Virtue & Vengeance (Empire Sevens #2)

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Virtue & Vengeance (Empire Sevens #2) Page 3

by Tabatha Vargo

  She was stupid for not coming to me, but then again, she wasn’t aware of my reach. Still, I would do what I could to protect her. The terror on her face was familiar. I’d seen it before, and it usually appeared on the faces of the most desperate people I’d come in contact with.

  Whoever this guy was, he made her afraid for her life, and she was running.

  I wasn’t about to let that happen.

  The phone rang three times before he finally picked up.

  “It’s Zander,” I said into the phone. “I need to call in a favor.”




  I wasn’t sure it was him before, but now I knew it was him. The person Zander described.



  Missing teeth.

  There was no doubt about it after hearing that description. It was definitely Allen.

  He was looking for me at Empire Sevens.

  But how had he known where to find me?

  Did my mother know I was with Aunt Kennedy?

  Did my mother even know where Aunt Kennedy lived now?

  And if so, would she tell Allen where to find me?

  Would she hand me over to Allen so he could get to me?

  I knew in my heart that was a definite no. My mother would never do that.

  My mother wasn’t the woman she used to be, but I had to believe she wouldn’t hand me over to Allen. Especially since she knew what he was capable of, and especially since I was sure she knew I’d stolen his money and his car. She had to know he would kill me or at least leave me for dead somewhere.

  I left Empire Sevens like I was being chased, and in a way, I was. The Oldsmobile’s tires screeched when I pulled out of the garage and I drove it toward the interstate like Allen and Zander were on my tail.

  Maybe driving his car wasn’t the best idea?

  He would know his car. And if he saw me, he could follow me. That’s if he didn’t already know where I was. But one thing was for sure; if Allen had come to Empire Sevens looking for me, then he knew Aunt Kennedy worked there. And if he knew Aunt Kennedy worked at Empire Sevens, it wouldn’t be long before he realized I worked there, as well.

  He would find me.

  There was no doubt about that.

  I knew my leaving would hurt Aunt Kennedy, but this was for the best. I couldn’t stay there and bring her any trouble. She didn’t deserve that after everything she had done for me since I showed up unannounced on her doorstep.

  I just needed to get out of the city, but I didn’t even get that far.

  I’d been driving maybe twenty minutes before I realized leaving was going to be much harder than I thought it would be.

  I heard the siren blaring behind me before I saw the bright flashes of blue lights. My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach when I realized I was being stopped.

  I’d been driving this piece of crap for weeks, and now I was being pulled over?

  I slowed down before I pulled the car to the side of the road. The police car followed behind me, pulling up at my bumper. I didn’t think my nerves could be any more on edge as I waited for the police officer to get out of his car and make his way toward mine.

  I had no idea how I was going to get out of this with no registration or insurance. I had yet to try and obtain either since I’d gotten the car out of impound. Honestly, I didn’t think I would need either since I rarely drove it. Most days I enjoyed walking in the Vegas sunshine.

  The officer stepped up to the driver’s side door and tapped on the window.

  Reaching out, I turned the knob and slowly rolled the window down.

  “Hello, officer,” I said as he leaned down and peered into my car.

  His eyes bounced around the backseat as if he were searching for something and then he looked at me.

  “License and registration.”

  “Of course.” My fingers shook as I searched through my purse for my license. “Here it is,” I said, holding it up for him to see.

  “Good.” He took it from my fingers. “Registration?”

  “Of course.” The words came out slowly as I tried to figure out what the hell I was going to do.

  Leaning over, I opened the glove compartment and began to search like I was going to find something. After a few minutes, I knew I was going to have to give up the charade and come clean.

  Looking at the police officer again, I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “I can’t find my registration. I must’ve left it at my house.”

  He stared me down, his eyes full of accusation. He knew I was lying. I was sure he had heard it all before.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said.

  He turned without another word and walked back to his car. I watched from the side view mirror as he got into his car and shut the door.

  I waited, sweat beginning to form all over my body as I chewed on my fingernails. An eternity seemed to pass as I waited before he finally climbed out of his car and made his way back toward me.

  “Are you aware this vehicle was reported stolen this afternoon?”

  Of all the things I expected him to come back and say, the car coming back as stolen wasn’t one of them.

  “That has to be a mistake, officer.”

  “I assure you it’s no mistake. Does this car belong to you, ma’am?”

  I hesitated but nodded slowly. “Yes, sir.”

  He scanned my face, his expression giving nothing away.

  “Can you please get out of the car?”

  My stomach twisted, but I nodded and pushed open the door. Cars whizzed by us, making me jump.

  “Officer, I assure you, there’s no way this car was reported stolen.”

  I was sure of that.

  Allen wasn’t one to deal with cops, no matter how angry he was.

  “That may be true, but unfortunately, until we get this all straightened out, I’m going to have to take you in.”

  I felt the blood draining from my face. Dizziness moved over me, and I felt as if I was tilting. “You’re arresting me?”

