The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2)

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The One Addicted (The One Trilogy Book 2) Page 14

by Alexandra North

  “I can’t wait to be buried balls deep inside you, next to those little silver balls baby.”

  Oh Jeez. “Seb, seriously.”

  “Are you in a hurry, Lu? I feel like I haven’t had a minute with you since you kicked me out your bedroom earlier.” He pouts playfully and I grin despite my earlier frustration with him. It wasn’t his fault he was so utterly divine. “I’m sorry, I’m just going to showcase the rooms to Suzie and Abby, then stay up there for a while in case any potential clients want to brainstorm with me.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ve already handed out several of your business cards, oh and two of them were exceedingly keen.”

  I’m touched by his support but he could sell ice to the Eskimos, especially if those Eskimos were of the fairer sex. “I appreciate it.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll make it up to me tonight. Besides, the building works will be completed by Silver Con, so it’s in my best interests too as we’ll be working side by side, on top of things, keeping abreast of …”


  “Am I making you hot, baby?” He takes my hand in his and holding it there, encapsulated, he locks eyes with me and with one finger trails a path from the inside of my elbow to my wrist, where my pulse now beats erratically.

  “Very. You don’t play fair. I have to work.” I pull it away like I’ve been burned. He has such an effect on my body, it worries the hell out of me.

  “You see - that just makes me want you more.”

  “Please don’t…”

  God I’m weak, where he is concerned, the heavy ache within me a constant reminder that I need to be filled by him. It’s taking everything I have in me to not walk into his lean hard body, unzip his pants and suck his cock right there, in front of all these people, whilst he finger fucks me, like his message promised, embedding the balls against my g-spot.

  I feel like I’m on fire, and he’s still looking all casual and charismatic in his suit.

  “Don’t what, baby?”

  “Don’t get me all hot and bothered when there’s naff all I can do about it for the next few hours.” I mutter under my breath as an older lady nears our position.

  “I don’t know what you mean Lu.”

  “You drive me to distraction, you know that?”

  “It works both ways, sexy lady.”

  “Well, two can play at that game…”

  “Oh really? You’ve seen my gifts - what do you have in your little box of tricks?”

  “My little box is open, uncovered, on show…”

  “Wtf, Lu? Are you not wearing underwear?”

  “A bra, yes. Panties, oopsies - must have forgotten those when I was fingering myself in the bathroom. Those silver balls are awfully big, I had to push really hard and ever so deep.” I feel a surge of power as his chocolate irises vanishes, as the pupils bleed out, dilating fully and his jaw clenches. “See you upstairs, lover.” I wave over my shoulder, hearing him chuckle lightly at my departure.


  I give Abby & Suzie the guided tour of Room 40, 41, 53 and 55 before saving the Honeymoon Suite for last. When we enter, it already has several occupants, all taking in the fabrics, decor and new design. Butterflies dance in my stomach - God, I hope they like it.

  Suzie interjects immediately. “Of course everyone will, what’s not to love. It’s out of this world!”

  Crap! Did I say that aloud?

  “I would die for a bedroom like this, Lu - if I ever get out of that hole I live in you are decorating my new place. Beg beg!” Abby squeezes my arm.

  “You need to do the baby’s room first, Sis - I’ve loads of ideas so when you’re ready, but does next weekend work for you?”

  “Not next weekend - she’ll be jetting off to Dubai then.”

  “Ooh, I forgot about that, Abs. You lucky thing, Lu - I wish G & I could make the hotel launch, it sounds so luxurious.”

  “I wish you could come too but we’ll send you loads of selfie’s and update Facebook regularly and ba-ba comes first.” I pat her rounded belly excitedly. “When I get back, we’ll sit down and sort through some ideas and I’ll get it all done for you in time for the birth, I promise.”

  “I know you will - Auntie Lulu is a miracle worker isn’t she?”

  Abby & I raise our brows at one another and smile— it’s started already - I remembered it well.

  “Don’t take the piss - talking to my belly soothes me and the baby.”

