The Blessed Blend

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The Blessed Blend Page 18

by Allison Shaw

  “Nae, lass,” he whispered as he shifted her over and got into bed. “Let’s take oor time a’ this. I want t’ play wi’ ye all the night.”

  Callie looked up at him, her eyes darkened with desire. He wanted to play? Oh, she had some games for them, alright. She pulled his head down and caught him in a fervent kiss, invading his mouth with her tongue as he had done hers earlier. Her body pressed into his and her hand found his sex. He was big and thick and felt like silk over steel, which made her purr with anticipation. She stroked him until he had to pull away from her to keep from spilling his seed, and then she pounced on him and began nibbling her way down his torso. Her hands roamed freely over his skin and she kissed and caressed him everywhere she could reach, exulting in the raw tremors racing up and down his body as he hung on to his control by his fingertips.

  She finally reached his groin and teased him by flicking the tip of his shaft a few times with her tongue before settling it between her breasts and rubbing up and down against him. His groans of pleasure made her smile wickedly and she sucked at the tip of his cock each time she slid her breasts down to its base. When he rasped, “Take it doon, lass” she complied and took him in her mouth, laving him lustily with lips and tongue.

  Euan was having a hard time holding himself back. The pleasure was so intense that it was almost painful. Aye, he had been with other women doing this same thing but that had just been sexual release. Callie was the heart of him, his soul mate and true love. Only she could make him feel this way. He needed her like he needed to breathe or eat and he had been starved of her for far too long. There was an overwhelming need to lose himself in her until they were completely as one again. Now and forever.

  “Enough, lass!” he growled as he pulled her up to lie beside him. He rose up over her and lowered his head to kiss her brow. Her eyes. Her nose. Her lips. Each kiss was a reverent benediction conveying his deepest desires. He whispered in her ear, “Let me in, Callie. Mo cridhe, mo leannan, mo bith.”

  She made way for him as he positioned himself between her thighs. He slid into her and arched her back in utter pleasure. She rocked her pelvis up to meet his thrusts and wrapped her legs about his waist. He brought his head down and they locked in a mating kiss, their moans of pleasure mingling as surely as their tongues and loins. Minute by minute they rode it with increasing urgency until Euan felt release nearing.

  He stopped, much to Callie’s frustration, and withdrew his length from her sheath. “On yer knees, lass!” he commanded, his voice gruff with barely restrained need.

  She complied swiftly and he plunged into her, slamming his hips against that deliciously round bum as he plowed in and out of her. When she began to sinuously writhe her hips he thought he was going to lose what little control he was managing to hang on to. The feel of her was beyond mere pleasure. It was just so incredibly right that it made him forget that there had ever been anyone else.

  Reaching around her, he found her bud and massaged it to increase her pleasure. She began to buck, her breaths coming in staccato bursts punctuated with breathy squeals and low growling moans. As the fire ran hotter within her and the explosions began she called out his name and proclaimed her love for him over and over.

  He had been fighting to hold back his own climax as he pushed her towards hers and as he measured his thrusts the pleasure became almost unbearable. But when she called out his name and her love in the throes of her climax, he simply lost it. Taking a firm hold of her hips, he thrust against her harder and faster until their shared release catapulted them into that white-hot realm of absolute bliss beyond description.

  They collapsed and lay there for a while, unable to think or move and knowing nothing more than the feel of each other. They felt the beat of each other’s heart, the warmth of each other’s breath, and the scent of their lovemaking surrounded them. More than that, each once again felt whole. The healing had begun.

  Euan finally managed to lift his weight off of Callie and he lay down beside her and pulled her to him. As he nuzzled her forehead and tasted her sweat on his lips, a thought occurred to him and he grinned wickedly. “Oh Callie,” he drawled, his deep voice sinfully silky in her ear.

  “Hmm?” she responded.

  “We didna use a condom tha’ time, either,” he advised.

  “It’s a bit late to worry about that isn’t it?” she asked.

  “D’ ye care?”

  She took a deep breath as she considered that. “Not really,” she replied. “Do you?”

