Unbroken Hearts

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Unbroken Hearts Page 19

by K-lee Klein

  “Brett….” JT didn’t have an answer, but his brain worked quickly to think of an excuse. Ray saved him.

  “Come on, kid. My gout’s actin’ up, and I promised Matilda I’d stop by to wish her a Happy New Year.”

  “Gout?” Brett screwed up his face like a bad smell had assaulted him. They were in the doorway of the stables, so it wasn’t such a stretch. “Since when do you have gout?”

  “You don’t know all my business. Best keep that in mind, youngster.”

  JT was impressed with the level of commitment Ray was showing, assuming he was in on JT’s plan without JT knowing it. Millie knew though. “I agree. You don’t want to irritate that gout any more than you have to.”

  “Finally someone with sense.”

  “You sure you’re okay doing what has to be done in the stable, Ray?”

  “I got it, kid. Trust me.” Ray winked at JT, his gaze shining with mischief. “Now bugger off, both of you.”

  Before Brett could add his two cents, again, JT took his hand and yanked him away from a grinning Ray. It must have been harder than intended since Brett ended up off-balance, stumbling into JT and falling to his knees.

  “If you wanted me on my knees, all you had to do was say so. Can’t promise the cold won’t freeze something important off though.”

  “You’re such a jerk. Let’s go.” JT didn’t wait, just marched off. Brett eventually fell into step with him. He took JT’s hand and tucked it into the pocket of his sheepskin with his own.

  “So I was thinking,” Brett began, brushing their shoulders together. JT held back a sigh. Brett looked beautiful with the grayness of the day only serving to brighten his light eyes, the crooked turn up of his mouth just this side of sexy. But hadn’t Brett been difficult enough without adding more ideas into the mix? Apparently not…. “Bubba’s having some kind of shindig tonight. We could go. Make everyone jealous when I get to kiss the best-looking guy in the joint at midnight.”

  “How romantic,” JT quipped while his brain spun like a frenzied top to find an excuse. Having Brett invite him out was unexpected and made JT’s heart flutter. Any other time he’d have jumped at the chance to show off his cowboy. He forced a heavy sigh, as if he was making a really big decision. “But I, um, didn’t sleep very well last night, was looking forward to a quiet night in.”

  “Everything all right?” Brett tilted his face to look at JT from his crouched position. He clutched the tools he’d collected to his chest, the sudden worry on his face almost sending JT into a tailspin and making him give up the ghost right there. “Was I snoring too loud again?”

  “No, just the holidays.” JT lied like a guilt-infused lying liar. “I miss my grandma already too.”

  Brett shook his head, swearing softly under his breath. “I knew we should have arranged for her to stay longer. I promise we’ll get her here again soon.”

  “It’s okay, Brett. It was the best Christmas gift.” JT flicked the end of Brett’s rosy nose. “So what do you say? You and me. Hot tub. Some wine, maybe an extra kiss at midnight?”

  “Or before.” Brett’s look of love returned tenfold.

  “If you’re lucky and earn it.”

  “I’m always lucky with you, Darlin’. You sure you’re okay, though? Wanna take the day off? I’m okay with that. Not much to do after the corral and stables—”

  JT spoke over him. How exactly did he end up with such a sweetly gallant man as a partner? Talk about having a horseshoe up his ass. Instead of letting his overblown emotions get the best of him, he pushed past Brett to get to the pile of boards. “I’m not sick. But if you want to spoil me anyway, you can carry the heavy planks and I’ll take the tools.” He added the quirk of one brow strictly for entertainment purposes.

  Brett immediately shoved the toolbox at him. “Have I just been had?” he asked with no heat behind the words. “You know I’d take the heavy stuff anyhow.”

  “My hero.”

  “Brat. Let’s get to it, then. I’m planning on earning more than one extra kiss, that’s for damn sure.” And he did—way more with the way he kept his focus on the task and his hands off JT’s person. JT did miss his insistent flirting just a little.

  Work done, they had a late supper in front of the television in the family room then lounged on the sofa. Spartacus played in the background but they’d seen the episode at least five times before. It was always good dinner viewing.

