His Virgin Widow

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His Virgin Widow Page 4

by Melinda Barron

  He laughed. “You forgot to say, ‘Master George’.” I could hear the humor in his voice. “Obviously, the first lesson didn’t take very well. We may have to repeat some of it. Don’t worry, Charlotte, I will make sure you are trained properly before you are introduced at The Club.”

  “What club?” I whispered.

  “We call ourselves The Rakes of Mayfair, but everyone just refers to it as The Club.” And then he laughed.

  Chapter 3

  My bottom was aching. I had pointedly tried not to grimace every time I sat down that evening, but I knew I failed miserably.

  My peacock blue dress had arrived on time and it fit me well. On Sarah’s command my maid had tightened the laces on my corset until I had trouble breathing. My breasts were pushed up high and the low-cut dress showed them off wonderfully. The maid had ignored my reddened behind, but I knew it would be the talk of the household staff.

  Lord Essex had arrived on time and our entrance at the Ellington crush caused quite a stir. Sarah loved the attention we received arriving in Lord Essex’s carriage. I had tried to melt into the woodwork, but Lord Essex had pulled me close. Geoffrey Edwards had given me a look of betrayal.

  Now, we were sitting at dinner. I had Lord Beaton on my left side and Lord Cannonberry on my right. Both had leaned in and kissed me on the cheek when we sat down and whispered, “Welcome to the Club, Mrs. Hudson.” And our host, Lord Ellington, had also saluted me with a glass of wine. He was a widower, a very handsome man whose twenty-year-old daughter Charity acted as his hostess. I wondered if she had done the seating arrangements, or if he had.

  What was going on? Was Lord Ellington part of these events? The trio had punished Amelia because she had broken the rules of the Club. I wondered who else was part of this Club. I looked around the table, trying to guess who else might enjoy spanking women. Lord Essex caught my eye and smiled wickedly at me. I intended to ask him about the Club tonight.

  And I felt my stomach tighten. Tonight. He was going to take my maidenhead tonight. I would get to see his manhood, which had felt so wonderful pressed against me earlier today. I blushed and looked down at my plate. When I looked back up he was still looking at me and I knew that he knew what I had been thinking about. He winked at me and turned to speak with Laura Winston, who was seated next to him.

  Was she part of The Club? How many of the women sitting at this table had their bottoms reddened on a regular basis? How many of them wiggled on Lord Essex’s lap while he played with their quim?

  My quim ached at the thought. Although the spanking had been painful the feelings that had come with it were extraordinary. I was torn with the desire to give myself totally to Lord Essex and the desire to run as far away from him as I could.

  It was during the dancing that I received the first answer to one of my questions. Lord Essex had claimed me at the first and refused to allow me to dance with others. This caused quite a bit of gossiping among those attending. I felt particularly bad about Geoffrey Edwards. I was sure I would receive a note from him in the morning breaking our theater engagement for Saturday evening.

  After the fourth dance Essex led us to the gardens, where he promptly headed toward the back of the house, opening the double doors that led to Lord Ellington’s study, despite my objections.

  “We can’t,” I said, pulling myself back. “Lord Ellington will be angry.” But Lord Ellington was not angry. He himself pushed open the door and ushered us inside. Lords Beaton and Cannonberry were seated on the couch.

  “Welcome, my dear,” Ellington said, kissing me lightly on the cheek and slapping me soundly on the bum. “You are very lovely. I can see why Essex set his sights on you.”

  He crossed the room and sat down in a large leather chair that was situated between two couches. “Please sit.” He gestured toward the unoccupied couch. I looked at Lord Essex and he nodded, leading me toward the trio. My heart was beating rapidly. Would I be spanked here, as Amelia was spanked at Lord Essex’s party?

  Ellington was clearly in charge. “Essex tells me that you enjoyed your spanking, and put up little fuss. I’m encouraged to hear that. He has had his eye on you for more than a year. Of course, he had to wait out your mourning.”

  I turned and looked sharply at Essex, who smiled at me and winked.

