Arms of Serenity (Rock Services)

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Arms of Serenity (Rock Services) Page 10

by Lynn, Donina

  “My dad had turned at the light that led to the park. I remember headlights and then everything going black. When I came around, I was in the hospital. My mother had just gotten out of surgery and my father was already gone.”

  “Becca, I’m so sorry. You don’t have to do this.” Nick reached out and placed her hand in his.

  “It’s ok. I want to tell you.” Becca laced her fingers through his and continued. “The kid that hit us was only nineteen and the son of a senator. My mother had been barely awake a few hours when the lawyers pounced on her. The senator wanted the whole thing to be kept as quiet as possible and offered a sizable settlement not to press charges against his son. He didn’t want it to end up in a court room.”

  Nick didn’t doubt the senator’s lawyers jumped on her mother as soon as they could. It was a simple tactic—take advantage of when they’re at the weakest and exploit any vulnerability. The “hit them when they’re down” strategy. In her physical and mental state, they saw their window of opportunity and charged in while she was lying in the hospital bed reeling from the shock. It was an underhanded and total prick move, but from the tone in Becca’s voice he guessed effective.

  “The lawyer that was appointed to us wanted us to take the agreement. He showed us the projected costs of the hospital, surgeries, therapy and rehabilitation. The list went on to include medical equipment and supplies that my mother would need to make her life easier and comfortable. The amount of insurance my parents had wouldn’t even scratch the surface. My mother didn’t think she had much of a choice and took the settlement. He bought her off, and I couldn’t do anything about it. I wanted justice, for him to suffer the same pain that had been inflicted on my family, and all that spoiled rich kid got was a dent in his father’s checkbook and a slap on the wrists.”

  Nick flinched at venom in her words. “Becca, it sounds like your mom did what she thought was the best for the two of you for the future.”

  Becca let out a long sigh. “I know that now. She was focused on living while all I could think of was what we had lost. For a long time, I even blamed myself. What if I had been ready on time and we had gone into the city like we planned? What if I didn’t suggest going to the concert? What if, what if. I drove myself crazy with the ‘what ifs’.”

  Nick knew first-hand how that type of guilt could rip a person apart. He didn’t want to think of Becca feeling that way. “It wasn’t your fault. You were in no way to blame for what happened.”

  “Thank you. I eventually figured that out, too, but it took me some time to come to accept what happened to them. My mother would tell me forgiving yourself was the first step in healing.” Becca smiled again, the admiration and love for her parents showing in her expression. “I was always close with both my parents. But after the accident, mom and I managed to get even closer. I quit school and came back to stay with her full time. That’s when we started baking together. We loved that time, and when she passed away, opening the bakery was the best way I could think of to keep her with me.”

  Nick looked at the amazing woman across from him. He was humbled by her strength and ability to overcome the pain and guilt that had surrounded her for so long. It was something that he hadn’t been able to accomplish. “Your mother isn’t the only one that is strong, Becca.”

  Becca hesitated and looked at him. He could start to see the shimmer of tears building in her eyes. “Thank you, Nick. If I am, then I got my strength from her.” She shook her head and wiped the single tear that escaped from her cheek. “That’s enough about me. How about you? Tell me about your mom and dad.”

  Nick’s body instantly stiffened. He was hoping that their conversation would turn to a happier subject or at least one that was more comfortable. The story of his father and mother was not one that he was accustomed to sharing with others. Very few knew his true opinion. He didn’t make a habit of casually remarking to people about how much distaste he held for both of them.

  Nick glanced over at Becca wondering if he could change the topic. Her green eyes were patiently watching him waiting for his response. She had trusted him enough to share a part of herself with him, and he owed it to her to give at least a small part back.

  Their hands were still laced together, and he started to run his thumb along her wrist. “I can remember my mother and father being happy and in love when I was young. They would talk about the future and their plans for a bigger house, bigger family, and everything we would do together. That changed when his company became more successful and lucrative. My father turned into a different man. His only goal was to become as rich as he could, and he didn’t care who he stepped on or hurt to get there. He just wanted more, destroying everything in his path including our family.”

  Nick felt Becca gently squeeze his hand, the encouragement to continue flowing through her gesture and her words. “It must have been difficult growing up in an environment like that. What about your mother?”

  “The last time I talked to her was Christmas. She was in Greece and having the time of her life. Her words, not mine. She divorced my father when I was seven and left me with him to go trotting around the globe on his alimony payments. She calls now and then to keep me updated on the latest and greatest place she has discovered or visited.”

  Nick’s opinion of his mother was only slightly better than the one of his father. In his mind, she’d abandoned him, and her own selfishness had trapped Nick under his father’s roof and rule. At least now, he could understand why she’d made the decision to pack up and leave as fast as she could. She had seen an opportunity for freedom and grasped it with both hands. As soon as Nick was old enough, he had done the exact same thing. It was funny how there was a small part of him that was even envious of her ability to enjoy what life had to offer. Maybe he could learn something from his mom. That would be something new.

