz; before the ship sailed on to Southampton. The last evening of Formal dress seemed to encourage people to make a special effort, before the cruise just became a distant memory, going the way of all life’s experiences no matter how impressive they are at the time.


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