Forgotten by You

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Forgotten by You Page 6

by Carlie Sexton

  “Makes sense. Are you ready to get going?”

  “Yes,” I said, standing up. “I’ll call you tomorrow to find out what’s going on if that’s okay.”

  “Sure. Give me your phone and I’ll put my number in.”

  We exchanged phones and entered our respective numbers.

  Garrett walked me out to my car and we said goodbye. Having him here gave me a glimmer of hope.

  Chapter 16: Mitch

  I woke up to Heather’s smile beaming at me. I wasn’t expecting to see her this morning, but I sure was glad she was here. Her familiar face had a calming effect on me.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I said, as I pulled her in for a kiss.

  “Good morning,” she purred back at me.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning.”

  “I decided to take a sick day. I just wanted to be with you.”

  “Good,” I sighed. “I need you to be here with me.”

  My doctor came in and told me my CAT scan came back normal and he was hopeful I would regain my memory soon. But then he slightly retracted his statement by saying there was no guarantee my memories would be restored. Heather asked him when I would be released. Dr. Grayson said they had a few more tests to run, but if everything came back normal, I could be released as early as tomorrow since I was so healthy. He also said I would need to take some medication for the next few months or so. Then, he was paged, leaving abruptly.

  “I just want to get you out of here,” Heather said.

  “Trust me, I’m ready to go.”

  “Where are you planning on going?”

  “Obviously, it would be too awkward to live at my current place, so I guess I’ll stay with my folks.”

  “You’re welcome to stay at my place anytime you want,” Heather said suggestively.

  “I’ll be taking you up on that offer. I do remember what it was like when we were together. It was really good.”

  “Yes it was,” Heather said, with a slight moan. “So, you can stay with me if you don’t want to stay with your parents.”

  “Good to know,” I said, sliding my hand up her thigh. She leaned down and kissed me again. All I could remember was how much I liked being alone with her. I wanted to have that experience again.

  Breaking our kiss, I said, “I’ll need to get my things, but we can do that when Charlie is working. I’m assuming she works.”

  Heather nodded, then looked at her watch. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. What would you like for breakfast?”

  “I’d love a breakfast burrito with eggs and sausage.”

  “I know a perfect place not far from here. Do you want coffee too?”

  “Coffee would be great. Maybe after food and coffee I might feel more human again.”

  “I’ll be back soon,” she said, kissing me on the forehead.

  Garrett walked in the door as Heather was about to leave.

  “Heather,” he said with a slight nod.


  I found their coolness toward each other to be weird. Last I remembered we went out all the time with Garrett and whoever he was dating at the time. He and Heather always seemed to get along.

  “Bro, why are you and Heather so formal with each other?”

  “We just don’t get along very well.”

  “Did something happen between the two of you?”

  “Don’t worry about it, bro. You just need to concentrate on getting your memory back.”

  My brother was so indifferent with me and I had no idea why. We had been so close and now he seemed like a stranger.

  “Well, you may not like her, but Heather is here for me.”

  “Charlie would be, but Mom barred her from the room. She gave a list to the nurses’ station.”

  “What? Does Mom really dislike Charlie that much?”


  “Why would Mom do that? Has Charlie given her a reason?”

  Before Garrett could say any more, our mom walked in, all smiles.

  “It’s so good to see my boys together. It’s been too long.”

  Mom put her arms around Garrett. “You came in late and left early. I haven’t even seen you yet.”

  “I took Charlie out for coffee after she found out you banned her from seeing Mitch and then got up early to work out. I came here from the gym.”

  The look on Mom’s face was terse and I expected her to have a sharp comeback, but she held her tongue.

  “How are you feeling today, Mitch?” she asked.

  “Better than yesterday. I’m feeling almost back to normal.”

  “Good. You’ve got more color in your face.”