  “A founder must approve a new member,” Ellington continued. “Lord Buxton, who is out of town, and I founded the Rakes Club some fifteen years ago. You would be surprised at the number of women who enjoy a good spanking, as you did this afternoon.”

  I looked at him with new understanding, and then I turned to Essex. “You knew I was in the library that night. You set up the scene with Amelia, knowing I would see, wanting to know how I would react.”

  Lord Ellington laughed, his blue eyes alight with humor. “Very good, Mrs. Hudson. Yes, Essex wanted to see how you would react. And you reacted just as he hoped you would. You watched because you were fascinated. You wanted to see what was happening. And you didn’t stop it. You didn’t yell. You just watched. And today you put up little fuss, yes?”

  I nodded and looked at Essex.

  “I have to admit it was put together at the last minute,” Essex said. “Beaton saw you go into the library and we gathered Amelia quickly. She is always willing if she is going to have her bottom beat. As you could see, she loved it, just like you did while you were squirming on my lap this afternoon.”

  I lowered my head as I felt a blush come up.

  “I called you in here tonight because I wanted you to have all the information, Mrs. Hudson,” Lord Ellington said. “We have never before initiated a virgin in our Club. The rules are simple. Widows and wives only. The wives must have permission from their husbands. Each woman will come when she is summoned and submit to a spanking from the member who summoned her. Many times, her husband will go to watch. But you must know, a virgin widow is something we’ve never seen before.”

  I squirmed on my seat, my blush deepening.

  “Answer me truthfully, Mrs. Hudson. Did you enjoy the spanking you received this afternoon?”

  I wanted to say no, scream that I did not. I thought of Lord Essex’s fingers on my quim. Of his hand slapping my bum. I felt my quim stir. No, no, say no, my mind shouted. Instead I heard myself softly whisper, “Yes, Lord Ellington. I enjoyed it.”

  “Very well, Mrs. Hudson.” He sounded very pleased. “Essex will continue your education and training. You will make yourself available to him at all times. The full initiation will be here at my house, in about a month.”

  I looked at Lord Essex, who was beaming at me. He gently stroked my hair.

  “What is the full initiation?” My voice was a bit stronger than it had been moments ago.

  “You will have to perform in front of the entire club,” Ellington said. “There are eleven members. The event depends on what your sponsor enjoys the most. For Essex, it’s spanking.”

  I could feel myself shaking. Eleven men were going to watch me be spanked? Would I be naked? In front of them? I gasped softly at the thought, shaking my head to show my displeasure.

  Lord Essex rubbed his hand against my knee. “You’ll be fine, sweet one. You will do just fine.”

  “I do have a question,” I said softly.

  Lord Ellington stood looked at me inquiringly. “And what is that Mrs. Hudson?”

  “Are the members required to, well, um...” my voice faltered. I wanted to ask but was embarrassed to talk about so private a subject in front of three men I hardly knew. I should have kept it for later.

  George laughed and pulled me close. “I know what you want to ask sweet, and the answer is no. It’s the Rakes Club, not the sex club. Members are faithful to their spouses. If a single member wants to make herself available to another single member than that is another story, and between them only. That does not mean you won’t spend in front of others. Just as you spent so beautifully for me this afternoon. And you may be spanked by others, but only if I give my permission.”
  I blushed furiously at the mention of my pleasure. All four men laughed, and I turned away, the blush creeping down my throat.

  “She’s perfect, Essex. I’m terribly jealous,” Lord Cannonberry said.

  George laughed in response. I wondered what all this training would contain. And the thought of the public spanking scared me half to death, and thrilled me at the same time. Even more pressing to me, however, was the fact that tonight I would know what it was like to have a man between my thighs.

  Around midnight Lord Essex and I left Lord Ellington’s party. It was early, and Raymond showed his pleasure that Lord Essex and I were “spending some alone time together”. I thought he might as well say “take her to your bed and make her yours. Get her off my hands.”