  I’d never been arrested in all my life.

  “I’m afraid so. But if you come willingly, I won’t have to handcuff you.”

  I couldn’t believe this was happening.

  I hadn’t so much as shoplifted a piece of candy in my life and now I was about to be put in the back of the cop car and taken in?

  I could have cried.

  I could feel the tears stinging my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

  “Okay,” I agreed.

  The officer directed us toward his car, but I paused.

  “What about my car?” I asked, emphasizing the word my.

  “I’ve already put in the call to have it towed and impounded.”

  Impounded again?

  There was no way I was going to have the money to pull it out and still be able to leave Las Vegas now.

  Once again, I was screwed.

  “Can I get my things out of the car?” I asked.

  He sighed and stood there looking back at me as he thought it over. Finally, he gave.

  “I’ll put the things in the back of my squad car.”

  “Thank you.”

  If I wasn’t going to be getting the car back anytime soon, I at least needed my things out of it.

  He helped me into the back of his car, and once he closed the door, the small space began to close in on me. Somehow knowing that I couldn’t open the back doors and get out made me feel trapped. The glass barrier between him and me didn’t help much.

  Breathing deep, I tried to relax as he pulled into traffic, leaving the Oldsmobile behind.

  The car ride to the police station only managed to fill me with fear and anger, and by the time we arrived, I was in a full-blown panic attack.

  I was put into an empty holding cell. The walls were brick and bare, with just a tiny window looking out that was too tall to reach. A row of bars kept me in and beyond that was a large steel door with another small wind
ow of bars.

  I turned, taking in the space around me.

  There was no way I was getting out of this.

  Quickly, I reached for the bars and stopped the officer before he could walk through the door and leave me alone.

  “Can I call someone?” I asked.

  He didn’t even stop or turn around when he said, “You’ll get a phone call.”

  “Thank you,” I said tightly.

  He shut me in with a loud bang that echoed throughout the brick interior.

  A phone call.

  I had no idea who I was going to call when they finally gave me my phone call. Of course, I thought of Aunt Kennedy, but I didn’t want to put all of this on her. Especially with her being so far away.

  I sat in the empty cell in silence for what felt like forever as I waited for anyone to come in and tell me anything. Finally, I heard the door open. I looked up expecting to see the officer from before, but instead, shock froze me in place.

  Zander Hale.

  He stood in the opening looking back at me through the bars holding me captive. His broad shoulders filled the doorway completely, blocking out the space behind him and making me unsure if anyone was with him.

  “What are you doing here?” I snapped.

  Deep down, a part of me already knew why he was there.

  I’d had time to sit and think it over.

  He was responsible for getting me arrested.

  He had set it all up.

  “This was you wasn’t it?” I asked.

  I got up, walking toward the cell door, and glared at him between the bars.

  He didn’t deny it.

  “I told you, you weren’t leaving,” he said.

  He leaned casually against the doorframe and looked down at his watch.

  The audacity!

  “Are you out of your mind? You reported my car stolen? You’re going to tell them right now that you lied.”

  He chuckled, crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  “I’m sorry, angel, but that’s not going to happen.”

  Rage exploded inside of me making me growl. I gripped the bars so tightly my fingers were turning white. “How the hell can you even get away with this?”

  I released the bars when they began to slide to the side, leaving nothing between us.

  “I have reach. The police officer who arrested you is a friend of mine.”

  I shook my head; my lips pinched so tightly at his words that the skin around my mouth burned.

  “You’re a bastard,” I barked.

  “A bastard and an asshole in one day. That might be a new record.”

  My eyes narrowed at him. “I seriously doubt that. Are you going to tell them to let me out of here or what?”

  “That depends.” He took a step closer toward me and put his hands behind his back.

  “You’re joking, right? You can’t hold me hostage here, Zander.”

  “Want to bet?”

  “Ugh!” I growled. “Let me out of here or so help me…”

  He had the nerve to grin at my anger.

  “All that fire inside of you. Damn it turns me on, angel.”



  Every freaking name I could think of.

  He was all of them.

  “When I finally do get out of here, you’re going to wish we’d never met, Zander Hale.”

  He closed the distance between us, his spicy cologne stinging my nose and sending memories of his naked body through my mind. “Don’t count on it, gorgeous.”

  “Let me out of here,” I repeated.

  He shook his head. “I might do that, but first, I have conditions.”

  I knew he wasn’t going to let me out until he said what he had to say and if all I had to do was humor him until then, I could do that.

  “Fine. What are your conditions?”

  His eyes widened briefly before his cocky confidence slipped back into place.

  “First of all, you’re not leaving Vegas.”

  I gritted my teeth, knowing good and well nothing was stopping me from leaving. “Fine. I’m not leaving. Next?”

  His eyes narrowed at me like he knew exactly what I was doing. “I’m serious, Eden. You’re not leaving until Kennedy gets back from New York.”

