Sweat It Out: A Billionaire Love Story

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Sweat It Out: A Billionaire Love Story Page 3

by Starla Harris

  She jumped up from the bed and hastily dressed. She pulled her hair back into a sleek ponytail and was out the door faster than she had ever managed before. Ten minutes later, she was in a cab headed downtown, her cell phone in her hand and Michael’s voice in her ear.

  “OMG... Look at you, being invited to dinner by Elijah Redford,” he said with a healthy dose of snark and a hint of both pride and amusement in his voice.

  “I know,” Lucy said. She stared out the window but too excited to really see anything. “I can’t believe it. I also can’t believe I barely have an hour to get ready.”

  Michael laughed. “An hour is plenty of time if you know what you’re doing, Lucy.”

  “Not if you don’t have anything to wear.”

  There was a beat of silence. “What do you mean you don’t have anything to wear?”

  “I’m currently in a cab heading downtown, where I plan to hunt down the perfect look for this event.”

  “Are you serious?” Michael sounded appalled. “You didn’t bring anything to wear? How many times have I told you? Always bring a bikini for the hot tub and something for a night out because you never know… ”

  “It’s a health and fitness conference,” Lucy snapped. “I thought it’d be all about nutrition and workouts. The program didn’t mention any fancy dinners. I only brought sporty casual clothes.”

  “Touché,” Michael said. “So what do you have in mind?”

  “I have no idea,” Lucy groaned. She was practically on the verge of having a full blown panic attack.

  “I think you should go for a classic look. A little black dress will do the trick. Think Audrey Hepburn. You can’t go wrong and it’s not that much of a hassle.”

  Lucy found herself grinning from ear to ear. “Thank you, Michael. How do you always know? ”

  “Well, you’d probably still be wearing those God-awful khakis and polos like you did when we first met,” He said with a laugh. “I do what I can.”

  “We’re here. I have to go now,” Lucy said when the cab stopped at a corner of Main Street. “Thanks for this. I don’t know what I would do without you.”

  “What are best friends for?”

  Lucy’s grinned even wider. “Yeah. You are the best friend a girl could ever hope for.”

  “Call me after, okay?”

  “You bet.”

  Lucy hung up, already missing the connection like one would miss a limb. She wished Michael was here, with her on this adventure. She paid the cab driver and stepped out of the car. Lucy wrinkled her brow slightly as she walked into the high-end boutique. Shopping was kind of like hunting—almost predatory in nature. She was a woman on a mission and time was running out. Lucy had to find the perfect look, get back to the resort and get ready. …all in under an hour. She was only glad that she had already showered. Thank God for small miracles.

  * * *

  In the end, Lucy did in fact find the perfect little black dress. Michael always said if you can’t trust Coco, who can you trust? He was right, yet again. She found a simple and yet superbly cut sleeveless sheath dress that fit her body perfectly, hugging it in all the right places. It had a subtle V-neck that made for quite a sophisticated touch without being too tarty. Lucy accessorized with a pair of oh-so fake diamond stud earrings and a couple of silver bands on the thumb and middle finger of her right hand. A small black clutch and a pair of strappy high heels completed the look. When Lucy was done, she looked at herself in the room’s full-length mirror inside the closet door. She gave herself a final once over and was satisfied with the end result. She was especially pleased with the shimmery dark green eyeshadow that she picked up while she was out shopping earlier. She loved how it made the lighter green of her eyes really pop. She smoothed a few stray hairs into place and did a final check of her teeth for lipstick. I clean up well!

  She didn’t really know what to expect as she made her way downstairs in the elevator. She was beginning to understand that Elijah Redford was quite an unpredictable man. She had pretty much no idea what kind of dinner parties he hosted, not to mention why he would ever want her to attend one. Still, she wasn’t about to look the gift horse in the mouth. This was her big chance. She also had no idea what Elijah meant when he told her to bring her “A” game. Regardless, of what that could possibly mean Lucy vowed that no matter what Elijah was going to throw her way, she would rise to the challenge without so much as flinching. Whatever the nature of the party, she would make damn sure she fit in and no one would bat an eye twice at her being there.