  “After she left, the rest of my childhood was spent listening to how I was the heir to his empire and that one day I was going to take it all over. I never wanted anything to do with his company and especially didn’t want to turn into him. So I did what all good sons would do when they turn eighteen and joined the military.”

  Becca broke in. “You joined the military? I thought you do run the company.”

  Nick chuckled at her confusion. “Yep, I joined the Army and smiled all the way to basic training remembering his face when I told him I was leaving.” He shrugged and continued. “I did take it over, I guess. I really had no choice. When I left the Army and got back home, my father had a massive heart attack a month later. I never had a chance to talk to him about changing his will or his mind. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he planned it. His last breath was him telling me how he got his way.”

  Becca shook her head. “Wow, so you’re now the owner and top dog of a company you never wanted.”

  “Yeah, basically that’s it. I’ve been struggling with trying to get a handle on what Hollsten Holdings does and owns. All those years, I never listened to him because I wasn’t interested. On top of that, I made a promise to my team that we would start a private security company when we got out of the Army. Rock Services Group is actually getting off the ground now. My father would probably spit nails if he knew his precious company was funding the growth of a security team.”

  Becca smiled. “It sounds like you are a very busy man, and yet you found time to bring me my panties.”

  He shrugged and laughed again. “I have priorities. Besides, Brad basically runs Hollsten, and right now, I’m more of a silent partner at Rock. I’m really not sure yet where I want to fit in at either of them.”

  She gave him a puzzled look and cocked her head. “Really? I mean I don’t know you that well, but the security team sounds like something that would hold your interest. What did you do in the Army?”

  “I was Special Forces Airborne. For a long time, I loved what I did and made it all the way to Captain before I ended my career. My specialty was explosives. You can call me Boomer.”

  “Boomer, huh? I like it.” Becca hesitated, and he could see the indecision on her features. “Nick, you said you ended your career. What happened?”

  Nick felt good sharing with her what he did, but he wasn’t ready to test their relationship with that story. Hell, it was their first date, and there wasn’t any relationship yet to test. With that thought, he decided it was time to turn the evening back around.

  “It was time.” He shrugged and stood up offering his hand to her. “Just like it’s now time for something that I have been waiting for all evening.”

  Becca placed her hand in his as he helped her up “What have you been waiting for?”

  Nick took a step forward and pulled her into his arms. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I want you, Becca…”

  She inhaled sharply, and he could hear the wariness her voice when she said, “Nick, I don’t think—”

  He kissed the tip of her nose to cut her off and then added, “…to teach me the Tush Push.”


  Becca was sure she didn’t hear him correctly. He wanted her to teach him a country line dance? A few seconds ago, he was holding her in his arms and she was fighting a war inside between running for the door and begging him to kiss her. Her own mind was sure he meant something entirely different when he said he wanted her. Ok, it could have been a teensy bit of wishful thinking. No matter. Without a doubt she wasn’t ready to jump into the deep end of that pool again … yet. But just one kiss wouldn’t have hurt, right?

  Becca looked up at him. “What did you say?”

  He chuckled and stepped back, letting her go. “Would you please teach me the Tush Push? The way Eva described it with all that hip wiggling had me wanting to give it a try.”

  All she could do was nod and laugh while she watched him walk over to change the music. Saying he was not what she expected was a huge understatement. The whole night had been wonderful. She even felt comfortable talking about her parents with him, which was something she never shared on her dates. Then again, Nick wasn’t just any date, was he? He was sexy, funny, charming, romantic, and compassionate. Did she mention he was sexy as hell? Couldn’t forget that check mark in the “Pro” column.

  He’d even surprised her with not wanting to be a part of the corporate world or getting caught up in the money that went hand-in-hand with taking over his father’s company. His distance from his security team confused her though. He’d said he loved being Airborne. There was something he was holding back about his reason for leaving the military, but in all fairness she had held something back about the accident. Weren’t they just the lovely pair?

  Can I get a table for the neurotic and emotionally scarred couple, please?

  Of course, Becca meant couple as in two people that were similar, not that she thought they were “together”, right? She knew she liked him more than she should at this point, but she was already considering them a couple? Counting the hook-up at the party, they had only known each other for a few weeks. Even that was a stretch since there was a two week gap between then and now.

  What was next? Picking out china patterns? She needed to get her emotions in check before the lifeline she was clinging to snapped and she found herself drowning in that abyss.

  Becca watched him walk back over to her. He smiled that smile that made her melt. “Ready to show me some of your moves?”

  She swallowed the lump that was in her throat and nodded. She was so screwed.

  “Um, yes?” Why was she suddenly nervous and hyper-alert to how close his body was to her? Shuffling around him to put some distance between them, Becca took a quick gulp of air.

  Focus on the dance and try not to think about him standing behind you staring at your ass.

  Yeah, like that was going to happen.

  She closed her eyes and listened to the guitar opening of a familiar Travis Tritt song. Fighting back a snort to the appropriateness of his song choice, she couldn’t agree more. Damn straight, she smelled t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

  “Ok, how about you just watch me first? Then when you think you got it just jump on in and follow along.” Becca went through the dance getting caught up in the moves. She loved to dance. Country was closest to her heart, but she had been known to shake her groove thing to anything from rock and hip-hop to the oldies. As long as there was a rhythm, she would be moving along to it.