  “Lu you Ok, you seem to raising your eyebrows for longer than normal? Please don’t tell me you’ve gone and got Botox?” Abs smiles in my direction.

  “I’m fine and if and when I want Botox I’ll get it! Actually, I’m just toning up my pelvic floor.”

  The chorus of oh’s is enough to end that conversation - every woman understood the eyebrow raise and it was a bloody good job, as keeping these pleasure balls in was beginning to become a serious challenge.

  “Right guys, bedroom, open fire, as you can see.”

  “Ooh, I do like a bit of sex before the fire - good thinking, Lu.” Abby encourages me.

  “Nathan did all this Abs, window seats, he made the bed, all the joinery is his practically - he’s a master.”

  “I know - a master in the bedroom.” She winks at us both.

  “Through here is the bathroom.”I hear their ooh’s and ahh’s as we enter and I’m pleased as it is the reaction I was going for. “Self explanatory really, but ultra glamorous.”

  “Lulu, this is amazing!”

  I locate a familiar face entering the bedroom and kiss both girls. “I’m going to go smooze - you ok now?”

  “Perfect. Seriously, Lu, fabulous work.” Abby imitates Suzie’s words and I grin.

  “You just keep saying that, really loudly to all and sundry and I’ll pay you later.” On a wink I head in to catch my next client, Carolyn Walters.


  “Lucia - oh I’m so glad you are here. I saw James Marcell downstairs but it’s you I wanted to see.” Her arm sweeps the lounge part of the suite, “This is a fine job you’ve completed here. No wonder James wants to keep you all to himself!”

  I smile at her warmth. I haven’t seen her since our last meeting but we’d been in touch via e-mails and the more I had contact with her, the more I liked. She was a savvy business woman who didn’t take any shit - someone I could relate to. “Carolyn - so glad you came. You are already my client so you have no fear that I belong to James Marcell.”

  “Ooh, goody.” Her eyes twinkle and I glance to the nearly empty cocktail.

  “Can I get you a refill?”

  “Do you know I think I will - these Elysium cocktails are delicious - clever marketing strategy that. Might need to get the recipe for the Gilded Fox, we have cocktail hour on a Thursday night. What’s in it?”

  “Haven’t a clue I’m afraid - but I know its fundamentally a red velvet martini - to go with the red velvet interior theme. There are Black Cherry Velvet’s and also Grey Goose Vodkas over dry ice. All my assistant’s doing, so I can’t take the credit, I’m afraid.” I grab another red velvet for Carolyn from a nearby waiter and guide her in the direction of the bedroom. “Shall I give you the guided tour?”

  For the next ten minutes we review my work and whilst I already have a signed purchase order for her Inn, I am confident she’ll spread the word of my creativity; she is full of positive praise. She has also given me plenty of ideas to consider for rooms at her own pub. I break off to meet and greet other interested parties during our tour and advise them to take a company brochure from the ones near the door. The Suite, in particular has gone down a storm, which was always going to be the case and I finally can begin to breathe again.

  “Lucia, this is my daughter, Dawn.”

  As I escape an overzealous gentleman, who’s had far too many Grey Goose vodkas, his hand determined to test all textured surfaces of the Suite, my pearl beaded butt included, I see that a woman of a simil
ar age to myself, perhaps a year or two older, has joined Carolyn Walters; the similarity between them is striking. “Well, I can see that - you are like two peas in a pod. Pleased to meet you, Dawn.”

  I hold out my hand and she shakes it rather formally. Carolyn’s tinkly laugh is contagious but whilst Dawn smiles she is far more reserved and it certainly doesn’t reach her eyes. She has long dark hair, worn in a similar style to mine, hazel irises that would be striking if she wore a little make-up to enhance them and quite possibly, a good figure underneath her baggy top and trousers. She didn’t draw attention to herself, in fact did quite the opposite.

  “Nice to meet you, Lucia. My Mum has talked a lot about you.”

  “Ooh, all good I hope.” For some reason I feel a little off - like I’m having to put in more effort here. You already have the job and she’s a silent partner, so don’t beg.