  Brett tossed his last chicken bone onto his plate then reclined back into the couch cushions with a satisfied moan. “Damn good meal if I do say so myself.”

  “You have a way with fowl.”

  Brett took JT’s plate from his lap then snuggled in close. “Did you know Ray has gout?”

  JT hid his amusement and guilt against the side of Brett’s head, puffing stray hairs away from his mouth. “I think he made it up to shut you up and get his way, babe.”

  “Bastard lied to me? That’s a dirty trick to pull on a guy.”

  “I don’t think it was completely selfish on his part.” JT didn’t think Brett heard him, and that was perfectly okay.

  “Kind of expected him and Mama to drop by tonight.”

  JT snorted. “On New Year’s Eve? I’ll bet Millie has plans for a midnight kiss too.”

  “Thanks for burning that image into my brain, kid.”

  With a tug to Brett’s hair, JT said, “You’re being silly. You’ve seen them kiss before.”

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “She’s happy.”

  Brett butted his head against JT’s chin. “I know, and I’m happy about that, but… she’ll always be my mama, you know? I was born to take care of her.”

  “And you’re a good son, Darlin’.”

  “Oh you charmer,” Brett said, rearing up to smack a loud kiss to JT’s mouth. “Wanna turn on that ball-dropping countdown show? Almost time, isn’t it?”

  A sharp cackle preceded JT’s reply. “It’s not even ten o’clock.”

  “Well shit. That’ll teach us for having a nap at six o’clock. I’ve got my second wind now. How you feeling? Still not gonna let me kiss you until midnight?”

  JT unceremoniously dumped Brett off his lap. He wasn’t a monster though, and nabbed him before he hit the floor. “Grab your coat, cowboy.” He beat Brett into the entryway but was quickly followed.

  “Where we headed? Thought you wanted to stay in?” Brett held up their dirty dishes. “Just let me wash up. Won’t take a minute,” he said, all in one breath.

  “They’ll keep.” JT tossed Brett his jacket. “I feel like a walk. You game?” Nerves jittered under his skin. He sure hoped it wouldn’t just be a walk. He’d successfully kept Brett away from the stables all day, so the rest depended on whether Ray had done his part. He’d shot JT a wink and secret thumbs-up when he drove off for the day.

  They pounded down the porch steps side-by-side, the distant stables appearing like a beacon of hope for JT. Whiz joined them before they got there.

  “Looks like Whizzy wants to celebrate too,” Brett said, slowing to ruffle the dog’s scruff. “Ain’t that right, boy? We need to find you a pup of your own to smooch, yeah?”

  “Pretty sure Whiz only swings toward roosters.” They were positive the mutt had fallen in love with the lone rooster they’d added to the chicken coop.

  “Why everyone in this family gotta be weird?”

  “Speak for yourself,” JT hissed. “Hey, hang on. I just need to pop into the stables for a sec. Come on.”

  Brett held the door for JT and Whiz. “Little late for a ride, Darlin’. Good evening, ladies and gents. Almost Happy New Year to you,” he crooned to the horses that greeted him with accommodating whinnies. Brett turned to JT. “What did you need in here if we ain’t riding?”

  The door to their fated destination was closed, so JT took a deep breath and shifted so he was blocking Brett… just in case. He needn’t have worried, though. Ray had come through in a very big way. It was as perfect as JT had
pictured it in his head.

  “Holy shit,” Brett said when JT hit the lights. His gaze seemed glued to the disco ball shining in the middle of the room. The fairy lights scattered throughout made it absolutely come to life. JT almost squealed in excitement.


  Whiz punctuated the word with a howling bark. JT owed Ray the biggest favor ever. The room usually used for storage was decked to the nines. Besides the twinkling white lights, cheesy New Year’s decorations—ones JT definitely hadn’t supplied—were tacked to the walls, and a makeshift table made of sawhorses and a sheet of plywood had been set up to one side complete with a small cooler, some fancy goblets, and a bowl of Cheetos. The last was definitely Ray’s own personal touch.