  She’d even attempted some salsa dancing. Now, that was some serious hip action and dance moves, not to mention one heck of a workout. Everything from the waist down hurt like she had been hit by a car the day after she’d whooped it up at a Latin-themed party back in college.

  She had a blast, though, and it was totally worth the pain. If she could find a guy that could keep up with the rhythm and steam up the dance floor with her, she would take every salsa lesson that was out there. Talk about hot!

  Becca glanced back to see how Nick was doing and found him following along with the steps perfectly. “You catch on fast. You got it.”

  “I had a good teacher.” Nick clapped on the beat and flashed that dazzling smile.

  “I don’t know about that, but I’ll take the compliment. Is it everything that Eva made it out to be?”

  “She was right. I like it. But when does it become a two person dance? What’s the point of wigging your hips if there isn’t any contact?”

  “It’s a line dance, Nick. It’s not meant to be a contact sport.”

  Nick came up behind her and put his hands on her hips. She could feel his heat radiating through her sweater and scorching her skin. “I disagree. All dancing should involve some type of contact.”

  He hooked his fingers through the belt loops of her jeans and held her in place as he closed the gap between them. She instantly melted and poured herself into the mold of his hard body.

  “Now isn’t that better?”

  Becca absently nodded barely hearing the question. Having him pressed up against her was causing her pulse to pound in her ears, and she was having a difficult time remembering to breathe.

  “I got you, Angel. Just let yourself feel.”

  Becca closed her eyes as he started to move their hips in a swaying groove motion. Back and forth, dipping down, rotating back and then up. Their movements were liquid never losing contact from each other. He used the loops to keep her firm against him as he led her in a slow sensual rhythm.

  Becca could feel his swollen desire pressed against her. Wanting to feel more, she reached back to grasp his ass and in one quick motion pulled him hard into her while grinding into his crotch. Nick’s groan of appreciation vibrated against her back sending shivers along her skin that ended at her sex.

  She slowly ran her hands down to the back of his thighs relishing the feel of his hard muscles. Using the hold on his legs as leverage, she lowered herself to his knees and then pushed back into him as she inched her way back up. She stroked her body up and down his frame, pleasure rippling through her every time his breath caught as she rubbed against his cock.

  This was a very bad idea. She was playing with fire, and she knew it. But knowing and feeling how much he wanted her was a powerful aphrodisiac. Her skin was flushed; her heart was pounding in her chest, and she couldn’t get enough.

  Becca ran her fingernails up his legs and dug them into his butt as hard as she could through his jeans. The sudden movement caused Nick to clench and thrust forward.

  A low growl rumbled in his throat, and he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “So that’s how you want to play, huh?”

  Well, that could have been a little too much. If it was, then why did his words have her holding her breath in anticipation?

  Nick spun her around and captured her gaze with his. His eyes smoldered over hers, and she shuddered at the intensity of his desire. She felt the heat of his hand as it went underneath the bottom of her sweater. He ran along the edge to the small of her back leaving a trail of skin that tingled and quivered to be touched again. Slowly he brought his other hand up the center of her stom
ach, between her breasts and around to cup the back of her neck. He leaned into her slowly pushing her back as her leg instinctively wrapped around his thigh to hold her up.

  She watched in fascination as he lowered his head. He nuzzled the area between her breasts and scraped his cheek across her sweater heading toward her peak. She gasped in surprise when he instantly found her nipple and bit through her clothing. The slight twinge of pain bordered on exquisite torture, and she arched her back begging for more. He moved to the next and did the same creating a dull throb to start between her legs.

  Nick lifted her back up and moved his hand around to pull her leg up higher to his waist. He pushed into her and stroked his hard length against her core. The dull throbbing turned into a frantic beat, and she pushed back desperately seeking the friction. Nick changed his angle and managed to find her clit even through the clothes. She inhaled sharply, and he zeroed in on the signal as he thrust hard against the area. Her body jumped at the sudden bolt of electricity that surged through when he hit the sensitive nub.

  She panted his name, as his lips claimed hers in a searing kiss. His movements were rushed and rough as he ravaged her. He was demanding and consuming as he conveyed his raging desire and need with his kiss. He moaned into her mouth as he sucked on her tongue and almost violently pulled back.

  His breathing was labored, and there was a strain to his voice as he spoke barely louder than a whisper. “Angel, I’m not going to be able to stop soon. I want you to be sure this is what you want.”

  Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she closed her eyes trying to register his words. Was she sure? She didn’t know what she was sure of except that her hormones were in overdrive and she wanted to plant his mouth back on her to continue his sensual assault.

  How does he make her brain turn to mush and forget everything so easily? Earlier she knew she wasn’t ready to jump in and have sex with him again. Just the fact that she actually had to stop to think about it should be enough of a warning sign for her. She wasn’t ready. She knew it, and he knew it.


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