
Home > Romance > Malfeasance > Page 5
Malfeasance Page 5

by K. Webster

  When we pull apart, my forehead rests against hers. “I’m glad I found you in the club the other night. I didn’t realize how lonely I was until I had you in my arms. I’m glad I held out for you. Nobody else could fill that void, I’m sure of it.”

  She sighs and leans forward to kiss my lips again. “I’d sworn off men and then I met you. All powerful and imposing and hot. There was no ignoring you, Max. And quite frankly, I didn’t want to. It’s nice what’s brewing between us. Feels right.”

  Her stomach growls and we both laugh.

  “Let’s get you out of here so I can feed you. As much as you love my cock, it’ll have to be in the form of dessert later.”

  She snorts and I’ve never felt so alive.

  “Food trucks remind me of my dad,” she says softly as she crumples up the foil from her taco.

  I hold my hand out to accept the trash and add it to the bag in my lap. It was too windy to sit outside but I like having her all to myself in my car anyway. “Yeah?”

  She points at a building. “That was his. Before Carson ruined it all. Dad and I would meet out here for lunch a lot. It was funny watching him savagely eat food truck greasy tacos while wearing an expensive Armani suit. He looked out of place, but that was Dad. He did what he wanted. I admired that about him. Fearless. Then…” Her voice catches and she looks down at her lap. “Then it was like he lost his inner fire and was afraid. Afraid of losing everything and having to start over again. I still can’t believe he left me.”

  Leaning across the console, I grip her jaw and turn her toward me. Fresh, hot tears roll down her pretty pink cheeks. “Even the strongest people have moments of weakness. He loved you with everything he had. I know he’d be proud of how you’ve risen from the ashes and are forging a new path.”

  Her nostrils flare and her bottom lip wobbles. “Because of you. Had you not shown up, I’d be looking for a new job today sporting a black eye or worse.”

  “All I did was remind you of who you were,” I murmur, my lips brushing against hers. “You did the rest.”

  We kiss and she tastes like lime from her tacos. I could devour her all day but I’ll need to get back to the courthouse soon to get ready for my next case. Our kiss lasts until someone pounds on her window.

  Carson glares from the other side of the glass. Rage explodes from within me and I don’t think twice before heaving myself out of the car and stalking over to him.

  “Got this all on tape,” he says in a smug tone. “Revered judge fucking my girlfriend. What will the precious public think?” He’s still holding the phone in his hand and I want to swat it from his grip.

  But I keep my cool.

  I can’t go around acting like a violent hothead like him.

  My reputation is on the line.

  Plus, he’s only digging himself deeper.

  “Mr. Jennings,” I say in a cold voice. “Miss Dresser has filed a restraining order against you. You’re to not be within five hundred feet of her. I suggest you carry yourself away from here before I call Sheriff McMahon.”

  His eyes narrow at me. He shuts off the phone and shoves it in his pocket. “Fine. I’m leaving but she’s still my goddamned woman. I’ll get her back, Judge. I always get her in the end. Pretty little Dorian can run,” he seethes, his face turning bright red. “But she can’t fucking hide.”

  He storms away.

  I don’t realize I’m still staring after him with my fists clenched until two thin arms hug me from behind.

  “Thank you,” she whispers. “I was so scared.”

  My heart sinks. I hate the fact that he thinks he’ll get her eventually. Over my goddamned dead body.

  “You don’t have to be scared around me, beautiful. I won’t let that motherfucker hurt you ever again.”

  The vow hangs thick in the air.

  It’s a promise I won’t ever break.

  I’m an intern.

  For the hottest judge this country has ever seen.

  And I’m learning.

  The past two weeks, I’ve spent assisting Max with duties and cases. I’ve seen him marry couples and serve out sentences to criminals. Max, while a wild stallion in bed, is extremely professional at work. He doesn’t fuck around or abuse his position aside from the stolen kiss here and there. The powerful, beautiful man teaches me things. Actual things about the law and what he does. It’s fascinating and I’m completely enthralled.