  Garrett looked like he wanted to poke his own eyes out. The anger he felt toward our mother shot from his body like the heat from the sun. Our mother didn’t acknowledge what he had said, brushing him off like usual. Memories of her inconsideration toward him came rushing back. Looking back and forth between them I wondered who was going to break first.

  “Mom, why did you make a list of visitors? Mitch should be spending time with his fiancée. She can help him remember.”

  “Garrett, I know you mean well, but until you are a parent you’re not going to understand my decisions. I did what I thought was best.”

  “Best for whom? Mitch or you?”

  “That’s enough, Garrett.”

  I put my hand to my forehead. Their bickering was getting to me, pounding on my head like I was in a boxing match and I didn’t know how to handle it. I didn’t even know how I felt about the fact my mother was keeping me from seeing Charlie. The only thing that seemed real to me was being a senior in high school and being with Heather. I didn’t want to deal with any of this.

  “Garrett, you’re upsetting your brother. Maybe you should come back later after you have calmed down about my decisions.”

  Just as Garrett was about to open his mouth, Heather came in with breakfast.

  “Heather,” my mom gushed. “Did you take the day off work?”

  “Yes. I wanted to spend some time with Mitch.”

  With that, Garrett stood up. “I have some things I need to take care of. I’ll come back later, Mitch.” He was out the door before I had a chance to open my mouth.

  I had no idea why my mother and Garrett were at such odds. “Mom, what the hell’s going on? What’s happened with Garrett? He seems so angry with both of us.”

  “I think it would be better to tell you about all of this once you are out of the hospital and on the mend. You don’t need to worry about family squabbles right now.”

  What’s going on? Heather and Mom seem to be best friends. Garrett and I are at an impasse. Garrett clearly dislikes Heather, but won’t tell me why. This is so fucking confusing. I want to hit a wall.

  Chapter 17: Charlie

  I was physically at work, but my mind was a million miles away. The meeting had been horrendous as I couldn’t concentrate on anything being said, let alone contribute anything of value. At least my boss clued in and didn’t ask me too many questions or to elaborate on anything HR had been working on. Entering my office, Chip was at my desk, doing more updates to my laptop.

  “Hey Chip,” I managed.

  “Hey Charlie, just doing some updates. Hope you don’t mind. I took advantage of the quiet.”

  “Not at all.”

  “Well, I’m all done,” he said as he practically raced out of my office.

  Just like that, I was alone. I collapsed in my chair and put my head down. A long meeting on top of everything else was not what I needed. I had to try to get it together.

  I was staring out the window when Trace Michaels, CEO of TEK Communications, walked into my office. He was the head honcho and I reported directly to him.

  “Charlie, what’s going on? Clearly you’re not yourself today. Are you not feeling well?”

  I looked up into my boss’s handsome face etched with concern for me. “Mitch had an accident…” I said, getting choked up. />
  “Shit. Is he going to be okay?”

  “He has a brain injury and he’s lost his short-term memory. He doesn’t know me.”

  By this point, Trace had made his way to my desk and sat in the chair across from me.

  “Why are you here right now and not with him? Is he in the hospital?”

  “I’ve been banned from his room by my future mother-in-law.”

  “What? There must be a mistake. How could she do that?”

  Tears spilled from my eyes and all I could do was shake my head. “She hates me,” I whispered.

  Exhaustion overcame me and I placed my head on my desk, sobbing quietly. Trace came around and knelt next to me, placing his hand gently on the back of my head, stroking my hair.

  “Come here,” he said, pulling me up from my chair. “You need to lay down and rest.”

  Trace walked me over to the sofa in my office and I lay down. He pulled a chair over and sat there holding my hand. Stroking the back of my hand with his thumb, silence overtook the space. He didn’t ask me any further questions and I didn’t volunteer any information. I closed my eyes and began drifting…drifting into the abyss of sleep.

  “Charlie,” I heard him call out. “There’s my beautiful girl. What do you want to do today?”