  “Of course.”

  “I’m glad we’ve met - I did say to your Mum if there were any parts of the design plans you were not happy with, we could discuss them…”

  “No no, I’m much more of a silent partner right now, as I’m sure Carolyn has already mentioned.” I nod encouraging her to continue; the woman interested me, she was definitely an enigma. “She did.”

  “Well, I like your plans and my Mum likes you, oh and red velvet cocktails it appears.”

  We laugh together and Carolyn tuts. “Leave an old lady be - I’m allowed to indulge at my age.”

  “You’re only 68 mum! Well, anyway I saw your work when I stayed over at a hotel in The Lake District…”

  “The Queen’s Head!”

  “That’s the one. I loved it and did my research and the owner gave me your name. The rest is history.”

  “Well thank you, that’s a real compliment. I worked on The Queen’s Head a couple of years back.”

  “I only went the once.” I watch Carolyn put her arm around her daughter and consider their behaviour.

  “If you liked that, I also did Rooks Hill, B & B in the Dales. You must stay - it’s lovely and if you mention my name, they’ll give you 10% off. Maybe try and have a romantic getaway.”

  “Not for me. Never again.”

  I lower my head, slightly embarrassed at her dramatic statement - it all seemed a bit much for a first meeting but each to their own. Jim Carey’s words ring prominently in my mind - All … righty then! Just as she seems to become more normal - she turns all psycho again.

  Carolyn attempts to make up for Dawn’s bluntness and in a bubbly voice natters about romance and her dearly departed husband and as if on cue, I look up at the doorway to see my own love leaning, watching, drop-dead-gorgeous. His timing could not have been better. He’s always there to rescue me, even when I don’t need it.

  “Any chance of a tour?” his drawl could melt butter.

  “Will you excuse me, Carolyn, Dawn?”

  “Of course dear. We’ll be in touch.”

  “No probs. Nice to meet you, Dawn.”

  “And you, Lucia.”

  I make my quick exit and head over to Seb but Dawn’s voice halts me in my tracks. “Lucia? Just be careful ok?”

  I turn to face her. What a strange thing to say? “About what, Dawn?”

  “Who you spend time with.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean?”

  “It doesn’t matter - I’ve said too much already.”

  I glance across to Carolyn but she has already moved towards the door and is out of earshot. “Ok, then, Dawn. Night.”


  I walk straight into Sebastian’s outstretched arm, feeling it wrap round my waist and release the breath I’d been unknowingly holding. My safe haven. The woman had given me the heeby-jeebies, something I’d experienced a lot of late. I feel sorry for her; she’s obviously unhappy but definitely got a screw loose. What the hell had that all been about?

  “All good?”

  “Yes. Can we head downstairs for a bit.”

  “Of course. You can give me my tour later - I’d like to check out your plumbing…”

  I grin up at him. “Are you sure you’re Ok with it?”

  “Fine. Is everything alright, Lu - you seem off kilter?”

  “Just something a client said to me, or rather didn’t say, oh whatever… I’m good. Let’s go.” I reach up to plant my lips on his wide sexy mouth. Who cares if this is work - all I want to do now is play.

  “Well, I have a surprise for you that will cheer you up - even though they’re not usually your thing.”

  He knows me too well. “You do, do you?”

  “I do. Not nearly as good as your little declaration downstairs.” His eyes drop to my groin and I squeeze my thighs together at his words. “But, I think you’ll like it.”

  “Well, don’t leave me hanging.”

  We make our way down the stairs, his hand in the small of my back at all times and through to the bar, where Nathan holds up a beer for Seb. I practically run alongside his long steps, trying to keep up.

  “I think I’ll hold off a little longer, baby. One more hour and you’ll know.”


  “So, I think that all went rather well, Lucia don’t you?”

  I glance over my shoulder as the owner of the establishment settles in next to me in the library. “It’s been wonderful, James. Truly. Thank you for such an amazing launch and including Elysium in it.”

