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Underneath Page 9

by Maggie Walsh

  Christian reached for his shirt, and he sat up to help him remove it. He lay back down and looked up at Christian with no embarrassment. He was totally naked and open to his mate’s appraisal. Christian smiled at him. “You are so beautiful, angel. Thank you for trusting me to make you feel good.” Christian pulled the blankets back. “Get under, sweetheart. You’ve had a long day and you need your rest.”

  Raffy shifted and climbed under the blankets. Christian covered him and leaned over to place a soft kiss on his lips. He pulled back and cupped Raffy’s cheek gently. “Good-night, my angel. Sleep now and I’ll see you in the morning,” he said, and kissed Raffy’s forehead. Christian straightened and stood up.

  “Where are you going?” Raffy asked in a panic.

  “I was going back to my room, sweetheart,” he answered softly.

  “But…” Raffy stopped what he was going to say. He didn’t want his mate to think he was a bigger wimp than he already was. He felt the bed shift and looked up. Christian sat back down onto the bed.

  “What is it, sweetheart? You can tell me.”

  “I…just…I thought…nothing,” he said sadly, and looked down.

  Christian touched his face gently and raised his head. “It’s okay, angel, you can ask me anything. Tell me anything.”

  “I just…I was wondering…if you…would…stay,” Raffy said shyly.

  “I would love to spend the night sleeping with you, holding you in my arms. I wasn’t sure if you were ready and I didn’t want to assume. But if that’s what you want I would be so happy to stay,” Christian said with eyes full of happiness.

  Raffy smiled and nodded. “Yes, I want you to stay with me, Christian. I want you to hold me.”

  Christian stood up and pulled the blankets back again. “Scootch over, angel,” he said, and slid in next to Raffy as he moved to make room for Christian. He pulled the blanket back up over them both and lay on his back. He placed an arm under Raffy. “Come here.” Raffy rolled to his side and cuddled up to Christian’s side. Christian grabbed his hand and moved Raffy’s arm so that it lay across his waist. Raffy laid his head on Christian’s chest and Christian wrapped his arm around his shoulder, holding him close. Raffy closed his eyes and released a contented sigh. Christian smiled and closed his eyes. He was so happy. He was finally able to give his mate pleasure and taste him, and he finally had his mate in his arms for the night. Damn, he was a lucky man.

  Suddenly Raffy raised his head. “I’m sorry. What about you, Christian?” he asked, upset.

  Christian smiled at him. “I’m good, angel. That was all for you. Now go to sleep,” he said, and kissed Raffy quickly on the lips again. Then he laid back and closed his eyes. Raffy smiled at what a wonderful, selfless mate he had. He laid his head back against Christian’s chest and closed his eyes.

  “I really liked those panties, angel. We’ll have to get you more if that’s what you like. Maybe a purple one to match your pretty hair,” Christian said, and Raffy could hear the smile in his voice. He smiled against Christian’s chest. “Definitely the best mate ever.”

  Chapter 5

  Micah paced his office as he ran his hands through his hair. It had been a week since the battle with Brighton. He tried calling his father three to four times a day but never got an answer. He needed answers. He needed to know the truth about all the questions spinning around his head. He had a sinking feeling he knew where Lomiel, Phenex, and Ryland’s son, was. He tried to talk with Ryland but the man just shut down and opened a portal to somewhere and left. He didn’t want to discuss his gut feeling with anyone just yet, in case he was wrong. But what if I’m right?

  “Damn it!” he yelled out, and threw a vase across the room. It hit the wall and shattered. The glass shards rebounded out and fell to the floor. “There is one person who can answer some of my questions, and he better tell me the damn truth, or gods help anyone who comes across my path now.”

  He moved over to behind his desk and sat in his chair. He dimmed the lights and called out, “Phenex.” He waited a few minutes but nothing happened. He sighed heavily and tried again, only louder. “Phenex!”

  “What can I do for you, young wolf king?” He heard Phenex’s voice from his left and spun to look at him. Phenex stepped out from the wall, leaned on it, and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “I think you may be the only one willing to help me with this at this point,” Micah said in frustration.

