The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 8

by Alexandra North

  My first impressions of The Gilded Fox are childishly sentimental. The whole place reminded me of larger Hansel and Gretel’s cottage; it is extremely quaint and the setting is perfect for this off the beaten-track, luxury Inn. At the reception I’m advised that Ms. Walters will be with me promptly and I take the opportunity to have a wander around the bar, foyer and lounge areas – just to get a feel for the existing interior. I’d already done my research via their website but you can’t absorb ambience via a screen and I drink it in, in abundance.

  “Lucia – I’m so sorry to keep you.”

  I look up and smile warmly, as a woman in her mid fifties makes her way, towards me, elegant and chic in her navy & white ensemble. Shaking her hand politely, she continues in her bubbly voice.

  “…blasted deliveries. I’m all yours now – have you been offered some tea?”

  “I’m fine for the moment, thank you, Carolyn – shall we head straight to the rooms you are in need of a redress?”

  “A girl after my own heart – all about the business. Of course dear but you must sample one of our fruit teas before you go – or something stronger if you’d prefer?”

  I suspect Carolyn’s sunny disposition is down to the ‘something stronger’ at elevensie’s more often than not. Must be something about hotel owners I consider, thinking of my other current client James Marcell and his ruddy complexion. I choose to ignore my wandering thoughts and instead I smile back her and agree to chat over a pot of tea once we’ve reviewed the space in question. I like the feel of the place as I wander through, a rabbit warren of rooms and nooks and crannies and up and down uneven staircases towards the bedrooms. It’s cosy, yet designer and that’s a tough atmosphere to create with design alone. I’d have to get the gang here for a meal – they’d love it.

  We stop at an arched doorway, with a hand-painted number 1 on the door, and I wait as Carolyn, fiddles with the keys, then swings the door open to what could only be described as ‘a room without a soul’.

  “I know – sad isn’t it?” Her voice is tentative but she winces as she delivers the words.

  Never one to mince my words I reply, directly. “Definitely in need of some love, but the possibilities are endless.”

  “I knew you’d be able to pull something out of the bag. Shall I leave you to ‘get a feel’?”

  “That would be great, Carolyn – which other rooms are you wanting to revamp at the same time?”

  “Well Rooms 1- 5, really for now. They are all pretty much the same as here but this room’s probably the biggest of the five. I also want a bit of titivating in the hall, foyer, bar area downstairs but I’ll leave you the keys and go order us some tea and cakes. Just head on down when you’re done.”

  “Any ideas what you are after? Anything in particular you don’t want or do want to incorporate?

  “Not really – I loved what you did with The Queen’s Head up in The Lake District, that’s where my daughter first heard of you, I think, and providing it suits the Inn theme and isn’t too modern I’m open to almost anything – I’ve reached a dead end, hence why you are here!” her tinkly laugh is infectious and I smile encouragingly.

  “No probs. Let me get a vibe for the rooms and I’ll be along soon. We can have a chat about it all then.”

  I sense her retreat and set about making some notes. To be honest I already knew just how I was going to decorate this place – the theme I’d had in mind was perfect, now I’d seen it in person and I am excited about this new project. Looking throughout the rooms, there doesn’t appear to be a huge amount of building work to do, apart from renovating the bathrooms – they had to go!

  I wonder who her daughter is? Maybe a previous client? Well thank you Miss Walters, whoever you are!

  I make some detailed sketches and notes and weave my way between the corridors and different levels – this place would be fabulous to stay over with Sebastian. My body tingles at the thought of him. Keep it about the business. Something about hotels and just being around a bed makes me sizzle in desire for his touch. Then again, we seemed to always be around them and in them, these days. I still can’t stop thinking about our make-up yesterday at The Ashton. He’d hardly left me alone since and admittedly I’m glad.

  Together we work, apart we … well, it’s a landslide.

