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Underneath Page 19

by Maggie Walsh

  “I would like to ask that we have volunteers to step forward to help in patrolling our lands. As you know, our territory is one of the largest in the country and with this new threat to our world, our enforcers could use some back-up. Anyone who would be willing to volunteer, please come by the Alpha house in the morning and see your Beta. He will set up a schedule for us and for our new fae allies.”

  Micah was finally able to calm everyone and convince them to return to their homes. He, Storm, and the enforcers started making their way back to the Alpha house through the forest. Suddenly they heard what sounded like a troop of people rustling through the brush.

  They all froze as they spotted a few dozen rogues heading in the direction of their home. They’re going after us. They don’t know that we’re out here. Raith spoke through the mind link.

  The mates are unguarded. We need to stop them before they reach the house, Micah answered.

  There are only eleven of us and a few dozen of them. With the speed and strength they have, how are we going to stop them? Xander asked.

  We will stop them, because if we don’t, then the mates are all dead. We can’t let them get their hands on them. It’s time to put all your training to use enforcers, Micah ordered.

  Micah bolted and charged for the group of rogues. Storm and Raith kept right by his side as the rest of the enforcers spread out and advanced. A few of the rogues turned in their direction as they noticed their approach. Micah jumped into the air and pounced onto the backs of three rogues, taking them to the ground. He clawed and snapped until they were dead.

  Storm pounced and landed on two rogues as four others jumped onto his back. His claws struck one in the face as his jaw came down on the throat of another. Suddenly the weight of the rogues on his back disappeared. He turned his head to find his mate Bastain had knocked them off and was now fighting them.

  Suddenly a group of five rogues lifted off the ground as if by magic and flew through the air. Storm turned his head to see Christian standing stone still with his eyes fixated on the flying rogues.

  A grumbling came from the trees as a wall of water descended on them. The wave of water crested over the top of a group of rogues and crashed down heavily on them. Once the wave was gone, they could see that the rogues lay unconscious.

  The wolves continued to battle with the rogues and their numbers started to dwindle, but it wasn’t enough. There were still a lot of rogues fighting and the wolves were getting tired.

  An ear-shattering howl ripped through the night as Lexi pounced and grabbed a rogue by the throat and shook his huge head until the rogues neck snapped. He released the rogue and looked up. With blood dripping from his jaw he froze and stared at the rogues. A grumbling started again and the earth began to shake. The noise grew louder and the earth shook harder. Everyone froze and looked around. A few of the rogues lost their footing and fell to the ground.

  Trees snapped and fell as a wall of earth rose up from the ground and reached toward the sky. The wolves started to slowly step back as the wall of dirt and timber grew larger and the ground shook harder. The rogues tried to run from the wall and were stopped by a looming wave of water. Most of the remaining rogues were now trapped between the two walls. The dirt and water touched at the top, creating a canopy, and crashed down upon the rogues, smashing back to the earth. The remaining rogues stood frozen in fear as they watched. The wolves started to snarl and advance. The rogues were brought out of their trance by the sound of the wolves and they turned and ran.

  What the hell was that? Crew asked.

  Let’s discuss it later. We need to get back to the mates. We don’t know how many of those fuckers were on their way to the house, Micah ordered.

  Micah took off through the trees with Storm and his enforcers following close behind.

  * * * *

  Raffy jumped when he felt a surge of power run through his body. He sat up and looked around the quiet cave. Gabriel was sitting in his cage, studying the lock, trying to get one of his claws in the mechanism. Cassy was scrunched up, leaning his side and head against the bars with his eyes closed. The other occupant of the other cage was still lying down, sleeping. Nothing else was out of the ordinary. Gabriel hissed and Raffy looked back over at him. “Gabe, are you okay?”

  Gabe looked at Raffy and gave him a small smile, but Raffy could see the pain in his eyes. “I’m good, little brother.”

  “No you’re not, Gabe. I can see the pain written all over your face. It’s the silver bullet still inside you, isn’t it?” Raffy asked with concern.

  “I’ll be fine, Raf. They’re gonna come for us and then Aaron can get this damn bullet out of me and I’ll be good as new. I promise,” Gabriel said with a smile. Raffy flinched again and looked around. “What is it, Raf?”

  “I felt a surge of power, but I don’t know where it’s coming from. Then I felt it again but it felt like it was getting closer. I don’t know what it is,” Raffy explained.

  Muffled voices came from the tunnel. Raffy and Gabe turned their attention to the opening. Gabe took a quick glance back at Cass. “Hey, Cass, wake up man. Someone’s coming,” Gabe whispered, and he looked back to the opening. Cass opened his eyes and straightened the best he could. He looked to the tunnel, too. The voices got closer. Suddenly Brighton and Malachi entered the cave along with about two dozen rogues. But they weren’t all vamps. There was a mix of breeds.

  “Shit, Gabe, look. Isn’t that Ms. Chester from our birth pack?” Cass whispered.

  “I’m not sure, but yeah, it does look like her,” Gabe whispered back.

  “Yes, it is. And the man over there with the green shirt is Gus Heller,” Raffy whispered.