  Phenex stared at him intently for a few minutes and then he pushed away from the wall. He stepped further into the room, and glass crunched beneath his shoes. He looked down and then raised his head slowly to look at Micah with a raised brow. Micah waved it off and rolled his eyes. Phenex shrugged and took another step. “You wish to know about my Lomiel,” he stated.

  Micah nodded. “Yes. I think I know who he is, and if I am right, it will cause a whole lot of pain,” Micah said in a tight voice.

  “If you are correct in your assumption, what will you do with the information?” Phenex asked as he leaned a hip against Micah’s desk.

  “I will tell him, of course. But it won’t be easy. He’s suffered enough,” Micah said, and rubbed his hands down his face.

  “Ryland and Dare insist they hid him for his own safety. They insist that they still wish to keep the secret, even from him, for his own good. Don’t you wish to keep him safe?” he asked with a raised brow.

  “You know I do,” Micah said through clenched teeth. “It is my life goal to protect my mate from everything that is a danger to him or causes him pain.” Micah stood up and walked around his desk. “There is nothing more important in my life than Jesse. Nothing.”

  “Then what do you seek from me?” Phenex asked.


  “Then I will tell you…that yes…you are correct in your assumptions. My son, my Lomiel, and your beautiful mate…are one and the same.”

  “Shit,” Micah whispered softly. “This will hurt him, but I have to tell him. He has the right to know,” Micah said in a pain-filled voice.

  “I agree, and not just because I want to finally be a part of my son’s life. But because I believe to keep him truly safe, he needs all the information he can get. Then he will understand the true danger that lies before him. Lomi…Jesse is truly a very special creature. More than you understand. Because of who his parents are he will have powers beyond anything that you have even dreamed possible. He will be the most powerful being to ever walk the face of this earth.”

  Micah stared at him as the wheels in his head started to spin and connections began to form. “It’s Jesse, isn’t it?” he asked in a tight voice.

  “What’s Jesse?” Phenex asked in confusion.

  “The heart,” Micah whispered. “It’s Jesse.”

  Phenex’s eyes went wide for a moment before he schooled his features. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” he said, and moved away from the desk.

  “Don’t bullshit me! It’s the things you said. The words you used were almost exactly the same as when Ryland described the heart in the prophecy. The heart will have powers beyond anything that you have ever dreamed possible, and he will be the most powerful being to walk the face of this earth. Then last week in Dante’s library when you fought with Dare, but you looked at me. I could see you were trying to hold something in that you wanted to tell me. Jesse is the heart the prophecy speaks of, isn’t he?” Micah demanded.

  “Yes, Lomiel…Jesse is the heart.” Phenex confessed.

  * * * *

  Micah leaned against the wall and just stared at Seth and Sky through the bars of their separate cells. Seth started to fidget as the Alpha stared at him. He looked to Sky and found that his mate was watching him, but the minute their eyes met, Sky turned away. Seth sighed. It had been over a week since they had been locked down here and he didn’t know why. It was probably something that little pain in the ass Aaron did. But all this time Sky had yet to say one damn word to him. He tried to get him to talk but h
e said nothing.

  “He’s been here staring at us for over an hour. What’s he doing?” Seth asked. He waited for Sky’s reply but again he was only met with silence. He sighed heavily and scratched his head. “May I see my leader, Alpha?” he asked Micah, but Micah said nothing, he just continued to stare at him.

  Seth stood and started to pace the small cell. What the hell was happening? Why wouldn’t anyone give them any answers? Why hadn’t Storm been here to talk to them? Why…Seth spun around at the sound of the upper locked door opening. He watched the stairs to see who was coming. Shadows reached the bottom of the stairs before their owners did. Suddenly Storm stepped down, followed by Bastian, Raith, Aaron, Dante, Dare, Viktor, Gabriel, Taylor, and Jesse.

  “It’s about time. What’s going on? Why are we in here?” he asked anxiously as he stepped up to the bars and wrapped his hands around them.

  “Prince,” Sky said, and bowed his head. He looked up and met Dante’s eyes. “I don’t really know what’s going on, but I will do anything to prove to you that I didn’t know what was happening. And I don’t think my mate has any idea either. Please, Prince, punish me if you must, but spare my mate,” Sky begged.