  But it was the little cleared-away spot in the middle of the room that delighted JT the most. Ray had swept it clean, maybe even added a mop to give it a shine, and JT’s Bluetooth speaker sat on a TV tray all its own.

  “How did you…?” Brett started but stopped, his face open and emotional. The proof of his overwrought feelings glistened behind his eyes.

  “I kind of thought you suspected?”

  Brett shook his head so hard part of his ponytail came undone. “I knew you were hiding something this morning. Thought maybe you’d bought a bottle of champagne or something like that, but this… this is amazing.”

  “I have to give Ray the credit,” JT said matter-of-factly. “He took my idea and ran the hell out of it.”

  Brett peered incredulously at him. “The old man did all this?”

  “I’m almost certain Millie had something to do with it too.”

  “And the disco ball?”

  JT snickered as he shucked his outside clothes. “Believe it or not, that’s your mama’s contribution.”

  The guffaw Brett let loose startled Whiz to attention. “Oh shit, yes. She volunteered at that youth center and bought some of the weirdest stuff to entertain them with. Can’t believe she still has it.” He moved farther into the room. “Not exactly warm in here, unless you’ve got some sexy notions.” He waggled his eyebrows and licked his lips.

  JT tried his best to keep his libido in check… for now. “Space heater in the corner, but I don’t think we’ll need it since I intend on keeping you moving.” JT shuffled through the music on his phone until he came to what he was looking for. The first chords of the song dribbled through the speaker, and JT took his spot in the middle of the floor. He shuffled his feet, arms hanging limply at his side, then wiggled his bottom in Brett’s general direction.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” Brett held his position by the door. “No way. Are you seriously playing Cher?”

  “She’s a gay icon.”

  “Not with all gays, she’s not,” Brett said with a feigned frown. But JT knew all his tells. He was a secret Cher-lover for sure.

  “Come on, cowboy.”

  Brett was biting the inside of his cheek as he eyed JT with obvious amusement. “You want me to dance with you? To this?”

  “Live a little. It’s easy,” JT returned, slowly waving his arms over his head. Truth was he wasn’t a great dancer, but he could put on a show for Brett if he had to.

  “You want me to jump around like a jackrabbit for your New Year’s entertainment? I can think of better ways to imitate rabbits.” He waggled his eyebrows again.

  JT closed his eyes and ignored him. “Horndog. Two-by-four-stepping isn’t the only way to dance, you know. Do you see me jumping like some bunny on speed?” He peppered his statement by rocking back on his heels, then doing a little spin in the air.

  They laughed together then Brett finally shuffled into the little circle of lights. “No not at all. I’ve told you about all those souped-up events I had to go to when I was Brett Blakk.”

  “With a lady on your arm, of course.” JT wiggled his hips a little more, enticing Brett closer.

  “Of course. Club openings, dance clubs, you name it and I had to show up. Boring as hell, and the way some of those young people danced was almost obscene.”

  “Careful. Your age is showing. Besides, I’m your only lady tonight. Don’t you want to show me a good time?”

  “Hold that thought,” Brett said. He held his hand up as he hurried to the table Ray had set up. He was back instantly with a grin taking over his face. “If we’re going to do this, then we gotta do it right.”

  JT was mildly terrified when he saw what Brett was offering him. “Those are definitely not my props.”

  “Gotta be Mama’s influence again then. No way old Ray bought this sparkly shit.” He approached JT with both hands held out. “So, pick your poison.”

  There was no doubt which one JT wanted to see on Brett. “The tiara has your name on it.”

  “Need your eyes checked, kid? My Texas education is certain it says Happy New Year.”

  “The feathers go great with your hair. I wouldn’t want to ruin such an important moment in the fashion world.”

  Brett scowled at him, but it didn’t last long. “I think Ray’s right. You are getting a little big for your britches.”

  “Put your crown on, babe. It’s time to show me what you’re really made of.” JT took the silver, glitter-covered, plastic glasses from Brett. They were hilarious, especially since they included a little LED light on each end. He felt ridiculous, but seeing Brett in the feathery tiara made up for any discomfort. How was it possible for something so blatantly cheap to be so sexy at the same time?