  He chuckled and held her closer. “Nae a bit,” he answered. “In fact I hope I hae knocked ye up again. Then ye’ll hae t’ marry me.”


  “Aye, lass?”

  “Shut up and go to sleep.”

  “Aye, lass.”

  Chapter 13:

  That Hide Was Worth Some Money

  They didn’t go to sleep until nearly dawn, of course, finally exhausted after making love twice more. Dead to the world, they slept dreamlessly in a more complete peace than either had known since their parting. The crowing of the roosters announcing the new day went unheard in the lulled depths of their nightland.

  The rest of the household was up, however, and the absence of the two was most definitely noticed. Red Wolf and Mountain Rose had gotten up with the first streak of light in the eastern sky. Realizing that their mother wasn’t in bed with them, they ran to their father’s room and knocked on the door. When there was no answer, Mountain Rose tried the knob and discovered that it was unlocked. They tip-toed into the room and she whispered, “Daddy? Are you in here?”

  There was no response, only the sound of someone sleeping.

  “He must be asleep,” Mountain Rose said softly. Pulling her brother along, she went to the edge of the bed and both climbed up on the side rail and held on to the edge of the mattress. It was too dark to see anything, so they quietly called out to their father. “Daddy?”

  No response.

  Red Wolf noticed that something was different. “It sounds like two people breathing,” he whispered. “Go turn on the light.”

  Mountain Rose got down and ran over to flip the switch on the wall. Soft light flooded the room and both children’s eyes widened in surprise. “It’s Mama!” Mountain Rose exclaimed, still whispering. “What’s she doing in here?”

  Red Wolf examined his mother closely and shrugged, “Looks like she’s sleeping. Maybe she got scared and crawled in bed with Daddy.”

  Mountain Rose pulled herself back up on the side rail and eyed her sleeping parents. “They smell funny!” she noted, wrinkling her nose.

  Red Wolf sniffed the air. “Musta gone to bed without a bath.” He tugged at Callie’s arm. “Mama? You awake?”

  Callie moaned and stirred briefly but didn’t rouse.

  Undeterred, he shoved at his father’s arm where it fell over Callie’s waist. “Daddy? You awake?”

  Euan didn’t move but a small snore escaped through his mouth. He was curled around Callie, the way they had most often slept, with him holding her close in his arms. It was a tender picture to behold for those who knew love, but to the two toddlers it was a puzzle to be figured out.

  “They ain’t got any clothes on!” Mountain Rose whispered. “I know Mama an’ Daddy’s both got jammies. You think they forgot to put ‘em on?”

  Red Wolf shrugged. “I dunno, but they ain’t waking up. Maybe we should go get Grandma. She’ll know what to do.”

  “You think she’ll throw water on ‘em like she does Uncle Eli sometimes?” Mountain Rose asked. “That’ll make Mama really mad. Probably Daddy, too.”

  They went downstairs and knocked on Jim and Darlene’s door. When Darlene opened the door, the twins grabbed at her gown and Mountain Rose said, “Grandma, come quick! Hurry!”

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Darlene asked, suddenly worried.

  “Mama’s in Daddy’s bed and we can’t get them to wake up!” the child exclaimed. “And they got no clothes on and…and…” />
  Jim came up behind Darlene just as she started laughing. “What’s going on?” he asked.

  Darlene’s eyes were overly bright with mirth and her hand covered her mouth as she tried to control herself.

  Mountain Rose grabbed her grandfather’s hand and demanded, “Please come get Mama and Daddy up! They’re in Daddy’s room and they won’t wake up!”

  Jim started to leave but Darlene stopped him. “They were in the bathroom last night. Together.”

  Jim’s eyes widened and Darlene nodded, grinning from ear to ear. “Oh!” he said as the realization came to him. Then he shrugged. “Bound to happen sooner or later.”

  Bending over he spoke to the twins. “Leave your folks alone for now. They were up late and they’re tired. Very tired. They’ll be up later.”

  “You two go to the kitchen and get the lights turned on for me,” Darlene said. “I’ll be there in a minute to get breakfast started.

  As they ran down the hall, she turned to Jim. “Remember when we used to have the energy to stay up that late doing the humpty-dance?”