  I looked up into the face of the man I loved. “I don’t care as long as I get to do it with you.”

  “I got the newspaper from the grocery store so we can see what’s going on this weekend. Looks like there are some bands from the eighties playing downtown. We could invite Kate and David.”

  “I’ll call her and see what they are doing…”

  I felt someone touching my face, but I didn’t want to wake up. I wanted to stay with Mitch, but it was too late. The dream was fading away as I began to open my eyes.

  “Garrett,” I said, surprised to see him.

  “Hey, Charlie. I thought I could take you to lunch if you were up for it.”


  As I was beginning to sit up, Trace popped his head back in. “Charlie, I want you to take some time off. We’ll manage without you for a few days.”

  “Okay…thank you. Garrett, this is my boss, Trace.” They shook hands. “Garrett is Mitch’s brother.”

  “Well then, I know Charlie’s in good hands. Look after her until your brother is back on his feet again.”

  Garrett nodded. “Will do.”

  “Charlie, let me know if you need anything. Otherwise, I don’t expect to see you back the rest of the week. Keep me informed as to what’s going on.”

  “I will. Thanks, Trace.”

  I grabbed my purse and Garrett and I began walking out of my office. Leaving was overwhelming, because I didn’t know what I was going to do with myself. At least being at work was the norm. Now I was either going to hang out with my parents or go home to my empty apartment.

  Garrett put his hand on the small of my back. “How are you holding up?”

  “I keep thinking I’m going to wake up and all of this will be some crazy nightmare. I can’t stand the thought of this being my new reality.”

  Garrett looked at me contritely. He didn’t say anything, but I wasn’t expecting him to. What could he say? My life seemed to be going down in flames and unless Mitch remembered this was how life was going to be. Misshapen. Unraveled. Distorted.

  “Any idea what you’d like to eat?” Garrett asked.

  “Could we just pick up Chinese food? My apartment isn’t far from here. I don’t really want to be at a restaurant if that’s okay.”

  “Of course. Whatever you want is fine.”

  Garrett followed me to Panda Express. We got our food and he followed me home. At least I wouldn’t be here alone and I could get some more things for staying with my parents. I’d only brought a couple of outfits there. Wishful thinking I guess. I kept hoping Mitch would snap out of this. I ached to be in his arms again.

  We got back to my place in no time. Garrett carried in the food and I headed toward the kitchen for plates and silverware. Garrett put the bags on the table and began taking out our order.

  “Did you see Mitch today?” I asked.

  “I did briefly. I had to leave when I confronted our mother about her list of visitors.”

  “Is she going to let me see him? Did he say anything about me?” I asked anxiously.

  Garrett shook his head slightly. “No. She’s cozied up to Heather and they were both there when I left.”

  I suddenly wasn’t very hungry. I hated all of it. I just wanted my Mitch back.

  “Why does your mom love Heather so much?” I asked, staring down at my food.

  “I think it’s because Heather always bent over and puckered up. Plus, Heather is easy for my mom to manipulate and she gets off on being in control.”


  “I’m not sure. It’s just how she’s wired. She hasn’t been able to control me since I moved to New York. Once Mitch started dating you, she lost her grip on him. Now she only has my dad to control.”

  “So that’s why she doesn’t like me because she’s lost control over Mitch since we’ve been together?”

  “Pretty much.”

  “I guess I don’t see Mitch as someone who would let his mother take over his life.”

  “Mitch changed a lot when he met you. You gave him something he needed.”

  “When Mitch and I met, I was a mess.”

  “That didn’t matter to him. I know from the moment he met you, you were the only woman he wanted.”

  The memory of Mitch protecting me from Eric swept through me. “He saved me, you know.”

  “You saved him too, Charlie.”

  The look on my face must have been questioning because Garrett continued. “You’re his soul mate.”

  “I hope he remembers that.”

  “Me too, Charlie.” Garrett looked at my plate. “You need to eat.”