  Dante turned away from them and looked at Micah. He was just standing there, not saying a word or making a move. He was staring off blankly, and Dante didn’t even think the wolf knew they were there. Which, for a wolf shifter with amazing smell, was saying something. His friend looked deep in thought and sad. “Micah?” But he got nothing from him. Dante looked at Jesse, who stood beside Micah. He also had a sadness in his eyes that pulled at Dante’s heart. Jesse just shrugged at him and took one of Micah’s hands in his. Still nothing.

  “Babe, are you okay?” Jesse asked, and Micah blinked and looked at Jesse. Jesse gasped and Dante couldn’t blame the little human. The look in his best friend’s eyes was like nothing he had ever seen before. The sadness behind those eyes was haunting. Micah gave Jesse a smile that didn’t reach his eyes and then cupped his cheek. He leaned down and closed his eyes as he kissed Jesse tenderly. “Micah?” Jesse asked as Micah pulled back. Dante could make out the hitch in his voice.

  “It’s okay, baby. I just need to talk to you after we’re done here,” he answered, and hugged his mate.

  “Can someone please tell us what’s going on?” Seth asked in frustration. All eyes turned in his direction.

  “Seth, you and Sky will be brought to the council to face charges of conspiracy to overthrow our governing body,” Storm answered through a clenched jaw.

  “What? What the hell are you talking about? We would never do anything like that,” Seth said in a panic.

  “I’m sorry, Dante. Please can’t you work something out with the council? They can take me and do whatever they want with me, but please ask them to go easy on my mate,” Sky pleaded.

  “What are you talking about, Sky?” Seth glared at his mate.

  “Before this goes any further, may I ask something?” Dare asked, and Micah and Dante nodded. Dare looked at Seth. “Who are your mates?”

  Seth gave him a confused look. “Sky is my mate, you all know that.”

  “Who is your other mate?” Dare asked.

  “I only have one mate, Sky, and you all know it,” Seth answered.

  “So you never met your other mate?” Dare asked skeptically.

  “No. Some of us haven’t been as blessed as much as others and we haven’t found our other mate,” Seth said sadly.

  “What about Christoph?” Aaron asked angrily.

  “Christoph? What about him? What does he have to do with all of this?” Seth asked in disgust.

  “Well, seeing as he is your other mate, I think he has a lot to do with this,” Aaron yelled.

  Seth took a step back and his face scrunched up in disgust. “The sick bastard, Christoph? He is not our mate. I never even met the man, why would you think he’s our mate?”

  Everyone looked to Taylor. He stared each one of them down and put his hand on his hip. “Oh don’t give me that look. I did not say he was their mate. I just read what was in his mind. And do I need to remind you all that it was asswipe over there who was walking around trying to get everyone against Aaron and trying to talk Aaron into offing himself?” Taylor stopped talking as he looked around, and everyone just kept staring at him. “What?”

  “Well, Taylor, you were the one who said Christoph was their other mate,” Storm said with an attitude.

  “Excuse me?” he asked, all indignant. “Bitch, please, you better step your little pussy attitude the fuck back before I zap your ass into the dark ages. If I remember correctly, you are the asswipe who treats his brother like shit and takes Seth’s side no matter what he says. So maybe this is all a plan by you and Seth. Maybe you’re working for Brighton and starting all this shit to break everyone apart,” Taylor yelled out as his hands waved everywhere and his head jerked side to side.

  “Storm, shut up,” Aaron said through clenched teeth. Storm looked at him in astonishment. “Ever since that fucktard came into our lives all you ever do is take his side and stick up for him, and I’m sick of it. Taylor’s right, Seth is the one who sat there talking to me like I was lower than slug trail and you just laughed. Then he was the one who told me that I was worthless and I should take a cue from the stupid wolf and off myself. And from what I’ve heard he’s the one walking around telling my family what a big loser I am…”

  “He has not told our family that you are a loser, Aaron.” He cut Aaron off. “As usual you take things that Seth says out of context.”