  “What do you mean ‘used to’?” Jim retorted. “Woman, I can still wear you out!”

  Darlene cocked an eyebrow. “Oh? Care to prove it some night?”

  “I can prove it every night,” Jim replied. “How ‘bout tonight?”

  “You are so on!” she challenged as she planted a big smooch on his face and reached down to feel him up. “How’s that for starters?”

  “Don’t you have to get breakfast started?” Jim chuckled as he grabbed her hand and moved it away from his burgeoning erection. “You can’t expect me to perform on an empty stomach!”

  As Jim began rousting his kids from their beds, John got up to take his morning piss and stumbled over the boots and clothes littering the upstairs bathroom floor. “Wha’ the hell?” he muttered as he flipped the light switch. Looking down he saw Euan’s and Callie’s boots and clothes strewn together in front of the sink. The implications dawned on him and he began to laugh. “Well an’ for aye!” he chuckled. “Gude lad, Euan!”

  When Callie finally woke up, it was mid-morning. Euan’s body was curled around hers, with one arm pillowing her head and the other draped across her waist. An insistent pressure against her backside clued her in to the fact that a certain part of him was up and rearing to go.

  A whole host of memories from the wee hours of the morning danced in her head. Realizing where she was and what they had done, she was horrified at her actions. She stirred slowly, hoping that she could slip out of bed without waking him and retreat to her room.

  His arm tightened about her and a deep voice husked in her ear, “An’ where d’ ye think ye’re goin’, lass?”

  She struggled against his grip. “Euan!” she hissed. “You turn me loose this instant before somebody knows we were…oooh, let me go!”

  “Nae on yer life, lassie,” he replied. “Ye’re my woman in my bed where ye belong. I was fool enough t’ let ye get away once. Ne’er ag’in!” He gripped her shoulder and turned her on her back to look up at him. “An’ if ye remember, ye werena unwillin’ in this.”

  She pulled the covers up to her chin, thoroughly mortified. Oh yeah, she’d been more than willing but she’d be damned if she’d admit it. “You…you seduced me, Euan Wallace!” she accused. “I didn’t stand a chance!”

  “An’ ye think ye can prove that, d’ ye?” he retorted. “Since when has Callie Hawken e’er been forced tae do anythin’?”

  “I’ve been forced to put up with you for the past week and a half!” she snapped.

  “I see,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “So kindly explain joos’ exactly wha’ happened last night when ye were beggin’ me tae bang away at ye on the kitchen counter, an’ fook ye in the bathroom, an’ do ye thrice for aye here in m’ bed?”

  She gasped and tried to swing at him but her arm got caught in the sheets. He laughed and rolled, pinning her underneath him, totally unfazed as she struggled to get loose and her hissed curses turned the air a few shades bluer. “Quite a temper ye got there, lassie,” he teased. “Mebbe I should kiss ye until the spittin’ cat turns intae the purrin’ kitten. It worked wonders last night.”

  “Maybe you should go to hell and fu-mmmph!” The rest of the insult was swallowed up as Euan covered Callie’s mouth with his. With his lips firmly on hers he warned, “I’ll nae let ye up until I get m’ morning kiss, Callie.”

  Her reply was muffled into his mouth and judging by the tone, good morning wasn’t even remotely part of it.

  “Daddy, what are you and Mama doing?”

  Euan and Callie froze. He lifted himself up on his elbows and turned to see his son and daughter standing in the doorway. His mind raced as he sought to come up with a decent reply. “We’re…we’re, uh…we’re kissin’ and makin’ up, laddie.”

  Mountain Rose bounced over and crawled up on the bed, a huge grin on her beautiful little face. “Oh, goody!” she exulted. “Now we’uns can be a family!” She climbed on her father’s back and hugged him around the neck. “Thank you, Daddy!” she said, oblivious to the oof! Callie uttered as the added weight bore down on her.

  Still on Euan’s back, she looked down at her mother. “Mama, why are you and Daddy naked? Couldn’t you’uns find your jammies?”

  Embarrassed beyond belief, Callie pulled the covers over her head and said nothing. Euan smiled and told Mountain Rose, “Well, sometimes mathairs and fathairs like t’ sleep naked.”

