The Ravaging in Between (The Reanimation Files Book 3)

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The Ravaging in Between (The Reanimation Files Book 3) Page 6

by A. J. Locke

  Taj nodded. I could have insisted we escort him instead, but I wasn’t Taj’s keeper. Taj wasn’t doing so well standing on his own, and I had the feeling he might slip into shock. Especially once he found out what happened to his aunt.

  Jacob started to lead Taj away, then stopped and turned back to me.

  “Ms. Vanream, I’ll admit I envisioned our first encounter going quite differently, but in any case, I wondered if you would not mind stopping by the office within the next day or so. I wish to chat with you further. And give you the opportunity to clear out your desk. Before your belongings are discarded.”

  “Uh…” He wanted to chat further? I wanted anything but. But what I did want were certain things left in my desk. I knew I had at least two good pairs of shoes stashed there, along with a bag or two of my personal runes. Those things weren’t cheap and I wasn’t about to let them get trashed.

  “Sure…I’ll stop by.”

  Jacob nodded again, and Micah and I watched him take Taj to the paramedics. On the one hand I felt relieved that I didn’t have to explain to Taj what happened to Leora, but I also felt guilty. That ghost, for whatever reason, had been after me, and had juiced up on Leora before it tried to kill me. She did not deserve that fate. She should have faded to the Afterlife once her unfinished business had been taken care of, not sucked into some asshole ghost.

  Micah pulled me into his arms and I lay my head on his chest. There were so many questions about what the hell had just gone down running through my head.

  “Whoever that ghost was, he wanted me dead,” I said. “I just have no clue why.”

  “Hopefully the PTF will capture him,” Micah said. “Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  “No, I just need some painkillers and I think I’ll be good.” As we started to walk away, I glanced over at the memorial.

  “This wasn’t how this was supposed to go,” I said. “Can’t a girl catch a break?”

  Trouble seemed to follow me wherever I went. I just hoped this memorial wasn’t the first of more to come.

  * * *

  Two days later, I felt a lot better. The soreness in my throat was gone and I was back to having the loss of my reanimation power be the only negative effects I experienced. I’d watched the news only to find out that the ghost had gotten away from the PTF, which did not leave me with a good feeling, seeing as he wanted to do me harm. I could only hope they caught him before he showed up again. The news had extensively covered the horrific turn of events at what was supposed to be a time to remember Renton’s victims. At least there had been no fatalities, just numerous injuries. And no one blamed me for the ghost’s appearance and subsequent rampage, which was a relief.

  Micah had checked in on Taj, and told me that he was on leave from work and being taken care of by his family. He had had a breakdown upon learning what happened to his aunt’s ghost. It was even worse because no one could tell him why it had happened. There was no explanation for how one ghost could absorb another. The image still haunted me. I couldn’t shake the feeling, nor understand why it felt familiar.

  While I stayed holed up at home, I had tried to catch up on my emails and respond to friends who’d tried to get in touch with me since I woke up from the coma. But it soon became too overwhelming to respond to everyone, so I closed out of my e-mail. I’d try to catch up again some other time.

  Around noon the doorbell rang, and I answered to find Micah with a bag of food in each hand. He had picked up lunch from Mallory’s. Even though it had been a couple days, I hadn’t yet mentioned what I had learned from Taj. But it was constantly in the back of my mind.

  “Anything on the news about that ghost’s capture?” Micah asked as he headed to the kitchen. “Or identity? Figuring out who that ghost was could be a big help in tracking him down.” He got two plates and started to dish out food.

  I came to stand in the kitchen doorway with my arms folded over my chest while Luna sped past me to the man with the ribs. She put her begging game on and Micah was too weak to resist tossing her a piece of meat.

  “I hope you broke that off your portion,” I said. “And to answer your questions, no, the ghost hasn’t been caught and no, they have no idea who he is.”

  Hearing my tone, Micah gave me a questioning look. “Is everything OK?”