  I did not make a fuss when the carriage headed to Lord Essex’s townhouse. I was more than ready to lose my maidenhead. My about turn from earlier this morning sent my head spinning. I knew it was from feeling Lord Essex’s hand on my quim while his other hand slapped my behind. Never had I felt something so wonderful.

  But when Lord Essex shut the door on his bedroom my bravado disappeared. My hands were shaking. I looked around the room. It was huge, and decorated in warm brown tones. A large four-poster bed was centered on a four-step dais. A couch and chairs were centered in front of the fireplace, which took up most of the far wall.

  I turned to Lord Essex, who was watching me intently.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” I whispered. “You can tell Lord Ellington for me. Rest assured I will not disclose your group.” I started backing toward the door.

  Lord Essex just smiled. “You forgot my proper title when we are alone, Charlotte. What is my title? How do you address me when we’re alone? Tell me Charlotte, now.”

  I shook my head. “Please, I’ve changed my mind. Just take me home, please.”

  “What is the proper address, Charlotte? You remembered it this afternoon. Tell me now.”

  I turned and reached for the doorknob, but Lord Essex grabbed me from behind and moved me toward the bed. He climbed the four steps, lifting me up and depositing me on my stomach in the middle of the soft mattress where he promptly straddled me, raising my arms above my head.

  “There is no turning back, Charlotte,” he said. “Now, how do you address me when we are alone together?”

  “Let me up,” I shouted. “You can’t force me. I’ve changed my mind.”

  He sighed heavily. “It’s a shame to ruin your new clothing, Charlotte.” His voice was like steel. “You will answer my question and then I can have a maid help you disrobe. Or you will continue to be disobedient and I will rip your new gown from your body. How will you explain that to your sweet mother-in-law?”

  I gasped. “You wouldn’t!”

  He laughed. “Oh, I would. Your already tarnished reputation would be totally ruined when you leave this house in borrowed clothing. Now tell me, what is the proper address?”

  “Master George.” My voice was soft. I loved this dress. I didn’t want it ripped.

  “Very good, Charlotte. Now, I’m going to let you up and I will summon a maid who will help you take off your dress. I want you to leave your corset and stockings on, though. When she leaves you will stand in front of me with your legs spread and your arms clasped behind your back.

  He rang for a maid and I felt myself shiver. The feelings I was experiencing were frightening me greatly. But I refused to show it to the servants. I raised my arms as the maid undid my stays. Essex watched from his chair, an angry look on his face. When the maid was done I was wearing my tight corset and my stockings, tied around my thighs.

  “Leave.” At Essex’s command the maid scurried from the room, taking my dress with her. I stood in front of him, my legs spread and my arms clasped behind my back. I didn’t want to anger him any more than I already had.

  “I know your defiance comes from fear, Charlotte, but you must be punished for it just the same.” His brown eyes looked almost black as he talked. “I thought to give you a taste of leather some other night, but I think it is warranted now. You will walk to the dresser and select a strap of leather. There are several there. Whichever one you choose will help me decide how many strokes you will receive.”

  I couldn’t run now. She had taken my dress. I walked toward the dresser and opened the top drawer. The leather inside looked very scary. There were six straps, some thicker than others.

  “Choose wisely, my sweet. The thicker one hurts more, but if you choose the smaller one I will whip you longer. It is your choice.”

  I selected one in the middle. It was about one and a half inches thick and twelve inches long.

  “Bring it to me.” I was determined now to not put up a fuss. I had wanted this earlier. It was silly for me to allow a little fear to make me act like a child. I was a woman, twenty-three, and a virgin. But not for long.

  I handed Master George the leather and then looked at him questioningly.

  “Kneel in front of me.” I did as I was asked. He stood and placed the strap in front of my face. “Kiss it, Charlotte, show me that you accept your spanking.”

  The leather was cool against my lips. Master George walked behind me and rubbed my behind with the leather. “On your hands and knees, Charlotte. We will do the first thirty or so down here. Do you remember the words Amelia used during her spanking?”