  “But why, Daddy?” she asked.

  “Well, er, it…it helps ‘em sleep much better when they’re close like tha’.”

  Euan heard Callie groan in dismay but it was the best excuse he could come up with under the circumstances.

  When Red Wolf climbed up on the bed, the jostling reminded both of his parents that they had to relieve themselves. Euan directed the children to leave and close the door. “Yer mathair an’ I’ll be doon directly,” he stated. “We hae t’ get dressed an’ hit the loo.”

  “You’d better pick your clothes up before Grandma sees them,” Mountain Rose said. “You’re not supposed to leave ‘em wadded up on the floor like that.”

  “We left them in the bathroom?” Callie asked, jerking the covers back down.

  “No, Mama,” Red Wolf replied as he and his sister left. “They’re right in here by the door.”

  “Oh. My. God!” Callie said, thoroughly chagrinned. “Somebody found our clothes in there? I am so embarrassed! There’s no way I can show my face today!”

  “Well, if we doona get up an’ get dressed, it’s certain for aye tha’ they’ll come lookin’ for us,” Euan admonished. “As for bein’ ashamed, get o’er it, lass. They’ll ken this soon eneu’ if they doona already.”

  Callie looked up at him. “I hate you,” she breathed.

  “Tha’s nae wha’ ye said last night, lass, an’ ye repeated y’self several times. Quite loudly.”

  Callie was mortified by the memory. “It was in the heat of passion!” she exclaimed. “I didn’t know what I was saying!”

  “D’ ye ken ye’re a poor liar, Callie Hawken?” he asked. Looking into her eyes he said tenderly, “’Tis nae a lie when I say tha’ I love ye, an’ nae a lie when ye say ye love me.” He bent his head down until his forehead rested against hers. “Ye do love me, lass.”

  She closed her eyes and sighed. “Yeah, I love you, Euan,” she admitted. “But I’m going to beat the hell out of you if you don’t let me up before I pee in the bed!”

  Laughing, he rolled off of her and watched as she sprang out of bed like a scalded cat, wrapped herself in one of his shirts, and quickly left the room. Throwing back the covers, he rose and stretched before pulling his pajama pants out of the drawer and heading down the hall to the other bathroom.

  Callie turned on the shower and got in. She soaped up twice, scrubbing her skin hard. Dear God what had she done? Had she lost her mind? She had screwed Euan on the kitchen counter and three more times in his bed like some sham
eless hussy. They had used no protection and she was in the fertile part of her cycle. It would be a miracle if she wasn’t pregnant.

  That thought stopped her cold. She could be pregnant again with Euan’s child. Part of her was jumping up and down like a little kid with a pile of Christmas presents. Part of her was afraid of becoming more attached to Euan when she didn’t know how things were going to turn out between them.

  She had always wanted a houseful of children. After Euan had kicked her out of his life and she had come home and found out that she was indeed pregnant all other family plans had been suspended. Sure, there had been men interested in her since the birth of the twins, but she hadn’t been the least bit interested in them. Even when she was so horny that she couldn’t walk straight, she never entertained the thought of so much as a roll in the hay to scratch the itch. Like a wolf, Callie mated for life and the bond with Euan had remained despite all of the pain and sorrow. Last night had renewed that bond and she knew there would never be anyone else.

  Still she was embarrassed that she had fallen so easily. He had grabbed her, kissed the hell out of her, and the next thing she knew they were rutting like wild things. Damn him!

  “And damn me, too!” she muttered.

  When she made it downstairs, Euan was in the kitchen fixing breakfast for them. He held out a chair for her and adjusted it as she got seated, then poured her a cup of coffee. She could smell sausage frying and her mouth watered in anticipation before she suddenly remembered, “We didn’t clean the counter! Oh my God, Euan! Mama fixed breakfast where we-”

  “I’ve watched yer mathair and she always cleans the surfaces before she begins preparing any food,” he interrupted. “I’m sure she did sae this morn.” He turned and winked at her before adding, “However, I certainly wouldna complain if there was a bit o’ special seasoning in m’ food!”


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