  “Who’s that?” Cass asked quietly.

  “He was one of my friends growing up, until I had my first shift and everyone found out I was an omega. Then he started bullying me like everyone else,” Raffy said sadly. Another group of twenty rogues walked in.

  “Shit, Cass, I swear quite a few of them look like old pack members,” Gabe whispered.

  “That’s because they are, gentlemen,” Brighton answered, and turned to face them. “The Angel Pack in Montana is no more. Lucius did his part and killed your uncle, Alpha Raphael. Then our forces went in when they were at their weakest and took some of the strongest and killed the rest,” he explained, and turned. He stopped halfway and turned back with an evil smile. “Your father really was a weak, pathetic prick. He died on his knees, begging for his life. But he knew too much about our plans so he needed to go. Stupid fool thought he was actually going to take over the pack and he was just as important as Malachi and I. After all these years he never once suspected what a pawn he was.” Brighton laughed and turned away.

  “But what about Uncle Raphael? I thought you loved him. I thought you wanted him back?” Cass asked in horror.

  Brighton turned back and gave him an evil smile. “That was a very long time ago. The only thing I wanted from him, once I found my true mate, was to enact my revenge. And now I have gotten it. Raphael is dead, King Marco Calabrese is dead. The council has been annihilated and every leader of every paranormal society around the planet has been killed. The shifters and vamps are all running scared with no one to lead and they are all killing each other. The paranormal world is in chaos and they will be looking for someone to lead them, to bring order once again. That’s where Malachi and I will step in. Our rogues will be an unbeatable army,” he said, and then turned his back on them.

  Malachi addressed the group of rogues. “The Angel Pack in Pennsylvania has fallen. The Alpha and all the wolves are dead. The mates have been hidden away within the house. This group will go now and find them. Bring them all back here alive,” Malachi ordered, and a group of twenty or so rogues exited the cave.

  Gabe, Cass, and Raffy all looked at each other with pain and sorrow in their eyes. “They’re all gone? No, they can’t be,” Cass said in a whispered cry.

  “The rest of you will head over to Prince Calebrese’s c
oven and destroy everyone who remains. The prince and his mates are hiding inside. I want the prince and his mates brought back alive. Anyone who fails in their task will be punished, but if you succeed, you will each be given a reward. One night to do whatever you want with the prince’s wolf mate or with our little omega over there. Anything but kill them, that is,” Malachi said, and he and Brighton laughed.

  “You two are such big douche bags.” Taylor’s voice rang out into the cave.

  Everyone’s attention swung to the tunnel. Taylor stood there at the opening with his hands on his hips as he glared at Malachi and Brighton.

  “Sweet baby, no! Run, Taylor! Get out of here!” Gabriel called out.

  Taylor shifted his gaze to Gabriel and got a sad look in his eyes. Then his eyes hardened and he squared his shoulders. He looked back at Malachi and Brighton. “You put my family in cages? For that alone I will rip your innards out,” Taylor said in a deadly voice.

  “How nice of you to deliver yourself to us, guardian. Welcome to your new home,” Brighton said with glee.

  “Delusional much, fucktard?” Taylor sneered.

  “You will pay for that, guardian. I can’t wait to break you and tie you to my bed. I will show you how to submit to me and beg for my touch.” Brighton smirked and licked his lips.

  Taylor’s face scrunched up into a look of disgust and his body shook. “That’s the grossest thing I have ever heard in my life. Me, beg you to touch me? Yeah, that so isn’t going to happen in this lifetime. First of all, have you looked in a mirror, like ever? You, evil dude, are just, damn. Your face closely resembles the ass of a red-butted baboon I saw once at the zoo. And second, you dip your puny little wick in that hole over there.” He pointed at Malachi. “I’m starting to think that you’re actually blind, because that is a rat. I mean look at him. His face is all sharp, pointy lines that resemble a rat. His hair looks like it was used to mop up the spill from the Exxon Valdez, and his body is…damn. Quasimodo is more appealing. Who knows what nasty things you picked up in that hole.”

  “He’s stalling,” Malachi bit out angrily.

  “True, but I still meant every word I said. You truly are one very ugly dude,” Taylor said.

  “Get him, now,” Brighton ordered the rogues.

  Taylor shook his head and rolled his eyes. He took a deep breath, then closed them. His arms spread out to his sides and his palms started to glow bright blue. Malachi started to chant and the blue light faded from Taylor’s hands. His arms dropped to his sides.

  Brighton laughed. “Your powers won’t work here now, guardian. And now you will pay for what you said.”

  “Always wrong,” Taylor said, and opened his eyes, giving Brighton an evil smirk. Phenex stepped from the wall next to Taylor as seven other large men stepped out from different places around the cave. Phenex reached back and placed his hand on the wall, and Jesse, Noah, and Rory stepped through.

  “What is this?” Brighton asked in shock. Malachi took a step back toward Brighton.

  “You have been very bad. My leader Archangel Lucifer has sent us here to collect you. He has a very special place for you both all ready and waiting,” Phenex said with a mischievous look in his eye. He stepped over to Raffy’s cage and touched it. The door popped open. “Come, omega.”