  I shake my head with a smile at my raging hormonal teenager antics and duck to miss clocking my head on a blackened beam as I head back towards the main bar and locate Carolyn, discussing that nights menus with her head chef. At my arrival she acknowledges me, and gestures for me to take a seat in the corner by the large open fire. It was lit, as the September weather was turning Autumnal but still slightly muggy; I could imagine in the winter it would be extremely romantic.

  “So then – what do you think of our little Inn?” she takes a seat opposite me and clasps her hands.

  “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven, Carolyn; seriously this place is…”

  “…magical? Like a fairytale? Wind in the willows meets Goldilocks?”

  We laugh in unison. “Yes! All of the above – I love it!”

  “I’m so glad you get it. That way the rooms will be designed to fit the building but without being too themed? It’s a tough ask though – you think its your thing?”

  “Of course. I already think I know what is required for this makeover.” I wrinkle my nose in certainty. I had this in the bag.

  “Really?” her smile is back again “You’ve been bitten by The Fox?”

  We are interrupted as a young waitress delivers pots of tea and beautiful mis-matched vintage china cups, followed by a cheese and chutney tray on a black slate slab and a cake stand with an array of prettily iced sweet bakes on doilies. Yum!

  “Thank you, Sarah. Please tuck in, Lucia – you are our guinea pig today for the lemon curd frosted muffin – its Chef Rupert’s work of art.”

  “Well bring it on! I’m more than happy to be a taster – this all looks delicious Carolyn but you didn’t need to go to so much trouble; honestly!”

  “Nonsense – you look like you usually eat on the run, so tuck in whilst we talk. I insist.”

  Helping myself to the lemoncella muffin that probably oozed calories but looked mouth-wateringly good, I pour my tea and continue. “The rooms and downstairs need a theme but nothing gimmicky. We need… Tartan. Lots and lots of tartan.”

  I look up for her reaction and encouraged by her placid façade, I run through my ideas in further detail, showing her some of my sketches, the swatches of fabric I’d brought along and mood board I’d already created on Pinterest, via the iPad. The sparkle of excitement glinting within her fading blue eyes is a total giveaway – I’m on the money with this one.

  “The Gilded Fox needs to feel like an exclusive tavern, with luxury fabrics, in tartans and corduroys for hardwearing purposes and lots of textures. Downstairs, I’d add some modern stags heads and lots more cream to balance the colour we will introduce, greys, greens, burnt oranges, heathers and the upstairs in the rooms we will have a new name for each room, something cute like ‘the fox and the hound’ etc. and continue the masculine hunting lodge theme, with luxury textures and fabrics to feminize it. Lighting should be subtle.”

  “What about the Bathrooms?”

  “I visualize copper bathtubs… but if the budget can’t take one in every bedroom we can adapt and continue the theme but with a white suite and save the copper baths for the larger rooms.”

  “I love it all. I can’t wait to see it all take shape.”

  Before we know it we’ve chattered away for over an hour and confirmed, design ideas, deadlines, budgets and a second meeting to measure up with the first site visit.

  “Right, I better head back to the office. Thanks so much for the tea and treats.”

  “No, thank you, Lucia – I can’t wait. My daughter is going to be very impressed we’re moving into the next century upstairs… you’ll meet her next time. We bought the Inn together when she left her lousy ex
, to you-know, give her something-to-do, and never looked back.”

  I look up as the tone in her voice alters - I sense there’s more to this tale but choose to remain quiet. It wasn’t my place to delve. “No probs – well if she has any questions, just get her to give me a bell and I’ll go through things with her too.”

  “That would be great. She’s had a very difficult time the past few years and this project is just what she needed to focus on the future and rebuild her confidence.”

  We say our goodbyes and I head out to my car. I do love it when you have a successful meeting and get a buzz from the brief at the outset - what an interesting, and eccentric lady Carolyn Walters is.


  Switching the engine on, Lana Del Ray fills the Audi and only adds to my good mood. After this morning’s good start, things were on the up. I need to sort so many things before I leave.

  So that’s it you’re going then?

  Of course you are - was there ever any real doubt?