  When the doors of the elevator dinged open, Lucy took a deep breath and stepped out. She followed the concierge’s directions to the same garden where she had her workout class with Alice Baker earlier that day. Her palms grew clammy as the effects of the pep talk she had just given herself in the elevator a few moments ago evaporated like a puff of smoke.

  The garden was dramatically transformed and looked nothing like it did earlier in the day. While it had been a dreamy enough place before, it now looked like something out of a design magazine. White paper lanterns were strewn everywhere, emitting a soft warm light. There were strings of smaller lights lining the rows of plants that looked like lightning bugs frozen in time. A series of round tables were arranged with carefully studied randomness. Each table was decked out with fine cutlery and porcelain adorned with small white parchment name cards. Two fashionable, rustic and massively long tables hosted an incredible assortment of food. There was also a lounging area with dark wicker couches and comfortable-looking arm chairs equipped with soft white cushions. Tall torches were planted in the ground, with flames dancing in the warm night air. This night was just like something out of the movies or one of those God-awful Hollywood gossip magazines.

  Lucy took a deep breath and looked around, her eyes trying to take it all in. No matter how many stellar pep talks she gave herself, she was convinced she most definitely did not belong here. She was just a two years out of college. Her heart was pounding so hard, she thought it might explode. It was just a matter of time that one of the guests would notice and they’d throw her out, telling her it was all just a mistake. Still, running away was not an option, so she took yet another deep breath and stepped into a world that was as far away from her own and any other that she’d ever experienced.

  She spotted Elijah chatting with a small group of people. He struck a casual pose with a glass of white wine in one hand. He looked even more dashing in his rich designer black suit. Lucy watched from a distance and even from her vantage point, she could see his blue eyes sparkle in the light of the lanterns. When he spotted her, his face brightened and he flashed her a dimpled smile and nodded in her direction.

  And that was it. He proceeded to ignore her for the rest of the night. Lucy silently fumed, but the blow to her ego was somewhat softened by the fact that the people she was rubbing elbows with were in fact some of the biggest names in the industry. Nobody noticed that she didn’t belong and nobody asked her to leave!

  At her table alone, she was able to make some pretty important connections. What blew her mind the most though was that even though these people were super rich and some of the most well-known and most respected figures in the health and wellness world—not a single one of them spoke down to her or treated her like she was a lesser person. In fact, none was even half as full of themselves as some of the wannabes she encountered at the main conference. These people were so down-to-earth humble and gracious, she completely forgot about the millions and billions (and possibly even trillions) of dollars they collectively owned. They were passionate about their work and happy to discuss and share their methods and theories as they were open to new ideas. In those two short hours, Lucy learned more from them than she had in months of exhaustive classes and seminars. She handed out her card to practically everyone she spoke with and they all seemed genuinely happy to accept her into the fold.

  When everyone was finished eating and the after-dinner mingling started, Lucy decided s
he’d had enough of Elijah’s attitude. It didn’t take her long to locate him. He was sitting on one of the small but cozy couches in the lounging area, surrounded by three very beautiful young women who seemed to hang from his every word (although Lucy suspected none of them really understood or appreciated the depth of his insight).

  To her surprise, when he saw her approach, he leaned toward the circle of women and said something that caused them all to stand up abruptly and leave on cue—although not before a couple of them shot scathing looks in Lucy’s direction.

  “Ms. Smith,” he said, greeting her brightly. “Please, won’t you sit down and join me.” He gestured to the seat next to him.

  Lucy hesitated for a split second before she sat down. She didn’t know how it was possible, but he was even more beautiful now than before. Even so, she was determined not to let it distract her from her purpose.

  “Thank you for inviting me tonight, Mr. Redford. I have to say, I was pretty surprised when you called.”

  He smiled warmly at her and said softly, “Please, call me Elijah.”

  Lucy smiled and tried to hide her surprise at the friendly concession. “All right,” she said. “Then you can call me Lucy.”