  “Need some help?” Speaking of the devil. His deep voice jerks me away from the computer monitor. Heat burns at my cheeks and suddenly I’m embarrassed.

  “I was just searching for things on the internet,” I admit, stretching my legs out across the duvet on his bed.

  His dark eyebrow arches up before he heads into his closet to change his shirt. When he comes back out, his eyes are narrowed in curiosity. “Soph is cutting up vegetables for the salad. She’s not wearing her signature scowl. I think we should celebrate as soon as you’re done searching for mysterious ‘things.’”

  I laugh and turn the screen around to show him. “It’s silly. I just thought…I mean, it’s been so much fun…” I trail off, my self-confidence gone. This really is stupid. I have a college degree in business. Looking up classes is probably a waste of time.

  “Law school?” His tone is surprised but I don’t miss the flash of pride in his eyes. “What brought this on?”

  I bite on my bottom lip and shrug. “I wasn’t sure about the whole interning thing but I’m really enjoying it. When those attorneys go at it in the courtroom, I’m mesmerized. It’s silly,” I repeat and sigh.

  He walks over to the bed where I’m sitting and runs his palm over my bare thigh. A shiver ripples down my spine. I’m absolutely transfixed by this man. Addicted to his touch. When he’s not fucking my brains out like a man in his thirties, he’s showering me with attention and affection. The biggest hurdle in our budding relationship is his daughter but even she seems to be thawing at my presence.

  “I think you can be whatever you want to be. Don’t worry about what others think, Dorian.” He kisses the top of my head. “Worry about what you want.”

  I want a lot of things but Carson forced that selfish part of me into hiding. Now that she’s free again, I’m stacking up my wants faster than I can attain them.

  I want to be in a career where I’m admired and respected. I want justice for others since justice was not served for me. And I want a partner. A best friend. A lover who doesn’t just understand my body but understands me.

  Max’s green eyes are glimmering with adoration. I love that I am the only one who causes that look in his eyes. His jaw is clenched as he plucks the laptop from my lap and sets it on the nightstand. The shirt he just put on gets torn off his body. His ab muscles flex with the movements and I become mesmerized by his perfect flesh.

  “Take off your dress,” he orders, his tone husky. “We can sneak a few more minutes before Soph starts hollering for help.”

  I nod and pull my dress off my body. When I discard the bra and bare my naked breasts at him, he growls. So feral. So animalistic. So alluring.

  “Lie back,” he barks as he sends his jeans and boxers hurtling to the floor.

  I obey him and let out a squeal when he savagely rips my panties down my thighs and off of me. He pounces on me and I moan the moment our flesh touches. I’m drawn to his magnetic presence. I can’t get enough of him. His lips set to devouring mine in a way that makes me lose my mind.

  Our kiss is fervent and I can’t get enough. I love how he speaks to me as though I’m someone deserving of everything I could ever want. That he’d be the type of man to encourage me, not bring me down. We roll over while we make out. I straddle him and kiss him eagerly, my wet sex rubbing against his ridiculously toned lower abs. His hard erection slides along the crack of my ass making me shiver. I lean forward, rubbing my breasts against his pectorals and offer my sex to him. Like a heat seeking missile, his cock plunges into me hard enough to rip me apart. I cry out against h
is lips. His hips are powerful as he thunders them up against me. I’m supposed to be riding him and yet he’s once again fucking me like there’s no tomorrow.

  It’s insane how much I’m enjoying the way he overpowers me, even from beneath. I thought I was done with the alphas of the world. They abuse women, so I thought. Not this one. Abusing me with his cock and perfect mouth don’t count because I want it so bad I can’t stand it. It’s nice to let go and have him take care of me when I don’t even want to take care of myself.

  Before I know what’s happening, I’m flipped onto my back and he drives into me hard enough to make the headboard slam against the wall. My fingernails dig into his shoulders as I hold on for the ride. His hand finds my jaw and he clutches onto it to hold me in place while we kiss. The brutal way in which he makes love has me falling so deep for this man I know soon I’ll be a goner.