  My phone bleeps and a quick glance, makes me smile further at Abby’s silliness.

  Do buy or not Dubai?

  That is the question?

  We need to shop babe and we have to strategise.

  Hurry up and make your mind up - don’t leave a girl hangin,

  not when she’d rather be bangin! ;) Xx

  She’s right I do need to go shopping; I need new swimwear, summer gear and all the paraphernalia that comes with a beach holiday. A trip to Boots was in order. I also need to sort work and it’s imperative I make an appointment with Sophie my hair stylist for a colour treatment, I needed to for The Ashton party anyway; oh and Amy at the salon for a wax, spray tan and mani and pedi. I need all my girl parts bringing their A game to the party and most certainly to any Beach, not that I think it’s that type of break but surely we’d be swimming at some stage - Dubai is supposed to be boiling hot? I’m sure there would be a great beauty expert in Dubai but I prefer to stick with what I know.

  Woah - slow down girl, enthusiastic much!

  I raise my shoulders with an excited thrill and decide to be proactive, spending the next few minutes booking those necessary appointments in before I forget; then head off to Finn’s Crèche to collect him early. It’s time to treat my little boy and talk to him about things - he has final say. Then and only then I’d text Abby and Seb with my answer.


  “Look at me, Mummy - I’m like Tarzan!”

  I watch as my son swings from his death rope, one hay bale to another with squeals of delight. He’s having a whale of a time; I on the other hand have never been more on edge!

  “Don’t worry he’s safe enough - those mattresses underneath will cushion any fall!”


  I can’t turn around. Every hair on the nape of my neck is alerted, my skin skimmed with goosebumps from the shivers running down my spine. What was he doing at Jungle Jim’s Ice-cream parlour?

  “Don’t worry I’m not stalking you - although I quite fancy that as a career change. You’re a lovely study.” I jerk as he brushes back a loose tendril from my face. “I wanted to see you.”

  My eyes fly back up to his, warmed by his honesty. I hadn’t seen him since yesterday morning. It felt like an age. God, he looks good enough to eat.

  “I missed you too.”

  “How much?” His arms encircle my waist loosely, and tug, encouraging me to lean back into his warmth.

  “Now don’t get cocky Silver.” I tilt my head to meet his gaze, now smiling down at me with mirth.

  “I love to watch your mouth when you say the word cock.”

  I playfully tap his hands at my waist. “Not with children around you naughty boy. Anyway how’d you know we were here?” I wait a second before answering my own question. “Jackie.”

  “Jillie - yes.”

  This rewards him with another whack. He always gets peoples names wrong but I know he’s purposely teasing me now and I like it - like the familiarity that is creeping back in. The way he’s holding me close to him, yet we are still maintaining banter, it’s the perfect balance of friends and lovers. I love it. I love him.


  A squealing little blonde man runs full pelt at Sebastian, interrupting our bubble and Seb breaks the link instantly to pick Finn up and place him on his shoulders.

  “Now then, Finnster - what say we go and get some pancakes in the diner?”

  “Yayyyyyy! Can we Mum - can we?”

  I giggle at his exuberant manner. “Of course we can. We were going to anyway. Are you joining us Seb?”

  “Only if we can sit in one of those American Diner booths that looks like a car!” His mouth is a stubborn line of determination. I don’t think he’s kidding.

  “Oh really? You big kid! Well come on and let’s see what the queue is like. It’s always heaving in here.”

  We head into the entrance, the smell of crispy bacon, burgers and hot chocolate hitting us immediately. The waitress on the door, fitted with a headset and iPad registers our booking and says she’ll call when a table is free. It should be 10 minutes or so. That’s not too bad. I’ve been before and it’s been over an hour.

  “Lets grab a drink at the bar and we’ll check out the menu.” Seb picks Finn up and carefully places him on a high backed leather stool then grins back at me. “I love this place - how’d you find it?”

  “It’s one of my jobs.” I reply proud of the fact.