  “I said I wasn’t leaving.”

  We stared each other down before he continued. “You’re staying with me at Empire until Kennedy comes home.”

  My mouth popped open, and I snorted.

  Screw that.

  I had limits and staying with him was definitely pushing it.

  “Forget it.” I waved my hand in the air. “Let them throw away the key for all I care because there’s no way I’m going to stay with you.”

  He shrugged. “Well, there’s no way I’m letting you stay at Kennedy’s, alone. Especially after the way you reacted when I told you about the man looking for you.”

  I’d almost forgotten about Allen.

  I guess being locked up took precedence at the moment.

  I sighed and ran cold fingers over my heated forehead. “I told you … I have no idea who the man is. He obviously had the wrong person, or he’s a regular.”

  “That man has never been inside my casino. I promise you that.”

  “Well, I don’t know what to tell you then, Zander. All I know is I’m not staying with you.”

  He shook his head, a grin on his lips as he looked down. “You realize if I bail you out, you’ll owe me?”

  I frowned. “Bail me out? You had your friend arrest me, why would you have to bail me out?”

  More money.

  It always came down to money when it came to me.

  “It has to look real,” he said, picking at something on the front of his suit jacket.

  “That makes no sense. He’s your friend. He arrested me. He should be able to drop the charges or whatever.”

  He shrugged. “That’s not how it works. You were arrested. If you want to walk out of this place, I’ll need to bail you out. So in short, you’ll owe me.”

  He had me.

  He had me pinned to the wall, and he knew it.

  I could tell by the cocky smirk on his perfect lips.

  I wanted to hit him.

  I wanted to rage against him and demand that he leave me alone, but I knew I couldn’t do any of that.

  The fact was, even though I had savings, it wasn’t going to be enough to bail me out.

  He was right.

  If I wanted out, he would have to get me out, and if he got me out of jail, I would owe him.

  “Admit it already. You need me.” He smiled, his perfectly white teeth glowing against the dirty cell walls surrounding us.

  “I don’t need anything from you,” I snapped.

  He chuckled. “You weren’t singing that tune last night. If I remember correctly, you were begging me to fulfill your needs.”

  Embarrassment filled me, and my cheeks burned with humiliation.

  Of course, he would bring up the night before and use it against me in a teasing manner. Of course, he would try to make me feel foolish.

  “I never begged,” I argued.

  “Oh, angel, I hate to break it to you, but you begged. It was the sweetest fucking sound I’ve ever heard.”

  “This is ridiculous,” I said, as I threw my arms up in frustration and moved to step around him.

  He wasn’t finished with me, though.

  He stopped me, his fingers wrapping around my arm and squeezing just enough to make me gasp.

  Electricity scored me where his skin touched mine, and I shivered.

  His blazing green eyes settled on my face, and he grinned as if he knew what I was feeling.

  “It’s rude to walk away from a person when they’re speaking to you.”

  I scowled at him. “Well, you, of all people, would know everything there is to know about being rude.”

  He chuckled, obviously finding amusement in my situation and my words. “Are you call
ing me rude, angel?”

  “Yes, but rest assure it’s a lot nicer than what I would like to call you.”

  His smile faded and his brows pulled low. “I love your fire, little one. You might hide behind your icy, angelic shell, but inside you’re simmering for me.”

  I hated that he seemed to know so much about the way I was feeling and thinking. No matter how much I hid my thoughts and emotions, it was like he was crawling inside my mind and listening to everything my mind, body, and heart were saying.

  “Whatever,” I said, knowing it was useless to lie to him right then.

  He shook his head, the side of his mouth lifting into one of his sexy smirks.

  “Here’s the deal, you still have your job.”

  “And if I no longer want it?”

  “Oh trust me, angel,” he said, his eyes dipping to my mouth. “You’ll always want it.”

  I shook my head, hating his cocky confidence. “You’re so full of yourself.”

  His fingers moved down my arm before he released it and grabbed my waist. His fingers burned through my shirt.

  Scoring me.

  Branding me as his.

  “You’re just jealous because you’re not full of me.”

  I could hardly believe his nerve.

  He had had me arrested and was basically holding me against my will, and yet, he had the balls to flirt with me continually.

  “I hate you so much right now,” I spat.

  “That’s fine by me. I like you angry.”

  He turned me, pushing me into the brick wall beside us. He lined his body up with mine, pressing against my center and making my knees feel weak.

  “Don’t think all you have to do is whisper sweet nothings into my ear and I’ll be putty in your hands. I don’t work that way.”

  “So, what you’re saying is, I have to woo you before I can be inside you again?”

  “I don’t see you as the wooing type.”

  “You’re right; I’m not. But I don’t think that’s going to stop me from getting into your panties.”

  “Nope, it’s not, but I will.”

  He laughed, apparently thinking I was joking.

  “Right. Sure you will. So my conditions,” he said, switching the subject so quickly it gave me whiplash.


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