  I unravel with a scream that once again sets him off. His seed is hot as it bursts inside me but then he’s yanking out to expel the rest of it on my lower belly. We’re both breathing heavy and I feel as though my world is spinning off its axis.

  “I don’t know how we got from that night we met to here,” he pants, his dripping dick still throbbing between us. “But I’m sure as hell happy we ended up here.”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask Sophia. Her green eyes are distant, dazed even. She blinks it away and regards me with a curled lip.

  “Just fine, Mother.”

  I gape at her and try desperately not to let her get to me. Something is going on with her and I intend on finding out. “Don’t be silly. We’re friends.”

  She rolls her eyes. Max is outside tending to the grill with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Today he’s handsome in a white T-shirt that hugs his muscular back in all the right ways. Dragging my eyes from my man, I sit down in the chair beside her and take her hand.

  “You can talk to me.”

  Her hardened features soften ever so slightly. A flash of sadness flickers in her eyes. “I’m seventeen, Dorian. I walk with a cane.” Tears well in her eyes before she hastily blinks them back. “My softball career is over. I hate my life.”

  “Is physical therapy not helping any? Can you go see a specialist?”

  She shrugs. “The therapists treat me as though I’m the one hindering the progress. I can’t make my hips work. I’m in pain all the time. My grades are slipping. Worst of all, I don’t care anymore.” Her tears freely fall.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I am so sorry you have to go through this.”

  Her features turn hard again as she swipes away the rest of her tears. “What’s going on with you and Dad anyway? What are you after?” She sniffles and shoots me a scathing glare. “I thought he just needed to get laid but here you still are.”

  Guilt infects me. By letting Max take care of me, I disrupted this poor girl’s life. “He and I hit it off really well. Your dad saved me from my ex.”

  Her mouth pops open. “What?”

  “My ex was…” Now it’s my time to choke up with tears. “He was abusive. A rapist. The prick was responsible for my father’s death. I’d been running when he caught up to me again. Your dad stepped in and rescued me.”

  Pride shines in her eyes. Despite her pain, she adores her father. Who wouldn’t? Max is an amazing man. “I’ve been such a bitch to you,” she says with a sigh.

  “You had your reasons,” I tell her with smile. “I just want you to know that I’m not some gold digger. Sure, Max is helping me get on my feet but I have real feelings for him. I’ve never been treated as though I’m…” I trail off and glance out the window again. “Everything. It’s nice. Actually, it’s more than nice. It’s everything I ever wanted.”

  She smiles at me, the anger long faded. “I’m glad he found you. You’re different than most of the women who have tried desperately and failed to date him. The fact that he took a chance with you after all these years says a lot. My dad makes good, sound decisions.” Her eyes twinkle and it reminds me of Max so much I can’t help but grin back at her. “I trust in his decision to be with you.” Then her features darken. “But if you hurt him, I’ll cane you to death.”

  We’re both giggling when Max walks back inside. His eyes are wide in surprise. I’ve been around Sophia and him for a couple of weeks now and she’s barely cracked a smile.

  “You’re amazing,” he mouths to me from behind her, a strong emotion glimmering in his emerald eyes.

  I wink at him. “So are you.”

  He’s following me.


  But at least he can’t get to me.

  I slip into the washroom at the courthouse and take a deep breath. Carson thinks he’s being slick, hiding in the shadows and behind people. I see him though. More than anything, I sense him. Every day he comes to the courthouse. I’ve been with Max for two wonderful months but this nightmare I can’t seem to shake keeps following me. I don’t tell Max because Carson isn’t doing anything but trying to intimidate me.

  I am not afraid anymore.

  Being with Max has strengthened me.

  He is peace but he’s also fire. It fuels my own fire inside and I feel as though I can handle anything with him by my side. And oddly enough, I’ve found a good friend in his daughter. We’d started off rough but after our heart to heart, Sophia opened up to me. My heart aches for the pain she’s going through. Max has exhausted all options. Doctors. Specialists. The works. But he keeps trying, God love him.