  Brett nodded his approval, the tiara making every move he made freaking adorable. Then, not only did he join JT under the disco ball, but he leapt the final few feet. He grabbed JT around the waist, one hand flattened between his shoulder blades. Brett twirled him in a circle then dipped him all in one shot. JT struggled to get his bearings after, while Brett cackled like a witch and held him tight.

  “How’s that for fancy dancing? Almost knocked you off your feet, kid.”

  JT huffed away the feathers tickling his nose before kissing the corner of Brett’s exquisite smile. He pulled back quickly, gripping Brett’s waist before starting to sway. Brett was putty in his hands, following along as JT simultaneously moved their hips in a circle. “Come on. I know you can be a whole lot sexier even with that crown of feathers.”

  “You want sexy?” Brett drawled in that gravelly way that made JT’s nads tingle. Covering his own belt buckle, he took their dance to the next level. He arched his back and bent his knees, moving his torso in a more exaggerated, more seductive gyration, his tongue caressing his bottom lip, gazing lasciviously at JT and easily gaining his focus. JT’s breath hitched, his blood pressure rising. Nonetheless, he let Brett go, trying to smother his actual interest with a fake yawn. Brett could do way better than that.

  And he did.

  The zipper was next, passively undone tooth by damn tooth. Brett’s interest was apparent when the sides of his jeans were tugged back and his firm package revealed. “Brett. What are you—”

  Brett shut him up with a rough kiss, his hips grinding against JT’s. His silly glasses bumped both their noses but didn’t hinder the hotness of the moment. “Still wanna dance?”

  “Horizontally, definitely.” JT hadn’t meant to say it, but the truth was difficult to hide when the blood flow to his brain was suddenly cut off. By then, even the feathers on Brett’s tiara were turning him on.

  “I’d say I earned a few more kisses before the ball drops,” Brett purred in JT’s ear. He was too good for his own good really—too perfect for whatever JT had planned. He couldn’t remember what those plans had been and couldn’t have cared less about right then. “Wanna tell me what else you’ve schemed up?”

  “Just kiss me” was all JT could manage.

  In direct contradiction, Brett pulled away, but he tugged at JT’s waist so they were still bumping and grinding together. The things he could do to JT…. JT’s brain was mush. “Wait now. You went to a lot of trouble to arrange this. I’ll let you go back to running the show.”

nbsp; “Oh just shut up and take your pants off. Now.”

  “What about your little dance party?”

  “We’ll dance after you take advantage of me. Right now. Right here.”

  A groan snuck between Brett’s lips, but he recovered quickly. “Floor’s not the most comfortable—”

  JT broke away. He grabbed both their coats and threw them on the ground. “We’ve done it in worse places.”

  “Still don’t want to ruin what you worked so hard planning.” Brett’s mouth said one thing, but the lust in his eyes said something entirely different and dirty.

  “See that cooler over there?” JT asked between nips to Brett’s granite jaw. He didn’t let Brett answer. “There’s a bottle of champagne chilling, and it’s not going anywhere. It’ll be there when we’re done, and then we’ll toast the goddamn New Year, and I’ll make you dance until you have blisters.”

  “But first,” Brett prompted.

  “First you’re going to make me scream with your dick in my ass. How’s that sound?”

  Lighted glasses were tossed aside and feathers fluttered in the air when Brett eased JT to the ground. “Best New Year ever.”

  JUST A Surfer Kid and a Cowboy

  I know our love story’s just started

  Eyes open wide to take it all in

  But I blink to make sure I’m awake

  Because Darlin’ you make my head spin

  Sometimes I wonder how I lived without you

  With just my friend the bottle—guilty regrets left to stew

  I was madder than a hatter with my head not on straight

  I mistook grief for guilt, my heart filled with self-hate

  I had ghosts rattlin’ around this empty, old house

  With nowhere to go while my hopes headed south

  But if I’d known then what I surely know now

  I’d have declared you as mine, no doubts, nohow

  Because your love has changed me

  From broken to new

  From lonely and hopeless

  To live each day filled with you


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