  “See? We’re already on a first name basis.” He lifted his glass and clinked it against hers and took a sip. His piercing blue eyes watched her from over the brim of the crystal. “We’re practically best friends.”

  Lucy felt uncomfortable under his gaze. She crossed her legs and shrugged. She could feel the awkwardness returning. “Well, I’m afraid I didn’t exactly made a good first impression.” She mumbled while looking away.

  He laughed. “Are you kidding me? You made a great first impression!”

  Lucy stared at him and blinked. She was taken aback. She could feel her composure slipping from the shock alone. “Uh, I did?”

  “Of course. It’s not often I see a newcomer call out the posers that come to this kind of thing. I was almost tempted to give you a standing ovation, myself.”

  “Oh.” Lucy couldn’t help but smile at the compliment.

  “Although I have to say,” Elijah said with a wink. “I’ve never heard anyone argue so passionately and emphatically about kale and spinach.”

  Lucy felt her cheeks grow warm. He laughed. It wasn’t an unkind laugh though and she was struck once again by just how drawn to him she was. It was as if he had some kind of hypnotic effect on her and she was under a spell. She took a sip of wine, hoping it would help calm her nerves, but it didn’t.

  A few moments passed as they each struggled with knowing what to say. It was Elijah who eventually broke the awkward silence. “So you’d like to do a profile on me?”

  Lucy drew herself up and met his gaze straight on. “Yes”, she said.

  “For what magazine?”

  “Clean.” Lucy cursed herself for only being able to answer in monosyllabic words. Christ, this guy is going to think I’m a complete idiot if he doesn’t already think so!

  Elijah grinned at her warmly. “That’s a good choice.” He stretched languidly and craned his neck from side to side. He seemed almost bored with the conversation. “Tell you what, I’ll give you the interview.”

  Lucy’s eyes widened. “Really?” Grrr… Again with the monosyllabic one-word responses.

  “Really.” He sipped from his glass once again. In the light of the lanterns, his blue eyes darkened. “But I want you to come to my room.”

  Lucy stared at him. To say that she was appalled would have been the understatement of the century. “Excuse me?”

  Elijah tilted his head to one side and regarded her curiously. Gone was the warmth. There was something transactional about his tone. “Let’s not play games. Who has time for that?” he said, matter-of-factly. “I like you. I think you’ve got a lot of spunk and I think you’re hot.”

  Lucy blinked her eyes at him. She didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t used to guys being so direct with her. “I guess… “

  “I feel like we have a connection. And I don’t take that lightly.” He paused and flashed her a wolfish grin. “So, what do you say?”

  * * *

  Of course Lucy said yes. A part of her hated herself a little for it. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go down. She was a journalist. This was a professional interview. She wasn’t supposed to sleep her way to the top. But she couldn’t help it. This was Elijah Redford and she was quickly coming to realize that refusing him was pretty much an impossible task.

  He didn’t bother to wait until they were in the privacy of his room to get things started. As soon as the elevator door closed behind them, he pressed her against the wall and leaned in for a kiss. He started tenderly as their lips and tongues discovered each other’s touch and taste for the first time, but then his kisses grew more forceful and passionate as his mouth pressed down hard on hers. His tongue dove in deep inside her mouth and she eagerly devoured his kisses.

  It had been a while since she’d been touched by a man like this. She’d been so consumed with planning out her career that she’d forgotten all about dating. But kissing Elijah now like this, made her ache with longing and desire that she didn’t realize she had. She wanted to surrender herself to him completely and immediately.

  She liked the way he smelled and how his firm body felt against hers. He cupped her smart ass and lifted her slightly off the floor. She arched her back to get even closer to him and felt the force of his erection straining through the fabric of their clothes.

  He lips moved away from hers and down the side of her neck. Lucy couldn’t help but let out a moan. He even kissed like a God, she thought. She could feel the excitement swell in her stomach and in between her legs.