  Raffy crawled out of the cage and stood. He looked at Phenex. “Please go stand between my son and the guardian,” Phenex said. Malachi’s eyes went wide. “Yes, Malachi, you spineless weasel, I have found my son and he knows who I am. And he is awake and well, as you can see.”

  “That’s impossible. No one could break my spell without killing him,” Malachi spit out through clenched teeth.

  “Ah, but the guardian isn’t just anyone.” Phenex chuckled. He walked back over to stand behind Jesse.

  “The gods have spoken to me and they are very unhappy about your betrayal, prophet. They have agreed that you will become a ward of Archangel Lucifer,” Taylor said. He held his hand to the side and clasped Raffy’s, and then he reached out his other and clasped Noah’s. Jesse clasped his with Raffy’s and his other with Rory’s. A bright light started to glow around Taylor’s hands and then moved to each of the others. The light grew brighter and brighter, filling the damp dark cave with light. Malachi grabbed Brighton’s arm and started to chant.

  The light consumed the cave and the rogues started to scream, then burst into a cloud of ash. Malachi was chanting louder and louder, but nothing was happening. His eyes flew open in surprise. “Why didn’t it work, Malachi?” Brighton asked in shock.

  “Because his powers are gone,” Phenex smirked. “The guardian can syphon anyone’s powers and then amplify them to others.”

  Malachi’s eyes narrowed in anger. “You used my own powers against me?”

  “Yes,” Taylor said with a smile. “We figured you would try to use an escape spell, so we did a little research and found a spell of our own that would counteract yours. So as I syphoned your powers, Rory here used the counter spell to stop you. Then I sent your powers into Raffy and he upped the voltage and sent them to Jesse, who helped your spell to work against you.”

  “Legion, takes these…men to Lord Lucifer. He’s awaiting their arrival,” Phenex commanded. The seven Legion warriors surrounded Malachi and Brighton. They grabbed onto them and dragged them, kicking and screaming, to the wall and disappeared.

  “Well that was fun. Hey Aaron, Adam, you can come in now,” Taylor yelled back into the tunnel.

  Aaron and Adam stepped into the cave. “That was most impressive.” Adam beamed.

  “Hey, guys, you mind getting us out of here?” Cass asked. They all turned to look at Cass and Gabe.

  “Man of mine!” Taylor squealed out in excitement, and ran toward Gabe. The others laughed at him and followed.

  * * * *

  Micah shifted back into his human form as the other wolves joined him in front of the house. They each shifted back and stood there, looking at the house in shock.

  “It’s gone. The shield is gone. How is that possible?” Raith said in a shocked whisper.

  “The mates are gone. I don’t feel anyone in the house,” Micah said with an anguished growl.

  “What?” Christian asked in horror.

  “We need to find them,” Raith said with anger.

  “I know where to start. And when I get my hands on him, I’m gonna kill him,” Micah said furiously. “Ryland! You son of a bitch! You better be able to hear me!”

  A glowing white light appeared in front of them and Ryland stepped out, followed by six huge men. He looked at Micah in confusion. “How did you do that, Micah? How did you call me and I could hear you?”

  “I don’t give a rat’s ass how it happened,” Micah snarled, and rushed Ryland. He grabbed him by the front of his shirt and lifted him off the ground. Ryland’s eyes opened wide. The six big men who came through the portal with the king surrounded them and grabbed onto Micah. He fought against their hold as he gripped onto Ryland tighter. “Where is my mate, you fucking bastard? Where are all the mates?”

  “In the house,” Ryland said as he tried to fight Micah’s hold. The wolves all got into the mix and shifted back and attacked the big men.

  Micah got his arm free of the warrior’s hold and punched Ryland in the face with all his power behind that punch. “No they’re not! The shield is gone and so are the mates!” Ryland’s head snapped back and his body sailed backward, landing hard on the stairs. Two of the big men grabbed Micah’s arms and held him back. The wolves were running around growling and snapping at the big guys.

  “Stop!” a loud voice yelled through the night, overpowering all the other noise. Everyone froze and turned their heads to the source, except for Micah. He struggled against the hold and got free. He jumped on top of Ryland and started pounding him in the face and sides.

  “Micah.” The beautiful angelic voice of Jesse broke through Micah’s red haze of anger.

  He froze with elbow bent, arm cocked back, and fist in the
air, ready to fly into Ryland’s face again. Jesse. His heart squeezed and tears formed in his eyes. He slowly turned his head until his eyes met Jesse’s. He released the breath that he hadn’t even realized he had been holding. “Baby,” he whispered softly. There he was, his mate, his love, his life. Jesse was standing about twenty yards away and he looked so damn good. The light was back in his eyes and he was smiling. He was biting his bottom lip and his eyes shone bright with love as tears started to form. Gods he’s beautiful. Micah breathed heavy as he stared at his mate in awe. He released Ryland and jumped off him. He turned fully to face Jesse and stared at him. Please don’t let this be an illusion.


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