  I was on my hands and knees and Master George was rubbing the leather against my behind. Every once in a while he would lightly slap me with it, as if preparing me for what was to come.

  “Something about thanking you for the correction,” I said. He slapped my bum again and I yelped. The slaps were deepening, increasing in strength.

  “You will say ‘Thank you, Master George for the correction’.” He slapped my bum again. “Say it, Charlotte.”

  “Thank you, Master George for the correction.”

  Whack. The strap came down hard and I groaned.

  “Thank you, Master George for the correction.”

  “Very good, my sweet, very good.” He slapped my bottom a few more times. “You only need to say it during the pauses.”

  I muttered the words again. As soon as I fell silent the whipping started back up.

  I groaned loudly, the pain spreading through my bum. “Please, I don’t think I can take it. It hurts too badly.”

  I tried to sit up, but Master George’s knee pushed me back down. “You will say the proper words, and call me by my proper title. I decide what you can take and when you’ve had enough.” Once again, the whipping started.

  “Thank you, Master George for the correction.” The words were shaky, and the pain was spreading through my bum. At the same time, I felt the warm wonderful sensation spreading through my quim.

  He slapped my bum repeatedly. When he was done I whispered the words through my tears. “How beautiful your bum looks, Charlotte. Are you feeling the dew on your quim? I know I can smell it. It smells wonderful, sweet Charlotte.”

  “Thank you, Master George, I can feel it.” The words were barely out before I received five more swats, harder than anything he had given me in the past. I muttered the words through my tears and the leather was gently rubbed against my burning backside.

  “Just a few more, Charlotte. So very beautiful.”

  I mumbled my disagreement and the strap came down again, and again, and again, and again, each one harder than the last.

  “Please stop, please.” I tried to rise, but Master George again held me down. “Who’s in charge, Charlotte?”

  “You are, Master George.” Five more swats. “Who decides when it’s over?” Another five.

  “You do, Master George.” I thanked him for the correction and the leather came down again and again and again. While I was thanking him, the strap appeared before my face.

  “Kiss it, Charlotte, show me you are mine. Do as you are told.”

  I kissed the leather that had reddened my behind, which was burning. My quim, on the other han
d, was begging for attention.

  I started to stand and was ordered to stay where I was. I heard him moving around behind me and heard the unmistakable sound of him removing his clothing.

  “You may stand now, my sweet.” I stood, and he pulled me back against him. I could feel his hardness against my hot bum. He rubbed it against me and I moaned with pleasure. He gently kissed my ear and pushed me away, and began gently kneading my behind. His hands felt wonderful on my sore bottom.

  “Did you like the feel of my cock, Charlotte?”

  “Yes, Master George.” I started to turn but he turned me back around.

  “Stay where you are until I say otherwise.” He pulled me against him again and rubbed his hardness against me.

  “Tell me you want my cock inside you, Charlotte. Tell me you want me to fuck you.”

  I gasped. Could I say those words? Nasty words no well-bred woman would use.

  “Say it, Charlotte, or you’ll taste the strap again. Say it, now.” He rubbed the leather against the side of my thigh.

  “I want you inside me, Master George.”

  He pushed me away and bent me over. He rubbed my aching behind and I sighed.

  “Say it, Charlotte, tell me you want me to fuck you. I want the words to come out of your mouth, sweet Charlotte.

  The soft rubbing turned into a hard smack and I winced.

  “Fuck me!” I screamed. “Fuck me now, Master George!”

  He threw the leather on the couch and picked me up in his arms. We made the short trip to the bed. My head was swimming. I wanted him inside me, now. “Please, please, hurry.” My voice was low and he laughed, lying me down on the mattress.

  “Ouch, ouch.” My bum made contact with the sheets and my already aching behind started aching more.

  He spread my legs and knelt between them. “Look at me, Charlotte, look in my eyes.”

  He lowered himself and I felt his cock slip inside my wetness. We locked eyes and he leaned down and kissed me softly. Then he leaned up and looked at me again


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