  “Really? It’s fabulous Lu. I love the 1950’s style and all the gadgets. When did you design it?”

  “A couple of years back. It was a new concept then, the whole farm opening a restaurant / cafe and playbarn but its taken off and now they’ve opened two further cafes in neighbouring Counties.”

  “We’ll have to come here more often. Finn obviously adores it!”

  That would be so nice. Are we starting to make plans now as a family?

  “He does and we will. The food is to die for. You must have a chilli burger.”

  “My mouth is watering at the thought.”

  Seb nods to the waitress behind the counter at the bar and makes short work of ordering two coke floats and a diet coke for me. Within minutes Finn and Seb are happily poking at their sludgy ice-cream with straws and belly laughing as they make a disgusting dribbly mess down the side of the tall knickerbockerglory glasses.

  “Dude you win. You are definitely the best mixer-upper!”

  “I know. I am aren’t I! Mummy, Sub says I’m the best mixer-upper!”

  “Of course he did - you are fantastic but lets try and get some of it in your mouth- hey?”

  I smile at the two of them. They get on so well and adore one another. Finn is always so calm when Seb is around it makes me sad at the same time that he’s been missing out on that father-figure. Niall is starting to step-up more, seeing him on weekends and even taking him for tea on the odd weeknight so I’m hopeful that it will continue. As long as my lovely little boy is happy and knows he’s loved.

  We look up as the earlier waitress shouts out “Silver family? Table for Silver?”

  I could get used to this.

  It’s a race between Seb and Finn as to who sits where and in the end Seb submits and allows Finn to sit at the side with the driving wheel attached to his right. Perfect to entertain him whilst we await the food. We place our orders promptly and settle back into the booth to enjoy the ambience. The duke box plays The Beach Boys in the background, old Coca-Cola memorabilia crowds the walls and shelves and illustrations of the perfect 2.4 1950’s family hang in huge poster frames. The mint green, walls black and white floor, combined with dark red leather and mustard touches might seem clashing but combined it felt like we were in a Grease movie and I have to say I’d really knocked it out of the park with this one - the client had been pleased but so was I - it had a great vibe.

  I feel Seb’s hand slowly cover mine, gently rubbing back and forth with his thumb. “Earth to Lu?”

bsp; “Sorry I was just admiring my handiwork.”

  “And so you should. It’s cool isn’t it Finny?”

  “It’s so cool Mum. Brmmm Brmmm.” His little hands grip the steering wheel in sheer purposefulness, as he looks to me and gives me a cheesy grin. I decide to strike while he is transfixed.

  “Finn I need to talk to you about something.” I notice Seb’s brows rise.

  “Mummy’s been offered the chance to get some more great jobs - maybe like this one or even cooler?”


  He’s not really listening but I try to continue and give a knowing look of thanks to Seb as he whispers something in Finn’s ear, which has him dropping the wheel like a hot potato and placing both elbows on the table, inquisitive face balanced eagerly.

  “I’m all-ears, Mummy.”

  My laugh is open and freeing and I take a minute to calm myself - little monkey. My Dad says that a lot, so I know where he gets it from.

  I wonder what Seb said to him to make him focus? I need to find out as it had worked a treat.

  “As I was saying, I need to go meet some people that might let me decorate their homes and work places.” He nods in all the right places. “But it will mean me going away for a week.”

  “Can I come?”

  My heart falls and I catch eyes with Sebastian, who strokes my hand encouragingly. “No, darling, not this time, but I’ve arranged for you to stay with Ninni and Gramps and you’ll see Niall too.”


  What? Surely he’s going to be more upset than that?

  “Really? Are you sure because if you are not happy, Mummy won’t go.” I can’t look at Seb.

  “I’ll be fine. I’ll have Ninni and Gramps but I’m worried about you Mummy? Who will look after you?”

  I feel Seb’s foot under the table, his leg, now knocking gently against mine, sending currents of pleasure up and over my skin. “Mummy will be fine Finn as I’ll be going and I’ll take great care of her.”



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