  I took a few bites, but I couldn’t get the food down. I ended up running to the bathroom, making it just in time. Throwing up was the worst and it shook all the strength from my body. I barely had the ability to get up from the floor and was washing my face when Garrett knocked at the door. I grabbed the mouthwash to get the disgusting taste out of my mouth.

  “Charlie, can I come in?”

  “Yeah, come in.”

  “Are you all right?”

  “I will be. I’m just exhausted. I couldn’t sleep last night. Too much on my mind.”

  Garrett extended his hand to me. “Let me get you to bed. You need to rest.”

  I took his hand. He put his arm around me and guided me to my bedroom. When I sat on the bed, he knelt down and began removing my shoes. I could scarcely keep my eyes open. “Please. Don’t. Go.”


  Charlie was sound asleep as I continued taking off her clothes. There was no way I would leave her, especially after she asked me to stay. I told myself she would be more comfortable sleeping without her suit on, but the truth was, Mitch wasn’t the only one who had fallen for her so many fateful years ago. I felt the pull toward her when I met up with them for lunch on that first day of school. I was in my sophomore year. If only I’d met her first, things would be different. She’d be my girl and I wouldn’t have a huge hole in my heart no other woman could fill. It’s why I moved away—far away—so I didn’t have to be tortured seeing them together all the time. Mitch knew, but he never told Charlie. My mom knew, too. Another reason she disliked Charlie so much. How could I tell her any of this? I didn’t want to hurt her any more than she was already hurting. Moving away was the hardest thing I’d ever done. Not a day went by I didn’t think about her and wish things were different. She was the first thing on my mind when I woke up, and the last thing when I went to sleep.

  Was this my chance? If Mitch didn’t remember would she eventually let go of him and see me? See that I love her? I’m such a selfish bastard for even thinking this right now. My brother’s laid up in the hospital and all I can do is think about myself

  I unbuttoned Charlie’s blouse and carefully removed it from her body. Her lace bra displayed her breasts perfectly and I felt a pull in my groin. I wanted her in the worst way, but I had to stay in control at all costs and not let my overwhelming desire for her get the best of me. Unzipping her pants, I pulled them down and removed them too. I would leave her in her bra and panties so she wouldn’t be too embarrassed.

  It wouldn’t be the first time I saw her naked. One time, when my parents were out of town for the weekend, she stayed over. I had no idea she was getting out of the shower when I barged in thinking Mitch was in there. Thought I would bust his chops. She screamed and I thought Mitch was going to beat me within an inch of my life. It was an honest mistake, but one I’ll never forget. Her beautiful body with water glistening on it would be forever etched in my mind.

  I covered Charlie with the blanket and then went around to the other side of the bed and lay down next to her. Inhaling her hair was intoxicating and I spooned my body against hers. Hopefully when she woke up she wouldn’t mind my proximity.

  Breathing her in, I remembered back to the weekend she stayed with us. Mitch had fallen asleep while we watched some chick flick. At the end, someone died and Charlie was tearing up. I put my hand on her arm and asked if she was okay. That’s when I realized staying in California was out of the question because my heart was racing just touching her. I was a senior in college and hadn’t gotten over my brother’s girl. I knew I never would. My love for her had grown and even though I went out with other women, none of them compared to her. So I began applying to firms on the east coast a couple of months before graduation. No one knew I had accepted a job until I was packing up my things.

  My mom was livid and I expected her to yell at Charlie about it, inform her that I was in love with her. But, she didn’t. She closed my bedroom door behind me and didn’t come with me to the airport. She told me to stay away until Charlie was out of my system. My dad drove me to the airport and I didn’t even have the guts to say goodbye to my brother. I left him a lame letter saying I was offered a job and had to start right away. I texted and emailed, but didn’t actually speak to him. We’d had a fight about my feelings for Charlie a couple of days before I left and I just couldn’t face him, even on the phone.


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