  I couldn’t keep it in any longer. “Gee, I’m not sure. Not since I learned from Taj that you are now working for the Rune Development Department within the Paranormal Control Center. And unless memory loss is a side effect of my coma, I don’t recall you mentioning that to me.”

  Micah’s face grew sober. “I was going to tell you, I swear.”

  “I have to admit, it gave me a horrible sense of déjà vu. Not to mention the fact that I felt foolish that a reporter knew something about my boyfriend that I didn’t. And the rest of the country since apparently your induction is a heavily debated news item.”

  “You had to absorb a lot of information when you woke up. I did not want to overwhelm you. I figured I’d give you some time to adjust, and then I’d talk to you about it. I knew you were staying away from the news so it was less likely that you’d find out before I told you. I guess I didn’t account for Taj.”

  “No, you did not,” I said flatly. “Micah, why the hell are you working for that department? After everything that’s happened, after you saw the dangerous things that could be done with Alchemy, why?”

  “That’s exactly why,” Micah said. “Alchemy can do bad, but it can also do good. I can do good within the RDD.”

  “Sounds like what I told Taj,” I muttered.

  “See, so you agree.”

  “To an extent. But Alchemy almost ruined our lives—damn near ended mine—and you’re going back into the lion’s den?”

  “It’s my redemption, Selene.” Micah’s voice was raw and pained. “After the choices I made, the way I allowed Renton to use Alchemy to save you, I have to redeem myself. As difficult as it is for you to live with the fact that people died to save you, it is also difficult for me.”

  “Sure could have fooled me.”

  His eyes widened. “You really think me that heartless?”

  “No, but you made it crystal clear that you had no problem with the treatment despite the consequences, and that you wouldn’t stop doing it no matter what.”

  “And I meant it, and that makes me an even worse person.” He exhaled loudly. “I have this internal battle almost every moment of every day, and it feels like I am going to be driven insane over it. On the one hand, you’re right, I was OK with doing whatever it took to save your life, no matter the cost. On the other hand, I know how absolutely wrong and evil it was of me to allow other people to be a sacrifice. I feel like I am at war with myself, and it’s been hard not to just give in and absolutely loathe myself. I have tried to be strong, but I’m failing. Continuing to work with Alchemy has given me some ease. Who knows, maybe one day I can come up with a treatment to save people infected with the Rot that doesn’t involve the death of others.”

  I took a moment to think about what he said, then I released a sigh. “I understand how you’re feeling. And I want you to do whatever you have to in order to feel like you are redeeming yourself. I just can’t help but have reservations about the path that you chose. Maybe the wound is too fresh, but I think we should stay away from Alchemy for a while. I can’t believe you would sign up to work for them so soon.”

  “They recruited me,” Micah said. “Not too long after everything went down, they approached me, and Tielle suggested that it would be a good idea to take what I had learned from Renton and go in a positive direction with it. Plus, it wasn’t hard for me to decipher that the Paranormal Sector wanted to keep their eye on me in case I went rogue. So this gives them peace of mind as well.”

  “I figured they’d want to keep you close,” I said. “But I still don’t like this.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.”

  I shrugged. “It is what it is. You made your choice. Wh
at exactly is your role anyway?”

  “I’m working with the experimentation team to come up with new developments. They want to utilize whatever I learned from Renton. The good parts.”

  “I see.” There were probably more questions I should be asking, but I didn’t have it in me right now. Micah and I were still muddling through the murky waters of our relationship and this new development had thrown me off even further. Alchemy could do good, yes, but for me, all it had done was bring terrible pain and terrible choices to make. If Micah and I were going to attempt a fresh start, I didn’t think we could do it with Alchemy still an active presence in our lives.

  But I didn’t say any of this to Micah. I wasn’t ready to put more nails in the coffin of our relationship. I still wanted there to be hope that we could forgive each other and move past the pain we had caused one another.

  “I have a lot on my mind right now so I could use some space.”