  God’s not the only one who loves him.

  I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. A smile plays at my lips and my blue eyes sparkle. Confidence and self-worth belong to me again. I owe that to him. Every single bit.

  After finishing my business, I slip out of the washroom and head back toward his office where I have a mountain of work waiting for me. I’m almost there when someone brutally grips my bicep causing me to yelp.

  “I’m tired of waiting,” Carson growls, his grip tightening. “Time to come home.”

  I jerk my head over my shoulder and glare at him. “Get your hand off of me or I’ll scream.”

  He has the sense to look worried and glances around. People are watching. Leaning forward, he snarls against my ear. “I have a video of the good judge with his tongue down his intern’s throat. I bet that would ruin more than his career. I’ve been saving it for a rainy day.”

  “Let. Go. Of. Me.” My voice is loud and deadly.

  His hand drops and he stalks away from me shaking his phone.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  This is bad.

  Bypassing Max’s office, I hurry to the HR department. Once I slip in, with tears sliding down my cheeks, I turn in my resignation effective immediately.

  Carson can try and bring me down all he wants but I’ll be damned if I let him bring Max down too.

  “I wish you’d have talked to me first,” Max tells me, his brows furrowed. I know he’s disappointed. I’m devastated. Working with him was so much fun and I’d learned tons.

  “He was dead set on ruining you,” I whisper and nuzzle against him on the sofa. “I couldn’t let that happen.”

  He grabs my hips and pulls me into his lap. Concern is etched on his handsome features. I shiver at his touch. This man never ceases to drive my body crazy with desire.

  “I suppose it’ll allow you to spend more time on your law classes.” His lips quirk up in a half smile. “I will just miss seeing you all day.”

  Heat creeps up my neck. He’d shocked me when he paid my tuition for this fall semester. I’d been embarrassed but a fierce emotion gleamed in his eyes that said he wasn’t to be argued with. Truth is, Max is too good to me. I don’t deserve him.

  “I’ll see you around,” I vow. “We can still eat lunch. Besides, now that I’ll be shadowing Dane a few times a week, I’ll still see you at the courthouse. It just won’t be a conflict of interest that could cost you your job.”

  He softens at the mention of his best friend. The moment I
’d told him about what happened earlier today and my resignation, he phoned his friend. Dane is a divorce attorney but said he’d be more than happy to take me on as an intern.

  I lean forward and kiss Max’s soft lips. Sophia is out with friends so it’s just the two of us. His large palms roam my ass through my dress. When he leans forward and bites my breast through my clothes, I let out a yelp.

  “Ow,” I huff and slap his head.

  He laughs and sets to kissing my throat. “Dorian…”

  I’m panting and grinding against his erection. “Yeah, baby?”

  “I love you.”

  I still in his arms. His lips stop their pathway to my ear. “Fuck. I’m sorry. I just can’t hold that thought in any longer and—”

  “I love you too,” I blurt out. God, how I do.

  His fingers thread into my hair and he jerks my head back so he can look at me. Fire flashes in his emerald eyes. Fire for us. Fire for me. We spend the next few seconds clawing at each other’s clothes. He manages to unzip his pants far enough to pull his cock out. I don’t even get my panties off—they just get pushed to the side. Then he’s inside of me. Hard and unrelenting. Those naughty teeth are once again nipping at my sore breasts.

  “Max,” I moan, my fingers ripping at his hair.

  “My sweet Dorian,” he breathes against my chest.

  We fuck like two crazy teenagers on his couch until we come with our feelings unabashedly blurted from our lips once more.

  Holy hell, we’re in love.

  “Don’t you think you’re moving a little fast?” Dane questions, his hip leaned against the glass case in the jewelry store.

  I drag my gaze from the glitzy diamond and frown. “It feels right.”

  My best friend presses his lips together and regards me with a frown. I know he likes having Dorian interning for him. She’s been there for nearly a month now. I don’t know what his fucking problem is.


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