  “When have I ever done that, Storm? Huh? Never. I’m the one who usually makes him look like an ass. Don’t you see the difference here? This isn’t our usual banter. What he’s been doing since he got here is outright malicious toward me. I have done nothing to him since you all got here except welcome you and heal your sorry ass. This is my family, not you, not Seth, these people here are my family. Even your mates are more of a family to me than you are. These people have accepted me for who I am from day one. They have never put me down or made me feel uncomfortable or unwelcome as you two have my whole life. So don’t you dare attack Taylor in any way, because with fate as my witness I will put you down myself if you ever talk to my brother like that again!”

  “I’m your brother, not Taylor,” Storm said in a hurt voice.

  “Since when? I lost my brother Storm a very long time ago, when that piece of shit joined our pride, and you know what? I don’t want him back. He’s just a big prick and I want nothing to do with him ever again,” Aaron said, and turned toward Taylor. “If you wanna zap his ass, do it. Don’t let what’s perceived as my brother hold you back. Because he is not my brother, you are. So fry both their asses if you want. Just let me get some popcorn to watch the show before you do,” Aaron said, and walked away. He ran up the stairs and out of sight.

  “Drama queen,” Seth said under his breath. Taylor turned and looked at him with hard, cold eyes. Seth’s eyes went wide. “There’s an easy way to get around all of this that’s a lot less painful. Well, less painful for the rest of us, that is,” Taylor said. “Phen, I need your help, please,” Taylor called out sweetly, and Phenex walked through the wall behind Seth. Seth jumped from the sight of him and moved away. Phenex walked through the bars of the cell and smiled at Taylor.

  “Now there’s the proper way to get my attention. Hello there, sweet stuff.” Phenex gave Taylor a feral smile. Gabriel growled and grabbed Taylor’s arm.

  Taylor giggled. “It’s okay, man of mine. Phen would never try to come between us. He’s just a hopeless romantic at heart, actually. Aren’t you, Phen?” Taylor winked at him.

  The demon leader threw his head back and laughed. He looked to Taylor again. “You know, guardian, you are the only one who is allowed to call me Phen, and that is because I find you fascinating and very entertaining. So what is it that I may help you with, sexy? Name it and it’s yours.”

  “That piece of belly lint you just walked past
needs his mind opened for all to see. I can look in and tell them what I see, but for some stupid reason I am being questioned on what I see. So, I know from when we shared powers before, that you can transmit things.”

  “You are correct, guardian. That is extremely stupid. And I’m guessing you would like to combine our powers again and show all what you see?” he questioned, and Taylor nodded. “It would be my pleasure to join our powers again. It was such a rush the first time and gave me so much pleasure I was hard for days. But you do realize that it will not be a pleasure for him?”

  Taylor smiled wide and nodded his head. “Yeah, I know.”

  Phenex laughed again and shook his head. “Oh, you are a devious minx aren’t you? As you wish, guardian,” he said, and stepped up next to Taylor and faced Seth. He held his hand out and Taylor placed his hand in his.

  “Taylor,” Gabriel growled in warning. Taylor turned his attention to Gabriel.

  “I heard no one standing up for me, not even you, mate. Only Aaron, so suck it up, buttercup, because I am beyond hurt. I’m pissed.” Taylor said, using their mating link. He turned his attention back to look at Seth. “I’m ready when you are, Phen, my friend.”

  They both closed their eyes and then as one their eyes popped open. But they were completely white and directed at Seth. Seth’s eyes opened wide and he stood frozen. Suddenly images started to appear between Seth, Taylor, and Phenex. It was like a hologram playing.

  The first vision was of Seth at the vineyard the night they rescued Raffy and Noah. The others were all running around fighting the rogues, and Seth, in lion form, stumbled on something in his path. He looked down, shocked because he hadn’t smelled anything. There was a man lying on the ground. The man sat up and looked at him. Then he heard a voice in his head. “Hello, beautiful. I am Christoph and you belong to me know. Anything I tell you, you will believe, anything I tell you to do you will do. You will tell no one of our meeting. Not even your mate. He must never know that you have found me, your other mate. Because that’s who I am, your mate. But I am not ready for our other mate to know about me yet. I want us to get to know each other first so that it will be easier later when the three of us finally join. Shift, my mate, so I may look upon your human beauty.” Seth immediately shifted back to his human form, and Christoph chuckled darkly.


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