  “You want me to leave?” The hurt in Micah’s voice made me feel bad, but I still needed some space.

  “No, I’m gonna leave. I need some fresh air.”

  “So you’re just gonna go walk around by yourself?”

  “No, I’m gonna go get my shit from Affairs. I have no doubt that Jacob will toss it and there are things I would like to retrieve. Then I’m going to look for Ethan. It bothers me more and more every day that he’s gone.”

  “OK…” Micah didn’t sound happy, but I really needed the space.

  “I’m gonna go change…” The vibe was slightly awkward now, so it was best I left the room.

  When I came back out fifteen minutes later, Micah was gone.


  I was a mix of emotions as I drove to the office. It was a drive I had made countless times, but going there to pick up my things because I no longer worked there gave the drive a completely different meaning. A painful one. I hoped I’d be able to keep it together while I grabbed my stuff and endured whatever tirade Jacob would unleash on me. He had said he wanted to chat, but I wasn’t born yesterday.

  My dread and nervousness didn’t subside as I headed up the elevator to the suite. I was dealt an even further painful punch when the elevator passed the eighth floor and I thought about Ilyse, sitting in her office, offering me soothing tea and clucking her tongue as she drew excess ghost energy off me. I’d be regaling her with yet another story of how I’d shared my personal energy with a ghost because I’d forgotten my runes again. I would give anything for a moment like that again. For one day when everything was simpler and the chain of events starting with Larry and Michael never happened.

  The elevator doors opened and I headed toward the glass doors of the suite. During this time of the day, the suite would normally be bustling with necromancers working with ghosts at their desks, or typing up their reports. Andrew would be in his office doing his boss thing, and I’d be flitting over to Micah’s desk to flirt or to the break room to see if there were any donuts left. My eyes grew warm with tears but I blinked them away. I did not come here to fall apart.

  There were a few people here, but I recognized none of them. Must be the new people Jacob brought in to replace everyone who decided the bullshit that had gone on here was too much to deal with any longer. There were no ghosts though, so the necromancers were either sitting listlessly at a desk or walking around looking for something to busy themselves with.

  There was one familiar face though. Amy was at her desk looking like she’d rather be anywhere else in the world. She was known to come to work looking her absolute best, but that was a far cry from how she looked now. She seemed to be trying a Bohemian thing with a flowing skirt and oversize sweater. Guess since Micah wasn’t around, she had no reason to try and look like a hot piece of ass. Her eyes widened when she saw me.

  “Selene! Uh…hi. I heard that you were out of your coma. I’m glad you’re all right.”

  “Thanks, Amy.”

  “That was really brave what you did to stop Renton,” she said. “I don’t think I could ever do something like that.”

  “I hope I never have to do it again.” I looked around. “I see things have changed a lot here. I’m sort of surprised you’re still here.”

  “I would have left,” she said, lowering her voice. “But I’m scared that I won’t find a job elsewhere. I never finished college and Andrew hired me out of a favor to my father, who was a friend of his father’s. So I’m afraid my most marketable position is my job here, which I don’t think will make any prospective employer rush to hire me.”

  “You speak the truth,” I said. “I don’t know if Affairs of the Dead can ever be what it once was. It’s really sad to see it like this.”

  “I know, it’s like this every day. Ghosts that get drawn to us are redirected by our competitors before they even get to the lobby. The necromancers Jacob hired are mostly people who just finished their certification and were looking for their first job out of school so they could start earning some money. They spend the majority of the day doing track and retrieve. Those are the only clients we get.”

  “Well, that’s where newbies start out anyway,” I said. “But if they aren’t able to help more ghosts, Affairs will definitely sink. The government funds ghosts agencies based on how many ghosts they help. If Affairs is no longer pulling in big numbers, the funding stops.”

  “Then I’m really out of a job,” Amy said nervously.

  “Maybe you can finish your degree and work part-time somewhere else while you do so,” I said. “Outside the ghost agency business. It might be good to take a break from that.”