  “Hard to believe that you’ve achieved so much in such a short time.” He sips his whiskey and settles back into the purple velvet settee. “I seem to be having a severe case of déjà vu, darling.” He raises a bushy brow, “You, me and garishly dressed male here, discussing the brief - was that really only a month ago?”

  “Yes. We seem to have all changed in that month.”

  “That day brought a fabulous interior designer into my life, who I like to think of as a friend.”

  “Of course we’re friends, James. This weekend has been such a treat; you’ve ruined us all.”

  “It was my pleasure, darling. Tell your friends that they do not have room bills, I’ve already got Debbie to sort things.” He holds his hand up to stop me arguing with him. “Colin wanted to have a house party, and play Lord of the Manor and this was his chance - I wanted to indulge him.”

  “That’s very generous of you - thank you, James. How are you and Colin?”

  “Dreamy, darling. A month ago, I got you and a new man. He is a bloody whirlwind, but he’s good for me. He keeps me young and less stuffy - and keeps an eye on my cholesterol.” He pauses to chuckle. “What about you? Sebastian Silver is certainly a catch.” He raises his glass to me in cheers and I bite my lip. He certainly is that.

  “A lot has changed in the last month. I am open to what the future holds.”

  “That’s the attitude. Gorgeous girl like you can pick and choose but just remember to grab those opportunities when you see them, feel them, or another month will have gone by just as fast as this one did.”

  “It’s flown hasn’t it? Are you happy with the completed works James - I mean you’ve signed them off but its always nice to hear?”

  “Bloody marvellous job you’ve done, Lucia. Marvellous! I just wanted to grab a quiet moment with you before you’re too busy for my little Hotel.”

  I chuckle at his words - he was my most affluent client to date, owning an estate and lands worth millions - pah! little hotel - I would not be discarding him for new blood. “I take it you would like me to address some of the other rooms in the same design manner?”

  “This party has been wonderful for feedback from both locals and our regulars and the rooms have gone down a storm - why break what is a winning strategy? Put some figures together and we’ll talk but yes, to answer your question, I have another 20 − 30 rooms at least to work over and our private dining room needs a makeover before Christmas, if that’s something you’d be interested in?”

  My head is spinning with ideas. “Yes, of course
. I’ll have my assistant set up a meeting and we’ll talk next week.”

  “Super. You are a rare gem.”

  “Exquisite, isn’t she?” I sense Sebastian at my back, his fingertips, softly kneading my vertebrae and I roll my head into his touch.

  James’ clears his throat and stands. “Exquisite is a perfect word for her. Right, I think I’ll retire to bed now that all the guests have gone. Enjoy each other.”

  We watch him leave, all the while Sebastian at my back, his fingers doing wicked things to my skin and then his lips brush against my ear. “Are you ready for your surprise, baby?”

  And with my nod of encouragement he pulls my chair back, never losing contact with me, skin on skin at all times.

  “Time to go upstairs where untold pleasures await.”


  We’d said our goodnights to Colin and Gino, Suzie had gone to bed earlier and Nathan and Abby were about to head up themselves. It was time to call it a night. We take the staircase together, head down the Alice in Wonderland corridor and I’m about to stop at my room, when Sebastian slips his arms under my knees and around my back. Then he lifts me, cradling me to his strong muscular body and I loop my arms around his neck intuitively.

  “What are you doing?” my giggles are nervous but reactive.

  “Doing what I wanted to do the first time we walked down this corridor together…”

  I look up at his face, intent on his path and fixated on his goal,. I’m allowed those few minutes to enjoy his features at my leisure and inhale his intoxicating scent. I place my palm against his chest, only to feel the heat burning there, the tanned skin visible at his neck, makes me gulp - he is fucking gorgeous and all mine for the night!

  We reach the end of the corridor, the two huge doors to the honeymoon suite in front of us, now closed. “Do you want your tour now?”

  He ignores my question and shuffles to whip the keycard though the lock, then with a deft flick of his hand the door opens and he carries me through it, closing it behind us with his foot. “The only thing I want a tour of is your delectable body.”


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