  They remained like that, entangled in a passionate embrace until the elevator doors finally sprang open again. Without a word, he took her hand and led her to his room, which of course wasn’t just any ordinary room, but the most expensive suite in the entire Ojai resort. It was enormous and opulent, but Lucy would hardly have noticed if there had been a dinosaur waiting for them inside, she was so entranced by Elijah. He simply occupied all of her senses and she couldn’t get enough of him.

  There were no awkward preambles, no hesitations whatsoever. They stripped each other of their fancy clothes—granted, it took a lot less time to have Lucy’s little black dress fall around her ankles than it did for her to navigate Elijah’s jacket, shirt, belt and pants.

  When he finally stood naked in front of her, the sight was glorious. His body was like that of a Greek God. Lucy had known his physique must be something out of this world, considering what he did for a living. She had stolen brief glimpses of it during their brief encounters. But to see it now, so up close and personal and naked, was an entirely different matter. She let her gaze travel up and down his figure, and when it finally rested on his cock, she gasped—it was huge!

  The next thing Lucy knew, Elijah had picked her up in his arms. He carried her effortlessly over to the bed with long, confident strides. Lucy flopped down onto the mattress and found herself looking up at him. He stared at her with an intensity in his blue eyes that shot straight to her groin. He leaned down and kissed her passionately. She ran her fingers through his short hair and returned his eagerness, taking the kiss even deeper. It was as if they were trying to swallow each other whole.

  Elijah’s lips left a trail of fire on her skin as his mouth traveled to her neck and all the way down her stomach. He didn’t stop until he found his way to the crevice between her legs. When he got there, to her surprise and delight, he took his sweet time. He spread her legs open and teased and titillated her with his mouth until she was writhing with ecstasy on the sheets, crying out for more.

  Lucy didn’t have much experience receiving oral sex. Most guys her age weren’t particularly skilled when it came to the preliminaries. They all loved receiving oral sex, but when it came to giving, none were particularly enthusiastic or knew what they were doing.

  With Elijah though, it w
as different. He was a man. He was older and more experienced. He knew exactly what he was doing. He lashed at Lucy’s clit with his tongue until she moaned loudly and was dripping wet. She never knew it could feel this good. When her pussy was swollen and pulsing with desire, he slowly inserted one finger and then two into her vagina. He pumped them in and out of her in a steady circular motion. He watched the expression on her face as he started off gently and then increased the pressure and speed as she whimpered for more. When he could tell she was on the cusp of orgasm, he stopped and waited before he started up again, alternating between sucking and nibbling her bud with his mouth and fucking her with his fingers. When he eventually let her come, she shrieked with pleasure as she climaxed harder than she ever had before on top of his mouth and with his fingers still inside her. Afterwards, she lay limp and in a daze from such an extreme release.

  But that wasn’t it. There was still more to come. Lucy was still gasping through the aftershocks of her own bliss when he grabbed her hips and tugged her into position underneath him. He took a condom out of the nightstand drawer and quickly and efficiently slipped it on his shaft. He kissed her mouth again, and as he kissed her, he entered her. Lucy gasped and Elijah paused for a split second, looking down at her with a quizzical expression on his face.

  “Don’t…stop…” Lucy panted. She reaching out to wrap an arm around his waist and dug her fingertips into the small of his back. “Please, don’t you dare stop,” she begged.

  Elijah grinned wolfishly at her. “I wasn’t planning to.” He leaned down and bit her neck playfully, and even that small, prickling touch sent a small electric jolt down the entire length of her body.

  Lucy pressed her head back into the pillow and lifted her hips up to meet Elijah’s thrusts. They moved in perfect synchronicity. Their bodies were on fire. Elijah’s thrusts were strong and yet gentle at the same time. His long, hard cock stroked inside of her and Lucy felt herself reflexively clench around him. If she had been a little more lucid, a small part of her would be freaking out over the fact that she was having sex with Elijah Redford. But Lucy was way past lucid. She was way past any ability for coherent thought. All she knew was that he was inside of her, and that he drove her crazy in the best possible way.


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