  “I sure wish I could,” Amy said with a sigh. She looked tired, like there was more on her shoulders than her work status. “I’ll let Jacob know you’re here.”

  She called Jacob to relay that I was here. Then she indicated that I could head to his office, aka Andrew’s old office.

  I headed to the hallway where Andrew’s office was located. It was a familiar walk, but one I had never walked with quite so much reluctance. I hesitated outside the door, then knocked. Jacob invited me in, so I opened the door and stepped inside.

  “Selene. Please have a seat.” There was no hint of emotion in his voice. I took a seat on the chair in front of the desk.

  “Let me be frank with you, Ms. Vanream,” he said. “I find myself very troubled and puzzled over the demise of my brother and this company, and it is very clear to me that you are at the center of it all. Trouble seems to follow you wherever you go, if the events of the other day are any indication.”

  “Look, Jacob…”

  “Mr. McNabb. And I am not finished speaking.” His tone was so stern I actually sat back in my seat to give myself a little more space away from him.

  “What happened to my brother?” he said. “I need to know. You got him murdered, that much I am aware of. As well as the fact that his ghost was anchored to the living world through you, but it appears so much more happened.”

  “Ja—Mr. McNabb, it was never my intention to get Andrew killed. I did everything I could to stop it, but I wasn’t able to get to him in time. Yes, it was because of certain circumstances in my life that Andrew was killed and his ghost anchored, but none of it was of my choosing and I am very sorry that any of it happened. I am well aware of the damage caused, and not just to Andrew. There’s no way I could possibly make it up to you or anyone else who has been affected.”

  “You did not answer my question,” he said. “My brother. My anchored ghost of a brother. What happened to him?”

  “You want the full, dirty truth? I’ll give it to you.”

  I wasn’t going to hedge around what went down with Andrew in his condo. “Andrew was obsessed with me in life and it carried over into his death. He wanted to be with me and there was no logic that could convince him otherwise. Without anyone knowing, Renton Morse created a new body for his ghost to inhabit. He then kidnapped, tied up, and beat up my boyfriend, then he absconded with me to his condo where he forced me to wear linger
ie, eat dinner and dessert, and dance in front of my said bound and beat-up boyfriend. He then took me to his bedroom to have sex, which I can assure you, I was not a willing participant of. I used the opportunity to stab him with the heel of my shoe. A fight ensued, and the damage sustained to Andrew’s new body caused it to disintegrate, and his ghost followed suit. Renton Morse is at fault for that. That’s the long version. The short version is that Andrew simply does not exist anymore. I am sorry that the truth is so ugly, but that is the truth.”

  Jacob was quiet for an unnerving amount of time, his face half hidden behind his steepled fingers. His eyes narrowed into slits as he stared at me, and his body was tight with tension. Finally, he lowered his hands and I braced myself for his verbal explosion. But to my surprise, he was calm when he spoke. Which just put me more on edge.

  “My brother does not exist anymore. Not as a human, nor a ghost at peace on the other side. He simply…does not exist. That’s a very interesting truth to have to accept, Ms. Vanream.”

  “I know…” I said shakily. His demeanor and the tone of his voice were making me want to get up and run as far away from this building as possible.

  “You know, my brother and I had not been very close these past few years. After my father gave Affairs of the Dead to him instead of me, it cast a sour note in our relationship. Recently, it had been getting better. And when I had to deal with his death and subsequent existence as an anchored ghost, you can imagine how difficult that must have been. On the one hand, my brother was dead. On the other hand, his ghost was still around and would be permanently. Or so I thought. Now you bring me a story of an obsessed ghost who took drastic, unheard-of measures just to claim you as his own. What is it about you, Ms. Vanream, that drove my brother to such a place?”

  I wasn’t sure he actually wanted an answer so I remained quiet. My brow was damp with sweat and I felt a bead of it slip down my back.


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